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Posts posted by KAndre

  1. I hate the women so much...so very much.

    And I gotta agree with Clay...blowing money into a random crowd and hoping to get it all back is fucking stupid.

    If Theresa had any sense she would have broken up the "dynamic" duo of Lisa "I'm a bitch because I hate pretty girls" and Aubrey "I'm a bitch because I'm totally insecure and also hate pretty girls". Bring Lisa and Dayana back because Trump will keep the eye candy of Dayana and Theresa and Dayana could double team Lisa. Oh well.

  2. It was a better episode with more Clay, but dear lord, the women, all of them, except for Tia, are making my skin crawl. They just seemed to be the epitome of negative female stereotypes, from the inappropriate dress in the "boardroom" to the mean girl antics to the massively undeserved egos on display (which includes Lisa, especially since she called everyone else out on it) to the lack of any concept of "team play". Paul (who is back from Afghanistan - YAY - and in my house eating everything) was watching them and Trump in horror.

    Penn can be a condescending ass (I recognize a fellow know-it-all) and full of passive aggressive crap. Lou did do fairly well, but is way too self-centered to do well in the long run.

  3. I'm afraid all the women (and Lou) struck me as fairly insecure and very defensive but I think bottle is right, Lisa was trying to establish some sort of dominance over them with a lot of undercutting, especially with that (you're pretty and young therefore not worth anything else crap she was tossing at Dayana). But I think the editing is also powerfully pushing a negative female image. All we ever see is the bickering at each other and the rude sidebars, very little of the work that clearly got done so the task went on. I also think there's a possibility that Penn was a little more condescending and arrogant to Lou then we saw, because as inappropriate as Lou's rant was, I don't think it came out of nowhere as it was shown. All the women's bitching had underlying reasons - I think Lou's did as well.

    ETA - OK, I am taking back my defense of Lou after reading Clay's blog, Lou is either just a big, whiny baby or he's trying to establish himself as the "alpha" male, neither of which works in the situation. He's just coming across as an ass and I'm admiring Penn's leadership style better. Seriously inclusive.

  4. Dear Lord, these people need to learn not to take non-personal stuff personally...Lou was a tad overemotional. But damn those women...did Donald actually look for the cattiest women in the freakin' world?

    Hmmm, well, I know I liked the men's performance better mostly because I don't actually watch the Real Housewives or Jersey Shore, and frankly the women's show wasn't particularly kid-friendly - and the audience had more kids than anything else.

    And to the dude with the dead rat on his head: if even YOU know it's sexist, shut the fuck up.

  5. Well, that was interesting! I still hate Trump (can someone tell his makeup people he needs eyeshadow or something...he has some sort of reverse raccoon eye thing going on...). I think Paul chopper dude is a little superficial - people can be very effective without being aggressive assholes, but I admit I was shocked that he got one donor for $300K. I also like that I didn't recognize the girl who made it rain on Clay. And Trump gives bosses a bad name - he clearly knew the answers he wanted and was working for "drama". He makes me start thinking that fragging is a good career move. He is such a bad sexist attention whore drama queen. And I wish that Gotti women had told him to shut up, she was talking when she was exiting. The only sensible strategy for strong players is to save your whales for when you are project manager, duh! And I don't like how actively misleading it was with the final numbers, and I really don't like that the women's team did frankly did a better job in the spirit of the challenge and the charity got bupkis. I will watch for Clay next week though. It would be nice if he got a Q-tip for ear digging IN THE MEN'S ROOM! Seriously, dude! I see why your mother will be mortified!

  6. Penn Jillette was an ass long before he met Clay - and is very pompous and condescending (his attitude always reminded me of my ex...they seem to think they are the center of the universe and that everyone and everyone hates/thinks about them all the time) - and will be an ass long after CA is over. The interviews (and the show) will be heavily edited, but Penn really does that passive aggressive shit to people he doesn't like (oh, look at the childish things Clay wants me to do, but I'm a bigger man (heh, heh) and will show how evolved I am). It seems to be his default mode. But if Clay actually does dislike him, I'll bet it has more to do with a lot of his attitude. If you want to see Jilette at his condescending best, watch "Bullshit", the episode where they "take on" the ADA (Penn thinks its stupid and unnecessary) and especially handicapped parking. I actually agree with many of his points (not about the ADA though), but he is so clearly biased, one-sided, and just as "hysterical" as the people he's debunking, he tends to work my nerves. But I also think Clay has just about always been able to take care of himself. Nobody has to like anybody, not Clay, not Penn, not even the Trumpmeister, but they do need to get it done.

  7. I saw that letter on the Straight Dope last week, and laughed and laughed...

    I admit, I'm more in ladyj's court on this one...if it was a regular job and you had people making personal attacks and mostly unjustified criticisms to you constantly (and it's been almost ten years of it - hell, I got sick of the whining Why won't Clay rock out like I want him to seven years ago), Clay should have some sort of recourse (HR, a supervisor). People just don't have to put up with constant, unnecessary bitching. I have to admit, I did have a co-worker who felt entitled to bitch at me about something that I felt they didn't have a right to bitch about...and I let them have it. Personally, and in great detail. It probably wasn't the most professional thing I've ever done...and I still wouldn't change my reaction. In fact, the bastard should be grateful...hopefully the memory of me going off on him will save him from an ass-kicking in the future. If they had continued, down to HR we would have marched. But Clay's career is different that a regular job. He really doesn't work for the fans, especially not a small vocal subset of fans. He really doesn't. And some have made it clear he can't make them happy. As far as I'm concerned, he gets to say that, one of the joys of being human instead of some little saintlet. If you bitch at someone, and don't expect something negative in return, and you are not in a position of authority over that someone, that's beyond naive. If Clay was out bitching first, that would be something. But he wasn't. He kept his mouth shut forever and that clearly didn't do any good; some of these people have been going on for years. Maybe they will catch a clue. But probably not.

    I was reading a thread last week (again on the Straight Dope), George Lucas is taking his ball and going home, and if you think Clay is beat up by some fans, Lucas has some who want to string him up because he apparently is all that is evil with movies. Lucas say fine, no more Star Wars and they bitch about that. Some were even asking if they could take his "creation" and "fix" it since it was clear he didn't know what to do with it. Others (the ones I consider sane) mentioned a "sense of entitlement" by fans.

    I still don't see the point of tweeting...it's vaguely interesting what Clay has to say, but honestly? I don't care any more about Clay's random thoughts then anybody else's. I do think it encourages a false sense of intimacy because I don't know if some random tweet was caused by a brain fart, some intern, Clay being snarky, Clay just have a crazy thought, Clay just having one sane thought among a bunch of crazy thoughts, whatever.

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