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Posts posted by PuddinsJoy

  1. I was going through some pictures and thought I'd post a few favs....Umm, yeah


    One of my first favorite pics ever ShadyLil - along with this one -


    made me realize early on what a long, lean, cool drink of water this man was - just GAH!

    I'm loving all the reminiscing we're doing here!

    Of course, back then, I still thought it was just another reality show and I'd be moving on with my life when it was over.

    I thought the same thing...LOL...

    4+ years later, guess what?

    Here's to all of us!...:trink4:

    To us! :trink4::clap:

  2. Muski You have picked a peck of perfect pecker pictures. :hubbahubba:
    BWAH! Okay, tell the truth FCAer's - how many tried to say this really really fast over & over & over and busted up giggling each and every time -

    Say it with me now everyone . . . yes, I love Clay Aiken and I am a pecker-holic :cryingwlaughter:

    After all of this time I am over the whole win/lose situation, but for some reason I turn my dvd off every single time just before they annouce the winner.

    ahhhh, me too - maybe one day, or maybe never

  3. PermaSwooned posted this gorgeous gem - taken as Clay left the stage for the last time in Orlando.


    What a gorgeous man - thank you Bottlecap (((BC))) & PermaSwooned!

    For all the butt lovers, that would include me.


    OH! Just.kill.me.now. My very first 'right click save' gif. May the first Pants of Perfection live forever!

    And Buble? Makes me want to do an injury to somebody. You can NOT turn on Canadian radio and not hear this guy. B.O.R.I.N.G. I'll take my Sinatra wannabe's in the form of Harry Connick Jr., thankyaverymuch.
    Buble is one of those artist who doesn't affect me much one way or the other. On his covers of standards, I don't think he does enough to make the songs his own. How's that for an AI type critique? I liked the original song of "Home" better than his covers.

    I'm with you atinal - I guess i like his voice (don't care for his persona though - ick) but his covers become boring after you hear so many (as are Harry C's), but I loved 'Home' and really love his current, 'Everything.'

    I love the soft, svelte-voiced crooners - including all on Clay's *g* crooners CD. Anyone familiar with Chris Rice? another good one, though not 100% crooner - he mixes it up more

    I think it's because Buble established himself as a crooner from the get go. You knew he was Frank Sinatra Remix. That's not bad. I like Frank too...It's just that he and the public knew what to expect right away. I don't think either the public, his fans, and maybe not even Clay, knows what to expect from him yet.

    Great observation laughn. I would only slightly disagree in that I feel the general public think they know what they expect from Clay, because most remember AI2. His fans have seen so much more, so we half-expect him to head off in a different direction at any time. Whether he will, or whether he'll ever plant himself in one direction (hope not!), remains to be seen. I still find myself standing in the "anything and everything - including the phone book" Clay check-out line. What makes being a fan so much fun is watching and reading the positive NJU reactions when he steps outside the crooner box, but also their OTT reactions to his voice when he stays firmly in it.

    I don't now, I was interested in Clay early on, but not enamored. I thought Motown the musical was rather magnetic, but BUMB was the big time sale - I swear when I saw that it struck me how Clay was so professional and polished and the rest were amatuer hour.
    Same for me Play! I fell hard that night! Another piece of clack I have watched more times than I can count. The joy on his face knocks me out everytime and his 'buttercup' smile at the end - - - yeah, I was such a goner that I gave it a nickname - oh my! I can't help it, he still gets me everytime.

    Speaking of watching clack a.lot. - anyone else remember every little bit - every turn, every look, every outfit, every stage background, every time he shifted the mic from one hand to the other, every everything, from his AI2 performances? I'm looking forward to Rewind too, but I know I'll be looking for the fast-forward during anything without him in it. He's the only reason I watched then and now. Sometimes things change - sometimes they don't. :)

  4. That stubble is going to be the death of me. I just know it. One day, when all the stars align and pigs sprout wings, I'll win one of the new format M&Gs and smoosh my face up against his and feel that stubble and then burst into flame (is it flame? or flames? I've always wondered).

    definitely plural Mandler - everything with Clay comes in multiples, ya know :eusa_whistle:

  5. Received both my Crooner's Christmas CD and the Children with Special Needs Chicken Soup for the Soul today. A portion of each Chicken Soup sold goes to TBAF, so it's all good for the kids.

    The CD is all good for meeeeeeeeeee!!!


    Oh my - just began looking through the Chicken Soup book and the very first entry is "Welcome To Holland." A lot of parent's with special need's children will know this - it meant a lot to me when our son was diagnosed. It was my "someone understands" required reading. Our son opened our eyes to how very special these children are, when he was born 13+ year ago. Then Clay came along and sealed the deal for me. I work with special needs kids myself now - they're precious souls, each and every one. I think I'm going to love this book. :)

    Mods - I hope it's ok to post this here - if not, please feel free to move :)

    Welcome to Holland

    by Emily Perl Kingsley, 1987

    "I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......

    When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.

    After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."

    "Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."

    But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay."

    The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.

    So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.

    It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.

    But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."

    And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.

    But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.

  6. Jeesh! I'm late getting here and arrive to find our cindilu2 with whips? monkeys born in hallways? You guys are completely cracking me up! :cryingwlaughter:

    Clay dreams? Odds are pretty good I may get lucky and have one tonight, after reading all of yours - all those bumping lips and throat-sucking kisses and what-not. :Thud:

    and if that doesn't work, I'll just sit here and watch Manderly's avi for the rest of my life . . . .


    Damn that is one fine man!

    Anyone dream of Clay in slo-mo? :eusa_whistle:

    Just me then?

  7. Okay, am I the only one who keeps reading "Tampa fax" as Tampax? :cryingwlaughter:
    BWAH!! :cryingwlaughter:


    Yeah, I'll rejoin the OFC .... But for me, his blogs are worth the price of admission alone. Funny, perceptive, and clever, they give us a window to his personality, that for me, is enormously rewarding. From the quick, random tidbits about his life (i.e., getting an iPhone), to his more heartfelt expressions of gratitude or compassion, each feels extraordinarily personal and genuine. Unlike M&G reports which must be interpreted through the filters of the participants, his blogs come directly from him, and can be evaluated as such. Yeah, they might get passed around back channels elsewhere, but he wrote them for Fan Club members, and it's as a Fan Club member that I want to appreciate them.

    Very nicely put JennaZ - I agree that his blogs are special - from the very first, when some doubted that Clay was writing them himself, I knew he was. He has that special gift of using words, whether written or spoken, to pull you in - his blogs make me feel like I'm sitting right there chatting with him (preferably snuggled on the couch - but I digress) It's quite a special gift he has - I feel lucky that he shares it with us. As others have said, that alone makes my OFC membership worthwhile, not to mention the chance for a M&G. I can only imagine how special that would be. Maybe one day I will know. :)

    and I also agree Akim, that sometimes it's best to step away from the boards to gain perspective - what concerns me, is that occasionally it takes me longer and longer to find my way back.

  8. Lordy. I'm sitting here in my office on this beautiful HOLIDAY and decided that while I'm working, I could be listening to a bunch of MOAMs for my 'assignment', donchaknow....

    And I'm being BLOWN AWAY by Clay's voice...He's making me stop typing and delaying my exit from this place, demmit.

    So far (and I haven't listened to them all, mind you) WPB is absolutely stunning for pure vocal beauty and strength and delivery of the classic MOAM, IMO.

    And Knoxville and Syracuse are so effing hot for their changeups...he really messed around with the song at these venues and I can just imagine what he looked like...just finished Knoxville and...the applause is deafening afterwards...

    The man can sing. Gawd.

    and he's all over the emotions scale in Orlando - it's glorious! How many times does he stop my breathing with his voice?


    An another note - :Tour4:

    GOOD LUCK to all trying for Wichita tickets tomorrow morning! Only 85 days and counting until another Christmas tour is here!

    I say we sit in the section marked stage.

    BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

    Now there's my concert buddy! woohoo!! Here we go again!

  9. I have no interest in policing other fans (OK, I lied--I would throw the boo[e]r's ass right off the boards), but I wouldn't feel BAD if some fans decided that they are so unhappy that they found someone more to their liking. Someone they could be happy with.

    I think I define "unconditional" also a bit liberally. I love my daughter unconditionally. However, I think she wears her jeans too tight, she looks better with her hair to her shoulders than too short, she should vacuum the corners of the rooms better, and she should polish her son's shoes. Do I tell her these thing?. HELLL NO!!! I respect her as an adult. She could pick my life apart if she wanted to, but she doesn't. Loving unconditionally doesn't mean being blind, just being kind.

    Bravo wandacleo - just amazing! :clap:

    An another note - :Tour4:

    GOOD LUCK to all trying for Wichita tickets tomorrow morning! Only 85 days and counting until another Christmas tour is here!

  10. So I'm reading along here, in a post-cookout haze, and playbiller tells me Clay's going to slip me some tongue? Well, alrighty then! Good thing I just brushed my teeth!


    Well shit Bottlecap! The little bit o'tongue just laid me out. Thank you for helping keep everything in perspective. Yeah, I'm really easy when it comes to the pretty.

    Just about everything about Clay Aiken puts a smile on my face. I like almost everything he does. But in the spirit of full disclosure, I don't like fart jokes. Didn't like them in the second grade and don't like them now. I happen to think that "fart" is the ugliest word in the English language. Clay could say "fuck" all day long and it wouldn't bother me a bit, but "fart" makes me cringe.

    BWAH keepingfaith! That is on the "Con" side of my Clay chart except when he grins and giggles afterwards - then he's just too fuckin' cute and all is forgiven. Why yes, I'm anal AND easy - so? :cryingwlaughter:

    I also might add that if Clay chose to say "fuck" all day long, it wouldn't bother me a bit either - especially if he threw in an occasional "me". :eusa_whistle: Just sayin'.

  11. So many excellent comments - where to start?

    Couchie I understand your feelings about Clay needing his fans, but I do find I disagree a little about his needing ALL of his current fans, because I'm just not sure someone IS a fan if that person constantly criticizes and complains about Clay, his team, his choices, his CDs, his behavior, etc. It seems to me that person is a fan of some imaginary person whom he/she has created, not Clay.

    . . . Let's face it--most people want to be a fan to celebrate. Not to boo or pick apart. And, while I appreciate their right to do that, I don't like to participate (or observe).

    ITA wandacleo! but I stop short of giving myself the power to label any fan other than myself - each to their own - my personal filters are not the same as anyone else's. I feel really lucky to have this man in my life, and that is enough for me to stay put, irregardless of the way I deal with the individual good and/or bad stuff. What others do is up to them - I have enough to do worrying about myself :)

    I've really enjoyed reading what everyone has to say. I have little to offer as I have no profound thoughts regarding Clay and am privy to nothing in Clay's life. However, I do want to say that when I read that people are refusing to buy ATDW or won't be a fan IF Clay....[fill in the blank], I say "Good riddance!" The world is chock full of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlakes. Move on.

    Leave me and my unconditional devotion alone.

    wandacleo- I certainly agree with your post. It might be helpful if the people that aren't really all that interested in Clay anymore could leave us to enjoy his gifts in peace. Clay is Clay. End of story.

    See, I think some veiw "unconditional" as never criticize, never disagree with, never find fault with blah, blah, blah, Clay.

    ...But as long as he most of the times makes me happy and does thing I can in good conscience support, I am his fan. If he doesn't, I will no longer be his fan. I mean, why would anyone be a fan of someone who doesn't make them happy?

    Clay has my unconditional support, but I don't take the word quite that literal Claygasm. To me, it doesn't mean never do this and never do that - it does mean that in the past four years he has earned my respect and support and I will probably always give Clay the benefit of the doubt. Doesn't mean that I've always agreed or liked everything he's done or said - although there isn't much on the "con" side of my Clay chart - it just doesn't happen often. :) It does mean I will support him any way I can. It's my way of saying thank you. I absolutely agree with you regarding fans who stay around if they're not happy - doesn't make much sense to me either.

    There are a whole lot of different ways to be a fan. . . . I have no problem saying that action is quite sucky but I can't get into the minds of people, or decide who can say they are a fan, or tell them how to be a fan. I just have to find that place where being a fan of Clay is fun and not so worrisome. Real life is tough enough. . . I don't know. I'm feeling optimisitc. :21: :cryingwlaughter:
    I love you Couchie - will you smack me down the next time I try to angst all over you? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Have you ever done something and then a split second later realized you shouldn't have done it but it's too late.

    I hope you're not referring to virginity or marriage.

    Some things just aren't easily undone.

    BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

  12. If I ran the fandom:

    I would want the haters to stop loving Clay so much that they want to destroy him. Yes, I do believe the haters love Clay and I believe they don't want to and that is the rub. Love/hate relationships are always sad. Some people live their lives that way. I wish them lives and I wonder how their families put up with them - families, you ask? Yes some of these haters have young children. shudder

    I would have some fans acknowledge that there is a reason that they are not making the big bucks in the music business and to realize that Clay is not going to hire them. I wish this so they could have some peace of mind and not have to worry how they can fix everything that the people getting paid screw up. I wish them more success in their fields of endeavor that needs their expertise. note this s not about speculation, but the people who know the TRUTH and how Clay is not being served by Team Clay.

    For the fans who want to be the center of all attention all the time, I wish them a skill that brings them the fame they so desire so that they can do not feel the need to bask in the shadow of the Clay.

    For the fans who want Clay to lead us on the righteous and moral path, I would have them actually hear what Clay says - he has already led us to the path, his message was live your own life and be tolerant of others.

    Naw, no one is ever going to vote for me to run the fandom, it would probably be boring anyway.

    I can't add anything more - just perfect Play! :clap:

    and this too . . . thank you jamar1700!

    So it is for me as a Clay fan...

    No longer forward nor behind

    I look in hope or fear;

    But, grateful, take the good I find,

    The best of now and here.

    John Greenleaf Whittier, MY PSALM, 1859

    I love this place :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  13. Welcome to all the newbies - especially to my great friend, and best Clay friend Meesa!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Duh, I keep coming here to post something and I keep forgetting.

    Fair markets itself to a younger set

    The fair's MySpace visitors also can see the concert lineup, play games and listen to the fair's humorous radio spots.

    If they'd rather watch the fair's television spots, fair friends can also log on to YouTube.com and search for Kansas State Fair.

    While there, Stoecklein notes with delight, they'll also find several other fair-related videos posted by users -- including a clip of hypnotist Ron Diamond in action and snippets of Clay Aiken and Carrie Underwood performing at past fairs.

    OK, so who is going to the Kansas State Fair to bring this report of what they are showing? Is it clack being showed without permission or video they took - NEW CLACK!!!

    Wellllll, the fairgrounds are about 5 miles from home - but unless the Oh-Great-Thighed-One himself is making an appearance, you probably couldn't drag me there - it's my least-looked-forward-to ten days of each year . . . . though I do love that they are still dropping his name after 3 years! I think what they are referring to is this YouTube video, taken at the Fair in '04, which is still one of my favorite Clay moments. http://tinyurl.com/3xyhpx :clap:

    eta - gawd, I'd almost forgotten how much I floved the candy-stripe jacket and the way it sat on his hips just so . . . . :Thud:


    Thanks to so many for so many wonderful posts the last few days - it's been difficult to keep up but I'm trying! and :F_05BL17blowkiss: to ldyjocelyn and wandacleo for their words from the heart - over and over, you are both me

  14. Totally - hugs to you during this stressful time.

    This is cute....someone took the Tampa TV medley and put subtitles over it.

    Loved this ldyjocelyn - very cute! I could watch his Perfect Strangers and TV Medley clack endlessly! Thanks for the link!

    and here's this :F_05BL17blowkiss: just cuz

    Quick answer (as I am mentally composing my recap. Slooooooooowly. With white space too!) Yes, there was booing by a "famous" member of the Clay Nation when Clay mentioned Ethel. I walked up to her and asked her if she did this. She said yes. I walked off. There was nothing to say to her, because she was certainly old enough to know this was bad behaviour, and simply didn't care. Too many people have said, "oh, she's just bitchy on the boards - she's really nice in person." No, that was nasty bitchery in person too. I though it was amazingly lacking in class, courtesy and common decency - and hypocritical as well, since she was being just as famewhorish as anything Ethel has done. I'm quite sure she's getting her little "props" in private (and some in public) - which is why Clay's extremely pointed snark ("Don't you like black people") was so apropos.
    Thanks for the clarification KAndre - wish I'd been there to see you walk away - probably would have given you a standing 'o'. :clap: I've been avoiding her posts on all boards for a long time.

    I wonder if the "offer" included that person leaving the show? Now that would have been well deserved karma if they had been escorted out.
    I was told that someone who was there overheard Jerome's offer and it did include an escort out but the person's response was that she did not want her money back or to leave but instead wanted Jerome to tell Clay that he shouldn't reward bad fan behavior. Jeesh. . . :glare: :whatever:

    Thanks for bringing suebee's recap Jenna - Clay has a definite "line" that he won't let the questions step over - I'm glad he's comfortable enough (or gritchy enough *g*) to tell us it's none of our business. Because it's just not.

    I spotted that too Bottlecap - the man wears his tap shoes well, doesn't he? and I bet he'd win the stare down every single time - he's that good! bwah! cracks me up

    Personally, I would have liked to see more elaboration on the the "fuzzy balls" theme. Where's Muski when we need her? :cryingwlaughter:

    and oh yeah, what cindilu2 said too :Thud:

  15. End of tours always make me schmoopie and retrospective - and when I'm in that place, I usually write. Since this is my first 'last concert day' here at FCA, I wanted to share this with you. Crazy that at times I have trouble finding words to post, but when they come from my heart, I can barely stop the flow. Hope you enjoy!

    Pure Magic

    If I ever wonder how I still, after all this time, have let this man take up such a big place in my heart, if I for some reason can't remember all the magic he's brought me in the past four years, I only have to look back over the last month or so and count the gifts he has given me.

    There have been front row moments where his green eyes held us and balcony moments where his voice stopped our breathing. We've shared meet and greet secrets and fidgets, and busline touches and grabs and squeezes and squeals that went on for blocks. We've seen linen blazers, and pinstripe button-downs, and tiny undershirts, and rivets, and lowriders (and thighs to go with), and those f*-me boots.

    We have had SexyBack and George & Weezy reborn and some slooooooooooow songs and some fast dancin' and campin'. We have had chortling orchestra members, wandering spotlights, and fan letters gone awry. We met Sean for the first time, and Jesse, Angela, and Quiana all over again. We've watched them shine in their own way, while supporting Clay with their talents and love.

    We'll remember -

    Every smile & shriek when he first came into view -

    Every tear shed for his plaintive masterpiece and the serenity that followed -

    Every clutching of our stomachs in laughter -

    Every clutching of each other when he took us to that place only he can.

    That place where we think we cannot possibly love him more -

    That place where for four years he has proven us wrong every.single.time.

    Once again, with hopes and dreams for him shining, we sent him our light and love from every venue row, from every summer-laden, sweet-smelling, trodden lawn, and from every home computer with an ear held tenderly to its speakers . . .

    . . . and he did nothing more than shine it back upon us, 100-times over. How can we thank him for giving us so much? How can we thank him for more than four years of the same?

    If I ever wonder why I still, after all this time, let this man take up such a big place in my heart ? Because he has made all of us a big part of his.

    Grab on to these special times and feelings - hold them close, cherish them, but remember to throw them back to him every chance you get. Because we know when we send him light, that we'll receive back his own light, laughter, and love - enough to fill our hearts - more than the last time and even more than the time before that.

    The man can be a miracle and he can be a mess - but he can also be magic - pure magic.

    Grab onto it - hold it close - cherish it.

    But remember to throw it back to him -

    Then step back and watch the magic unfold - all over again.

  16. I wouldn't mind waking up in the morning with this next to me in the bed:



    This bears repeating, many, many, many, oh my gah, many, many times - and then many more gah's and many more many - many, many, many, many - just a lot of many's and a shitload of gahhhhhh's

    :Thud::DoClay: many, many, many, many times

    blugal;sd;aks;ialsdknasiodfhasdn we need a babbling-incoherently emoticon -

    lawd, that is one freakin' beautiful hawt man - could he be any sexier?! lawd, this is so becoming my avi NOW!

    Thank you Gibby!

    eta - YAY! for the oh-fish-ul confirm of the Wichita concert being first - my first, first concert - ticket stress here I come! I know this part of the map seems foreign to some :cryingwlaughter: but Clay fans around here are really excited about this - I'm hoping some FCA'ers attend so I can meet you, then show you off - I've talked up FCA a lot! C'mon, we're smack dab in the middle of the country - you can get here cheap from anywhere! and I promise we'll let you leave as soon as he's done singing- really, truly - I promise! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  17. OMFG KAndre - your recaps should be engraved in stone somewhere for all eternity!

    :clap: Bravo to all, but here are a few of my special spittin' moments - I do love me some Scarlett stories - but am having trouble reconciling these with the calm, cool, and collected sweetheart I met in Tulsa *g*

    Just so everyone knows - this is all total snark on my part *g*

    And that is after 7 panicked calls from an increasingly distressed Scarlett. However, the panic momentarily disappeared when she spied our totally kick ass ride and we got all her stuff in the trunk. All three cubic feet I left her. We hop in, she squeals "how cute", refuses to ride in it with a bucket hat on, sprays us with enough sunscreen to choke a horse and we take off.
    :cryingwlaughter: So glad no animals were actually harmed during the filiming of, uh, during your trip - Hollywood would be all over your asses.

    Scarlett sez, well, if the yellow light hasn't come on yet, we should be fine. I sorta sez, well, the little yellow light came on like maybe 20 miles ago. Y'all know what? Scarlett has a really loud, very piercing shriek. Just piercing.
    Actually, it's not so difficult to picture this . . .

    I, thinking she's being snarky, sez, "why the hell not?", take my eyes off the road to grin at her and realize she's pulling her shirt off. So I roll up the windows. No, they weren't tinted.
    But were they electric? cause then you're still kewl - kind of a Thelma and Louise vibe . . .
    Yes, the convertible top was still down. Scarlett is determined to good even if we do tumble off the mountain. Me, I'm going for the "Yes, I have been driving this goddam car for the last 6 hours in the traffic jam from hell and this is what you get and if you have anything to say about it, just bugger off. And stay downwind if you can."
    Yikes! I'd have dropped that curling iron fast Scarlett cause KAndre' said the "b" word! - time to switch the tiara for a bowler K and channel Mr French for TV Themes!

    btw - would anyone but me LOVE to hear audio of KAndre' reading her recaps?? I'd pay money, I tell ya! :funny: and I'm going along with the masses on this one -

    . . .only one little blip on my radar screen - for those standing around me, if you have no goddam singing talent and Clay has never encouraged some sort of sing along to Because You Loved Me, SHUT THE FUCK UP. If I have to tell your asses THREE FRICKIN' TIMES I don't want to hear your singing, and I tell you you sound bad, SHUT UP. Save your freakin' lowing for when you give birth, you cow.
    Yep, I'd realllyyyyy love to hear K's audio . . . I'm dying here :cryingwlaughter:

    When we get to the restaurant, Scarlett, having been spoiled by the freedom of changing in a convertible going down a ravine, then changes shirts in the parking lot. When we see her wandering naked down the street, don't say I didn't warn you people. Me, I grab me stuff and head for the bathroom, where I realize I'm pulling a Britney. Happily I successful resolve that issue prior to the concert.
    I'm going to just leave this one alone - the visuals are a little scary :hubbahubba:


    Can't wait for more KAndre' - I bow down!

    pssssst - remember! audio!!! we want audio!

  18. An Indio M&G recap from 12stringbabe at the OFC, with permission

    Hi, I have to preface this by saying (confessing) that I don't read any message boards, and I'm not active in any of the fan groups. I belong to one very small private group of long-time fans, and that's pretty much it. I only come over here to the OFC when someone tells me that Clay has blogged, and that's about it. This is my first time posting here . . . .

    The thing is, I just love him. It isn’t an all gushy thing – I don’t want to maul him or anything like that – I just think he is a wonderful man. I have loved his voice from that very first note. I love the work he does for children, especially children with disabilities since I have a daughter who is blind. I love his sense of humor and the way he balances that with his sense of responsibility... and he knows we love him ... and he loves us back. It’s a sweet feeling, and I hope every single one of his fans has the opportunity to meet him and talk to him one day.

    It was lovely. Thank you, Clay.

    Thanks for bringing this over laughn - I have had the pleasure of knowing this wonderful lady quite well and for quite awhile. I'm also a member of the small private group she mentions and we're pretty tight-knit - we've been through a lot together in and out of Clay Nation. Her recap is as lovely as she is - she did us proud.

    eta - in case anyone is wondering, I'm standing next to muski on the wanting to maul him thing - not near enough of that goes on at the private board - one reason I love coming here so much :)

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