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Posts posted by djs111

  1. Yawn. quelle surprise. If Mandisa, Elliot, and whatshername are not the bottom three, then I will be surprised.

    Pickler looks good! McPhee evidently is using Kelly's stylist.

    Tossup how rvzlady will feel about Queen, I bet - indignity as opposed to honoring.

    I am so NOT LOOKING FORWARD to idolsong night.

    eta - Oh Gosh....what a shocker.

    Ryan looks eerily like Tim Daly in Six Feet Under, in some shots.

    And that other bunch didn't fake being nervous very well.

  2. I read the book about a month ago. I started it, put it down after a few pages, then picked it up again and read it straight through.

    I doubt he picked it out because he identified with it, though.

    I guess I hope that book discussions in other lands far away don't use this book as a club or a chance to once again dissect Clay's family; it stands on its own merits.

    The thing about the book that struck me, as an average middle-class Amurrican, is that I will never understand how rich people can treat poor people as subhuman, I can't understand why they are not ashamed of themselves.

    Guess you have to be born into it, and see that way of life as the norm.

    Clay - the new Oprah!

  3. Yep, Bottlecap, they all have flat eyes.

    Maybe they read all about the show beforehand........

    None of them really even cares what the judges say, methinks.

    Oooooh! Italian put-downs from KAndre.....tres terribile indeed, this evening.

    Not even any good train wrecks.

  4. I liked Chris.

    McPhee creeps me out for some reason - she looks like a too-knowing Stepford Kelly.

    I miss Clay's sparkly eyes.

    Oh YIKES!!!! Taylor looked like Jay Leno, and his eyes actually got crossed while looking at the mike!

  5. Um, Ace murdered that last note thingy before the falsetto.

    And did he just announce breaking up with his girlfriend on national TV?

    My, Kellie did sing that song....don't care for the straddle-legged humper look, tho.

  6. Well, I am going to be Positive Polly - Yo! Man! Elliot sang that whole song on key!!!!!!!!!

    It was kinda nice, but he kinda yodelled a bit.

    I missed Mandisa singing.

    She has quite a beautiful face.

    And I doubt Simon understands being happy in your own body.

    And was that a shot from Simon about Desperate Housewives' Teri Hatcher? Ryan got a bit bitchy there......

    Waves to Playbiller.....I wondered if your pooch was happy to see you!

  7. Just tuned in, missed Taylor's singing - I really really tried, but I still think Taylor looks like a goober.

    And someone needs to swat him every time he goes yuck-yuck and jumps up and claps his hands.

  8. I, not DJS111!, live in New Jersey and Fear lives in NC. Perhaps I can meet you, Muskifest, in NC, when I go down to NC in May (with or without Holly, my pup). Just call me a traveling woman, no job. no worries (*cough cough*).

    Let me know when anyone comes to the big apple, I live just outside there in a small township with more trees than people. :ole0:

    PS, I love Annapolis, I used to sale out from the sailing school all the time on their grand tours.

  9. This is not DJS - just a ahem visitor entertaining herself. Dropped by to say hi.

    Looks like K'Andre is having a lot of fun traveling - she sure can keep in touch looks at the fancy typing admiringly

    BottLecap[\b] is keeping us up on the news (although she did not come to the AI party last week anf I had no one to talk to because everyone one else was late)

    So What'sup?

    I can't log in as myself, for some reason it says I don't exist. Must be something weird - should have taken a list of my passwords with me instead of relying on the ocmputer to eter them. I can't even access my e-mail here sigh

  10. OK! Here is the first skit - and bottlecap, I am waiting for yours!

    The vacation pics.....a small part of me - no, wait, a big part of me - would kinda like to see the next couple of pictures have George Clooney and the Brangelina and Faye photoshopped in......Fran sitting somewhere holding Raleigh......maybe spot Xtina in a shop.....Jimmy Kimmel showing up everywhere, like Zelig.......

    Clay - This Photoshop thing is AWESOME! I want everybody in mah entourage to take a class and learn how to use it, just for fun!

    (editor's note - I would kill to hear Clay say "mah entourage" - I even have a small list of candidates....)

    Kimmel - Don't be vengeful, Clay, it isn't pretty, and it validates the creeps....

    Clay - I know all that, Jimmy, but this is too much fun....look! I put Sarah Silverman in a church just for you!

    Kimmel - Hey, thanks! I hope Sarah doesn't tell her "Producers" joke in there....But don't you think it would be bad P.R. if you got caught photoshopping?

    Clay - What does Puerto Rico have to do with all this? haha! Are they saying I was in Puerto Rico???? because I don't think I was! Don't want to, either, because I keep seeing that "bad P.R." phrase all over the place.....does Puerto Rico's tourism board know this is going on? Hey! Maybe they need me to do a little tourism video thingy, like I did for Raleigh! Then they could be "GOOD P.R."! Roger....what do you think? Roger? Where'd Roger go???

    Kimmel - You idiot! P.R. means Public Relations!

    Clay - NONONO! No public relations! I won't even take off a tshirt in front of

    a camera! Why would I start having relations in public??? Are you crazy?

    Kimmel - Clay, you are missing the point!

    Clay - Heh.


  11. OK...I think we are in trouble...I don;t see dancing banana emoticons...do we have to export those from Puerto Rico?

    WHAT!!!!!!!! You have no dancing bahnahnas??!!!!! Ansamcv, I am heartbroken! What kind of a cheapo site is this???????

    And yes, I think that P.R. does list bananas among its many fine exports.......can we get a P.R. expert to order some for us? Because I am unsure of the intricacies of tariffs and customs and import duties and inspections and all that.

    Long Island Ice Tea? We will be counting your drinks, missie. Or counting your drinkies, miss - depending on how much Pearl vodka I have had.

  12. Well, okay......I meant no lese-majestie, although I generally spell YOUR name right.....just kidding, I just had a flashback to something else entirely! Haha!

    And anyway, I thought someone made me president when I managed to use the phrase "fucking cheery" 22 times in one post. But I bow to your Royalty-ness, just don't want to be Tony Blair, is all.

    Gosh, should I put my skit at OFC? I haven't been there in (figurative) YEARS!!!!

    Hey! Maybe the same people who helpfully share posts from the CH den - in the interests of a free and fair press, I am POSITIVE, and not famewhory or devious or shit-stirring in ANY WAY, I give them every benefit of the doubt....wait, I just started hiccupping a bit - anyway, maybe someone will share my skit all around, because if you look up Clay Fan, you will see "helpful" and "sharing" in the definition!

    Oh gosh, I feel so festive and chatty today!

    Is there any kind of dress code for tonight? Feathers? Fur? Is there a committee to decide on these things? I am up for anything except a tshirt with hearts'n'stuff on it, it would just burst into (again, figurative!) flames or something.

    Have you decided on our attire?

  13. Hmmmm....I think I will party here tonight.....let the good times roll, indeed!

    And yes, I would not be one bit surprised if the trolls come out to play at the CH. I will be avoiding the CH, myself....damn, there's trolls that are members, and now they are gonna let everybody in.....I won't be surprised to hear about a reprise of the floating Baby Ruth in the swimming pool scene from CaddyShack.

    I have absolutely no personal issues about Clay, I don't know how I could, so I think I will stick with you happy people!

    The vacation pics.....a small part of me - no, wait, a big part of me - would kinda like to see the next couple of pictures have George Clooney and the Brangelina and Faye photoshopped in......Fran sitting somewhere holding Raleigh......maybe spot Xtina in a shop.....Jimmy Kimmel showing up everywhere, like Zelig.

    Clay - This Photoshop thing is AWESOME! I want everybody in mah entourage to take a class and learn how to use it, just for fun!

    (editor's note - I would kill to hear Clay say "mah entourage" - I even have a small list of candidates....)

    Kimmel - Don't be vengeful, Clay, it isn't pretty, and it validates the creeps....

    Clay - I know all that, Jimmy, but this is too much fun....look! I put Sarah Silverman in a church just for you!

    Kimmel - Hey, thanks! I hope Sarah doesn't tell her "Producers" joke in there....But don't you think it would be bad P.R. if you got caught photoshopping?

    Clay - What does Puerto Rico have to do with all this? haha! Are they saying I was in Puerto Rico???? because I don't think I was! Don't want to, either, because I keep seeing that "bad P.R." phrase all over the place.....does Puerto Rico's tourism board know this is going on? Hey! Maybe they need me to do a little tourism video thingy, like I did for Raleigh! Then they could be "GOOD P.R."! Roger....what do you think? Roger? Where'd Roger go???

    Kimmel - You idiot! P.R. means Public Relations!

    Clay - NONONO! No public relations! I won't even take off a tshirt in front of

    a camera! Why would I start having relations in public??? Are you crazy?

    Kimmel - Clay, you are missing the point!

    Clay - Heh.

    ANYWAY....as President of the Fucking Cheery Car, I will be dispensing drinks to members.

    BUT - I will be checking the timestamp on your application.....people who jumped in when the car first was built get call drinks, newbies get well drinks. Only fair.

    And that is my policy until I have too many call drinks. You'll know when that happens because I will use my very first dancing banana.

    I am an emoticon virgin. Forgive me in advance if I accidently inflict a pear or an apple or some other inappropriate, non-dancing fruit on a future post.

    Oh, by the way....where is everybody? I am warning you....I will just keep adding to this post....Playbiller, I am looking at YOU!

  14. Didn't Clay trademark "cellcert"?

    And if he reads the CH as is reported, he would have known about the cellcerts being streamed a year ago.

    eta - playbiller - Yeah, I understand that - but it is obvious to anyone who reads the CH that we stream, it is in the main thread about signing up and when it starts.

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