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Posts posted by Solo

  1. If KAndre gets first in our little bracket and Houston wins this whole shabang, I'll buy broker front row tix for her.

    Forget that. If Lehigh beats Kansas and Vermont beats Syracuse, we should book her a fancy suite in Reno and throw her a party.

  2. Apparently this involves smack talking. I'm in!

    Houston?!? Are you insane?

    Actually, I have a feeling this is one of those years I burn my bracket after the first round. There isn't really a dominant team out there. All of them can be beaten on any given day.

    ETA: I just looked at Karen's complete bracket and that is not the craziest thing about it. You know a 16 seed has never beaten a 1 seed, right? Did you let the cats fill out the bracket?

  3. Since Solo doesn't want to bump up her post count, I guess I'll be the one to post... She's driving into town on Saturday to help me put together some stuff in my place and we're having dinner Saturday night. PM if you can join us or better yet call since we still haven't made final plans. We're leaning towards Cajun seafood but we're easy.

    Hey! I was going to get around to it. I just thought it would be better to have a firm time and place decided before inviting people who aren't familiar with our special brand of planning or lack thereof. Remember how we scared off Couchie's friend in San Francisco?

    And hey y'all! I'm alive. Just haven't had any thoughts to share since Clay hasn't been singing.

  4. I would like to point out that I'm not in Florida so that distinctive laugh from the CH cellcert isn't me. Someone *cough*PerusingOne*cough* has been blaming me for her unique laughter which has been showing up on the Clack all these years. Thanks everyone for making me feel like I was there tonight.

    Happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate!

    :hugs-1: to those in need.

    This is for you KAndre:


  5. Ok, what is this Broadway Offers thing and how does it work? I googled it but you can't do anything without a code. Where do you find the codes?

    I ask not for Spamalot but for other shows I might want to see.

    You can find codes for a lot of shows at Broadway Box. There are other websites with codes but they require registration so I usually just go here.

    annabear, I think Shrek is worth seeing if you're a Chris Sieber fan. Personally, I wouldn't pay full price for a ticket but there's a discount code that's good until the middle of January. KAndre and I are huge fans of the first two Shrek movies and they just didn't do a very good job of translating the movies' humor to the stage which contributed to our disappointment when we saw it. It was also the first week of previews so they may have made some changes to improve the show.

  6. So....where the heck are the eHP reports? Aren't they having a party tonight? Have one for me, ladies!

    We're playing "Dirty Minds" and this is one of the clues:

    I had a hairy round orb in my palm. It felt hard when I squeezed it. After I used my mouth to suck out its milky liquid, I stuck its meat in later.


    a coconut

  7. Crap. I accidentally closed my browser while I was typing up an intermission report from Scarlett and lost it all.

    I'm too lazy to type it all again so here are a few things and Scarlett can fill in the rest later:

    Belvedere's mustache fell off while he was explaining the rabbit plan. The resulting ad-lib wasn't at all smooth. Everyone just stared at it. Eventually, Belvedere picked it up and said he was using it to cover up a rash. But then it started falling off again. His ending line "we just leave it here and walk away" turned into something like at one point we can walk away. Basically, he just wanted the scene to end. When the French taunters poked their heads out of the doorway, Rick said, "Boy, that scene took a long time."

    When Clay was handed the torch he did a dance that was halfway between a shimmy and a thrust.

    During the slo-mo part, Rick and Clay were interacting with each other. Clay was making faces at Rick and Rick brushed his own arm off in response like Clay was giving him cooties.

    There were a couple of new ensemble people so things didn't go exactly as planned all the time. Scarlett can tell you all the details tonight.

  8. I was cleaning off my memory stick in preparation for our trip to NYC this weekend and posted some old pics in the members only thread.

    The eHP had a perfectly lovely dinner with Lotus, who after much interesting conversation determined that merrieeee can't actually see in the dark and Scarlett sort of accidentally hits things on a regular basis - came to the false conclusion I was a normal driver. We input her address in my GPS and off we go. The first thing I do is make an illegal u-turn. I sez, "no problem" and as the last "mmm" sound is fading, on come the blinking lights. I pull into the driveway of a parking lot. The cop comes to my windown and says, "Ma'am, you went in the exit lane. Can you pull further in?" Oh crap. He gets my insurance and noticed that it doesn't have an end date. Double crap. Then he asks me, "When were you planning on doing your registration?" And I sez to him, "But it's not due until the end of Octob...oh crap." He goes back to his patrol car to laugh himself silly and comes back, hands me my license and waves me off. Man, I love cops who don't give me tickets when I'm so far wrong I'm turning right again. And my GPS propositioned Lotus when she got out of the car. That'll teach Lotus to go off with the normal one!

    This is why they make me drive even when my GPS tries to take us into the ocean. Sorry I couldn't make it, Lotus. I promise I'll drive you home if I'm around the next time you're in Houston.

    It was great meeting the delightful Lotus and from a couple of things she said she would fit in well with the eHP....if you know what I mean and I think you do! :whistling-1: She even said next time she was in Houston she would meet us again! I guess we weren't evil enough*g*

    I like to think we're evil-ish and not plain evil. We try not to hurt people physically. Mentally is probably another story.

  9. Thanks for the birthday wishes!!! I had a lovely dinner last night with Scarlett but it's hard to make a big deal of a birthday when you're in L.A. and the rest of your posse is in Houston. KAndre and PerusingOne had to work or do some other trivial thing and aren't joining us until today. If you're in So Cal this weekend and see a convertible with 4 women inside blasting Clay Aiken, wave to us.

    Who all from FCA is going to Kimmel tonight? Should I be expecting a cellcert somewhere?

    KAndre, Scarlett, and I will be there. We'll call someone and give a report. Clay's going to sing to me tonight as a belated birthday present. Isn't he a thoughtful boyfriend?

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