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Posts posted by keepingfaith

  1. I could say the same thing about Obama..what qualified him for the highest office in the land..being a community organizer...a brief time as a senator? He had no experience that I could see.

    I don't know where you live, Kim, but I live about 15 minutes from where W. did his dis-service in the Texas Air National Guard (and desertrose lives closer than that). George W. Bush had quite a reputation in this city during those times.

    I live about 3 minutes from where the Gulf Airport in League City was located, which was owned by one Salem bin Laden (older half-brother of Osama bin Laden) and the purchase was negotiated on his behalf by James R. Bath. James R. Bath was George W. Bush's buddy from their days in the Texas Air National Guard (they lost flight status together they were so close) and James Bath became an employee of Bush family ventures thereafter. In fact, Salam bin Laden was killed in an air crash in Schertz, Texas (childhood home of musician Steve Earle) in 1988. This is all to say that the Bush and bin Laden families were in business for at least 25 years prior to 9-11, and this is part of the reason Bush had all of the bin Laden family in the US spirited out on that infamous flight on 9-13 when every other aircraft in America was grounded.

    There's quite a history of the Bush family that he probably didn't write about in his book. Did he mention Mickey Herskowitz? Mickey is a renowned writer in this area, and he was hired by Bush to ghostwrite his book before the 2000 election. Mickey Herskowitz, who was a Houston Chronicle writer for many years, and a completely trustworthy source, and a Republican, was aghast when Bush told him that the first thing he intended to do when he became president was to go to war in Iraq and finish off Saddam Hussein for trying to kill Poppy, and to therefore get his hands on Saddam's oil - Job #1. Of course, this information was off-limits for inclusion in the book, but he thought Herskowitz would be sympathetic. Herskowitz was shocked and pulled out of the project. Bush then got Karen Hughes to write his book. I'm sure she wrote his "memoirs" as well. He's not a bright guy. He went to college at Ivy League schools as a legacy admit. He was denied admission even to St. John's Prep School in Houston on academic grounds, and went to Poppy's alma mater Phillips Academy back East. He was thereafter denied admission to the University of Texas, and later to the UT Law School. That's why he went to Yale undergrad and Harvard grad school. The family had to buy him an education. He doesn't write, doesn't read, and seems not to comprehend much. What he is, is the grandson of a man who was nearly prosecuted as a war criminal for trading with the Nazis during WWII. Yes, his grandfather, Prescott Bush. Look it up. This family has more skeletons in the closet than you could ever imagine. But, you haven't heard about it because the Democrats really don't have a Rush Limbaugh or anyone of that ilk who specialize in character assassination. Could you just imagine if Barack Obama's grandfather had been trading with the Hitler machine during WWII? And, in addition, had long business dealings with the bin Laden family? Could you IMAGINE! Nixon was impeached for constitutional reasons -- crimes against the country. The Republicans impeached Clinton for a blow-job, and they spent untold millions at taxpayer expense to prove he had a blow job. Not even in the same league. Except that both Nixon and Ken Starr employed dirty tricks with lowlifes to accomplish their dirty deeds.

    Barack Obama was a scholar, the smartest guy in his Harvard Law class and head of Law Review. He wrote his first book after graduation -- and he actually wrote it himself. He practiced law, taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, was elected to the state assembly and then successfully ran for the US Senate. Whereupon he wrote an acclaimed book about the future of the country. And he wrote that one himself, too. But mostly, he was acknowledged as a thoughtful, intelligent man of considerable judgment, married to his first wife, with no hint of scandal in his life, and was generally accepted to be among the smartest people in this country being well-read, well-traveled, and well-respected. Someone who knew him well said that he's the kind of guy who's three moves ahead of you in a chess game.

    The AP Poll out today has Obama at 53% favorable, and on the rise, in case you're interested.

    But, I am an equal opportunity truth-teller. You should hear what I know about LBJ. I could write a book about him.

    Rahm Emanual is now Mayor of Chicago...Mayor Daley's brother is now going to Washington..you don't think there were some back room deals going on there...Obama is from Chicago..nuff said. Illinois has the most corrupt politics in the union and Obama comes from that..excuse me if I have doubts about his motives, etc.

    Rahm got a majority of the total vote. Are you insinuating he stole the election? Mayor Daley's brother used to work for Bill Clinton and Clinton pushed Obama to hire Bill Daley. They'd met all of twice, I heard. Since he was about 12 years old, Obama has lived in Hawaii, Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago. Just where is his background in corruption? The fact that he lived in Illinois? It's a good thing Abraham Lincoln isn't around these days. You'd disqualify him.

  2. Curious..but those of you who voted for Barack Obama and were so vocal about how he was going to change the world..what do you think now?


    That's easy. I love him. He's the best President of the United States since JFK.

    I understand your question, because I monitor all of Roger Ailes' creations, such as Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, and I understand that they are doing everything in their power to discredit, dishonor, dismiss, and defeat their own, and our, President of the United States. Talk about tit for tat, anyone who dared suggest George W. Bush wasn't the personal agent of God Almighty was accused of being anti-American. Some people were visited by the FBI for mentioning that they didn't agree with the Iraq War, so I don't really think comparisons are valid.

    I heard Limbaugh talk today about how Democrats are in lockstep and cannot stray from the party message. I laughed hard. But I can only take so much before I am sad, even despondent, thinking of the unsuspecting innocent people who are being duped by the "Flip It" propoganda that Roger Ailes has so deftly employed since creating the "New Nixon" in 1968. I've been on to Ailes and his minions (Karl Rove) for a long time. Whatever the actual truth is, flip it. Whatever evils the "Liberal-Commie-Pinko-Secularists" are accused of, and I mean whatever evil deeds, sinister motives, or grand schemes, then just flip it - and when flipped you can view how the Ailes machine works. It's self-loathing on a national scale. How do the likes of Ailes and Rove and Limbaugh get away with it? People rely on sources that tell them what they already believe, or are inclined to believe. Then they not only get what they were looking for, the pot is sweetened and they get all sorts of new crazinesses dropped in. That, and some people just want and need to be lied to to support their own biases and convictions, even and especially if they are inaccurate, or debatable. It's no wonder that there are so many people who ascribe to the right-wing philosophies when the Framers of Lies accuse those dastardly "libruls" of cooking up the Machiavellian schemes they themselves have baked up. It's a Through The Looking Glass operation. White is Black. Up is Down. Such is the handiwork of Ailes, Rove, and their fellow-traveler Fascists.

    I don't hear anyone on the Republican end actually talking about real issues in a "fair and balanced" manner. It's all crap-lies, gotchas, and tedious bullshit about Obama, and nothing about PEOPLE. The Republicans accuse Democrats of borrowing money, of creating debt, of all these things that THEY actually did. Who blew up the debt in this country? Who was the drunken sailor in reality? It was Ronald W. Reagan to begin with. That is not debatable. He blew up the national debt on defense spending - and on a lot of military systems, fighter jets, tanks and concepts that were a total waste of money. The CIA was aware in the late 70's that the Soviet Union had no more than 10-15 years of existence left before that system completely unraveled. It was a sick game being played, and the American people were the last to know. Some don't know yet.

    I can't even imagine what you believe about President Obama. I don't agree with some of the things he's done -- because he's been way too compromising with Republicans, who don't give back. But all the birther crap is insane. The claims that he's a secret Muslim are steeped in ignorance. I'm talking toothless hillbilly ignorance. I've read emails sent to me from people who don't know me, that claim that Obama is anti-Eagle Scouts, anti-veterans, everything up to and including being the Anti-Christ. Even that he's not smart, that he's some bumbling goofball groping in the dark without a clue, in over his head, destroying the country, etc. Just about everyone who's ever written objectively about him has said that most times he's probably the smartest guy in the room, and especially so when he goes to Congress.

    All the while, Republicans listen to corporate lackeys and misinformed cheerleaders. Republicans have worked full-time since Obama took office trying to ensure that he won't be re-elected, and they are working with "all means necessary" drive. Republicans used to say that the Soviet Union believed that the ends justified the means, and that's what made them evil. But now, Republicans have employed that very philosophy. Ironic?

    I predict that Obama will be re-elected handily. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. P.T. Barnum also said, there's a sucker born every minute. But sometimes suckers wise up and say, hey, let me look at those cards, let me look behind that curtain, let me google this so-called "fact" and see if it's true, without just relying on sympathetic sources. There are a lot of corporatists who run as Democrats in Blue States and run as Republicans in Red States. And if the populace changes, they change parties with them. That's a quick way to identify a corporate whore. They are OWNED and must perpetuate their influence by any means necessary. I find many more of these types on the far right. But then, sadly, is there any right other than the far right? And the further to the right they move (and continue to move), the further left the center becomes. At this rate, pretty soon the center right will be the far left. Hasn't that happened already? There's a line that's crossed on the road to extremism and it's called Fascism, a/k/a Corporatism and Authoritarianism. Oligarchy. And it's the enemy of freedom and liberty. The huge debt from the Vietnam War, the Cold War and other military adventures wasn't balanced from 1968 under LBJ until Clinton's second term, but it was still balanced when George W. Bush took office. But the right blames Obama for the national debt. I'm not surprised the Republicans spin it that way. I'm surprised there are so many uninformed people who believe such fabrication. But I know myself of some people who have lost their minds because a black man is president. When they talk about "wanting their country back" - they want their white country back. I wonder where these people grew up, and especially the ones who claim they love Jesus.

    The loony right is busying itself with a doomed fantasy conspiracy that Obama faked his birth certificate. That he's not a natural born American. He's not a REAL president. Code: He's not a white president. And just how racist do you have to be to believe such hideous claptrap? I think it's a new level of low. Just to try to consider it as reasonable is a fail -- as if Obama's 18-year old mother would have decided to leave home in Honolulu and have her first child in Kenya, where civil war was raging and she knew no one, and that the State of Hawaii would have lied in certifying his birth in a Honolulu hospital -- or that two Honolulu newspapers were prescient enough to have assumed this conspiracy 45 years in advance by printing birth notices. Did they know he'd need to cover up a Kenyan birth to become president the week after he was born? A full 43% of Republicans believe this bullshit. Why? Because it's being fed to them and they want so badly to believe any and every ugly thing said about their "political enemy." If America ever falls, it will be because of such rank ignorance. See Mike Huckabee.

    Now about the "inconsistencies" --

    George W. Bush has admitted to war crimes. He admitted to ordering torture -- in his own book. He canceled a trip to Switzerland recently because he was being threatened with arrest for war crimes. He had the gall to try to go to Geneva, of all places! The whole wide world thinks he's a war criminal. I'm pissed that Obama let him off the hook. Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld are all war criminals, and will be forever known as such in history, wherever truth is honored.

    Body count? Do you mean the thousands of Americans who died for the lies of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney? The hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who died? That count? I had two sons in the military at the time, and one still in, and they both think the war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes, if not THE biggest, in American history. And it's the reason for our multi-trillion debt - while revenues were slashed at record levels to benefit the rich and powerful. Where did all that money, a trillion plus, go to? To the military industrial complex, for one. See Eisenhower's Farewell Address.

    I've never understood why people elect Republicans to run the government when the Republicans brag about how much they hate government. They don't want it to work! They want to be elected to destroy it. To destroy safety nets, and programs for human needs, and the safeguarding of human rights -- all in the name of saving taxpayer dollars. But they are only working for those few billionare taxpayers, who have a singular purpose of eliminating the Estate Tax above all other things. Benjamin Franklin said that taxing the estates of the wealthy is the only way to insure that America does not institutionalize an aristocratic class. It's probably too late. I have rich Republican friends. They refer to working people as little men - such as "I'm having a little man come in to install some new fixtures. "I'm going to get a little man to paint the dining room." They all use this "little man" lingo amongst themselves at the country club. And they talk about Democrats being elitists. Ha!

    Yes, it's an extreme mess that this country is in. If we could go back into a time machine and keep Jimmy Carter in office ..... but, he was rejected and denied a second term by a big moral majority coalition. And I've got to hand it to them, they were smart enough, ruthless enough, and wicked enough to capture control of the fundamentalist churches, and they used abortion and gays to accomplish it. They had to do this because Jimmy Carter was a Sunday-School teaching, and very vocal Baptist layman, so they needed a wedge to elect a Republican who didn't go to church EVER. Now that really was some accomplishment. I think they are evil wolves in sheep's clothing, and apostates, but the people in the fundamentalist pews accept the authority of the church, whatever their church may be, and from whoever represents it. So the Republicans worked this hard. There's no telling how many preacher's daughters and Republican politicians' teenage daughters have had abortions, yet they are willing hypocrites for "the faith." Hypocrisy makes it a false faith. Since when did we decide that life begins at conception, or erection, or whatever the determinor is next year? How do we know that life doesn't begin until a breath is taken? Who decides this? A religious authority? Whose religious authority? And why would religious authority be adhered to in a country with religious freedom ... of and from. This should never have been a political issue. It's a red herring, a hook, and false flag. Before abortion was recognized as a right of women to choose or not choose, by the Supreme Court, there were back alleys and there were D and C's in the hospitals, and in late term cases, the well-to-do flew to Europe. There have always been abortions, and none but the desperate go there. It's so sad that this is used as a political tool by politicians who want to strip WIC funds that feed undernourished babies. Again, the hypocrisy is deadly. And I won't go into the number of self-loathing, closeted gay Republicans, who walk in the footsteps of J. Edgar Hoover, and vote against any and every law in support of the rights of gay citizens, for their own power.

    Oh, I almost forgot, that quote about the use of force ... it was an interview from the Boston Globe, and the question was:

    Q: In what circumstances, if any, would the president have constitutional authority to bomb Iran without seeking a use-of-force authorization from Congress?

    A: The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.

    As Commander-in-Chief, the President does have a duty to protect and defend the United States. In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent. History has shown us time and again, however, that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch. It is always preferable to have the informed consent of Congress prior to any military action.

    Since the President has stressed that this is a humanitarian action and not a war, and that we are part of a coalition, led by NATO, requested by Europe, sanctioned by the United Nations, invited by the Arab League, and of limited duration, and that regime change is not part of the mission -- there was a sense of duty to protect and defend the innocents that were in danger of being slaughtered in massive numbers. The tanks were rolling. But .... what does this have to do with bombing Iran? If we ever bomb Iran we sure as hell better get a Congressional buy-in because that assuredly would be war. Bush couldn't get one, and I don't think Obama wants one. However, if it ever comes to that, that won't be a humanitarian mission.

    And the "war for oil" -- it wasn't JUST for oil, but oil was a player. Remember, Cheney was doing business with Iraq, with SADDAM, when he was running Halliburton in the 90's. While they were hostile to the United States after Desert Storm. That was part of their spoils of war plan.

    Under Cheney, Halliburton Helped Saddam Hussein Siphon Billions from UN Oil-for-Food Program

    By Jason Leopold

    10/12/04 -- When the Iraqi Survey Group released its long awaited report last week that said Iraq eliminated its weapons programs in the 1990s, President George W. Bush quickly changed his stance on reasons he authorized an invasion of Iraq. While he campaigned for a second term in office, Bush justified the war by saying that that Saddam Hussein was manipulating the United Nation's oil-for-food program, siphoning off billions of dollars from the venture that he intended to use to fund a weapons program.

    The report on Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, prepared by Charles Duelfer, a former U.N. weapons inspector and head of the Iraqi Survey Group, said Saddam Hussein used revenue from the oil-for-food program and "created a web of front companies and used shadowy deals with foreign governments, corporations, and officials to amass $11 billion in illicit revenue <http://www.registerguard.com/news/2004/10/07/a2.nat.oilfood.1007.html> in the decade before the US-led invasion last year," reports The New York Times.

    "Through secret government-to-government trade agreements, Saddam Hussein's government earned more than $7.5 billion," the report says. "At the same time, by demanding kickbacks from foreign companies that received oil or that supplied consumer goods, Iraq received at least $2 billion more to spend on weapons or on Saddam's extravagant palaces."

    The oil-for-food program was supervised by the U.N. and ran from 1996 until the war started in Iraq last year. It was designed to alleviate the effects sanctions had on Iraqi citizens by allowing limited quantities of oil to be sold to buy food and medicine.

    But the one company that helped Saddam exploit the oil-for-food program in the mid-1990s that wasn't identified in Duelfer's report was Halliburton, and the person at the helm of Halliburton at the time of the scheme was Vice President Dick Cheney. Halliburton and its subsidiaries were one of several American and foreign oil supply companies that helped Iraq increase its crude exports from $4 billion in 1997 to nearly $18 billion in 2000 by skirting U.S. laws and selling Iraq spare parts so it could repair its oil fields and pump more oil. Since the oil-for-food program began, Iraq has sold $40 billion worth of oil. U.S. and European officials have long argued that the increase in Iraq's oil production also expanded Saddam's ability to use some of that money for weapons, luxury goods and palaces. Security Council diplomats estimate that Iraq was skimming off as much as 10 percent of the proceeds from the oil-for-food program thanks to companies like Halliburton and former executives such as Cheney.


    Oh, and the world is changing quite rapidly, and for the better in Northern African and the Middle East, especially. And for the better right here in the USA even though the Corporatists have us all in a stranglehold at the moment. But, if we don't get serious about the climate crisis, none of it will matter anyway. Oh, but we can't because Republicans think that the climate crisis is a hoax. They think it's a hoax because it would cost their big money boys great sums of money that they could donate to keep their "friends" in office ... the corporate takeover enablers, or they could buy up some competitors and create new monopolies. Anyone who thinks government is the problem hasn't taken a good look at the worldwide financial crisis, or read any history about the Gilded Age. Anyone who thinks that Obama is the problem, is neither well-read nor well-informed.

  3. I'm here! It's just that real life (in my case) work is super busy. It's budget time and it's also program plan time, meaning many statistics are needed to be compiled. This, plus we've been one staff member short since the end of September last year. This is the person who should have been compiling stats for us; instead, we can't find a qualified candidate that we like! So, I'm struggling to compile the stats.

    Needless to say, I'm kind of glad that Clay is taking a break. As much as I miss him, I'm also thankful that I don't have him competing with my time when I really should be working! Besides, I have all kinds of faith that he'll be around for us a long time to come. I'm not one who needs the constant reassurance, and also just don't need to know where he is all the time. Just my $0.02, of course.

    For those that need something to do, though -- there ARE some projects that need to be completed here. For example, several of us volunteered to find "the best of the Timeless Tour audio files." Most of us promptly then forgot...except for Fear, bless her heart. Here is the thread for the recommendations. Here is a listing of who volunteered, although I'm not sure if it is the most current list:


    Suspicious Minds - FearOfH20

    Bring it on Home to Me (Ruben) - luckiest1

    60s Medley - couchie

    Natural Woman (Casey)

    Still the One - luckiest1

    Marvin Gaye Medley (Ruben)

    70s Medley - keepingfaith

    Mandy - ldyjocelyn

    Superstar (Ruben)

    I'm Every Woman (Quiana)

    Baby, Stay With Me Tonight? (Ruben) - goldarngirl

    LackofRhythmitis Banter (Ruben)

    When I See You Smile

    80s Medley - cindilu2

    Everything I Do, I Do For You (Ruben)

    90s Medley - vivs

    I've Had the Time of my Life

    So, let's get cracking! And then, of course, we need to work on the TnT tour!

    Another idea -- the admins and mods have been bouncing around some ideas to keep "us" busy. Ideas include a "watching party," a trivia contest, and another photo contest. Anyone have any ideas?

    aikim, congrats to your husband. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to retirement. I know some people got BUSIER with retirement, while others were truly at a loss with what to do with themselves during the day.

    Now, off to the article thread -- I'm behind there!

    Just posted mine.

  4. As I understood Ernie, he was looking at this as promotion for Clay too. If you liked that interview and would like for as many people as possible to see it, that is. He was genuinely amazed at the sales of the Clay Aiken episode on DVD. Of course, Ernie is pushing his series and wants it to be shown as widely as possible, but as he explained to us, it's free for the stations to pick up, and local audience requests carry a lot of clout with public television stations. But for God's sake, don't anybody do anything to make yourself uncomfortable. Although, I can't actually imagine anyone doing anything on purpose to make themselves feel uncomfortable. My comfort level has never been compromised by making requests to local media where Clay can benefit.

  5. Just imagine he's got those looong legs wrapped around you :hubbahubba:

    Those jeans are lucky. Damn them! I wonder who makes them?

    Cloopy takes good pictures. It was nice to meet her in SF.

    I'm with you on the rain Tree. Bring on summer. We can bypass spring for all I care. ha.

    Summer? You guys don't have summer. I have a picture taken at the corner of Haight and Ashbury on the 30th of July last summer, and I'm wearing LdyJ's jacket because I was freezing!

    couchie, I didn't know you had seen Elton! I was talking to one of my co-workers yesterday, and she remembers seeing Elton John for $6.00 a ticket way back in the day. To her, the Elton I'm seeing in less than a month is not Elton. She remembers the flamboyancy. I personally am going for the music!

    I liked Elton before and after his flamboyant period. And during it. The early albums - Elton, Tumbleweed, Madman, up through Captain Fantastic were golden for me. I have never seen him live. And that's just crazy. Everybody was $3-$7 a ticket back in the day. Saw Canned Heat for $3 and Zeppelin for $6. Saw Joan Baez for $3. Hendrix was $6. Tickets for The Beatles were $5. The first $8 concert I attended was Paul McCartney and Wings in '76. Was a time ago, but at least my old memories are better than walking five miles to school in the snow.

  6. After my concert some of us went down the hotel's restaurant and had drinks and dessert......I ordered a Sex On The Beach. Clay was that good. :lol: It was either that or a cigarette but I don't smoke!

    After my first concert in Houston, I had a couple of X-Rated Martinis:

    X-Rated Fusion Liqueur is a sensuous blend of ultra-premium French vodka and rich blood oranges, mingling with mangos and passion fruit.

    After the Dallas concert, we went to Humperdink's and I had a couple of Perfect Margaritas with Patrón Silver Tequila & Patrón Citrónge.

    Two of either of those beverages will set you free. I'm not a regular drinker, but after every Clay concert I need something hard.

  7. Ok I'm at the airport.......lets get going already. I want to see my sexy singer man!

    My DH today said just forget about him this weekend........ha ha ha !

    Did you ever tell DH that you told Clay Aiken about him on the phone during the Dallas concert? Does he know that Clay wanted to speak to him? :cryingwlaughter:

    Think about me tonight, alone in my room. Just like one year ago tonight, history is repeating. DAMN! Budgets suck! Last year it was the college's, and this year it's mine. I blame the airlines. They merged, laid people off, cut routes, and now there is more demand for fewer flights, the speculators have driven up oil prices, and fares from Houston to San Francisco are not feasible without frequent flyer miles to trade in. And the way I avoid air travel, I don't see frequent flyer miles in my future -- ever. Almost $1,100 for a round trip, domestic coach fare is not going to happen for me, now or next year. :toilet15:

    BUT, always looking on the bright side of life, fares between Houston and New York remain extremely reasonable. Just thinkin' ...

    Where are the bullet trains? If this country is going to live in perpetual debt, and that appears to be inevitable as the powers that be have gone back and forth on the benefits of deficit spending for the past 75 years, and the argument juggles between political persuasions infinitum, well then let's have something to show for it! I want first-class, affordable ground transportation. High-speed rail, coast to coast and all points in between. Where do I vote for this?

    I'll be there in spirit tonight. Don't forget a thing -- you guys know how I love every insignificant detail.

    Couchie, treenuts, and all my California buddies ..... I was gonna be a big girl and not be sad about missing this trip, and count my blessings and think about the unforgettable year I've had, but now .... NOW ... :cry: I'm no big girl, not even wearing the full size cotton briefs will help me.

  8. I think Clay wouldn't pick someone if they were being obvious about holding up a cellphone. That wasn't what happened last night.

    Last night, Clay noticed a number of people scattered throughout the audience who were holding up those lighted/laser sticks and balls and swaying them to the music. He asked one person how long she'd had hers, and she said she had seen him there in 2004, and Clay laughingly said he remembered her. He continued to chat with her asking about where she got her lighted thingie, and then asked her why she had brought it last night, and she told him straight -- "To get your attention." You should have seen Clay's face. It was priceless. He said, "Well, you suckered me on THAT one." He made me laugh HARD all night, except when he was making me swoon. Anyway, that was the precursor to another song when he told the crowd it was time to "turn your balls on." It was screamingly funny.

  9. These ridiculous airfares are holding down attendance! Since Continental and United merged, both have gone way up on fares. I hope Southwest hangs in there with the $49 advance purchase specials, especially since they don't charge to check a bag.

    merrieeee, don't even act like I'm rubbing it in about Dallas when you're going to San Francisco this weekend. If Clay asks where you are, I'll let him know he'll be seeing you in California, okay?

  10. Sigh. I so want to go to San Francisco.

    Why don't you just hop a flight to DFW tomorrow. The venue isn't far from the airport, you know. And I'd love to see you. :hug:

    I love that picture of Adam, with Ben in the background. That's such a hot picture. I just showed the guitar to my son. He said it's designed like a Les Paul, but it's not a Gibson. But whatever it is, that guitar is in a great picture!

  11. Lucky Awesome review! Fifth row is just about perfect. I've had first row once and I'm thrilled that I did. It was a totally different type of experience. Well March is almost here and I can't wait. My mom will miss the show though. She's going to visit her other child in Oceanside on the 9th. I guess I'll have an extra ticket if anyone needs one. Have no idea where they are. Still waiting for them.

    Bottle! LOL. You're so funny. I'm sure whatever I've heard about you and Clay is a big fat lie heee.

    KAndre - take it easy girl.

    I would so be there for that ticket, if the airfare was anywhere near reasonable instead of being in the thousand dollar area. Bummer!

  12. Very respectable opera singing from Clay! And nice hat, keepingfaith! :) P.S. Glad to see you changed your mind about your photo with Clay, merrieeee...you look cute together!

    What a decision that was. Hat? No hat? I let Desertrose's friend, who I'd never met before, make the decision. I decided whatever she said I'd go with it. She liked the hat. I'm happy about it because Clay and I were a portrait in black and white. At least I think of it that way in my rhapsodic brain-- and that heavenly aura between our heads. I remember it. No fog. I remember his arm around me. I remember looking at his eyes. Damn!

    Thanks for looking out for me, 00lsee, or as I think of you, Earth Mother. You know I need a lot of help and you're always right to the rescue. Do you know how appreciated you are? Well, infinitely, by me.

  13. Silly me hasn't even had my concert yet (13 days and counting), and I'm looking at flights for San Francisco! Sadly, it would cost me at least $800 for me to fly round trip. As much as I KNOW I'm going to want to go to one more concert, I think I'm going to have to satisfy myself with one.

    Besides, I might need a Clay fix in the middle of October. The Gala this year is sounding pretty good to me...

    I am now officially stashing money for NYC and that Broadway role he says is "on the table." For Clay to say that, he must already have the contract in his pocket.

    Original Cast Album anyone?

  14. How long till San Francisco? I cannot wait. I have never been to California and I can't wait to see you all. Party time??????

    When you get there you'll be sorry you're not staying at least a week. I loved my time in San Francisco last summer and the next time I go back I'm staying longer than a couple of days for sure. Next time I'm going to Big Sur and Sausalito and Carmel and the wine country .... maybe two weeks!

    And for a really good time ... don't miss visiting with Mama Tomato and her Fabulous Daughter! And give my buddy treenuts a hug from me. Too bad that airfare to SF was out the kazoo this season or I'd be joining you -- even for One Night Only.

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