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Posts posted by jamar1700

  1. I refuse to even think the scumbag had any control last night. What he wants is to get attention. To get acknowledged. I see TC's move as not giving him the satisfaction of creating a scene. Last night it was Clay that had control....

    My feelings exactly. I think the fans are the ones that are giving over the control here. Just by making an issue of it. Clay's people didn't feel it was in his best interest to walk the line last night. 'Nuff for me. Onwards and onwards.

    Again ... I think Jerome would never want Clay to do the line if he had final say. I think he lets it happen because Clay is so set on it and so far, we've behaved. But I've still always felt that we are all just one "incident" from having the whole shebang nixed for good.


    Rats. I finally had to unpack and now I've got piles of laundry to do. Rats. Rats. Rats.


    Hee. I'm listening to a CD I checked out from the library.

    All time top 100 TV themes.

    Veeery Kewl.

    Of course ALL of Clay's selections are on there and many I wished he'd included.

    Why yes... I am a dork.



    Acccck. My mouse died in the middle of that post. Thank Gawd I remembered where my spare was!

  2. YUP...too many factors.

    And the chances are there are factors we don't even know about. Cuz I, for one, sure don't think we are privy to everything there is to know.

    I'm sure that Jerome would rather Clay didn't do the buslines in the first place, I think he makes it work because Clay really wants him too and because for the most part we have behaved very well. But I can't imagine he's ever truly comfortable with the whole idea. I'm sure it's counter to everything he knows about personal security. Add a potential problem in a dark parking lot and all bets are off and that's all he needs to shut it down.

    But that's JMO.

  3. JP cannot hurt Clay physically - especially with Jerome around.

    Of course Clay could handle it, but what about the fans? The scene could get ugly really fast. Recipe for disaster and better left alone IMO.

    As far as I know nobody has made actual threats against Clay.

    But that's as far as you know. Do you expect to always know stuff like that? I mean are the fans really privy to that sort of information? Tells me they are taking his security very seriously.

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