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Posts posted by jamar1700

  1. guess I don't have to go to ESPN and find out who won.

    Nobody ever has to go to ESPN *g* ... try mlb.com instead. All the teams have their own pages. You can get your video highlights and everything.

    Oakland A's at MLB.COM

    jes' for you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I live at mlb.com. Last season I just followed the games with gametracker but this year I broke down and got mlb.tv. I love it. I can stream most games live (since I'm waaaaaay out of market) and/or listen to the radio broadcast. If I miss a game I can watch the entire game when it's archived (usually within minutes of completion) or the condensed game which is just the results of each at bat.

    So it's $15.00 a month, I'm worth it! :RedGuy:


    muski ... been there. Done all that. My DD played fastpitch tournament softball for 10 years. There are just gonna be games like that. Then they'll turn around and play like a house on fire. No explaining it. I saw it on every team she played on at all levels. There were teams we had no business beating that we beat all the time and teams we had no business losing to that we couldn't beat. Sounds like Carrie has the right attitude.

    So how's the bleacher butt?


    Alright. I know I'm a newbie but can ya spare a few thoughts for me today?

    We are going live with a new computer system at work and I'm in charge. My boss took a suspiciously timed vacation. I'm skeered.


    I too really loved the long hair on Clay. But I always get used to the new looks.

    With Clay & Me :allgood:


    If you haven't guessed already I can't spell. Sometimes I fix things, sometimes I don't.

  2. This is what I took from he said

    Stop fighting my battles

    Stop fighting each other

    What the board becomes is up to you

    Don't feed the trolls

    Simple as that.

    I agree. I also think he was trying to calm the waters w/o alienating anyone. Of course all sides will claim victory. No one is going to admit they are part of the 1% but if just a few change their ways...it's already better. I thought the tone was just right. Honest and yet not too teachery. I'm glad he went into such depth about everything. Makes me feel all squishy. I don't know why. :blush:

    The bit about Faye and "it doesn't make it true" reminded me of something Dolly Parton said in a Larry King interview a few years ago....

    LK --- Does it bother you when people refer to you as a dumb blonde?

    DP --- *laughs* No.

    LK --- It doesn't?

    DP --- Look, I know I'm not dumb. And I know I'm not a blonde either.



    The tour! OMG! I can't stand it! How will I ever wait until July?



    eta :

    KAndre ... what an adorable little one.

    I just love the second picture with all the "regular" clothes strewn on the floor.

  3. Again, it is not about the original sentence she was given that has me feeling sorry for her. It is about the fact she seems to have had that sentence increased, in essence she is being further punished, for something she did NOT do. She is being used as a scapegoat because she is rich and famous. All she did was go to prison when she had to and leave when she was told she could. And I do not believe anyone should be punished for the actions of others.

    I didn't mean to imply that you or anyone else was condoning drunk driving. Just that life often isn't right or fair. Shit happens to everyone. She's a fully capable functioning adult and can deal with it and move on just like anyone else. What happened behind the scenes on her behalf may not be her doing but she is the one ultimately responsible for the behavior that got her into the situation. Choices and consequences. FWIW I do happen to think the others responsible should be punished. And not just legally. They are the ones that made it worse for her. IMO our judicial system is litered with inequities. If she's being singled out because she's rich and famous I'd say the line to complain about profiling starts to the right and winds around the block a couple of times.

    45 days may be a rough stint for her but it is still a finite amount of time and not a grand one at that. My point was not that anyone should feel sorry for my XSIL. She knowingly got into a car with someone who was very very drunk and she was impaired herself. All of the other people involved in the accident were killed. When weighed against a lifetime, I still consider 45 days a "blip".


    I staid away from the OFC board mainly because I didn't have time to get involved in another board. From the times I read, I saw some stuff I really liked and some stuff I didn't. Just like most boards.


    Is it Tulsa time yet? :RedGuy:

  4. Hey CG..... . call me heartless... and while I agree the system is fucked up... it's really hard for me to feel for her.

    Yeah...call me heartless too.

    And I certainly don't think anyone would get 4 years for what she did. I was implying that I thought the hystryonics, attempts at manipulating the judicial system and/or calling in of political favors was seriously OTT for 45 days of punishment. This will be a blip in her life. Really.

    My XSIL was severly head injured in a drunk driving accident when she was 17, she's in her 30's now and still living a dependant life with no chance of that ever changing.

    So I know I can do anything I HAVE to do for 45 days.

    She's the Yankees of useless celebrities.


    We have some word filters on my baseball board. One of them is f'in &%^kees & the other is blahblahblahderekjeter. It's always funny when someone brings over an article from the NYTimes and your reading along and still see them.

    I too apologize to any true Yankees fans. If I send any snark their way know that it isn't really even about the Yankees it's about the the E.astern S.ports P.ropaganda N.etwork and other sports press. Which reminds me ... I have a whole media thing I can go into that relates to following sports and sports media and being part of a local news story for the past several years and what I learned from that but sadly I don't have time now. So we'll talk later.

    Today I'm helping my daughter move. She just recently got her first big girl job and is now getting her first place all by herself, no more roomates. She's very excited. But you know, helping someone move makes for a less then exciting Saturday.

  5. Cheese Doodles

    mmmm cheeeezdoooodles. [tm Homer Simpson]

    - food misspellings not my specialty. I sounded it out. Chee- zzzzz- dooo- dels - see!

    Hee. If I'm not mistaken, Homer drools phonetically.

    she's guilty as hell of all charges so I have very, very little sympathy for her...

    Yeah. I'm there too. Not to mention...it's 45 days. Not 4 years.

    Who knows what strings her family tried to pull to get her out like that? IMO it just smells bad and I'm glad the judge didn't play along.

    My older son (19) was just informed that he is being called up to our 1st string team to play centre field.

    Good for him. How exciting. Tell him to keep his head up and a smile on his face. :RedGuy:


    So I'll keep the avi then. :wub: It's from the second most recent Kimmel. Before the horsie one. Just so you know...I couldn't make an animated avi to save my life. I have some talented friends however.

  6. <---- edited to add my avi. What do ya think? Yes? No? Feedback appreciated.

    Ooooh, I forgot - there are two official foods on this board - Cheese Doodles

    mmmm cheeeezdoooodles. [tm Homer Simpson]

    Jamar Whoo hooo...Oakland A's baby. See you in the race!! We've had some nightmare series against them!!

    Well not lately *sniff* Sure glad we're off the left coast for now. THAT was not one of our better road trips. But my Twins fandom is just part of me. Year in and year out. 90 wins or 90 losses. I'm right there, cheering them on.

    I like all sports but baseball (all levels) & fastpitch softball are my two passions. My DD played fastpitch for 10 years. Did the whole tournament, traveling team thing. *waves to muski* She could have played in college (small private school) but got a better deal with her academic scholarships and decided to give it up and play intermurals instead.

    Though I thought the "my angels" reference was to ATD (you know, where he would fight all of us). Heh.

    My friend suggested he change it to "My Plague of Angels" :cryingwlaughter:

    And ya'll can talk about him mentioning uptempo songs all you want...the man used the word diddies. I read it. You read it. This fandom CANNOT hide from it.

    Yes. He's such a ROCKSTAH! Hee. :RedGuy:

    Oh yeah. I really love him!

    edited for clarity and sucky spelling.

  7. I can only speak for myself, but when I use the terms "Positive Police" or "Fan Police" I am only referring to those OTT fans who don't want to let other fans have an honest opposing opinion. Or post anything that is not all fluff and puff. I'm referring to OTT fans who want to dictate to everyone else what they should think, say, do and how to behave. The ones who want to define anyone who is not all sunshine 24/7, over everything about Clay, as being a bad fan.

    Clazor...I understand that is what you meant. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Just know that some of us who merely "have a general positive happy attitude" have been labeled as such and lumped in with the above group. I think where people give up is when they wonder if it's okay to say anything. If the first comment after a performance is "I think Clay looked like shit and sounded worse" am I suppose to just not say I thought he looked great and sounded fine? Is there some waiting period? Do I have to wait an hour after a post critical of Clay before I can say something without it being labeled as "piling on" the first poster?

    Truly there are things that I don't care for that Clay has sung or worn. There's Touch, most of the demo's & the Captain Kangaroo Jacket from that one Leno to name just a few. I just choose to dwell on what I do like, which is a much longer list. I've never been out to change anyone else's opinion or make them feel uncomfortable for having it. Just like to feel free to express my own.


    Private boards. Didn't mean to start a topic du jour and I'm happy to say I had no idea about the board your talking about. Trust me, that's way toooo labor intense for my peeps, :cryingwlaughter:

    However, I was answering a question with an answer that is from my own experience.

    Most of the Clayfan friends I have started out posting on one board or another. Most are still very active fans. They plan concert trips, they SQUEEEE over the same pictures you do, they watch Clack, they go to local gatherings, they buy CD's, they promote Clay in their chosen way...but almost to a person, and for a variety of reasons, they no longer have a presence on the public boards. I guess I see that as sort of a positive thing really. To me it says that just because you don't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there.

    OFC shutdown? I agree, embarassing but given the circumstances probably a necessary move. Maybe, if and when they bring it back things will get better.

    Hope springs eternal. :RedGuy:

  8. Sorry ... I should have been more specific. Not a private Clayfan board. Just a private board for a group of friends who happen to meet as Clayfan's. The Clay part is actually secondary. Really we spend more time talking about work and other real life stuff. It's just a place to be. Some in our group have moved on from being diehard Clayfans and it is still okay to hang out. For others the small part of it that is Clay related is enough for them.

  9. Gee, how many times have I been accused of being a member of the positive police,

    Hi My name is couchie and I'm a member of the positive police or so I've been told.

    *slaps on PP badge*

    Me too. I'm also "one of the usual suspects" I don't mean to be. Really.

    Why am I suddenly thinking I was pretty stupid to skip Frisco and just go to Houston and Tulsa?

    *takes off PP badge and slaps on "endablers are us" beanie...*

    Fer the love of cheese! There's STILL time woman!

    I'm an easy bitch though, because I pretty much just take things for what they are at the time. If I love it, I'll watch again.

    *takes off EAU beanie and slips into low cut "easy bitch dress"*

    I have the ultimate confession to make....I don't even watch much clack. Unless I miss seeing something on TV I actually download very little. And when I do, I watch it once and then *gulp* delete it. I don't revist things I just enjoy the moments and look forward.

    eta : probably because I'm lucky enough to go to concerts. I'm sure I'd behave differently if I wasn't.

    RE: Fan criticism. Every passionate fan base goes over-the-top. Sports fans rant endlessly about owner or coaching choices. TV show fan boards can go ballistic over plot or character developments. It's funny. You look at other active boards on any subject, and you tend to see the same situation played out. Posts bitching and moaning, and posts stating "Well if you hate X so much, why are you posting on this message board?"

    Very true. My baseball board has 3 postgame threads...The all purpose Giddy Gloating thread winner winner chicken dinner & 2 for losses ... the Crabby Venting thread and the more zen At Least We're Not All Dead thread. This helps to avoid lots of the back and forth. I love the linear threads for many reasons but I do think they exacerbate some of the communication issues. Trust me, it's way easier to just avoid going into that Crabby Venting thread than it would be to have everyone hashing it out after EVERY loss.

    eta : & Don't get me started on the trolls. Let's just say certain teams have notoriously trolly fans. And they are all 12 year old boys.

    OTOH once I asked Son#1 what Dave's fans thought of Clive Davis (they are RCA artists also)

    His classic response.... Whose Clive Davis?

    Hmmm WHy does television take 10 pounds off of Clay?

    I know I look at those pictures and wonder how a scant few months later he was being called FAT!

    So many people that I enjoyed reading have disappeard from the boards.

    Most of my good Clayfan friends no longer post on the public boards. At some point when RHT was going through the drama we started a small private board and that's where we share our lives. One or two of them have moved on but most of them are planning and panting right along with everyone else. Mostly, they just got tired of the shit.

    Even the nice shit.


    *slips out of "easy bitch dress" so I can stand in front of my closet and whine about not having anything to wear to work*

  10. Wasn't awwwwing over Brianna either.

    Well neither was I. I was at the show and while I was vaguely aware that there was someone small and blond on the stage interacting with Clay all of my AWWWWW's were for him. So who's the real selfish bitch here? *g*

    Thanks for the welcome. I really meant what I said in the check in thread, to me this board really does have a different feel to it and I'm very glad I chose to start reading here. Kudos.


    crap...now I gotta get ready for work (my once a week 12:30 to 9 shift) which means I have to find my work brain and decide what to wear. *sigh*

    eta : I'm in awe of playbiller. Yes I am.

  11. I though Dave Matthew's was going bald? He really still has hair? *g*

    I think that's why they don't talk about it... :cryingwlaughter:

    eta... hey I never thought about being passive aggressive until I was told I was by "someone" in the Clayfandom. But the more I looked at the way I react to stuff I realize that I really can be. Especially at work. Of course, now that I see it, I try to make it work for me instead of against me.

  12. *wades carefully into the conversation*

    eta : which of course has moved on around me in the time it took to compose this. Oh well.

    Clazor ... :bravo: awesome post. I'd have read it twice!

    I especially like how you can talk about how you've changed as a fan. Good for you!

    I've gone into serious lurker mode on the boards, for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it stopped being fun for me. For me it's about joy and fun and has been from the start. I don't get the angst and the worry BUT that's me. That is who I am in RL.

    Case in point...I was at Wal-Mart the other day and the checker girly asked me if I wanted something in a bag or not and I said what I always say...

    Me ... Oh I don't care .... whatever's easier for you...

    CG... Oh well you know I have to ask cuz people get real mad and yell and stuff.

    Me... Well, I think life's too damn short to get mad at the grocery store.

    Which earned me a big smile from checker girly. Which, in turn, made my day.

    I've always looked at the message boards as a good study in group dynamics. I find that aspect truly fascinating. I also think that I communicate much better in my work life, for being on the boards. I see so many negative nelly's there and realize that I don't have to be that way too. I can just keep smiling and doing my job and laughing. Every once in awhile I even catch them smiling too.

    I also learned that when push comes to shove...I can be a bit passive aggressive myself.

    Who knew? :RedGuy:

    Last summer, I joined a Major League Baseball board for my longtime favorite team and it really is hysterically similar. Also Son#1 is a DMB fan and has been on their boards, like, forever. We've traded war stories over the years and it's pretty much the same stuff. Except the hair. He says they never discuss Dave's hair. AT ALL! Can you imagine? Hee. We do on the baseball board. There was just a team head shaving episode and it generated mucho conversation amongst the crew. Sorta like a Clay hair discussion times 40. Good times.

    My position as a fan has always been that Clay has critics lined up around the block, more than willing to tell him what's wrong with everything he does. He has family and friends to keep him grounded. I don't believe for a moment he's perfect (nor do I want or need him to be), I just don't think he needs me for that.



    EEEEE! Did someone say champion was here? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    sorry that was a really random rambling sort of first post on main. Bear with me, I'm out of practice.

  13. I can't wait to run into you again at Tulsa. Where is your side kick? I forgot her name, I'm sorry.

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: Howdy Clayzor!

    Creole's around. She's just not on the public boards much anymore. But she's as big a fan as ever and my tireless Clay Tour Travel Buddy. We are SO looking forward to Tulsa. I don't think we're doing the preparty. We sort of gave them up after the NAT. But I'm sure we'll run into you at some point during the weekend.

    Are you staying at the hotel?

    Maybe we can have a drink before or after? :RedGuy:

  14. *waves*

    Hi. I'm JaMar at CV but jamar1700 everywhere else..

    I can't believe I'm doing this again. I swore I was just about done with the CA message board thing. But I've been reading here for a couple of months and finally decided to take the plunge because this seems like a different sort of place.

    Thanks to ansa for taking care of my little email issue and helping me get validated this morning


    I'm so excited to see Clay this summer I can hardly stand it! I'll be going to Tulsa and the Calif 3fer!


    eta : :nanadance2: <---- this.......is a dancing banana with moose antlers! I'll be taking him to my MLB board. Cuz we got Canadians.

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