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Posts posted by Penny

  1. Waking Up Is Hard To Do (Breaking Up Is Hard To Do)

    2. Dinosaur Pet

    3. Where The Toys Are (Where The Boys Are)

    4. Lunch Will Keep Us Together (Love Will Keep Us Together)

    5. Happy Birthday Number Three (Happy Birthday Sweet 16)

    6. Laughter In The Rain (same title)

    7. Rubber Duckie (same title)he Way To Cross The Street?

    9. Little Devil (same title)

    10. I Go Ape (not sure)

    11. Baby's First Christmas Lullabye(not sure)

    this sounds great!! wish Clay was on it...but I love Neil Sedaka forever!!

  2. Jemock, I always loved your blogs in the OFC and this ramble was no exception--I snorted unfemininely throughout this, and saw myself and saw God and saw dead people and....oops, off topic...

    to say the least, you are still one of the freakin FUNNIEST people I've run across in a while-- I think Clay would love your bio--maybe not for Playbill but to read while munching on peanut butter and Gala apples (tm AYSTAFG), or Krispy Kremes, or whatevah--

    Please keep 'em coming!!

    A grateful fan!!

  3. I thought, with all this stuff going on, that I'd put my 2 cents in.

    First of all, I'm 57. I never really wanted kids, and even now, if I did, I can't. But if I had a younger man in my life , a sweet, good-looking, loving friend, and I could have had kids by him, I'd probably have asked him to help me. In other words, I think this isn't weird. What IS weird is the lack of corroboration of the story from their two camps, especially Clay's. Even though he doesn't OWE us an explanation, he knows how we are...I selfishly think he'd know we NEEDED it.

    But then, I admit, I don't really know him, like 99% of the fandom doesn't, even though we feel like we do.

    But I still love him. That won't stop. I think he'll be a great Dad.

  4. I'm so fucking PISSED OFF at iTunes--I pre-ordered, plus ordered the actual CD from QVC, Target, and Barnes & Noble, so I'm otherwise covered, but when I went into iTunes to download I was informed that I needed to upgrade, so I tried, but I don't have Windows XP or Vista. Meanwhile, I've had no trouble dowloading individual songs at any time. So? Seems I can download individual songs from OMWH at 99cents a pop, which I DID, but regarding my $9.99 for the album, who the fuck do you TALK to about it? Technology's a wonderful thing up to a point--sucks when you can't talk to a HUMAN about stuff!!

    End of rant.

    I am ke-AZY about this CD, from beginning to end. It's beautiful, moving, sexy, extremely satisfying..and not just because we waited so long for it--it's a wonderful job, Clay sounds wonderful on it, and I'm glad it's here. :DoClay:

  5. hi, guys,

    can anyone here give me a link to David Hyde-Pierce's performance of "You Won't Succeed On Broadway", the one on YouTube? I've tried it from a million different directions and come up with bupkis!!

    oh yeah--hi!!

    I'm Penny, I'm kinda new here. I post mainly over at LBFCA but I've lurked here for a while. I'm 57 and live in Maryland.

    Thanks!! You'll see me around now that I actually REMEMBERED MY PASSWORD AND USER NAME!!

    what a dork....

  6. Hello all!!

    I'm cpnina, known also as Penny, I'm a 57 year old lady from Maryland. I post mainly at LBFCA, sometimes at Claymaniacs, sometimes the OFC. Clay had me from Wildcard Night.

    I'm married but we have separate lives so I am free to do what I want in Claydom as long as I can afford it!

    Lately money's TIGHT because of dental bills--YUK--but I am planning on seeing Himself in Spamalot next year, and I've seen him somewhere every tour he's done so far except this one..

    Nice to meet y'all!!

  7. hello there everybody!!

    I'm cpnina, board name, Penny otherwise. I live in Maryland and am 56 chronologically but 17 or 18 fangirly-wise!! I am feeling almost exactly like I used to over George Harrison of The Beatles. I have been a fan since the show.

    I have been to just about every tour except JNT '01 and the AI2 tour. We here where I live have been blessed in that Clay's been near enough for me to see him so much.

    There isn't anything about Clay I find fault with except that he isn't reading this over my shoulder-- otherwise he's PEREFCT!!

    Looking forward to getting to know you guys!!

    Oh yeah, and I mainly post to LBCFA (Lecherous Broads For Clay Aiken), and sometimes to Claymaniacs....

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