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Posts posted by playbiller

  1. Personal service announcement

    OK, dropping in real fast and totally off topic. Have not read this thread I am still in the middle of the last thread, but taking notes. - the problem is you are all post whores and I cannot start posting without having context (twop trained) this is why it takes me so much time to read boards. I think I am losing ground. For those who are interested, I was off the boards this weekend and lost more ground, but my sock drawer is very neat.

    Now for a tactless post. I try for tact, I just seem to fail all the time. For those who were asking my sister about me at the gala - why was I not there and what is my problem. Thank you for your concern, but I am the correct source to go to. My PM box is not full and I do pick up messages. My sister and I are different people, it is not fair to ask her why I do things, she is not in my head and gets placed in the middle. Since my e-mail to her went out too late, she did not even know why I was off the boards (mostly) this weekend. Ask me. I know the latest about me.

    The answer is

    1) Without seeing a future income, I spent months calculating a budget years ago and at this point I would rather spend my money on the beach house than the gala. There would also be the expense of plane fare and dog sitters. I never planned to attend. Selfish maybe, but my choice. If the market keeps falling, it might not be my choice.

    2) I don't have a problem, thank you for your interest. Well, I do have one small problem with people talking about me with someone else when I would rather have them say something directly to me.

    Enjoy yourselves. Back to doing real life stuff for me. UGH

  2. Well, you neve have to worry about Holly being in a "pack", she hates dogs.

    But you story shows lack of concern on the owners part, it might be because you are in an isolated area. Around here, loose dogs get hit by cars. I alsways run out and chase mine, she managed to escape so often it was not funy, At least once a month for a while, now not so often. maybe the owners just have to learn to latch their gate. If the dogs are jumping over, well, then they need a new fence.

    Can you talk to your other neighbors and maybe get to gether to confront these people?

    In our town, the police told me I would be fined after the third escape, luckily, after that I caught her before the police, except when she was hit by the car.

    I don't know the laws in your area, but a certain amount of stuff can be done through local courts here, you can report them to the police or to your insurance company if it is worth it.

  3. Well, when we bought our house, we were young, both employed and I saved, without giving my husband access to the money (he was a bit of a spender). Didn't buy any clothes for 4 years, hardly ate out, went to a lot of free concerts. Had dinners or played cards with friends for entertainment, served a lot of soup and stew. Interest rates were frozen, so we had to pay 50% to buy the house, my mortgage was almost nothing. I had to pay off the mortgage as part of the divorce settlement to get his name off of it. Bought the trailer from inheritence in cash, but land rent is bad, really bad, my little luxury.

    I bought new cars for the last few cars, but I also get deals on them and keep the cars for a really long time, so it averages out.

    Paying your credit card off each month did not work for my mother. Her BJ's credit card was cancelled because she paid it off each month and never incurred a penalty. She had to use cash after that to shop at BJ's.

  4. Congratulations, soon you will be carefree and feel weightless. This is an excellent time to get out of debt.

    Did you call the credit card company to negotiate down the rates? I understand that some cards will drop the rate to 9%.

    As an ant (re ant and grasshopper)I have been laughed at for driving inexpensive cars in the past, I kept the last car for 10 years before trading it in. It ran fine, but things were starting to go. I remember the day I got rid of my last debt, my mortgage. It was a happy day, now I live on a pretty much pay as I go and it is nice not to worry about penalties and interest, just property taxes and repairs and medical bills.

  5. Brrr - I am freezing - the windows are still open in my newly painted bedroom.

    I haven't read anything, can't comment, so far behind - but I wanted to drop this off because airfares suck so much, I was tooling around and found a few that might help some people

    airfares today and found a few outrageous deals at this site and this site

    You do have to set this up for your own locations. I was surprised to find I could fly to Raleigh and back for under 140 - and no, Fear can not make me go to the gala. Too many related expenses and I have not paid off the work that has been done yet and the work that is to be done, and I just threw my 401K stuff into a drawer without looking at it.

    I have to go and move some furniture now, that should kill a few hours.

  6. Look, I really have to run because the painter is here, but I see by PM I need to clarify -

    I was ranting about the atmosphere of the OFC. I do not blame the mods, it started with posters believing they can fix everything (years ago) and the next thing you know there is out and out constant war because everyone wants to be incharge. It has to stop some time or I don't know what, and so does the running off of the people we don't like. I do fight the atmosphere there, but sometimes the bitch does come out and, Cindilu some very reasonable people have just got up their nerve to post as a few of the more OTT leave. It is very hard for people under the watchful eyes of the critics, probably taking names, hence the stuff you don't see, now if we could only have more than 100 PMs.

    I got to run - and since noe one can understand my psots - give me some slack here.

  7. Warning: I respond to some posts that are more than 24 hours old and I don't care. I also may piss several people off with this and I also don't care - except I really like Play and don't want to piss her off, even though I might, below.

    I have to admit being pissed at someone, not sure who , who claimed that Clay was giving us hints all along like having gay men on his tour. Uh, I thought they were on the tour because they were talented - stupid me.I can't imagine that Clay would ever not want to put on the best show ever.instead of accomodate friends. Nuts. Obviouusly that is not why I got the hints.

    Actually, every time I thought something was odd, like Dahstrom having the key to the house, someone would convince me I was wrong, so there you go. As bad as my perception was, I had help, heh.

    My mind is boggled. Who has keys to your house says NOTHING about your sexuality. My next door neighbor is a 70 year old African American woman and she has a key to my house – what does that tell you? Nothing? Exactly. He had gay men on his tour? He had STRAIGHT people too!!! Gay people are not generally so bigoted, at least not more than anyone else, that they only hire other gay people – they DO hire the best people for the job, from what I've seen. Jesus, I don’t know where you’re reading this stuff, but it’s frankly bigoted and outrageous. Dahlstrom having a key is weird?? So, because John is gay Clay must be too – apparently because gay men are ONLY friends with other gay men or only employ gay men? How insulting. John was an employee, why wouldn’t he have a key? How do you explain Kristy living there? Or Nick? Clay is very giving and loving with his FRIENDS. So, can Jimmy Kimmel no longer be Clay’s friend now that Clay is out of the closet?? Can my brother have no male friends who are straight?? Do you see where I’m having trouble here?

    You may feel beat up over this subject and I’m very sorry if you’re struggling, but God, I’m appalled. Nothing personal, Play, and I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but this is just way out there. My gay brother gave keys to his house to his straight neighbors – does that mean he’s really straight?? He despises the gay male couple that live up the block, does that mean he’s really straight?? Um, no. They are *people* who he doesn’t like for reasons that he’s explained to me. Being gay is not a club where everyone loves each other any more than all straight people love each other. I’m going to a lesbian fundraiser for Obama next weekend – does that mean I’m secretly gay?

    Quick explaination: , I was not posting here because I wanted to not say somethings - things I am still not going to discuss. I was recently told I should defend myself and not depend on other people, so I had to search to see what the heck it was -

    So I am a bigot for the key thing? - did you really read the entire post? I was mocking the people with the tour comment, I thought that was obvious. Guess it was not so obvious, but Jesus, really - I can't be that bad a communicator! I am floored. Did everyone read it that way? Becuase if they did, I must stop posting anywhere immediately. Why do you think I said I was pissed at the person posting that comment?

    Of course, it was not the key thing alone there was a whole bunch more to the John with a key coming over to clean Clay's bedroom, etc. I am sorry, other people have keys to my house but they don't come over and clean my bedroom. There was even more to that story, but I don't remember it in detail, just the impression it left on me, don't remember which Clack piece it is in, don't have the years it would take to find it and I don't like to discuss what I don't remember clearly when I am apparently so offensive because - god forbid - the least bit of a shadow of a doubt cannot exist that what was posted was not the whole story. You do realize I am not the best communicator in the world. Tactless, often, rude, sure, but deliberately intollerant? - Stereotyping - well, there is alot of that going around on a lot of different topics.

    I hate the OFC, I see so much jumping on people in both directions without giving anyone an ounce of doubt - no - it is instant reaction and retaliation. I think that is not civilized, but I find when I go there it is hard not to do that and carry it to other places and it plays with your mind. Most of what I do at the OFC is now in PM, you would be shocked at the number of people who have small issues and want to talk but don't want to be attacked and trashed and held in contempt and get the bitchy PMs I get from other people. And then there are the "helpful" people who come in the thread that was separated out and supposed to be only for people with issues and those with support and then proceed to rip everyone there a new one. I try and get those removed as soon as possible, but apparently the mods don't want to delete the lesser offensive ones because then people start complaining about being deleted. Yes, there are OTT in that thread, but guess what, there are OTT in the other threads and here too and on every board in the fandom. But there are some good people with real issues they are trying to work out (hidden between the the OTT), and everytime someone resolves their issues, there is a resounding cheer for them. It is sad that there are so many people voyuering there and only taking back the crazy and pretending the normal does not exist. I know people from a lot of different boards and a few of them are there, is it wrong to be there for them? Of course, there is someone who comes in and prays for the people there everyday, a nice person, but not my kind of thing. What is keeping me sad now is the fact that just about the only person who understands and has compassion is Clay, there is far too much jumping to conclusions and smacking back and forth, drives me nuts and makes me want to run screaming to the amazing race boards where people are less "possessive" of being right. The only right is inside each person and they have to determine what it is, not have it forced upon them or be judged for their personal opinions. I have never seen any group of people try to drive so many other people away - how many fans will Clay have left after the next purge and the one afte that? There will always be another reasonto want to get rid of other fans. When he is left with the 1 perfect fan will it be anyone you know? OTT by CDs, OTT go to concerts, I don't have to like every fan in the fandom. I have said it would be better without a or b, but after the last sales figures, I have been working on being more tolerant.

    Oh well, I have to get up in an 1/2 hour might as well go to bed. But I repaired my washing machine and have clean clothes at least. I hope to be finished with the house this week, although the painter is trying to get me to let him painting two more rooms- but he has a bad back and I have to move everything. I am so tired. This weekend, it is remodeling at the beach! I am so broke. Gues I might as well get back to moving things backto the kitchen, almost done with that.

    Have fun you lazy people with jobs.

  8. Well, I am a bit surprised. I just caught up to Jaymes' long post and I am really surprised, but I do believe i found my burnt puppy. I didn't expect it, I thought it would be something impossible like Clay asking us to support PH with his arms around him, but I do believe it was Jaymes indicating that anyone who has any problem with this article is a homophobe or feel incredibly entitled. I realize that anyone not having issues would not read it that way, but it seemed pretty damn clear to me, but why not join in on the bashing on people who had any doubts. Let's not give us time to get used to a 90 degree change in "official boards" direction, nope, lets just outright insult anyone who has any problem. Enjoy your marriages to Jaymes, I am not thrilled with her off the cuff. i don't think I will read anymore.

    "they are upset to mask their discomfort.................<snip> .there is NO OTHER LOGICAL explanation for such a justification of anger or hurt." I guess anyone can get bitchy at the fan club.

    All righty-then. Granted I am neither hurt nor angry, but I am out of sorts, hard to explain, but I feel out of step with the fandom. Maybe it was addessing the nasties, but it comes out accusing all. It was like with the baby thing, it took a few days to adjust reality. I guess I move to slowly to keep up. It really would have been very simple for me if the order of the announcements were reversed. I wasted way too much time thinking about this stuff.

    I am tired and really don't need to read anymore of this stuff. I fell tired and beaten and in a funny way, abused. I honestly don't know how anyone read all of this since I only got to 4 p.m. Oddly enough, now I have been brought to tears for the first time. Maybe they will ban me from the fan club for quoting. whatever. I have to get up in 5 hours anyway.

    ETA I have not spent any time in swamps or e-mailing or what ever, but I did do one post I wish I could take back a few weeks ago to someone who wandered into a Clay thread to trash him about the baby. Can't go back there any more.

  9. ETA:
    like Dahstrom having the key to the house,
    huh? What the heck is THIS all about? (and why/how would we even know something like this? )

    Oh, Clay or Kim said it once in an interview in 2004. I just remember thinking how oddly it was stated, that is all.

    I am not reevaluating things, I just wanted to say that when something I thought was odd came up I was explained to. There were lots of good reasons too, I can't remember them, but I remember saying, Oh, OK.

    I am a little obsessive about people having the key to my house and have had the locks changed a few times. I gave one to a neighbor once in case of emergency when I went on vacation. Aparently the emergency was she ran out of liquor because my house was cleaned out of anything alcoholic when I got back home. I took it back from her and gave it to the elderly people on the other side because they thought my house had scarey steps, heh.

  10. I have to admit being pissed at someone, not sure who , who claimed that Clay was giving us hints all along like having gay men on his tour. Uh, I thought they were on the tour because they were talented - stupid me.I can't imagine that Clay would ever not want to put on the best show ever.instead of accomodate friends. Nuts. Obviouusly that is not why I got the hints.

    Actually, every time I thought something was odd, like Dahstrom having the key to the house, someone would convince me I was wrong, so there you go. As bad as my perception was, I had help, heh.

  11. Well, I am only up to 2 PM, I am moving everything out of my Kitchen for painting. It seems like Idid that just a short while ago.

    still have more to do, and then I have to wash the wood to get it ready for painting.

    For what I saw, there are some unreasonalbe things, I agree with the strangest people and I still do not feel free to explain why I don't likethe baby inthe same story as coming out. I have my reasons andthey are reasonable, but there is a lot of judgementalism and attacking going on in that thread, including at least one deliberate misparaphrasingto make something sound worse.

    Still have to be up at 7,so I don't know if I will ever get caught up.

    Have not gotten to the long post. I need to read in order Damn that TWOP training!!!

  12. Excuse me, , from a non-republican, all sides lie, you have to be educated enough t to know the truth to see if there is a lie or not. And you have to make a value judgement about the lie if it is important or just fluff. Fluff doesn'matter and everyone lies about sex to someone, usually their partner, in the majority of times, most other people don't care.

    Note: this was from early on in the posting and most of this was from what I read yesterday - I really have to get on with my life too much todo here: I found Clayandr a bit flippant and I find most posters in that thread oppressive. They say you should state your honest opinion, but if it does not agree with theirs, you are criticized and made fun of or, worse yet, they try and "fix" it. Tolerance is a wonderful thing when it is applied to both sides of an issue. A lot of the bullies in the thread full of sunshine are the dark angels of criticizing Clay normally. Very odd. just because someone does not understand another person's issue does not give them the right to tell people how to think or feel or even to redefine what they are saying into something completely different. Mark my words, this has not sunk in for many people and there will be some residual reactions. As I said my issue is being tired of the drama and not liking the particular way this is being handled, the drama is rarely Clay's fault (exception in this case) but it is exhausting. He has every right to have drama in his life and I have every right not to like it. Just the way things are, not going to change anything, just need time and a mental adjustment.

    I understand about the religious person who is being bitchy, but this is normal behavior for her, much like Cap not liking Clay's hair, you just assume it. I find few people on anyside tactful at the OFC, my jaw drops in both directions I believe most people who have normal issues are staying silent because they are being treated like shit or they expect to be.

    At least that is what they say in PM. ETA At another board.

  13. Look, I just said it would be my preference if the orientation story came out before the baby story. It is not like I have a say or expected to have one. It would have just made it easier FOR ME to understand the baby thing, which is still kind of confusing to me. Why? I think the child would be less teased in a Hollywood school where there is more open variety of parents than is suburban Raleigh where they may be the same variety of parents, but less open about it. I just think it is a complex and odd way to raise a child. It is an opinion and not a judgement. Now my mind was opened to several possibilities with the baby story, which was way too much work for this weary brain and it would have been easier for me if the story order was different. My mind has to stretch and process new information while dealing with several different workmen, remember, I don't like change? My house is all quiet colors and subued furniture. The only odd touch is my non-clay poster collection.

    Who lied: I know Kim and Ruben were asked consistantly for several years after idol about Clay, we know about Kim and I suspect Ruben would not be in the dark for long. He did know about the Baby before the paparrazzi caught and asked him about it. Kim was asked about Clay less than a year ago by PH on a TV interview fans burned her for doing. Then there was Tyra 2 years ago, but who knows what she knows, she only spends a ton of her time with gay men and could proably burt stereotypes like crazy.

    I don't understand why it is such a big deal to out people, instead of letting everyone choose their own time to do what ever. I really think that since many people have struggled with this, some people would have some decency with others struggling instead of trying to make a buck with a story or using them as an example. I guess I don't want to google today. I do not think most questions celebrities and evennew people you meet are asked are approrpiate (some people I was at a bus stop withkept asking me where I worked, I demrred and they kept pressing me until I lied to shut them up - I lied because i felt they were rude, not thta it is important or meaningful) and I don't understand why so many people are fascinated by others lives when our own lives are so complicated. I think this is why I always thought I was a bad fan because I just could not get with knowing every single thing others did. I could not get into insulting his mother, as I see some are still doing today, or attacking other idols because it was a competition (well, i did have a few lapses for a while when some one was rude first and still do when someone says their idol is better because of ABC, when some of what they said is not really true, just a rumor - gotta point it out.)

    I also just never got the "out of wedlock" thing and why people were upset about that - I always thought the term was for people who had sex together that resulted in a child, frequently raised by one parent, not people who had a child together. So I am still confused why people are upset about that, but maybe it has more to do with how religious your are and what religion.

    See, there is a lot of processing going on. I think I will take a quiet walk on the beach before I pack to go home. No cell phone, just me without the dog, thinking about erosion, rising water levels and other world wide ecological problems, but not the presidntial election, I am not strong enough for that right now.

  14. I don't think he ever lied, but I do think his friends did. Just an observation.

    ETA - in my love of sea chanties or maybe the experience ofthem when I needed some odd distraction in my life, it has taken me to odd places in reading about the origin of many of the songs and following Oscar Brand. It meant I learned a lot more about "blue" history than I had any need to know and one thing it sort of convinced me of is that there are all kinds of love in all sorts of weird forms and that monogomy is more or less a modern thought forced by governing organizations - long ago orgies had everyone one doing everthing in no specific order and with a combination and permutations of people and other stuff which altered my way of looking at sexuality a long long time ago, for other people, heh. In a funny way, even reading about the wild live of pack animals (OK, it was mostly a dog book) seemed to fit right in. Clay is way boring compared to reading that stuff.

    I just don't want to hear from Adric or what ever his TWOP name was. Doesn't matter if he was right, he was annoying.

  15. I am still in the place with a mish mash of emotions. I feel he has done this backwards. I wish he could have come out with OMWH, then announced the baby, then whatever. I think it would have made a great deal of sense to combine the announcement with the new album and it would have been an easy go with the flow for me. I feel resentful that I had to go through months of shipping with Jaymes, and I fully expect to hear about new shipping with every guy in Spamalot. I really dislike shipping in general, except maybe with Parker because we know that is a real relationship.

    I am just not comfortable with combining this announcement with the baby pictures. For some reason, it really sits wrong with me. And I hope this is not the offical promtion phase II. I will work through this, but right now it annoys me for reasons I don't exactly have a handle on beyond doing it in the wrong order as defined by myself.

    Of course, it also makes me think about all the vitrol pointed at Kim Locke by many fans and how even under distress, she kept it secret, even through her interview with PH. Though Clay did not lie directly to us, many many of his friends did, especially Kim over and over and over in interviews where she was supposed to be promoting herself. I am not sure how that works for her now and if other fans will resent that or will give her a little more slack, not that they have to become fans.

    Well, off to make a huge salad and clean up the place again - now that I have all this crap here in the trailer, there is less room for me and Holly, Holly who wants her 7 walks a day at the beach and so far we only had one.

    Scarlett, check airfares on weekly specials - they often have weekend specials between Newark and Texas, heh, for like $99. Or Newark and North Carolina, but you can't plan on seeing them, they just pop up.

  16. I got an email from a friend who said someone had posted (somewhere) that she wasn't going to look for Waldo anymore since it's gay.

    I just can't stop laughing.

    What did the bitch think she was going to DO with Waldo????

    ETA: I'm drinking a big cup of tea so that I'll have to get up and pee at 4AM PST (which, I believe is 7AM, EST).



    Maybe she was going to pet CG's cat.

    Remind me to set up several note pads. I wrote a very long post explaining how some things surprise you and lost it.

    Let's just say, I have been drama'd out by the fans first and now by Clay. I need a long nap, no one told me a simple little reality show was going to exhaust me several years later. I need a break.

  17. A good photoshopper could take the picture of Baby Clay and the head off a fan photo and make a nice picture of Clay and baby.

    Just saying. I just cannot believe how many people in the fandom assume this is true because they see a picture. Didn't wee see webcam pictures of Clay and other crazy things - for all we know, he could have paid off Fountaindog's mortgage and had her do the cover. There seem to be too few people keeping an open mind about this in the great Clay world.

    Note: I am not picking on Fountaindog (although I have been known to tease her on stuff), just complimenting her on her photoshop work, I don't believe any money would get her to do this.

  18. It says October 5th or 6th. But it has coverage of the emmy gowns, but, but, but, I was just on the people site and the next issue is going to be coverage of the emmy gowns.

    The other story is the DJ AM story, but, but, but that is this weeks story. It is covered on the People site right now.


    does it say 8th? I could not quite make it out. I really thought it was 5th or 6th. Luckily the other stories are printed in bigger print.

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