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Posts posted by playbiller

  1. So the NYT had a story about the one guy who stayed Surfside. When they found him he was drunk. Then they had a homeless guy who decided to stay in Galveston but decided to go to a shelter too late and didn't make it to the shelter and rode the hurricane out under a park bench. o story on the ship yet. Still looking, but it seems people survived in Galveston. The surge was 7 feet less than predicted and the strom was not as strong as predicted, I wonder if theies means fewer will leave next time?

    Well, whether fans like or dislike Clay's choices no arguing that they are his choices to make. I think refusing to discuss his sexual preference made it a little bit less ofa story, he would have been mocked mercilessly if he had gone on TV and said I AM STRAIGHT! without providing a girl friend and if he had provided a girlfriend, she would have been mocked mercilessly as well. As she would today. I thin Clauy is not about dragging people into his personal hell, he does not even believe in residing in that place himself, so he takes it all out of the equation, "argue among yourselves, but leave me out of it" seems to be his philosophy.

  2. Maybe Clay taking responsibility for another adult can convince some fans he can take care of himself (and his career). I do believe some people are caught in time where he needs some baby sitting.

    Hopes and good wishes for those we have not heard from. I think the electricity being restored as several weeks is for the most outlying areas. Houston is a big city and they lost a lot of transformers and some ofthe power plants are inaccessible.

    Did anyone cover that ship that was stranded in the gulf?. This is likethe headless chicken story from when we were children. Every day there would be a story for 5 days about a chicken whose heads cut off and it got up and was running around. It kept saying and the chicken is still alive, and the chicken is still alive. and thent he stories stopped. At no point was there a story the chicken died. I was 7 and I searchedthe paper forthe chicken story and they never covered it. I came to the conclusion taht I was to make an assuption it was no longer news because the chicken died. But a floating freighter should still be big news.

  3. What about PerusingBro's basement? Gee, the SE corner was hit pretty bad, how was the wind? I thought you evacuated to much further north.

    When we had the great floods in NJ in the 80's, more damage was done by people pumping their basement's dry, while the water presure in the ground was still strong and the basement walls collapsed. They would have been better if they left the waster in the basements. The houses had to be trashed after that.

  4. Those figures are from 2007 and do not include any of the individual contributions or a lot of the BAF initiatives like annual auctions of various groups and small fund raisers. It just includes what I could track down and get figures on. After a while, people started sending me figures to include, which was helpful. It took a while to assemble. I guess I should have been tracking this year. I know the CB founded a camp+ early this year, I know it was not all Clay fans in the BCA/EB, but believe me, we did our part, when I was buuying things like posters and playbills, I spent a lot for just the stuff I sent out. Thanks for credit cards, float and quick paying fans and the people on CB bought a lot more!!! like hundreds of copies more a day! it will be hard to separate that stuff out.

  5. This is what I posted last year - and filed under the dumbest name!

    Well, adding in the new WFI total and he additiuonal figures that were provided by Poshpenny and from other sites, we have a new total. Sorry if this is too repetitve,there just seems to be moreand more money


    6 Degree's of Separation - $43,731.00 + $10,000 for being in the top 6


    Valentine Gifts: CH, CV, CB - $17,0289


    BAF gala - $333,238

    To Unicef - $181,783 for Afghanastan


    Kimberley Locke & Idol Friends - Clay's Shirt $4,020.00


    AYSTA5thG - $300,000 + $78,000 in matching pledges to the BAF

    Christmas present to Clay (heifers Int.) $180

    Ticketmaster BAF Auctions - $54,560.00


    Rosie's Gala: Building Dreams for Kids $5500

    WFI - $102,167

    This unknown entry? Not-A-Gala $15,912

    UNICEF Mexico - $110,000

    Good Search - 4735

    Empties for Cash (through May) - $2,428<-- need updated figure on this!


    Fan initiatives:

    Scrapping 4 Inclusion - 10,325.00

    the Kalamazoo book drive for Clay's Birthday that raised over $8,000 worth of books and credits

    Clayboard birthday gift $12,000 for BAF

    LemonAID Stand (minimum) - $1000

    Cruise'n 4 Inclusion - $2,107.00

    The Inclusion Bracelet - $4,326.00

    Jesse's baton/Classics Medley sheet music auction $3,231.00

    346 Our Friend Mikayla Books

    Striped Socks $1200

    Fan Pre-concert parties (3) - $8480 and probably a lot more = let me know if you raised money at a gala in 2007.

    Final Total over $1,313,672

    Not counting all the other gifts through the year,

    LA skating preparty 7000

    Houston summer preconcert party 1200

    Georgia Claymates preconcert party 2080

    I am sure it was much much more.

  6. I did that last year. for the year. But it was not nearly complete.

    CG, I was just goodsearching for some ofthe residents. Some of them are so screwed now - they are staying in onestory houses saying god will protect them or the couple that said it was too dangertous leaving with the last storm so they were going to stay in a 2 story apartment - they expect the water to be 2 stories.

    of course, there is on nurse who is supposed to be staying in her apartment on a high floor, of a suppsoedly safe building, We will see. The downtown is flooded now and that isthe buildings that survived 1900. It may be that they survived because there was not a seawall. It is sort of confusing.

    Seems like people are losing power, hope all are well.

  7. Did you see that there is a predictor of wind speeds on the website for that local Houston station where I posted the link. you put in your zip code and it tells you what to expect tonight, most of Houston it was like 85, unless you are on the east side.

    Power outages are going to be wide spread, they are just asking you to get in touch with the people you have to be in touch with now.

    Good luck

  8. here is streaming video from a local station

    Wow, why did CNN leave people on the island? One of the reporters said they did not want to be there, but it was too late to not.

    I saw the meteorologist in the studio saying that he didn't want the reporters to be there, but he was overruled. Was that what you saw? The reporter was just on, and again reiterated that they were staying in a very safe hotel. He didn't sound worried. I wouldn't want to be there, but those guys seems to get a big kick out of reporting during the hurricianes. He did say that it was getting dark and they were going to a safer location from which to report.

    I saw a reporter who said he really did not want to be there, but was assured they were safe.

    a big chunk of the facade of the "safe" hotel fell off exposing pipes and wires. The hurricane is not there yet. I hope they are safe.

  9. If you are going to evacuate, leave now - don't wait any longer, it is bad. geeze the storm is bigger than Texas. Ifyou anighbors have left, it would be a good idea if youdo as well. being alone in a bad storm is not good.

    Annabear's story reminded me of how my Mother fit in with my own personal luck since I worked in NYC most of my career. Living close, I knew people who were in the buildings, I worked with people who lost family, including one teen age boy who was called by his sister and didn't want to hang up the phone as if he could still have her after the connection was lost and we walked and worked in the stench for a week afterwards.

    I did contract work where the contracts were for 6 months at a time, but most companies extended it enough so I stayed for years. In 1998, my Mother was getting older, I had spent some time talking to her about an extreme operation her doctor wanted her to have, and finally took her to my own doctor. My doctor told my Mom she would die in a few years without the operation, but she would most likely die or be hospitalized for the rest of her life from the operation, the success rate was small. So, my Mother decided not to have the operation, but the thought of her limited time stayed in my mind. In 2000, I was in a nice cushy job where people liked me and in the the 5th year of working for them, when I was told I had to convert to an employee (at a greatly reduced salary) or find another job. Well, I found another job, it was a 6 month contract in the North tower, with renewal a distinct possibility. She seemed to be failing, seemed to have more memory problems, whcih she tried to hide. I decided to become an employee, take the pay cut and be 20 minutes from her house rahter than take the NYC job, where it would take me longer to get to her house. Two weeks after I became an employee she had a stroke and I got there quick enough to get her to a better hospital than where the local the ambulance would take her. My Mom recovered from the stroke, and we had her for another year before she passed on early 2001. I stayed in the same job as we processed the will and everyone was so thouhtful (before the merger, ick), it was easier not to change jobs at that point. So in a way, everything that happened then was all mashed together in my mind and hard to separate the parts.

  10. That is scarey - the beach is gone and waves are lapping at a high rise. People who didn't getout in time are being evacuated by helicopter, not exactly the cheap way. a few miles from the beach they say 70% evacuated. I hope taht is enough. I can't believe some people are trying to stay in Mobile homes. just thin tin cans. So easy to crush.

    Haiti is frightning, I don't understand how people sourvive some places. I wonder if they undercounted the dead there.

    be safe.

  11. Heh, I was the noisy neighbor inmy apartment. I livced on a top floor of a victorian - but nothing I could do was good enough, Get a rug - got a rug, don't wear shoes, I didn't wear shoes (often) inside. For some reason, it was as if my apartment magnified the noise. I was accused of playing guitar late in the night - didn't have a guitar. Was accused of making noise at 3 AM one night, I was on vacation in Mass...I do believe there was noise, I just think they had the direction wrong some of the time. maybe it was the ghost of other tennants. I think the whole place was just noisy - so after 12 years of complaints we bought a house and moved out - the landlord cursed me out for not giving them more than 2 months notice. They were the ones who would not renew the lease though.

    Noisy neighbors are not fun and I am really sorry forthe noise we made, it was not fair, and I do believe we made more than our share of noise, just not exactly the same noises as were reported. Oddly enough, I wasfriends with the people who lived on the first floor who complained about the people on the second. Heh.

    Congratulations Couchie, may you win better in the next neighbor lottery.

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