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Posts posted by playbiller

  1. Oooh, the third degree for a lurker - we are tough cookies, but inquiring minds need to know.

    I think it is cute to get excited at a sighting. Can't we be cute too, or is that just reserved for Clay.

    I thought Clay looked good on 5th grader. I think I tend toward finding heavier guys better looking. I would be making too many cookies and feedingthem to him that he would probably get diabetes if I knew him as a friend.

    I think the jaw thing is not retired, he was just under so much stress on TV tryingto figure out if he felt secure enough to chance the bet and get more camps and still haingthat guy talking to him in his ear while he was tgrying to think. I am surprised he didn't ask for a minute of silence so he could think.

    3 weeks until I see Clay, must remember to bring binoculars. I brought them down to the beach because it is dolphin migration time again through the month of Septemeber.

    Good thin I got to complain to Fear about my day, you are all spared my financial weirdities, just don't try and straighten out all the bank and credit card stuff in one day or you will want to stick your head in the oven..

  2. Of course I am looking forward to another plwy. I probably can't be tempted to recite lines fromthere, like you are stiing in the first row of a show you have seen too many times. Of course, the threats of the taunter and killer rabbit does help to hold the tounge.

    FYI - I think the Olympics did help sell some albums for Clay overseas. While sales in the US went up only 800 this week, sales estimated world wide seem to have gone between 2 or 3 thousand. I don't exactly remember what they were before, but it is definitely over 2000. So tyhatr is good news, they have him estimated at max sales of 178800, I think is was 176??? as the max sales before.

  3. Cute puppy, Couchie, don't let it ever go on TV. I am still in mywrath at Greatest American dog andthe abuse of the show allows and the "activist" judges seem to close a blind eye to!

    So, if you are bored, Luckiest, you can go over the the CBS boards and read the outrage of the viewers. It is not about Clay, but it had some people calling for PETA involvement and then some of the more intelligent board members explained that PETA has almost 100% euthenasia record on animals turned over to them and they are not pet friendly. Very interesting threads, too bad the most interesting thread is called "what if" instead of something like "you stupid people that support PETA".

    I am back on my you ignorant stars that support PETA because you think they like animals horse again, so just scroll past me if I go off on it again, I understand.

    Hmmm Clay stuff? Clay likes holding babies, all kinds of babies, I would guess he gets to do that a lot now and thus I believe he is happy, I think that is all that should matter to him right now. How I feel about Babies, is not the issue. ( I prefer older than toddlers to teens myself, but I don't have a a baby right now, hence, not my issue. Hey, I prefer humans that can talk to me - How much? Well my dog before actually started talking back to me in english because I talked to her so much and this one is starting to gently woof back, I think English is out of her reach though).

  4. Heh, I just realized the reason I feel a need to rearrange things/people is the same reason I like playing sorting games, just a love of order from the chaos that lives in my head.

    So, reading blogs is not so bad all the times, I was reading one about fantasy football and ran across this description

    Tim Robinson: This tall dark and hansom dude from Big Sky country finished second last season. In fact, it may have been his first ever season with a winning record. He lives in Montana during the off-season and says he loves the freedom of the hills and the fact that he can pee outside and no one cares. He loves stray dogs, Clay Aiken music and a spirited game of bad mitten.

    Is it just me who thinks he was being given a hard time?

    Eh, time for bed.

  5. Oh, Please, moving people to more suitable boards is only a small dream. I used to want to change people's jobs to more suitable ones, I played around with my own staff and drovethem crazy (actually they all loved the chance to do something new and the challenges I gave them, so that when I had a problem, they usually dug in and helped out when they didn't have to do it. I encouraged the very few unhappy people to get another job and offered to give them appropriate recommendations, never had to fire anyone), but dreamed about promoting and demoting others around me and then when you start thinking of rearranging married couples, it is down right power madness.

    Some people I would move off Clay boards and on to the idols they really like, let them criticize others and see how that goes over with other fans,heh. Some people I would move to an insane asylum, others to a better hairdresser so they cold feel better about themselves and off the computer, then some people I would move to the most eeeeingest board becasue they really just need a place to eee and some cant really do well with criticism, some I would isolate so they could spew among their own kinds and others I would move closer to me. There are happy people who are not appereciated and unhappy people that are not appreciated where they are either, it is like staying stuck in a marriage because it seems to traumatic to change, some people can thrive anywhere and that is fantastic for everyone. Life is a challenge, it gets harder when you start thinking which mooderators you would move around becaause some seem more suited to other boards.

  6. Ome of the things that amuses me is the sadness and regret when Clay finished at Spamalot and how many people wished they could go back in time to then, that was the majorit posters, now it seems reversed, like why is he going back, heh,. I should go back and check if it is the same people or if posters just take turns in their unhappiness. Like if you are happy, you have nothingto say.

    Let me say - I am happy, Clay will be back in Spamalot, I can visit with lots of people who will come to the show, I can see Clay with out too much trouble, I can listen to his album as I drive to the show, the album I love every song on, yes, that one.Now, If I can only get the things fixed that I need fixed, I will be happy. I have to order a sink and have it delivered and then hire someone to put it in. You would think it was easy, but it has to be timed right.

  7. Hey! I am not the only person who has problems with Explorer - will wonders never cease! I have 6 browsers on my computer - no single browser can do everything, well partly because it is an old computer and a lot of software demands more memory that I can handle, so I open one browser to read my e-mail since they have one to a new type of software (&*%^&^$%$#& bastards!) and onther if I want to play games and antoher to read a certain board........ and back to an old non-supported version that lets me read message boards.

    Moderation is a tricky thing - it is mostly done by amatuers and volunteers, as if you couldn't tell, that probably don't understand the TOU better than any of us. I have no fear of heavy moderation, I posted enough on children's boards and one oversensitive one with a language filter that makes things pretty funny - don't ever try talking about your blue ribbon winning country fair prized cock, you would be shocked at what prints out, heh. It is more a problem when certain posters are prized more than others and the tilt in moderating just opinions when yours is not in the moderators favored version. Now, while I say that, I have to admit most mods have given me more leeway than other posters have received, with the exception of one who tried to drive me from the board when they could not ban me for anything I said cause it was not rude or insulting or even an opinion, I just asked simple questions like can I have a source becaue I knew she wanted to get me out of there - bitch - hee. Well, TWOP is the exception because I believe their mods are paid and are extremely opinionated and bitchy.

    I do think we are influenced by the boards we hang around. I try and alter my posts to each environment, but am not always successful. I do still post on strict boards because I have friends there and to keep in practice. On one board that some people dislike, I have written to the mods directly and asked them to ban people and they did 3 times in the last year on my request. I do think posting on Sucks can affect your mindset to accept more offensive posts, you get used to it, while on others you have to tip toe so much you may never actually get to the message across. Obviously it is just how I feel about it and I understand others can enjoy things. I do note that negativity tends to cluster together and the people who are unhappy tend to post in groups. I also know that there are back channel boards where attacks or group postings are planned - and you might be surprised at just how many there are and how many boards are subject to these attacks.. People like to think the board they post on is the most intelligent one and the only reasonable one, but there are lots of good people out there on a lot of boards, some misguidedly in the wrong place for them (sometimes I want to move posters around from board to board and get them in the right place, but realize how fake god like this wish is, not my job and way to egotistical) and good ideas can be found in a lot of places.

    What is interesting to me is the way that some nastiness can be passed off as an opinion. You can have an opinion without being offensive. I think choice of words has a lot to do with it - we were going to have a discussion period about this one, but I either missed it or it didn't happen. A lot of manners is adjusting to the sensibilities to those around you, if you are in a bunch of cursing blowhards, cursing is totally appropriate, but if you are near virgin ears, not so much, There is a big difference between saying you don't care for a particular look and saying Clay looks like shit. The fact that people believe they have a right to free speech but don't recognize that you can't yell fire in a theater (if it is not a fact, but an opinion, heh). Sometimes insulting Clay in a forum where people do not use the same wordage, is like crying fire, it is deliberate stirring of the turd, that may or may not be deliberate. Part of civilization is adapting our behavior to others around us, maybe I should become tougher and come out swinging, maybe not.

    Maybe the problem is a lot of groups formed during the eeeeing years and have now settled into people being themselves and, well, we are very different people. <-----heh, what couchie said

    That is why I feel it is neccessary to wander about to differnet places. But during the worst of the storms now, you will probably find me in a non-Clay thread - Anyone seen the Great American Dog last night - anyone wipe a tear?

  8. Um. Pkmiller, some of us believe honest journalists and reporters without agendas are a bit more rarer than dodo birds. There may be some out there, but for the most part, I have not encountered them. So, while it may be good advice, many will do just the opposite.

    I realized I many have insulted some people with family members who are reporters, but it doesn't count if they have not crossed my radar.

  9. So.... if K'andre does not post in a few hours, how do we send out a rescue team? I didn't know you could go to the consulate for translations. I thought you only called them if you were in jail or something, nothing an FCAer would have to worry about.

    Very courageous about going to the bird market, wasn't that one of those places where the bird flu started? But then again, the US government declared Jersey tomatoes a source of food poisoning and made the farmers destroy their crops when, whoops, it turned out to be from Mexican peppers.

    Keeps those "cards and letters" coming, I am hooked on the vicarious adventure

  10. Moving was never my thing, I have a great deal of inertia. That people can drive you to move because they are rude and oblivious is bad. I was in my apartment for 12 years with mostly the same owners and fellow residents, my parents lived in the same house from when I was 6 until they died. This is my only house and I have not had many different neighbors in mumblety mump years, and so far only one I can't stand to talk to or deal with. Now, if I can only stop getting their packages and mail, so I have to bring them to them.

    Good luck in your replacement hunt.

    So is moving a good way to have to clean out stuff? I really should get rid of that wool jumper from Junior high and the man's polyester leisure suit (I kept it for blackmail until I forgot it was their) that are in the attic with the other clothes from my past in the attic along with too much stuff.

  11. I have been reading at IDF again and it seems like they are going for people who had record contracts again and failed. Sheesh, isn't it easty enough to pick someone who hasn't already failed?

    Anyway, now they are getting people who had records out last year and failed! Come one - I guess this makes the business easier, the people havethe agnets and stuff set up already, etc.

    The reports from the auditions are pretty much people are getting marked before doing the 30 second tryouts (level 1) and they know who to pass through. Well, the example they gave was the girl who was propased to on the center of the floor just before her audition, but these others witho extensive resumes seem to be getting through.

    Definitely not going for belters this year.

  12. heh, lunch break from packing and getting ready to go to dinner and then home. I hope I get a lot done before the rain and the dog has to come inside and will lay on the bed I just desanded and straightened out. At least tere is no wet laundry today.

    Some day, you can probably hear that song sung by someone else. it won't be a good and people will probably pepper radio stations with illeagal copies of the show, heh.

    Since this place seems half Canadian now, does that mean we have to discuss Canadian politics as little as US politics?

    OK, gotta let the dog in, the thunder is getting to her.

    Quick note - Spamalot down another 10%, I think it is 20th in grosses now and a new discount coupon good from today until Sept 18th has shown up with $59 orchestra tickets.

  13. Just checking Youtube before logging off and guess what countries like my latest videos?

    Clay's house tour

    United States 0.1

    Estonia 0.02

    Peru 0.01

    South Korea 0.01

    Canada 0.01

    Hong Kong SAR China 0.01

    Japan 0.0

    Germany 0.0

    United Kingdom 0.0


    Your video is most popular in these countries/states.

    United States 0.15

    Slovenia 0.05

    Estonia 0.05

    New Zealand 0.03

    Canada 0.03

    Peru 0.02

    Croatia 0.02

    Japan 0.02

    Czech Republic 0.01

    Denmark 0.01

    I wonder what this means?

    Ah, it is if you change the time period, it just does that time period, the Estonian person is apparently a new fan! Look at that an NJU story without a person attatched

  14. K'andre and Scarlett, sounds like you are having a terrific time...wondering what "exhibitionistic tendancies" is all about...can't wait to find out.


    since Scarlett has a penchant for changing in open convertibles and changing infront of open windows. I assume the hotel has floor to ceiling windows. Mind, you, Scarlett says thee are not herchoices of changing rooms, but just how things work out.

    You can be playful in a room with people who 's response can be guaged and the schtik changed as needed. On a CD, you are sending music out to invisible people, you need to take it seriously.

  15. HMMM, wonders if he Hong Kong hotel is all glass, so Scarlett does not need to look for windows?

    If you use a clothes dryer or know someone who does, please see my post at this link. (GO straight to the last item if you don't want to read it all.)


    EATA: LOL In case you are wondering why I am sounding defensive about NOT using my dryer much, it is because every time I tell someone from North America that I don't use a clothes dryer much, they are shocked and horrified that I am living in the dark ages....

    in the summer, I like to hang out things that take a long time to dry in the dryer like quilts, towels, (rugs, long story), jeans, etc. Never underwear. I have had two neighbors that have come by to inqure if my dryer is broken, one almost every time she notices I hung laundry out, she keeps offering to let me use hers. I don't understand the problem as there is no underwear out there, just nice square pieces for the most part. you see, I am thrifty and these things take a long time to dry. I replied to the link about the dryer, there are more than one problem people ignore.

    Clay news? I was reading an article that I did not savethe link of, where they were talking about the lackluster sales for the show starring katie Holmes and talked about how the producers hoped to bring in crowds like with stars like Mario Lopez and Clay Aiken. I kind of laughed because mario did not bring that much of a bump to Chorus line, much like Drew Lachey did not bring that much of a bump to Spamalot. Guess the dancing with stars group don't do broadway.

    i did do an analysis ofthe figures I brought here on Spamalot and found that before Clay and after Clay Spamalot ranked 15th in gross, With Clay it ranked an average of 8th, with some bumps up to 5th, and with Drew ans Stephen Collins it got a bump up to 14th. I used ranking instead of actual gross to rate it in proportion to the rest of Broadway and the fluctuations of weather, strikes and other outside effects.

    ETA - quite brave of your MIL to live so far out of the city at her age, Iseeme. She must have really loved her home, and that is a good thing.

  16. Heh, forget the filter, the tube to the outside is where most of the fire tart. disconnect that sucker and vacuum it clean every 6 months or so. I don't use dryer sheets unless i have a lot of lint, but there is always lint build up in the tube. Actually, I always have a lot of lint and that probably keeps my filter clean, the little dog hairs that prick through the mesh.

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