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Everything posted by FearofH2O

  1. I ran into a neighbor today and mentioned what a beautiful day it was. She said yes, it is so much warmer. I said no, it's a beautiful day. It finally dawned on her what I meant and she agreed. There was something warm and hopeful about today. I especially hope the name calling will be at a minimum. It is so childish. Another good thing happened today, I got a date set for my second Coronavirus vaccination. We will all get there eventually. Love your comment on the dress merrieeee.
  2. Weird comment I read in an article about Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18 year old who shot and killed two BLM protesters. He was seen drinking in a bar with some Proud Boys. Anyway they were singing "Proud of You Boy", supposedly their theme song. What a waste of a beautiful song.
  3. Wednesday started out great for me. We went to get our first covid vaccine shot. Easy peasy. Coming home we heard about the riots at the capital. Spent the rest of the afternoon watching them unfold on tv in horror. Definitely ochlocracy merrieeee. What a mess this country is in. In the evening, seeing Lindsay Graham redo himself once again, I just laughed so hard. Who is he kidding? I am so looking forward to a life I remember before March 2020.
  4. I hope you all had a happy holiday. We got busy making gift bags for 16 of our neighbors as well as gifts for sons and granddaughter. My husband made rum balls and bourbon balls while I made pecan pralines. Unfortunately I haven't eaten sweets for over 2 years so I didnt get to try anything. We didnt have anyone in our home but dropped off gifts to my son and granddaughter who live nearby. We chatted for a few minutes in their driveway and talked to our son who lives on the other coast.
  5. Loved the segment of the View with the choir teacher. Didnt see it on TV as I was out shopping for a few things at 10. But I did watch it on YouTube. It was very touching. Perfect for this year to help make us forget the political devisiveness going on in our country. For a few minutes at least.
  6. Good luck wfm200 . I have two huge bins of Clay paraphernalia. Someday I'll have to clean it out too. I've been helping my son clean up for when my granddaughter returns home. Her room was a big mess. It rained an unbelievable amount so of course his house flooded. What a mess. I went when he was at work so I wouldn't have to wear a mask all the time. I don't see them except outside and with a mask on. Brought them some Thanksgiving dinner I made. I'm on the board at our HOA so we had a meeting on my deck. We all wore masks . A week later one of them called me to say that she had tested positive for Covid. She had no symptoms. Fortunately we are all fine two weeks later. Several of the board members hate Zoom so I don't know what we will do for our next meeting. Anyway just to explain where I've been.
  7. Mik4clay, hope your case of Bell's Palsy is very mild. I have never had it but knew others who did.
  8. You guys really are moving along. I voted absentee and turned both our votes into the board of elections. Within a day or two I got a text from the board of elections as well as ballottrax saying my return had been accepted. Since we have a Democratic governor (Roy Cooper) we have Democratically run board of elections. Everyone I know who voted in person said they were out in no time. A lot of early voting sites which are open seven days a week. Like Clay I am a big Roy Cooper fan. When he was attorney general his department helped me get double my money back from an organization that was putting charges on my credit card monthly without my knowledge. Welcome Mik4clay. It's great that you came back to Clay. Since the pandemic started, I had to let go of our cleaning lady and because of my husbands health problems I am cleaning the house, the yard, paying bills, chauffeuring and cooking meals. I am also our HOA's treasurer and social director. Add to that taking on my granddaughter's dog and I don't have much of a life. But I do keep busy. I am enjoying a lot of Netflix series. I hope you all are hanging in there, We will overcome this with a new president. 🤞
  9. Listened to the podcast and really enjoyed it despite not agreeing with the guests politically. Clay is really good at directing the conversation. They admitted that there are some racist conservatives. Clay talks about when he was stopped by the police. Not sure I could handle it as he did.
  10. I really enjoyed the podcast this week. Clay had a time getting them to "just get along". Laughed out loud several times.
  11. OK here in NC. I'll feel better if and when cases start declining a little. TV puts me to sleep, although I enjoyed the 2020 graduation program. My granddaughter graduates this year. Haven't seen her since early March. Her school has a graduation of sorts planned. If we didn't have her dog for me to walk twice a day I'm not sure I would see anyone. As it is I see the bikers, runners and other dog walkers from a distance. The pool isn't opening so I walk her around the grounds there once in a while. Health wise we are doing well. I am beginning to feel that this is all I will have for the rest of my life. Started a garden and otherwise just cooking and cleaning.
  12. Went to see Drowsy in Raleigh at least 2 times. Last time we sat in front row. Loved it each time. Not sure I can get there this time.
  13. I seem to be getting really lazy. Miss having someone clean my house. Miss going out to eat. We did an Easter parade on Saturday. Decorated hats and decorated dogs. We walked around the neighborhood and greeted people who we haven't seen in a while who were sitting outside their houses. We have 55 houses in our community and about 30 of us walked around with about five or six dogs. We are pretty close knit because we have so many social events except for now.
  14. Hope everyone is healthy. The days seem to go so fast, I don't even pretend to get much done except the basic necessities: wake up, shower , walk the dog, eat breakfast, wash some clothes and before I know it it is lunchtime. So groundhog day for me too merrieeee.
  15. Sorry about your oven. I've been using mine like crazy during the extended stay at home. Now it's been over85 degrees the last few days and the microwave works almost as well. You can tell I really love to cook.
  16. Yikes. No way would I kiss our dog. She's sweet but I see where her mouth goes and it's not pretty. Nice of Clay to talk to "us".
  17. I'm fine except for allergies. Never had them but I guess walking the dog twice a day keeps me outside more. Yesterday over 80 degrees so I worked outside. All trees blooming and still haven't picked up leaves from Fall. We are self quarantined except for walking in the neighborhood. Always someone to talk to. So it's also a social event. I am behind in Clay's podcasts. Hope to catch up this weekend. Hope everyone else is doing well.
  18. NC just closed every school for two weeks. They will do relearning and cafeterias will be open for breakfast and lunch. They will also give out loaner computers for those who don't have any.
  19. Cute pictures. Glad to see Clay getting involved again.
  20. I'm glad it wasn't anything they couldn't treat. I'm sure it really scared you.
  21. Haven't had any snow in our part NC this year so far. Expect to be near 70 this weekend. My daffodils are coming up already before the camellias bloom. Hope you remember how to drive in this stuff ninna.
  22. Happy New Year a few days late. Like Clay I am hoping it will be a better year. Planning on going to the Gala this spring. Got some awesome tickets to the Men's' short program at the US Championships in a few weeks. Got some pretty close to the rink seats. Would have gone to some more programs but not crazy about driving much at night. Now if Clay was performing nearby I would be willing to drive to more than one show. Felt my age this year decorating in the house and lights outside. Everything is back up in the attic except for a small tree I forgot about. I'll get it put away tomorrow.
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