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Posts posted by keldanker

  1. I found some pictures re the flap flip: Do those who are upset about this realize that he changed suits during the taping? The first jacket had pockets that were angled. The second jacket had straight pockets. Are we to believe that the flap was unclipped on both jackets? Or is it just possible that the ding dang mic pack was bulkier than usual which caused the flap to flip? And who really cares anyway?

  2. My, my, there were a lot of pages to catch up on this morning.

    Let's see: I was at the taping in Vegas and had a great side view, soooo I knew about the back flap and the mic pack kind of ruining the line of his suit jacket. Big deal! Thought he looked great (not puffy) and sang great, just a little raspy a couple of times (not lip synching, heh). Plus he was really cute. :hubbahubba:

    I'm going to try to follow the rules on these questions, but my answers could be different depending on when you asked and what time of day, mood, etc. So here goes:

    Favorite Recorded Clay song: Lover All Alone

    Favorite Live Performance: I Can't Make You Love Me/Indianapolis JBT

    Favorite Tour: JBT

    Well, that is just too hard because I can think of multiple answers for the first two questions. The favorite tour question was quite easy, but there are elements of all the tours I like and special memories like experiencing JNT05 in Raleigh.

    The Unicef pictures of Clay with the kids are just wonderful. Its great that he is getting some press coverage. Hopefully, he will be able to do some of the morning news shows from NYC after his return.

    I never really worry about whether or not I like his hair cut and color. He changes it so often that it does not really matter.

    Couchie, I spend every day with multiple small children. Sometimes I never want to see one again. However, that picture of Clay with the little boy hugging his neck does do something to me.

  3. Not caught up (as usual), but wanted to say thanks for the birthday wishes. And how nice to share my birthday with wandacleo, who I got to meet in Las Vegas.

    Sat. morning I did not think I was going to go to Williamsport, but my sweetheart of a dh upon seeing how upset I was, said, "Let's go." So we did. DD#2 who was supposed to go with me, decided she had too much studying to do and opted to stay home.

    Since I was behind in reading the board I didn't know the FCAers were meeting after the concert. Probably would have been awkward for me to leave dh anyway since he was so wonderful about driving me. We had no trouble getting out of there this morning and driving the 3 hours home.

    Scarlett, you were in the row behind me a few seats to my right in Williamsport.

    When we arrived home this afternoon, dd#1 and sil were here in the process of baking me a birthday cake and fixing a lovely dinner. I was gifted with the new Josh Groban Christmas CD (heh) and a little pair of binoculars for better viewing of certain things. After dinner and cake and gifts, we all decorated the Christmas tree while listening to said JG CD.

    All in all, a very nice weekend.

  4. Hi y'all. I'm way behind. Don't know nothing about nothing vis a vis the M&G, except little hints that something happened. Drives me nuts. Bookwhore, I completely agree with what you said. Somebody tell us clueless people what is going on.

    I'm trying to decide whether or not to head to Williamsport tomorrow. They keep changing the weather forecast for here and there, so I'm still on the fence.

    This morning I was trying to get the lights on the Christmas tree and I got totally confused about how to plug the strands together. Now I've been doing this for 30+ years pretty much on my own. I was also having a hot flash at the time. A totally frightening feeling that I didn't know what I was doing. Had to walk away, get a drink of water, take a moment and then it made sense again. Maybe I need medication! :hangin:

  5. I love good reviews....and I don't care if they are written by some ancient half-blind demented escapee from a top-security correctional institution. I like what makes me feel good. And I consider all bad reviewers tin-eared assholes.

    So shoot me.

    wandacleo, I think I love you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ETA: I swear I did NOT read laljeterfan's post before I wrote that. Great minds and all that....

  6. :fca: I came running over here because I {gasp} had an opinion elsewhere. And what do I find y'all discussing....opinions. :D We've all got them and its nice to be able to state them without all the crap that goes along with that some places.

    I went out and bought a NYT earlier. $5.25...yikes!

    I'm wondering why Clay thinks $25 is too expensive for a DVD, but he doesn't seem worried that the seat I sat me-self in last Sunday night in DC cost me $130 ( x 3 since dh & dd were sitting beside me).

    I'll be in Williamsport on Saturday as long as the weather is okay for the drive. Hope to see some of you there.

    We got a tree yesterday. Its sitting in a bucket in the garage. Par for the course around here. Shopping....not done. Christmas cards...nope. Baking..... :cryingwlaughter:

  7. I will eventually write about this in my recap, but I wanted to say that I was utterly captivated by the expressions playing over Clay's face during his performance in DC.

    Wherever you get your downloads (and if you have a problem, let me know), this clip is a good example of what I mean 071202_DC_IBHFC-TCS-HYAMLC_4192spooky_large.wmv Video hardly does those eyes justice, because in person, magnified by binoculars, bringing that dear face this close...he really is a lovely and remorseless killer.

    Honestly, the man has the most dangerously subtle eyelids I have ever seen. Yes, he often employs them with frankly seductive skill...but when he caresses with them...ah...it's a mix of tender and intense. That slow blink, those drifting lashes, the sidelong glance. All seemingly gentle, soft, soothing, safe...until he drops his chin and openly looks...and the unwary are suddenly trapped by a stunning direct gaze. Inviting. Deadly. Those eyelids. Those eyes. And then...he smiles.

    Good Lord, woman!!! :hubbahubba: :hubbahubba:

  8. LadyJ, I think "Rural Candy" would be a mighty fine pornstar name for you! Be proud!

    You ladies were so supportive and wise last night, I love you all. I have now given in to my baser instincts (Sis Kandre should be proud) and this was born at 3 a.m. So I give you:


    “Well,” I was thinking with great anticipation, “at least I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS from college early this year as a surprise!” I had GOOD NEWS- I’d passed my exams with flying colors! Thinking that ALL IS WELL, I rang the SILVER BELLS of our beloved door chimes- no one answered- not even a mouse, heh. I tiptoed into the foyer . It was too horrible- I SAW MOMMY KISSING SANTA CLAUS- and way more! I knew it wasn’t going to be a SILENT NIGHT- I wanted out of there, fast!

    Disillusioned, confused (okay, so I’m naïve) I ran back out into the WINTER WONDERLAND on this (O)HOLY NIGHT. I hitched a SLEIGH RIDE with one of the neighbor’s kids, still in shock. I told them about Mom’s infidelity to which they warily replied, “WELCOME TO OUR WORLD!”

    Getting off at the busstop, I despairingly cried out, “WHERE IS MY CHRISTMAS?” I didn’t come home to see someone’s CHESTNUTS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE , if you catch my drift. I mean , who needs to walk in on their parents (so it WAS Dad) doing THE CHRISTMAS WALTZ , so to speak? I just couldn’t witness another MERRY CHRISTMAS WITH that kind of LOVE, you know? So call me Holden Caulfield, yeah I’m bitter.

    Bitterly , I returned to my empty dorm and surmised ,”Well, HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS without me!” I wasn’t going to even try to ask them WHAT ARE YOU DOING NEW YEAR’S EVE either! Jeez louise……

    So I spent the holidays at school this year and just called in MY GROWNUP CHRISTMAS LIST. I mean, someone had to act like an adult around here, y’know?

    I’m too traumatized- so much for THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS being THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! I told the campus shrink that if I ever hear Mom yelling , “O COME , O COME EMMANUEL” one more time, it’s too soon for me. He adroitly suggested that I JINGLE some BELLS very loudly as a warning beforing entering next time.

    Nah, I’m staying put here at State College- I don’t want to go back home to my LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM, and that’s that!

    I’m excited about my new psychology term paper anyway- it’s about dealing with loss and the grieving process. Hmmm, something by a Clayton Kubler Ross called “On Death and Dying and Fruitcakes”. Sounds interesting, eh?

    :lmaosmiley-1: :clap::cryingwlaughter:

  9. Your final paragraph is probably the very reason why he didn;t tell people that he was fitting it for certain songs or certain themes. I think he wanted people to share their story from the heart. In a way...I do believe just the very fact that he got a lot of us looking back into our memories is a lovsely gift to the whole fandom. I know I ended up remembering the Christmas tradition we had as a family and highlighted 2 really great memories. He knows he cannot choose everyone, but I don't think the exercise was useless...for one thing...I loved the way it made people share and get to know each other better.

    I agree that it was a good exercise for those that participated and that he wanted people to write from their hearts. I hope most people did just that, but sometimes I'm a little cynical because I have run into those who will play any angle to get noticed. I was not going to write anything at all, but really felt the need to write this particular memory down. It was done quickly at the last minute with very little editing. Then I got brave and hit that send button and I'm glad I did because it made me really think about some things.

  10. All you eHP gals who came to my house- you're the best- and I'm feeling a little sad and lonely today.

    It's ok to be sad. Took guts to share those feelings with us. I don't know if many would admit what you just did. And to put on my stress class hat for a minute heh..it's what you do with those feelings that count. I don't want you to be sad and lonely..somebody quick, post some pretty photos. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I dont' know how much the stories chosen tells us about Clay..I think it tells us that he had a storyline in mind and are looking for things that fit. He does have his themes - I find them to be familiar to the themes in LTS actually.

    I can also understand keldanker's point of view. Her read over 1600 stories and approx 80 will get chosen... that's 80 people that will get to meet Clay... that's a small fraction made even smaller by multiple readers. (and yep I know it's not exact as one person could have submitted multiple stories). I think that little face time interaction might be the jackpot for getting picked...not getting up on that stage to be critiqued by a bunch of faceless people. Those stories he chose apparantly touched him a lot or a whole lot of people just missed the theme he was looking for and I do think that is the case. And I do think venue plays a role. Myabe he got 400 stories for Merrillville and 20 for Minneapolis.

    I think that probably the story idea was ever-evolving as Clay got into it, saw what people submitted and put the rest of the show together. It would have been helpful to know from the beginning just what it was he wanted. However, I think he did not really know at the beginning. Also, just to be clear, I am not upset about not being chosen for DC because I did not submit a story for that venue. It just seems to me that there are some who would be upset by one story being read multiple times. It may be that Clay simply ran out of time and went with a story that is very compelling when he didn't have another that seemed as "right" for that particular place in the show. Maybe other stories could have been tweaked had time not been a factor.

    I have submitted a story for Williamsport, but I would be shocked if asked to read it. Having heard the other stories, I don't think it "fits" and would probably not segue into the particular songs he has chosen to follow the stories. I wrote my memory without considering what song it might fit. It came from my heart, not a desire to get on stage or even meet Clay (although I'd really like to meet him someday). If he read it, then for those few moments he saw a little part of me.

  11. A ha, but if we weren't on the boards, we wouldn't have a clue that the same story had been repeated more than once.

    this is also true........

    unless......... you went to more than one concert and heard the story repeated.......

    but then...... I guess you'd just think it was in every show!!

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: :cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Yes, but Clay knows his fans go to multiple shows and each concert is shared online. AND, so many stories were submitted that he has to understand people will be disappointed that he decides to use one story over and over, especially since being chosen to read your story also means getting a chance to meet Clay.

  12. Well, I didn't get to meet any of you last night, except for Clay4shore and I already know her. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Of course, I don't know what any of you look like or where you might be sitting, so....... Its hard with dh and dd in tow anyway. I find it hard to just walk up to people although I sure see lots of the same faces wherever I go.

    The concert was wonderful and I enjoyed it so much. I thought the stories were fine, although maybe not as good as some of the others I've heard. My 15 yr old dd said she was surprised at how good they were because she really didn't expect to like that part. It did surprise me that the 2nd story was being read for the 3rd time after he said he had read 1600 stories. I knew the 3rd reader.

    Clay was in amazing voice last night and just nailed those last 2 songs. I love the medleys. Jesse has done a wonderful job arranging those. Q & A seem to have more of a background role in this show, while still being featured for their solos. Angela's song is so quiet and pretty, very different for her but it worked. DD and I both thought the dresses were a little too frou frou, but then when I saw the picture upthread of the whole stage from the balcony, they did look nice.

    Hopefully, dd and I will make it to Williamsport on the 15th (without dh) because I really do want to see this show again (and maybe meet some FCA people).

    Does anybody remember that old TV show "I've Got A Secret"? From when I was just a tiny child. Heh! I feel like we are all contestants.

  13. I'm dressed in my sparkly sweater, black pants, and heels (yikes!), makeup is in place, tickets, directions, etc. are ready to go. Just waiting for dd and dh to be ready. We are to leave at 4:00. If all goes well traffic-wise, it will take us about 1-1/2 hours to get to DC. That's always a big IF. DH wanted to leave at 5:00. Nope, I'm not taking any chances.

    We'll be in Row F right next to Clay4Shore and her hubby.

    P.S., Oh, great, dh just now got in the shower. So much for leaving at 4. He always does this. Should have told him we were leaving at 3.


  14. Does anyone want to meet for dinner??

    Does anyone need advice on hotels or anything?

    There is a hotel right across the street from the Warner - but I can't remember the name of it - TLS and I scoped it out on the way back from the NYC train.

    Obviously - I WILL BE THERE!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Hey Cha Cha where are you sitting???? The Baltimore group is in C Orch..I am in Row F 101 and 102...

    Hope to see you there.

    Hi Marsha, Kerry and I and hubby are right next to you in 103, 104, 105. See you Sunday.


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