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Everything posted by aikim

  1. It's Tour Time! Watched the Miami interview...Clay looked adorably scruffy...didn't think much of the interviewers though...wish they had shown more of him. Word of the day...Cold, Cold, Cold...but looking ahead it is supposed to be in the 40's next week..yay! heat wave! Looking forward to tonight! Kim
  2. I KNOW!!!! All of a sudden -- the tour's here! I guess in my case it's because my show isn't for another few weeks, so the fever hasn't quite hit, plus work's been a bear. However, I'm thrilled that I'll be able to listen to a scratchy "is that really Clay singing?" beautifully clear cellcert tomorrow evening! Three weeks from Friday..yes I am counting...need to put in for a day off at work..can't wait! Kim
  3. 1 Day until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Hello..did you miss me? Had some computer issues at home, but think they are fixed now..was finally able to listen to Clay..he is sublime...I truly do think he has found a home on Broadway and I hope there is a return engagement in his future. So looking forward to seeing him on tour. Kim
  5. Picture of Clay at Soundcheck for tonight: (not sure why it is sideways..that is the way they posted it) http://ow.ly/i/7WeE
  6. 3 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all Celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  7. Ditto! Getting the munchies ready for the game..finger foods and nibbles since we will be eating in front of the TV. Kim
  8. 1 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 4 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  9. Can I come too? I have at least 6 years worth of trying (I had no clue how people got M&G in 2004) and still zero luck. Best I've gotten is a slap in the handshake line. Sure, no problem. Root Beer for aikim; Diet Dr. Pepper for bottlecap; probably a margarita for me; what do you like to drink? I've had one "hand slap" bus line, and a quick picture at the stage door of Spamalot. So while I've "met" him, in my mind I've not really "met" him. Yeah, I know -- I should stop complaining because I know that's more than many have had. I'd really just like to talk to him for a little bit.... Yeah that pretty much sums up my experience..one hand slap in Sterling Heights; although I did see him at Borders (from afar) when he was signing books. So it looks like Bottlecap and I are going to be the designated drivers, LOL! Kim
  10. 2 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 5 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Another new article..I am really loving these interviews: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/gaysouthflorida/2011/02/clay-aiken-out-american-idol-singing-star-says-life-is-good-as-he-launches-tried-and-true-tour.html
  12. Woohoo FearI am so excited for you! Congrats to all the M&G Winners! Ldyj Since I don't drink, I guess I can drown my sorrows in root beer! 3 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 6 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. Anyone want to take bets that the first question someone asks is about leaving Decca? Kim
  14. I haven't seen any winners for Waukegan yet..wondering if I should stop looking...congrats to all who though...so happy to see so many first-timers! Kim
  15. 4 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 7 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. Lots of drifts here too and are front door is blocked...no plows down the street yet...very quiet. Luckily we did not lose our power. Anyone else having trouble getting into the OFC...I can't get in at all..keep getting server error message. 5 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 8 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. Oh, I am so sorry..hope you can work things out..I assume he will be getting physical therapy..if the therapist comes to the house..have him do the lifting. ETA: Just got a call from my boss..the library director finally made a decision and we are closed tomorrow. Kim
  18. I am home! When I got to work this morning we were told we would leave at 3:00, than the Library Director decided to stay open until 5:00...lots of grumbling about that. This also meant that my daughter who was scheduled 2-9 would have to work until 2-5 and I would have to stay until 5:00 to bring her home instead of leaving early. I was not happy..but then she decided we could leave at 4:00..thank God..very windy out there, roads were a mess. Still don't know about tomorrow yet. Clay..well..we don't know what kind of contract he signed...may have been short term..also it has been noted that David Novik who he spoke highly of has also left Decca and he may have left to go work with him. I suspect we won't hear anything official until after the tour. Put some chili in the slo-cooker before I left this morning..smells wonderful! Kim
  19. Our library director still hasn't made a decision...4 or 5 libraries in our area are closed..our village hall is closed but we are still waiting. Really irritates me because my daughter is scheduled to work the evening shift tonight, 2-9 and I would like to know if I need to worry about going out to pick her up in the middle of a storm. Plus it is just not fair to the evening people to make them wait around all day wondering. What usually happens is they are told to come in and then two hours later have to leave. This just drives me nuts. She is actually thinking of opening tomorrow night if we have to close during the day..really..who is going to come to the library in the evening if there is a blizzard all day. You can tell it is coming..not snowing but very wintery-looking out and the wind is picking up. Kim Kim
  20. 6 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 9 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. ldyj I have been thinking the same thing, but our Library Director is notorious for waiting until the last minute to shutdown..I am hoping she will just consider closing tomorrow afternoon and Wednesday...going to be interesting that is for sure. Kim
  22. Oh my...what lovely pictures to wake up to! Dear Clay..please keep that look for the tour..please! Weather forecast for us..could get up to two feet of snow Tuesday into Wednesday. Yikes! 7 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 10 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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