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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Congrats to the Green Bay Packers...great game! 22 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 25 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. 23 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 26 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. 24 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 27 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Boy does Clay know how to open a can of worms...he has got to know he is never going to please us all..this whole thing has given me a major headache. On the brighter side...talked to Emily and they will be going home tomorrow. I took Monday and Tuesday off so I will be spending the day with them. Kim
  5. 25 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 28 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. You really need to read at CV to get it...poster there named WackyJackie made a post about the tour, promotion, etc. and initimated the tour could be cancelled or this could be his last tour. Also...Quiana apparently has been tweeting about the tour and ticket sales and the need for fans to promote the show. Did not go over well and there was a big discussion about this when this Wackyjackie person posted; some fans questioned whether the poster was Clay or Quiana because they knew too much and Clay's blog was in response to that. Clear as mud? Kim
  7. 26 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 29 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Just talked to Emily..she sounded good..had the baby with her..I could hear him making noises. This is the first they have the baby to themselves so they are asking the family not to come until tomorrow morning..so I wait one more day. But I can understand they want some time to themselves. So she told me the baby actually was head down and moved during labor, the little stinker. He was born at 12:35. She said she tried nursing but he was totally not interested. But I will have lots of baby time when she comes home as she will need help. Oh, she said the nurses said she is doing very well for just having surgery so that is good. Kim
  9. Just talked to Emily..yes we are still home...beginning to think I will never hold this baby. Anyway, she sounded pretty tired and sounds like she had a pretty rough time...was pushing for an hour and a half when they finally realized the baby was in the transverse position, i.e. sideways...I don't know why they didn't know that beforehand, I would think an internal exam would have told them that the head was not down. When she was at the doctor last week the doctor could tell the baby had moved and was no longer head down but did not do an internal exam...just sent her home. I am a little peeved right now..they had been telling her all along that the baby would be between 8 and 9 pounds and Emily being all of 5' 2" and normal weight of 100 pounds, I was pretty sure she would not be able to push him out. Seems like it would have made more sense to have a planned c-section than to make her go through all that. So she has just gotten to her room, has not seen the baby yet..they have him under a warmer so we are waiting until she calls back and they are all settled before we head out...yes I am getting a little antsy. Kim
  10. Finally!!! Austin Michael...8 pounds, 7 Ounces...22 inches long...poor Emily had to have a C-Section because he was so big and no amount of pushing was going to get him out. She is in recovery now..so we will be heading to the hospital in a couple of hours when she is in her room. Have to go make phone calls! Kim
  11. Still no news..I swear this waiting is worse than having the baby yourself! Kim
  12. Emily went to the hospital at 12:30 last night...still waiting to hear. Kim
  13. 28 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 31 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  14. 29 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 32 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. 30 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 33 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  16. No baby yet! 31 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 35 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  17. 32 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 35 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Okay...my kids seriously need instruction in how to answer the phone..like it rings..answer it. Called Emily tonight..no answer...okay maybe they are still at the doctor's and she can't get to her phone..wait to see if she calls back..call again..no answer..now I am beginning to pace...15 minutes later the phone ringsand it is Emily. She is at home, was cleaning out one of their fish tanks and didn't have her phone with her So last week when she went to the doctor the baby was down low and in position...today he has moved back up again..doctor didn't even bother to do an internal because she could tell when Emily walked in that he had moved. Obviously he isn't in as much hurry to be born as his Nana...her actual due date is Jan. 18 but she was carrying so low at Christmas I thought we would see him sooner. So she has been occupying herself cleaning house, running errands and baking...I don't think I moved off the couch the last few weeks of my pregnancies, LOL! Kim
  19. Do you know how hard that was to do at 6:30 in the morning when I was barely awake...many deletions and re-writes...glad you all enjoyed it! Grandbaby is due any day now and I am on pins and needles. I was away from my desk at work and come back to see a message from my daughter "Mom call home"...so of course my mind went to baby news. I frantically dial home and....no one answers!! I even have call waiting and still no one picked up. Finally after about three tries I get my daughter...what did she need me to call home for? Dinner...wanted to know if she could cook the chicken I had in the fridge. Let's just say Mom very sternly told her next time to leave an explicit message as to why she needs me to call home...at least until the baby is here...geez...kids sometimes. Kim
  20. 33 Syad litnu yalC si gingins rof yawdaorB sdrawkcaB! 36 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. 37 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  22. Nice to wake up to a blog from Clay! 38 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. 39 Days until The T&T Tour! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Congrats to the National Inclusion Project! Rain has finally stopped and the sun is trying to come out! Making ham today; looking forward to the Rose Parade and maybe starting to put the Christmas stuff away. 40 Days until The T&T Tour Begins! Happy Birthday to all celebrating! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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