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Posts posted by canuck2010

  1. Here are a normal (1024x768) and a wide screen (1280x800) version.

    th_SummerTourReg.jpg th_SummerTourWide.jpg

    Great pictures cindilu.

    Randy is an asshat for talking about the Reunited tour without checking to see if it was a fact - what a tool!

    Do you think Randy got the info from the Billboard article or from someone who was involved in the non tour? It wouldn't be the first time he talked out of his ass.

    My guess would be the Billboard article cause that's "off-i-shul" dontcha know???

    Jamar I LOVE that Clay was at that Jenna Bush shindig!!! I looked through all the pictures and he is really the only celeb pictured. Very cool! And he looks so happy! :)

  2. Have I been banned??? I just typed out a huge, incredibly interesting post with sexy, pics of Clay. never seen before Clack (just kidding) and it wouldn't let me post!!!


    eta: Well, that worked!!!


    Happy, Happy Birthday to my friend, ialreadyam Love ya!!!!

    Randy is an asshat for talking about the Reunited tour without checking to see if it was a fact - what a tool!

    Jenna Liking golf??? You have incredibly good taste! :)

  3. Mikey, Mikey, Mikey :clap:

    Canucky He did it for Canada! I'm proud of him too because we didn't need Tiger's win.

    Canada :04: USA :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    CG, congratuations on the Phillies win... :balloons:

    Now they're tears of pride. Oh my! I had to leave for a stinkin baby shower when Mikey was 1 down with two to play. I just got home and watched the tape and saw Mikey's win. Oh.My.God. I am so freaking proud of him.

    Mikey is just right up there with Clay baby today! :clap:

    Congrats on U.S.A.'s win of the cup!!! :balloons:

  4. Hey canucky, recognizing that I'm on pacific time and they are just going into the back nine, your boy Mike Weir is just wiping out my boy Tiger Woods. I've been screaming at Tiger but it doesn't seem to help his putting. Good luck winning those 10 matches and we need luck winning out 3. Internationals rock today! Too bad they got so far down yesterday, they would have had a great chance to pull this out.

    GO USA

    I'm such a homie that I'm just thrilled beyond words that Mike is playing so well. I'm about to burst with pride! I lurve him. I know we won't win today - I'm the eternal optimist but the U.S. team is just too far ahead -- but GO MIKEY!!!!! :clap:

  5. I wouldn't have watched AI Rewind for anything until I found out about Clay narrating the show. I've watched his Idol performances, either through Clack or Youtube, but I always click off before the three stooges speak. Now that he's involved and to such a great extent, I'll be watching as many as possible. I just love to see what a great job he does and I get tickled pink about it.

    It is also so great to see that they wanted him enough to give him such a prominent roll in the program. I hope he made big $$$$$ for this and that people in the industry take notice.

    I'm very proud of him. :)

  6. See this is the last season where the judges really took their role seriously...or their task seriously. Yeah they made fun of some people...but mostly...they did give good advice...and Paula was still pretty lucid and looked really good.

    Yeah that!!!

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I just watched it on KTLA - we get that in Vancouver - go figure! Anyway, I thought he did an awesome job. Ruben was cute starting it off but then Clay took over and was fabulous as a narrator - he is just fabulous at every bitty thing he does!


    I hope at some point we see him in today's time - maybe when they talk about "Where are they now?" That would be cool.

    He's awesome!

    Toots Mike Weir gets to play Tiger Woods tomorrow! How lucky is he??? :cryingwlaughter: Anyway, our team is sucking but Mikey has played awesome and I'm so happy for him. He was under so much pressure being the only Canadian in the field - at home - and he's their highest scorer!! So cool!

  7. I was over "reading" the NewClayAiken blog. The pictures tell the story: US trip to see Clay entitled, I'm not sure why because I can't read a word, "Without Clay"

    Anyway, found this there on the current blog page. I love to look at the photos they choose. Is this not the most amazing photo of the most amazing face?


    Another pretty:


    That first one is cute but to me, he looks about 12 yrs. old in it. Makes me feel a wee bit strange.

    No reason............. :cryingwlaughter:

  8. Let me clarify something and then I won't talk about it again. I wasn't crying over Clay as in, "oh my God, the poor guy, whatever will he do". I was so wrapped up in the hate that was being posted it hurt my heart and made me cry. I don't think that's unusual, but maybe it is. *shrug* I found out rather quickly that there are pukes lower than scum and they post on the internet. Someone, me, who cries at Hallmark commercials took a pretty big kick in the guts when reading some of that trash.

    Clay doesn't make me cry, unless he cries, then all bets are off.

    JJ My post wasn't in any way "aimed" at you. I've read tons of posts of people who have said something about the fandom made them cry. I was just really thinking out loud as to why I'm never affected that way when clearly, so many others are, and questioning if I'm just hard hearted. I hope not.

    I didn't put my kids art work on the fridge either. :cryingwlaughter: I'm a real bitch!

    eta: and "yeah" = if he does, all bets are certainly off. :)

  9. Whatever. One of my favorite sayings is "Wherever you go, there you are." You keep finding crap and yucky stuff everywhere you go, you might want to look for the common denominator in all the situations---it's usually "YOU"...heh. :imgtongue:

    I just really liked this so I thought I'd quote it. So true.

    My favorite tour changes on a daily basis so I won't pick cause my choice would probably be different tomorrow. I loved them all.

    My favorite concert moment, however, remains constant.

    When A Man Loves A Woman. From the front row in Meadville. No words. I am so lucky.

    My favourite concert moment was Pala - s.lo.o.o.o.o.o.w and e.a.s.y :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    Now THAT made me cry from laughing so hard. :cryingwlaughter: His comic delivery was spot on that night. CMSU till I hurt.

  10. I think I'm totally positive in my fandom. Nothing about Clay's career has ever got me down and I can't imagine ever crying over him. Just as JJ just posted, I've seen over the years many, many posts from people that something upsetting or beautiful made them cry. I've actually wondered if there's something wrong with me that I'm not that emotionally invested but I don't think so.

    Very little makes me cry...... though watching World Vision's infomercial several years back ended up costing me thousands of dollars over the next 20 years :cryingwlaughter: - that Alex Trebek! Dang you! Hopefully, it made my kids consider being generous but who knows?

    All I've ever wanted from following Clay's career is for him to keep singing to me, to make me smile and laugh and to just entertain me. He's done that in spades and I thank him for it and I feel pride for him and hope he's happy. No entertainer has ever entwined themselves in my psyche the way that Mr. Sex-On-A-Stick has and I yearn to know everything about him.

    He is one of the luckiest people on earth - gorgeous, rich, talented, able to do what he loves for a living and loved by legions. Having to put up with internet crap is, in reality, a small price to pay.

    I simply celebrate him and dream of more success and accolades as the years go by. I just hope I'm around and still sane enough to enjoy it. I'm for sure having a blast right now. :)



    eta: Hell, he gets to have lunch with Tyra Banks! Hee!

    Oh Yay!!! TOTP again!! Must buy a lotto ticket!!! :)

    etta: Yay!! The International Team kicked some major butt today!!!! WooHoo!!!!

  11. Hey Canucky, Not only is Mike W cute as a bug but Adam Scott is right up there with him in cuteness. Of course he's Australian but for this tournament he's yours. And then there's Stewart Appleby. Lot's of cute guys on your side!

    Yuppers! And I LOVE Ernie Els. I actually stalked him in South Africa when someone told me he was at our hotel at FanCourt. I finally found him in the gym, working out! GAH, slurp!!! He is HUGE and so much cuter without the stupid hat. :hubbahubba:

  12. Favourite tour? The latest one. Always. Heh. I'm so easy.

    But I definitely have many highlights from each and every tour. I hope to never have to miss a tour. Although I am sooooo thankful that we have clack to remember them by.

    And yeah, I'm not so sure we'll ever see a Toronto concert again, either. But I'm not completely giving up hope of it yet.

    I missed the NAT, the JBT, JNT 1 & 3 - stooooopid - never doing that again if I can help it - tested the waters of being a "roadie" this summer, loved it, found out my family encouraged it. :clap:

    WhooHoo!!! Totp!!!

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