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Posts posted by canuck2010

  1. Thank you keldanker....you made me feel better. And I don't think it's the best thing he's done either....but I still love a lot of it...

    Canuck -- cheese is soooo good, isn't it?

    I've opened the Chat Thread. It's located here! The whole shebang starts in a half hour.....

    Canadians are known as "Cheeseheads" for good reason!! :RedGuy:

    I can't do chat because one of my very best friends is moving away tomorrow and coming to dinner tonight so we can play and cry.

    How do you do "chat" - do you have to have "messenger"?? I had to uninstall it because it was driving my laptop crazy!

  2. I just LOVED "A Clay Aiken Christmas" - sure I'd rather it was a DVD of one of his concerts that show his personality better but I watched it, recorded it and watched it over and over - made my son buy it for me for Christmas and watched it over and over and over.

    Well, f**k! Now I may just get it out and watch it again!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    It was cheesy as hell but I could do backstroke in his cheese and I was all kinds of proud of him. :)

    A new one would be awesome though! :clap:

  3. Man, the eHP gives good presents!

    For your entertainment - a demonstration of why Clay is good cheese vs.


    Oh dear god. That's some sick shit.

    I'm not ready to give up the Seussisms. Hey, I've been at work all day! Do I get a pass?

    I would do him in the shower

    I would do him every hour

    And if at some point he would tire

    I’d proceed to light his fire

    Every minute, every second

    He’d be happy, doncha reckon?

    Very good - but "oh so 4'oclock" :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    I amuse myself.... :blush:

  4. arg-happy-birthday.gif

    Sun2.gifsunburstoflight Sun2.gif

    :glasses: Chautaquacandidcrop.jpg :glasses:

    whimper GAH!!!drool :Thud:

    And Happy Birthday sunburstoflight :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    You guys have been so entertaining!! :clap: Love the Seuss!! :RedGuy:

    I do him in my dreams on a regular basis!!!

    Caro Are you saying that some people don't keep up their blogs!! OMG!!! :)

    Love the "pointless" Clay mention in the horoscopes! I admit to "pointless" Clay mentions daily! :eusa_whistle:

    Aikim Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for helping me count down the days to my November of Clay :XmasRed: WooHoo!!!

    I regret that the term "Claymate" became such a term of derision. People ask me all the time if I'm a Claymate and I always say "you betcha". I actually love the term. My g/f who was with me in Cali and who is not a Claymate was saying yesterday "Why is it that Clay's fans get so much 'guff' - lots of entertainers have fans who follow them and support them in the same way". My take was that it was because of the derision of the media towards his fans and the stereotyping of the demographics of "us". We agreed that it was just "stupid".


    eta: brought to you in support of the word "derision"

  5. WHOO HOO!!!!

    I clicked on "view new posts" = Hee!!! Found some other threads! :RedGuy:

    Good evening everyone!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    CARO Congrats on the new baby!!!! WooHoo!!

    spikesmom my color doohickie doesn't work either but it you typy before and [/color ] after your typing, that works. just remove the space i put in.

  6. Packing: If you place your outfit in a dry cleaning bag - it will.not.crease!! :) I sometimes put one bag over a bunch of things and it still works.

    For anyone with a big enough suitcase: Leave everything on hangars. Place on bed. Fold up and in or roll. Each place you get to - just lift out the hangars and place in the closet.

    DH and I travelled for months at a time and always did the above. works like a charm. :)

    Anyone going to Chicago: It's going to be colder than a witch's tit from what I hear. They don't call it the windy city for nothin! :cryingwlaughter:


  7. Count me in with those who see nothing but Clay's face when he's on stage. I can't tear my eyes away to look at anything or anyone else!!! GAH!!!

    I love my sports but even if the Vancouver Canucks were in the 7th game of the Stanley Cup, I'd have to say "Adios guys - good luck!" - "I'm Rather Be at a Clay Aiken Concert"!!! Just can't imagine anything short of tragedy keeping me away! Gah! Slurp! Whimper! sigh.... I've been fortunate to attend many big sporting events and I've loved them all but I've never had the high of seeing Clay "live in concert" - nothing has come even close!

    You guys eat on your roadtrips??? :cryingwlaughter: Next, you'll be claiming you slept too!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    WooHooo - top of the page!!!!


  8. In the parking lot of our local mall there is a snowball stand. Snowballs are a frozen concoction sold in the summer time consisting of ice, sweet syrup with or without marshmallow creme on top. Sort of like a snowcone, but it in a cup and you eat it with a spoon. I had never ever noticed the name of this place before today. DD and I are in the car leaving the parking lot when I suddenly notice the sign:

    Waldo's Snowballs

    Cracked me up for a couple of minutes. DD was looking at me like I was crazy. Said that sign has always been there. Who knew?


    Hee!! Isn't it the pits when people want to know why we're laughing??? You have to be pretty quick to think of a normal explanation!


  9. Can anyone else come up with some memorable Clay double entendres?

    The first thing that comes to mind is "playing with the wood." Clay didn't say it--an audience member did--but the expression on his face was priceless.


    Well, I think "How's your Volvo" would qualify.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKKK!!! I forgot about "Volvo" and "be careful enunciating!!"


    That doesn't even qualify as double entrendre - Clay out and out "smutted" and smutted so well!!!

    :XmasRed: and :XmasRed: now!!!!

  10. "But she's so NORMAL looking!"


    Maybe I need to dress with more bling? Less fabric? Higher heels? More makeup? Carry a whip?

    BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

    Now THAT CMSU!!!!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Can anyone else come up with some memorable Clay double entendres?

    The first thing that comes to mind is "playing with the wood." Clay didn't say it--an audience member did--but the expression on his face was priceless.


    One of the contestants at the David Foster Star Search finale in Vancouver said something similar and Clay lost it and was banging his head on the table................. lets just say it was a VERY funny moment!!

    :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: He was just the bestest judge!!!

  11. Wow!! What a fun Saturday morning board!!! Hee! Still not dressed! I am such a slacker this morning but didn't have to get up early for the South Bend sale since scoring those KICKASS Row A (actually row 8) seats yesterday!!! Wooooop de Dooooooo!!!! Slept like a baby!!

    I love chocolate but my big downfall are muffins (blueberry - I'm an connasoir, conasewer expert ) and scones!!! I'd be thin if those hadn't ever been invented! sigh Okay, now I'm hungry and there's a Starbucks down the street! :cryingwlaughter:

    bottlecap :cryingwlaughter: Dontcha know that salad can kill ya?????

    Gibby I'm shy too...............well, maybe not........... :DoClay:

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