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Everything posted by jemock

  1. You need a new fact checker. I'm so sorry. I did some fact checking just now, belatedly, and I have an e-mail from back then in which this account was related, and it was attributed to you in that e-mail. The e-mail says it's from a post on the CH, but no such post exists. I do see from spotlightlover's recap that I was wrong about the scrapbook part--that was taken to Clay by "a blonde woman" earlier in the evening. I apologize for believing the e-mail--nice to know that wasn't you. No prob. The rest of the post was not true either, but the scrapbook in particular was putting a real crimp in my style.
  2. Thanks for all the nice words, y'all! Gosh. Well, the ones who said nice words, I mean. I know a lot of people don't share my sense of humor, and that's oh-kay. I probably don't think they're very funny either. Haha! Just kidding! I gave myself written permission to make fun of my own Christmas stories. Those are the only ones I've talked about. Endlessly. Relentlessly. But generally not in a good way, so the famewhoriness and self-criticism all balances out, I think. Personally, I liked all the Christmas stories, the ones I could hear through the garbled cellcerts, anyway. And I liked a bunch that were posted but not read. According to the rules, it looks like I'm going to have to edit out "peepee". Shoot. couchie, I thought about that too, since it was allowed for the Christmas thing, but the rules say this one is non-transferrable.
  3. Oh good grief. If anybody thinks my stupid post was a swipe at Clay, that's ridiculous. If anything, it's a parody of MY fangirliness, which is at times over the top. I'll post it myself:
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