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Posts posted by jumpingjacks

  1. Well, that's great that he's going to be there. I was looking for the M&G recap where I thought he'd said he wasn't planning on going, and of course I couldn't find it! :cryingwlaughter: I must be confusing it with the M&G where someone asked him about the golf tourney and he answered that he didn't even know when it was. ??? I guess I might have inferred from that comment that if he didn't know when it was he must not be planning on being there.

    And, thanks to all y'all, I now know more about golf tournaments that I ever thought I'd want to know. Funny how Clay has that affect on people. :)

    I think that might have been the Gala planned for NYC.

  2. Duh!, I feel soooo clueless. Can someone fill me in? Why on earth would a one hour online poker lesson start at $5,000? I could maaaybe understand a live, in-person poker lesson, but online? I know this man was the 2004 champion, but what am I missing?

    And why would any fans want to attend this golf tourney just to watch? Didn't Clay already indicate that he wasn't going to be there?

    Supposedly, people are saying they think Clay will be there in some form or another....I've even heard he is the entertainment but have no clue as to the veracity of that info.

  3. Wonder if Clay's guest will be Jerome!!!

    Who can afford this stuff? I mean, it's for a good cause and all, but $5,000 would be a chunk of cash to come up with and that's the beginning bid!

    If I'm reading correctly at CV, fans don't have an opportunity to go to this. They were talking about an email from Kristy or Aron that said you had to be a golfer or the guest of a golfer...

  4. Crap! Two admittedly half-hearted New Year's resolutions shot to heck already. All it took was one "Do you want to go to lunch?" question, and I ended up at the mall with my mom and my sisters. "Try to eat better" became a BBQ sandwich and fries, and "Stop using the credit cards" turned into "Hey, that Coldwater Creek store is new. Let's go in and take a look around..." and a shopping bag full of stuff. I think that's a personal record.

    I had a 70% off email for Coldwater Creek....I purchased 4 items for the price of one (including shipping and tax). I was so excited!

  5. Sautee (fresh if you can get them) black-eyed peas in olive oil with herbs de provence and add white wine and simmer.

    Cook almost dry. Lots of garlic and onion salt. Pepper.

    OMG!!! How could I forget??!!

    That sounds good. My friend from Houston just emailed and told me she made blackeyed peas for tomorrow...for luck.

    Who knew?

  6. I'm also a Moulin Rouge lover. My sister and I started watching it one day and after ten minutes she made me turn it off. I think I agreed with her. But after she left I watched the whole thing and just loved it. Have never been able to convince her to watch it though.

    I saw Moulin Rouge at the theatre on opening day, in the afternoon, alone, but I can't remember why. I was one of about five people tops in the whole theatre and had no preconceptions about the movie. About thirty minutes in, I was thinking somebody put acid in the popcorn.


  7. Aww, hope Tyler feels better for the New Year.

    As for Moulin Rouge - I have to say BWAH! That was exactly the reaction I had - the opening 10 minutes really are a WTF??? series of shots (that only become clear and apropos after multiple viewings). But then it was on satellite one night, and I was reading and too lazy to change the channel so I left it on. Well!! The elephant love scene played out, and I? was hooked! I don't even know how many times I've watched it now. 'Come What May' still slays me though - and the finale is spectacular! (Or should I say Spectacular!Spectacular!). LOVE!

    I love Moulin Rouge...I watched it with a good friend and after the first 10 min. we looked at each other and said "what the hell was that????????" Then we rewound it and watched it again.

    I love the dancing in the "Roxanne" scenes....stunning.

  8. Sorry to be a pain, but I added an option in the spam pin thread (for those almost liked 'C' but not quite *g*)

    Those are so cute....just a little question....should the Sir Robin run the same direction as Clay Aiken on the last one?

    I had to choose - run that way and have all the letters match (bottoms of the letters at the edge of the shield) or have it run top to bottom, but then it would be different (top of the letters at the edge of the shield) than the rest of the words. I did both ways, and this one looked better to me. They run consistent around the outside edge.

    OK...I know nothing about how these are made so I was just checking. Thanks.

  9. jumpingjacks, Christopher Plummer's dubbing (or what I thought was lip-synching) wasn't that big a deal for me since I saw "Sound of Music" too early to have a crush on the Captain. What devastated me was finding out that Audrey Hepburn was dubbed on MFL & B@T. OTOH, it was a relief to find out that Clint Eastwood didn't really sing "Paint Your Wagon".

    I'm embarrassed to say, I didn't find out about the dubbing until I was old enough to know better....sadly I think I was in high school.

    The person who dubbed for Audrey Hepburn in MFL and B@T is actually in SofM....she is a nun.

    Can't get into the Harry Potter books, either.

  10. see, stuff like the love of Sound of Music makes me feel like I am in an alien environment. mocantina.gif

    I guess I weird that way.

    Sorry...I was raised with musicals. My mother was very involved in music and I guess I inherited it from her.

    I hope loving "stuff like the Sound of Music" doesn't make me an alien...or an idiot.

    Look around - who is the person out of step here? me.

    Heh, that reminds me whan I read about K'Andre and South Park, I immediately thought of Cartman and Kyle and Butters.

    I sure don't consider anyone who doesn't like Sound of Music to be "out of step".... but a personal preference. I'm not a fan of South Park...never watched it and never really understood what people saw in it...I don't feel out of step...different strokes for different folks and all that jazz.

  11. I always wondered about "So long, farewell..." how come the musicians hired for the party knew all the notes to a song the kids had made up well enough to accompany them flawlessly (maybe they had a Jesse Vargas?), and how the guests knew how to respond on the last "goodbye". :)

    Cindilu2, thanks for this month's calendar pics and for all the others to come!

    Isn't that just the epitome of a musical....everyone knows exactly what to sing right at the right moment and in perfect harmony. I've laughed about that scene more times than I can count. :cryingwlaughter:

    Here's a shocker and it devastated me for awhile...Christopher Plummer's songs were dubbed. He did sing them during filming but they were dubbed afterward.

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