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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Well that ^^^ certainly explains the "e" in "eHP".
  2. Courtesy of moonhead at CV: Still not playing anywhere near me yet either, but I've "gently" requested. It's been a few weeks, so I might "gently" request again. Thanks for bringing over LemonTwist's post, muski. I saw it yesterday & a lot (not all) of it resonated with me. I also enjoyed your story about the "accidental" Italian restaurant visit - - - Indeed! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Loving Scarlett's recaps of the eHP get together at merrieeee's!
  3. What if he built a large, wooden badger...... I took today off from work, just 'cause I can! It's supposed to be close to 95, so I guess ice skating is out of the question! I'm heading out to get gas (OUCH!) then some iced coffee and a good book. Have a good FRIDAY, everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. And now for something completely different - really! From the blogosphere.....
  5. Welcome home, {{{{laughn}}}}. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  6. *ducks lightning bolts* I've got to sign off early again tonight - damn weather!! Hopefully I can get back online later unlike last night, but before I go.... Hannah mention from Broadway.com regarding the awards ceremony: Unfortunately no mention of Clay.
  7. Aww, I'm so sorry. Big hugs to {{{{{{Mr. Cat's family}}}}}} I lost one of my fur babies 2 summers ago. They are little furry family members. Yay for Sebastian being well enough to come home! :thumbup: Hope all is still well with cha cha! :F_05BL17blowkiss: We've got more severe weather moving into our area *soon*.
  8. For "you all" overnight newbies, um, welcome, I guess? Not sure. I might be in denial about that. Perhaps I shouldn't be hypocritical and speak badly of someone I know nothing about...... Morning! Thanks to those who sent good thoughts my way last night. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Storms were pretty bad all around us with several funnel clouds, but just LOTS of lightning, thunder and rain here. I thought that was good, but the weather people thought that was bad - HA! The calm in the storm, so to speak, is the prime area for tornado development. Was prepared to camp out in the bathroom overnight with the kitties, but it calmed down some by midnight so we went to bed. Now there are more storms moving in this morning. Ack!! Speaking of kitties, hope your little guy is feeling better, luckiest. I too have spent time and money at the emergency vet. Not fun.
  9. Tornado sirens going off here! :o Bad storms just north of me and more coming in from Indiana in the next couple of hours. Guess I'll sign off & hunker down with the kitties.
  10. clackclackclackclack. I NEEDS it! Update from Corabeth at the CH: :whatacrock:
  11. djs, I love this - it's about the only truth out there!
  12. Later? Like when TMZ announced it last week? Give me a break.
  13. I feel happy! tm Not Dead Fred I just copied & pasted that story that dear Heinz posted and sent it in reply to the people who emailed me about the TrashyManureZit story last week.
  14. Yep, muski, it's beyond sad that something like that won't ever be picked up on by the media. A hearfelt effort, inspired by this guy who used to be a teacher, that results in thousands of books being donated to help children - Our future! - possibly get a better education. And now we learn that an entire section in their library is being set up in his name! But these things are not news worthy. His supposed impending fatherhood, with all of the intimate supposed details, IS. Pathetic. Disgusting. Absurd. To the media? :fuckoff: Minus the please and thank you.
  15. *sniff* Thanks for sharing that post, Heinz. Waves to rohdy just 'cause...... :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  16. That was the Clay News Network in your dream and not that other "legitimate news" source, right Couchie?
  17. Hope you're feeling better *soon*, FromClaygary, and good luck with the purse search, muski. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. Hope your doctor's visit provides some relief for your back & knee, ldyj. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Verra verra niiiice banner! Off to find coffee before my head hits the keyboard........
  19. And now for a completely different take on the story.... From our dear YSRN over at GCA:
  20. No offense to Mr. Lachey or Mr. Collins - I wish them luck - but I'm glad I saw Spamalot when I did. Just as Clay was Sir Robin, I absolutely loved David Hibbard as Patsy (he is such a sweetie!) and Jonathan Hadary as King Arthur. I hope they're moving on to more great roles!
  21. And with that, I'm heading home! :thRoadRunner:
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