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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Oh good lord - now people who have already gone home for the day are calling me to tell me the "news"!
  2. Yeah, it's all over alright... I've now received several IM's and 2 people have actually come up to my desk here at work... Have I mentioned before that I work with a bunch of asshats who think TMZ is THE "news" outlet?
  3. Um yeah, I understand that too, but from what I've seen before, I don't think the OFC understands!
  4. Ok, when will one, or both, of them show up reading threads at the OFC? Has this been announced on the front page over there?
  5. Wow. I'm kinda surprised they didn't just add that to the "story" section there on the Sessions page since other little tidbits keep showing up there. Oh, wait - I guess asking him if he was sleeping with his exec. producer wasn't a relevant question. That kind of info only comes from "sources", not the source, right? Oy. Never a dull moment As the Clay Nation Turns. Y'all have me laughing so hard, I'm crying here!
  6. I've got a terrible headache this morning, so even though I'd like to respond to some of the wonderful posts here I just can't seem to get my thoughts together and into coherent written form.... I will say, however, that Claytonic's signature just about had me doing this with my coffee! Belated :bday: wishes to 00lsee! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh. And I LOVE Clay (even more) in that article Thankful brought over!
  7. Thread title? And with that thought, I think I shall go visit my lovely AOL Sessions SAU and then to bed!
  8. I'm with you guys. I mean, I like the song, but nothing in my superior, musically trained ear screams "HIT SINGLE!" But what do I know? I thought "Lonely No More" should have been released for ADTW and he didn't even bother to sing it for me in concert! Your teeth can bother you when your sinuses are acting up. As Cotton also mentioned, pressure in the cheeks. I always feel it in my teeth and around my eyes - cheeks & eyebrow areas. At this point, I've given up on the usual allergy meds. The only things I've found that seem to help are Benedryl & Advil. If all else fails, just blame Clive - he seems to have had a hand in all the major world problems. Why not add sinus troubles to the list?!
  9. Just a reminder that voting ends *soon* for the Broadway.com Audience Awards . According to the site: I couldn't find a cut off date, but I'm guessing tomorrow 5/29. Remember - one vote per IP/email addy. Clay is in 2 categories, Hannah in 1 & Spamalot itself in 1. Favorite Breakthrough Performance (Male) Clay Aiken, Spamalot Favorite Replacement (Male) Clay Aiken, Spamalot Favorite Replacement (Female) Hannah Waddingham, Spamalot Favorite Long-Running Broadway Show Spamalot This concludes this evening's PSA!
  10. That's great, muski! I had this same thought this evening after seeing the totals for each song. And then I pouted because SAU has the least plays - that is a sacrilege!!! :whatutterclaptrap:
  11. So far I've managed to keep off the few lbs. I lost walking my butt off (I wish completely!) in NYC last month. But.... my eating habits haven't been the best since then. I've found myself too tired and not having the time or wanting to expend the effort to cook, so lots of take out. Finally, a month later, I'm getting back on track with my food choices! Today I started out with half a banana with a dab of peanut butter, yogurt & coffee. For lunch I'm having cheese with sourdough Wasa crisps, raw broccoli & carrtos, fresh strawberries, cherries & bluberries. I've got a few spelt pretzels with spinach & scallion hummus and a pear for snack later. Mostly organic. Has anyone tried the Amy's Kitchen line of frozen foods? They're really very good, vegetarian, and they have quite a few items that cater to specific allergies such as gluten, dairy, wheat free varieties. I highly recommend their cheese enchiladas & the garden vegetable lasagna - YUM!
  12. Yeah that! ^^^ I just want him happy - whatever that means & however it happens for him. He's talked before about it being difficult to focus on a relationship in this business and wanting to be a father someday. Thinking & hoping that he might perhaps be in love is just harmless, positive speculation on my part. Just wanting something for him that I feel he wants for himself. I also know that I'm projecting a bit because this song & the way he sings it certainly makes me want to be in love! You're aboslutely correct though, CG. Being in love and in a relationship is not in any way a prerequisite for being able to sing a love song so beautifully. Clay is, afterall, an artist and it's his job to breathe life into the words he's singing.
  13. I have to agree with this. The *cough*few*cough* times I watched SAU yesterday, I almost - almost - felt like I was intruding on a private moment. I don't get much into the shipping, other than teasingly now & then, or trying to interpret his thoughts & feelings, but this is one performance where I really feel like he might be singing to someone..... And it isn't me!
  14. I've said this soooooo many times this evening. I think I'm responsible for at least 50 of the views of SAU. I mean, I love the song on the album, but live?? Oh.my.word. I feel like I'm cheating on WIDTL! And btw, I'm still seeing people talking about the 'country' vibe on that one and I'm not getting that AT ALL.
  15. Agreed. I think if he sings SAU in concert, I'll be dead. But I will have died happy!
  16. He can greet me anytime! canfly!
  17. Holy smokes.... the first "there's" and the last "oh" in "Something About Us".... so deep.... serious chills.... GAH.
  18. BWAH! EEEEEEEEEEE for the AOL Sessions! Just got home from lunch, coffee & grocery shopping and now I'm running off for Clay to sing to meeeeeee!!!
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