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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Or, depending on how ornery he's feeling, he might do more.... Heh.
  2. indeed!! Yes! I've got this stange - yet not! - mix of Spam & OMWH running on a continuous loop in my head lately. Then my mom called this afternoon to tell me she was missing Spam and was wishing we'd gone to see the traveling production when it was is Dayton a few weeks back. LOVE this!!! Thread title??? I second this! I'm still enjoying OMWH immensely. EEEEEEEEEEE for others feeling the WIDTL love! I honestly can't pick favorites - they change all the time - but that one is up there. And I'm still trying to figure out just how this album has managed to get so engrained in my heart & head, to the point that I find myself singing a different song from it everyday! But I might as well give up. Just like a lot of other things, when it comes to Clay, they just are. No explanation necessary. What I love most is that he did such a good job picking a variety of song styles. While I dearly love MOAM, I remember being a bit disappointed because the songs seemed to run together for me. Now Clay singing them live is a different story! I can't wait to see him in concert with THESE songs!!! *Gets out spiral notebook and writes "I will be patient" 500 times*
  3. Feel better soon, keepingfaith! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Yes! HLatN was my first concert! I was in 8th grade and the mom of my best friend at that time took us. It was at the University of Dayton Arena. Big deal for me as my mom was pretty much against letting me go to any of the other '80s bands I liked - Duran Duran, Tears for Fears, Depeche Mode - since I was only 12 or 13. I've seen them one other time since then. Awesome shows! I still have all of their records! Oh. Wait a minute. I remember going to Disneyland for a friend's birthday. It would have to have been around 1985, before we moved. Scott Baio was in concert that night! We didn't actually go, but I do remember hanging out, listening to the concert & trying to find a way for her to see 'cause she had a crush on him! Hee! Someone else upthread mentioned taking their kids to see Tiffany - I saw her, too. I think she was the opening act for New Kids on the Block at King's Island amusement park one summer. Saw quite a few pop concerts there since we usually had season passes - The Jets, Tommy Page, Amy Grant. Country was and still is big in this area, so there were A LOT of country acts at KI. I've never had an ear for country, so I skipped those. I haven't been to many concerts, other than Clay of course, in the past few years. And I think I've been to more of his concerts than all other concerts combined! As for a co-headliner with Clay, I can definitely see the benefits cost-wise and for adding on to an existing fanbase. Don't know who I'd want to see with him though. I have trouble sharing. While I liked Kelly well enough during the IT, I had to admit that by the time we'd sat through the Beau Sisters, I was MORE than ready for Clay to hit that stage and it was tough to keep up the energy for KC. I guess there could be a case for building the excitement.....
  4. Late, but still before the end of the day..... Happy Birthday to MamaCouchie :fest30: and MuskiDaughter
  5. Eeeeeee!!! Scarlett's not only going to be in my neck of the woods (well an 1 1/2 hr. up the highway), but a friend and I were talking just this week about attending KC this year!! :6:
  6. Love this post, JennaZ. Yay for more goodies - thanks footloose! I'll be checking out your blog later today, Kareneh. In the mean time, Lordy! Thank you for using whatever you had at the time to capture this profile shot. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.... Have fun, aikim, and give jazzgirl a hug from me! Nice sunny day here, too. A lot of our farmer's markets are starting up for the season today, so I think I'm going to head out and buy some fresh, home grown, organic fruits & veggies. Everyone have a good one! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  7. Yep, ldyj! I wasn't posting much anywhere last summer, but I was listening to the CV cellstream when the SRHP tour kicked off and decided literally at the last minute I was going to go to Tulsa. I was already taking the rest of the week off work, so why not take a little roadtrip?
  8. *puts on concert ho hat again* I was there! Loving all the recaps of getting in cars with and sleeping in hotel rooms with strangers who could be axe murderers!
  9. justclay, I've only been here 2 days longer than you! It is intimidating when people know each other, but I just said WTH and jumped into posting with both feet. Which might explain how I've managed so many posts even though I'm usually shy....
  10. I can't relate to this in the least. Nope. Not at all. But I pretty much agree with your unprepared, unresearched, footnoteless rambling allegations.
  11. Hee! Were you thinking, "Oh great! She's worse than an axe murderer, she's one of those Fake Clay people!" ? I have no need to make outragious claims about communicating with Clay via cell phone when he actually answers mine!
  12. Oh YESSS! Ohio and California would be good! I really want to get out west to visit old friends & family - might as well throw in a concert or two (or three or....) and maybe meet some new friends! I hope your knee feels better *soon*, ldyj. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  13. My provider, Cincinnati Bell, is offering all of the songs from OMWH, but only as "ringback" tones right now. Definition of "ringback tones": So basically, the ringtone is what YOU hear when someone is calling you. The ringback tone is what THEY hear when they're calling you. I've had Clay as my ringback on my cell since last year - he confused Couchie when she was trying to get a hold of me when I went ahead to the Shubert to get my matinee ticket that Sunday!
  14. And it's a looong weekend! :bier: :nana: :fest30: :7: :04: to Tijala and a belated to Dummie!
  15. Seriously! Mr. Aiken may joke about his "portable audience", but there is a wee bit o'truth to that tale.
  16. Aww, Scarlett's gone and sent us all down the schmoopie Memory Lane! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Strangers leaving hotel room keys for strangers still happens.... Strangers flying alone across the country to meet up & stay with other strangers still happens.... Strangers still say, "Here take my ticket and have a good time!".... Thank goodness, or I'd have missed out on getting to sleep with Cindilu, luickiest and Couchie and celebrate Clay's Spam finale in NYC with a whole bunch of FCA'ers! Oh - and this wasn't the first time it's been wondered if I was an axe murderer, by the way.....
  17. The longest I had the AI finale on my TV last night was from Ryan sitting on the magic carpet pillow thingy to almost being run off the stage on the magic carpet pillow thingy. Other than that I flipped back for a few seconds at a time about 4 times, so I maybe watched a total of 2 minutes. Animal Planet was brilliant, rerunning Puppy Bowl IV last night! Does anyone know of a decent, free photoshop program? I need to do a little side project here at work for next month. Aww, I love the Muppet song, too!
  18. Yes, me too. I missed adding that in my previous post because we got to talking here about the finale again! I kind of hate to think about how his not winning might be playing out in that relationship - sad. That's cool, Lotus. Thanks!
  19. IMO, it's not only his physical stature, but his apparent social immaturity. Jordin seemed to come across polished and fairly well spoken. Archie never seemed to get beyond the look of a deer stuck in the headlights. For me, the "aww shucks" persona only works when there's some substance there to back it up. Absolutely! BWAH, wanda!!
  20. Hee! I happened to have flipped back to AI and saw that part. I was thinking the same thing and I doubt we were the only ones, djs! As far as manipulation on AI? Absofreakinlutely! I couldn't help but think when Simon made his apology about disrespect to David C. that there are a lot more people he should be saying that to.
  21. Oh YESSSS!!! *and* Amen!!! And that sums up another lackluster year of AI for me. What a tragedy for {{{{SCC and his family}}}}. My sympathies to them. ETA: *waves* to Ausdon now that she's apparently recovered from her globe trotting enough to get back on her computer and join us again - yay! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
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