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Everything posted by Mik4clay

  1. Ha I saw that fly right away.. said exactly the same thing to my hubby~ Flies love shit!
  2. Ok podcast is up girls, I’m 5 minutes in and had to shut it off This girl is from South Dakota, there isn’t 1 damn Democrat in that state and as Clay points out not 1 large city. So far he’s letting her spew her crap.. all of her family still voting for Trump b/c he is still a straight shooter WHAT?? !? Clay used to skewer Carrie if she came close to saying anything like that - grrr But it is a podcast where they are trying to get along, I knew 30 seconds in when Clay reiterated that fact 3x in a sentence.. it wasn’t gong to be pretty not sure if I can go back! 😢 someone plz listen and tell me it gets better, while I go get a drink 🍹
  3. I agree with your husband, there has to be consequences for the bad behavior.. we shall see how this all turns out! I'm watching Nancy P on the View. She really thinks the drugs are talking when it comes to Trump lol All I know is this country can’t wait too much longer - starving people for a vote is criminal 😡 ...meanwhile tonite should be exciting! Clay taking on Tomi & Kamala taking on Mikey!
  4. Isn’t she the girl he interviewed at politicon? Hey, I’m starting to get caught up! I noticed you also love glasses Clay -woohoo me too! As far as I’m concerned he needs to just throw the contacts out, To me, the best part is when he constantly pushes them back up 🤓 his quirky habits are hot IMO Excuse me, back to the podcast.. if I remember right he was kinda soft on her, but maybe not during these times.. so much more on the line, go get her Clay.. I want it to get 🔥 !! If it’s the only Clay we get this week, I’ll take her
  5. I don’t do Twitter, but I checked replies to this tweet.. haters saying it’s a racist comment. To who? The rich white cracker in the WH? ...or to crackers in general ???
  6. #1 concern= voter repression #1 non-concern McEnany has it now man do I need a bite-ur-tongue emoji about now *help*
  7. Yes it means it’s going to get even worse here in Mn 😡 unbelievable.. I’m so tired already of the double standard going on shut up, Clay?! No don’t you dare . My mental health depends on it ;))
  8. Yes but JB just did everything RIGHT with his speech in Michigan minutes ago. After crapfest debate, showed all that he is taking the high road and well it was just so comforting, the way it should be. Meanwhile POTUS earlier this week was spreading his disease around my state
  9. I see that the WH staff still not masking! i have a brother who thinks this is all made up to save face b4 election 🤪 oh well, as the beautiful Clay Aiken lovingly says ‘ 2020 can kiss my ass!’ Yes sir 😚
  10. And breathing all over HIM! Think he’ll quarantine this time 🙄
  11. So agreed! it you guys have an hour today to sneak this podcast in it is the best one so far! I was up waaay too late listening to it. It helped me to sleep a lot better and it should lower your BP a little too! I love how Steele interacts with Clay, how well he knows him, how he was bullied as a child and how well that he was raised Hmm, you Know claynews is getting slow when I’m listening to Clay sniff thruout this podcast and I’m thinking, he even does that sexy! Yep, clack and Clays nose, slow drip 😜
  12. Oh hell that doesn’t surprise me. I have such respect for JB b/c I would have walked over and kicked Trump in the balls for trying to slander my kids. Hey gbm you sure are to be commended for your loyalty to nursing! My daughter is a nurse, gave birth to my 2nd granddaughter a few months ago but now has to go back to work. I’m a bit nervous but I don’t think I can give up seeing the grandkids for anything - tough one :(
  13. It was crazy awful. Even though I felt a little sorry for the moderator, I felt he needed someone to help him (Clay ;)) it was a tall order, Trump never stopped yelling over Biden.. that is not the definition of the term debate i agree with Joe, breathe people!
  14. Clay, you are not the only one! My political fantasy? Clay moderating and jumping out of his seat screaming STFU! 😳 yep miss him
  15. Hi all! newbie here, new to this board but not new to the fandom of one Clay Aiken.. was there for the first 7 yrs, left for 10 and now back thanks to sitting home during a pandemic! I want to thank you two for bringing the clack even though there are times, like now, when it stalls out. It’s taken me 16 weeks to catch up on the man’s last 10 years.. I’m still not finished, but it’s been fun. It certainly helped get me through this crap and for that I’m grateful for FCA 😘 i feel your pain merrieeee, my husbands a teacher I’ve taught preschool for 25 years and I have a son teaching special ed. My husband and I have been home for 6 months now, he was able to go virtual because he’s a type 1 diabetic.. it didn’t make sense for me to go back and bring it back home. But miss those little buggers so much! My son works in the next town so we don’t see him either unless outside and masked the worst part is not knowing when this will end. So hello to all who lurk and maybe some from my posting days (mik) from 04-09 over at CP A 10 yr break didn’t stop my ❤️ For Clay, I guess nothing will
  16. Hey to all that reside here.. I left the clay aiken fandom about 10 years ago when my board shut down. Not sure if YSRN is still hanging around but she was one of my claylovin clackaholics😘 So what to do when a pandemic hits? 😷 go back and rekindle your Clay fandom of course! I can’t believe how much I’ve missed! I align in every way with Clay politically, right up to my girl Amy Klobuchar .. always said that boy was so damn smart, I love how well spoken he is and how he garners respect from everyone he interviews (I’ve watched every BOLD blend episode). I want to say thank you so much to all that bring the news and tweets and that podcast posted today? I was laughing and crying as I listened to those girls telling of their claylove and boy did my friend and I do a lot of the same things- right up to giggling when someone said the number 13, secretly knowing that was Clay’s shoe size.. and assuming we knew what that meant, right? 😉 Haha so dang goofy! i would love to join in a little on the action here.. even if the news is coming in sooo slow thanks again Mikki
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