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Everything posted by Mik4clay

  1. Ha oh yeah some things will never change Sitting here waiting for these election results is like waiting for a biopsy result.. so much of your future depends on the outcome. so lately I’ve been obsessed with watching Steve Kornacki on msnbc. He reminds me so much of Clay.. politically passionate nerd. So I look him up and he’s gay, same age and couldn’t find anywhere that says he’s married or linked..so now I’m all about the ship- how cute would those two be? ok so I’m bored and a girl can dream 😋
  2. Yay real coke and chocolate! Cancel each other out 😜👍 whatever u do, do not check the replies on Clay’s joke tweet. It’s a joke people! T-rumpers acting like the man is the degradation of society 😆 check hour President and what he said about Rosie O.. bet they thought that was funny
  3. Hugs to you guys.. know just how u feel. They just shut down the schools up here now to all distance learning. In my husbands school, Elem and high school principals are home sick. I hope that’s what your daughters school does too, peace of mind!
  4. Woohoo I love it when he corrects people- so I’ll b careful CLAY YOU’RE SO CUUUTE! Ha I also love how merrieee keeps peeking thru her fingers
  5. As a preschool teacher that made me LMAO 🤣 so damn true merrieee not so bad, things r close but at least he’s starting to build that blue wall!
  6. Amen bro 😉 I sent a screenshot of Clay’s McCain tweet to my repub brother in Tucson..hmm haven’t heard back 😝
  7. Thanks for bringing that this morning - I needed it! LOL at the mayor gal who admitted her hangover 😂 Clay, cute as he ever was BUT did the cheeseheads in Wisconsin really turn their state blue? I would be strangely proud, which almost never happens ( borderbattle )
  8. Too funny- Claynation actually would have won that one in the courts 😬
  9. Lmao 😂 It feels a little like that night right now, but let’s hope it doesn’t end as badly we r living in the United State of Anxiety!
  10. I’m feeling good about your gut too sweetheart ❤️ As long as we wake up one morning in January with a different man in the WH, I’m good! Go Texas! (Lol)
  11. Oh boy look at what color Tx is?!! Clay called the Trump win last election remember? I want to believe!
  12. I think I must ask this question at least 3 times a day. It’s scary because it really, in so many ways, can not reflect the outcome of this election 😪 It’s almost like it’s so popular right now to be an ass. I have to believe that good will outweigh evil. Yes, I think the bus incident is rooted in evil.. dramatic maybe? But I really do think anyone demo or repub that think that’s ok and sits in a church or acts charitable etc are just hypocrites .. it drives me crazy to watch it. I have to have HOPE for this country! 🙏🏻
  13. I was seriously sitting here thinking the same thing~ Also, relishing quiet..what the calm b4 the storm feels like.
  14. Alrighty then! ooo I ❤️ All of the Indiana Jones movies! But for Harrison Ford (yum) ! off to throw my 3 yr old grandbaby a Halloween party ... all for herself this year-Kid won’t sleep til next week 🎃
  15. Wow I can see how the nerds would love this computer generated polling strategy, so smart! But for me, not so much.. I would be checking it all the time for assurances and then I would need the Xanax! shoutouts to Texas and Mn on the podcast- whoa if Mn goes red and Tx blue! That would be incredible and horribly depressing for me.. I think all they can really say is that we won’t know anything until the election 🤪 And FWIW, I never watched another minute of American Idol after Clay Aiken lost - I wasn’t bitter, just couldn’t find anyone else that I suspect would have come close to him Ha Ha
  16. Haven’t had a chance to check out new podcast yet .. why have I not heard of the website 538? Clay knows it so well that Clare (this weeks guest) commented above that HE should be working for them! That would be so cool ✌️
  17. Oops i got penis, money and friend... subconsciously had Clay on the brain 🤭
  18. Hey fear, nice to see you. Yep, found out that in this shitshow called life right now Clay Aiken is my happy place 😁🥰
  19. Feels a little like my face is sliding off my head, but not going to sit back and just take the drugs.. I just got back from a chiropractor and feel so much better already! Hopefully will be totally gone in a couple of weeks 🤞
  20. Aww, so what this country needs right now 💗 I can not believe how much better I feel since I got the vote in on Friday! I work with small children and hardly ever get sick— immune system top notch. But being home and this election stress worked me up a bout of Bell’s Palsy! Anyone ever have it? It’s the weirdest thing. I really so need next week to get here and be outta my life 😝
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