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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Let the battle commence. From Aron Hall. And he responds.
  2. Cute. david ehrlich ‏@davidehrlich I could SWEAR I just saw Clay Aiken on the L train, but that makes no sense… right? Hunter McMillian ‏@hpmcmill @clayaiken just passed you at the F train stop! lol should have said hi The L train responded. @NYC_LTrain: I feel like all hipsters look like Clay Aiken. https://t.co/rRyIjAC6QA
  3. Eeeee I think! @clayaiken: Big changes to http://t.co/1V6RYP4mHr coming very soon.
  4. You mean it's not on tonight? Nooooo! I really enjoyed the program and I so wish that there were more episodes but then again maybe less is more.
  5. I wanna go! @clayaiken: Hey @kelly_clarkson - wanna go karaoke with me?! Ha ha ha http://t.co/m2nnSkeFb2
  6. Clay tweet. The article is way too long! @clayaiken: Someone read through this long article and explain that subheading to me! Should I be offended or happy? #toodamnlong http://t.co/DE22BTgsne Best response from a guy! @keithg18: @clayaiken take it anyway you like. You're sexy and we all know it! @SGenRou: @clayaiken for the real answer...peoples champ, brave and exciting fighter, politician, makes history, man with principle, a singer... Clay tweet. @clayaiken: So, we are gonna accept that it WILL leak into ground water?? And just be ok with it?! What the hell?! http://t.co/QmwDZcI9Tk
  7. Bwah! He is too funny. You need to click on the pic. @clayaiken: Does this mean I stink?!? �� http://t.co/OfaQt1t7i9q He appears to be sitting in NYC subway car and is taking a panoramic video and the car is empty!
  8. Article about Clay and the DCCC http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-liberal/2015/05/dont-expect-to-see-clay-aiken-run-for-congress-again-2505024.html
  9. You have an excuse your are a mod. I'm a lowly......what is it? Ah a stylist. Hee hee
  10. Ok so when did I get over 5000 posts?. I should get a prize! Don't cha think?
  11. A few tweets from today. Mostly they are bots retweeting the above article.
  12. Here's the interview. I believe the typos have been corrected.
  13. Another interview. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/30/clay-aiken-congress_n_7139126.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment&ir=Entertainment
  14. @clayaiken: US media needs to do better. We still have some DEEProoted & unacceptable biases that we must root out. #thinkaboutit http://t.co/Ahr1cIzZWv
  15. Who ever thought the day would come when we would see Clay Aiken zipping up his pants?
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