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Posts posted by merrieeee

  1. :clap::clap::clap:

    I really have to give all of you a standing O! I don't think I could do what you are doing and have done. My Mother was an extremely private person and she would have hated me giving her a bath etc.

    When she died last year I was devastated but looking back it really was for the best. She could still take care of herself although it was getting difficult and how I would have manged with her in England I me here I dread to think.

    I don't do well in any sort of caregiver situation...I guess I'm not wired that way.

    {{{{{to all who need them}}}}

  2. I just found this thread...well I was trying to ignore it*g* I started back on my diet and walking this week. I walked 10 miles this weekend and I hope to walk every night for 2 1/2 miles. I love using my iPod. It makes it so much easier to keep up a fast pace if you have good music. Now if I could just eat the right stuff! All the talk of chocolate doesn't help!!

  3. *waves to xxx4clay*

    I actually sat beside you this year at the Asheville concert, but you probably don't remember. I am a big fan of your clack. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Since I sat in front of luckiest1 and co. in Asheville I must have sat in front of you! Small World Huh? By the way i'm the one that doesn't have an accent!

  4. Here's the scenario: You are standing at the gate, in Atlanta, to get on a plane to see Clay in Pensacola. Your travelling companion whom you have really only known two days has her purse stolen! She is not going to make the flight. The dilemma is if you don't get on the plane you will almost certainly not see Clay in concert but your new friend has no money, no ticket, no cell phone, no credit cards. What to do?

    I got on the plane.........I'm only joking!

    As luck would have it I had Scarlett's cell number in my phone and she and three others picked us up and we drove to Pensacola and saw the concert. Talk about serendipity I had only met these folks once before and I have no idea why I programmed their cell numbers into mine!

    Now everyone has their priorities! Kandre had lost everything in that purse and her first concern was...yes you can guess...... the front row ticket she had for the concert and then for the blingy name tags we had made!

    Kandre :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  5. I can honestly say I can never remember having looked at certain parts of men's anatomy before I became a Clay Aiken fan....wait I think it all started when I began reading Muski's posts!!!!

    (Well other than Rudolph Nureyev and Barishnikov but those were unavoidable!)

    I sent a friend of mine the cute puppy picture yesterday and she emailed me back that I had fooled her. She thought it was going to be a pic of Clay. Well just for that I sent her the package picture! She could not believe that I had done that. So unlike me! But she loved it.

  6. Gosh I am so weak!! I went over to the BAF site to buy a CD holder. Why I don't know I have an iPod! Well I also bought a T-Shirt, a Hoodie and doubled my pledge! Best money I've spent today!

    I'm feeling chuffed (translation: pleased) with myself today. I walked a total of 5 miles which as I haven't walked in over a year I think is pretty dang good! Now if I can just keep it up I can eat more chocolate and cheese, my other vice! I am really picky about my cheeses too I have to go home to England to bring back good Cheddar! Although that stuff from North of the border is a good substitute!

    While I was walking I d/l all of Scarlett's XviDs from Tampa. I just love GetRight! Now if Comcast doesn't cut of my internet for over use I will be OK. That Clack is primo!!!!!

    And for everyone else...just out of curiosity, what would you forgo a Clay concert for (funerals of immediate family members excluded)?

    When my mother was alive I used to visit her before Xmas every year. Once Clay came along I told her I felt it would be better if I came at New Year instead. She would then have something to look forward to after Xmas. Wasn't I a good daughter? :eusa_whistle:

    Oh and I hate sports of any kind so that choice is easy. Could someone then explain why I work for a PGA TOUR tournament? :lilredani:

  7. keepingfaith would you just quit it! You keep mentioning things that Clay has done and I go look for it on my hard drive, find out I don't have it and have to d/l another piece of clack and then force myself to watch it.. It is a chore I tell you! I don't get anything done!

    I was in Target today and do you know how many types of chocolate they now sell! A gazillion varieties! I gave it up last week and it is really tough to walk past it.

    My favourite double entendre of Clay's is the 'black hole" from Asheville. In fact that whole "bug down Angela's blouse" is really funny.

  8. I dunno...I guess part of it is I think the OTT stuff embarrasses me and I don't want to be connected with it in any way. I can't, for the life of me, afford to spend the kind of money some of the OTT people spend...it has to be a shitload!!! If I get to go to one concert, I'm happy...but...that's just me. Those who can afford to go to more and want to go...more power to them.

    As long as you don't include eeeing and squeeing in the bus line in Tulsa after Clay touched our hands, as OTT then you and I will get along fine*g*

    I blush every time I think about it It is so not me! No truly despite what the eHP might say I really am very calm in my normal life.

    I came into this fandom not knowing anyone. It is so out of character for me to have many friends at all. I too am more of a loner. This weekend I have no plans, am seeing no one and am loving it. Just me, myself and I. If anyone would have told me I would meet a group of women and end up loving every minute I am around them I would have said they were nuts! It is still so amazing to me that as different as we all are we all get along. And when I say different wow I mean different....On the subway in New York they were pointing at me and calling me their token white girl. Hee!

    Kandre convinced me to post more on this board and so I did. It really has only been a few months and I love the acceptance here. There really are no cliques except for one that includes all. It is really not like any other board. It just takes time to get to know everyone....like any good relationship.

    Yeah windstar2 another Texan! Maybe one day I will get to meet most of you in person.

  9. I always thought I belonged on this board.....you know like minds and all but today I feel like an alien. Where did my board go? I think I just don't fit in any more! You see I only like Milk Chocolate and it has to be only Cadbury's imported from England! None of your Hersheys' wannabee or Godiva stuff. Oh no!

    Would I give it up for Clay? Duh! I actually stopped eating chocolate one week ago and seeing the pics is driving me crazy!

    Does it have to be Cadbury's from England? Cuz Cadbury's in Canada is pretty good stuff too. They have a Caramilk Dark bar now. I have 5 of them in my freezer. I love frozen chocolate bars, and these are ambrosia.

    Only if it's not made by Hersheys! That stuff is fake I tell you!

    I have a confession to make I do not like ice cream! Or at least it doesn't like me. Everytime I eat something ice cold I get sick! Now don't ask me why. Maybe because growing up nothing I had was ice cold.

    Talking of ice cold! I just got back from a 2 1/2 mile walk. It is probably 70 degrees already and the humidity is a killer. I listened to Clay singing Emmanuel and DSIAFCD and you know what it made it didn't make it seem any cooler at all. No the sweat is still pouring off me. I forgot how much I like to walk listening to Clay on my iPod. I feel as if I could walk for miles just listening to him. Is that a guilty pleasure?

    I loved the rehearsal clack. He just looks so manly there and sooo tall!

  10. I always thought I belonged on this board.....you know like minds and all but today I feel like an alien. Where did my board go? I think I just don't fit in any more! You see I only like Milk Chocolate and it has to be only Cadbury's imported from England! None of your Hersheys' wannabee or Godiva stuff. Oh no!

    Would I give it up for Clay? Duh! I actually stopped eating chocolate one week ago and seeing the pics is driving me crazy!

    Had to bring in my geraniums tonight since it is supposed to get in the thirties...I am so not ready for cold weather

    Wow Aikim I've still got my air conditioner going. It was 90 today!

  11. Same goes for Clay's pants

    There I was thinking wow muski writing a post without any smut...she really must be feeling ill! But then I got to the bottom of the post and there it was her beloved smut!

    Now I feel better.

    I make lime jello with cream cheese and smushed up canned pears. At least that is when I cook. I hate to cook! Nothing ever seems to come out right to me though I am very good at opening jars. My hubby even bought me one of those electric jar openers. He know me so well.

    I wonder if Clay has learned to cook?

    Hey lovethat guy I was on the outside when I finally started to post. It didn't stop me I just barged in (whether they liked it or not :imgtongue:) One day I will be here long enough to learn the secret handshake! Wait there is no secret handshake .........what sort of a group is this? :cryingwlaughter:

    But really this board is like no other that I have come across. Thank goodness bashing is not allowed...well except by Solo and then only in front of Clay*g*

  12. Who called whom, who didn't call, what was said, implicated, denied, was it wishful thinking, was it a form of blackmail. I will NEVER know! I don't care to know. It is none of my business! I don't even know if they were still friends who haven't spoken in months!

    So all I have is two blogs written in haste(?). anger(?) malice(?), spitefulness(?). Again I will NEVER know.

    From my perpective, only thing I can say is Clay gave her an out and she chose not to take it. Who know why? Just make it go away.

    Clay give us another blog about your CD...Xmas tour..anything the natives are restless!

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