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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I just went out to the back yard to put furniture grill etc back in place......not! The fire ants are out in force and the humidity is unreal. I decided it can wait. I had one tiny little tree limb come down and nothing else! Amazing. I think I'm going to soak in the tub and take a nap. I've not had a lot of sleep for a week. Good grief it is a week since we started getting ready.
  2. I've been sitting here waiting for my dd to call. She drove home today, about 30 miles away. I nearly jumped out of my skin when my amazon echo called me! I forgot that we can make phone calls through it. She got there through a roundabout route to avoid some flooding and she never lost power so she's feeling so much better. The sun is shining now and it's almost like nothing happened in my area. Until you hear reports that the local grocery stores have no milk or bread and are only open shortened hours. I'm on the east side and we're doing ok but the west side is a whole different story. At least the new storm in the Gulf is not expected to come here.
  3. Now ten of my daughter's students are homeless. When asked what could be done to help one of them said just pray for us! im really feeling like I escaped this week!
  4. We're still ok. In fact my daughter is going to try to go home tomorrow. I'm going to be a nervous wreck until I hear she's home safe. Tomorrow her students are gathering to volunteer to help people in her community. She only has 400 students in her school and within one hour of posting 65 have signed up to work. One of the kids that signed up is one that lost everything in the flood and she wants to help others! I took more stuff over to shelters today. I asked the workers what they needed. She said a cowboy hat! One of the guests (we don't call them evacuees) is an old gentleman who lost his hat! That's Texas for you. That's all he wanted! Wish I had one. I feel bad I can't help more but my dd will be going home with some gift cards from Walmart. 😗
  5. Fingers crossed we made it through! Some of my daughters students have lost everything. They are already low income so it's just heartbreaking. She has three faculty also lost all and no flood insurance. Im going back through all my stuff to see what else I can donate. We still can't get out of the area and feel kind of helpless but at least when we can I'll have stuff to take them.
  6. I'm feeling so guilty right now! I'm dry and have power. My dd and I know at least 6 people that have lost everything with no insurance. I just went through my house and grabbed up clothes, toiletries and food to give to the local evacuee shelter. It's amazing how you realise how you don't need this stuff when people have nothing.
  7. It's still raining! Today has been light to heavy rain all day so it's not helping. We are just staying home glued to the tv. There are some very heart warming stories. There's a guy here who owns furniture stores that he opened up last night for evacuees. He's feeding them and allowing them to sleep on his mattresses and sit on all his showroom furniture. He is a wonderful person whereas Joel Osteen, the preacher, said his mega church that holds 16,000 people was closed due to flooding. Videos have been taken around the church and its dry.....even the basement! He's worth $50 million dollars and he's asking for donations to help Houston. Bitter.....no not me!
  8. Thanks. So far so good. It's hard not to feel guilty beccause we are ok. It's still raining so we're just waiting and watching. My co worker just got flooded. She was flooded last year and about three months ago got back in her house. They built a new freeway and caused the river to reroute so where never flooded now does. It's a mess! Texans are very resilient so as soon as it stops we'll get it fixed.
  9. Boy are we getting the rain now. It is unbelievable. Every road around here is flooded. My subdivision is ok still but my way out is impassable and my way to work has 10 feet of water on the roads.
  10. We seem to be in an area where everything bad is going around us. We've had a fairly mild day and kind of felt guilty that it's not worse. We think a tornado touched down about a mile from me! As I'm typing this we just got a terrific downpour! It's not over yet!
  11. Power went out for about 3 hours and there was storm damage but so far so good.
  12. Since I am north of the actual landfall all I can do is sit and wait. So right now I am bored and sleepy! We are expecting a lot of rain but no hurricane wind speeds. We're concerned about the power going out and therefore the wifi. My daughter came over to be with me and she's thinking of going back to her home, which is closer to the bay. Why? I have no HBO and she'll miss game of thrones!
  13. He's letting us go at noon and will monitor the situation. It's raining quite a bit already but we're not supposed to get the winds so I'm not too worried I don't think I'll flood and as long as the wifi stays I'll be ok.
  14. Right now it's a glorious sunny day! Waiting for tomorrow round 5 when it's supposed to start. My boss is thinking about whether to close the office or not.......you know golf is so important in a hurricane.
  15. 30-40" total rain! Maybe a cat 4 hurricane.......gotta go get more chocolate. I wish I drank!
  16. I'm all set if hurricane Harvey comes in! I went and stocked up on chocolate.
  17. I didn't get to see anything of the eclipse! Everyone in the office just left and I can't leave the phones. This is nothing new. It that's a whole different story. So I looked at this eclipse today....it was my cat whose name was eclipse.
  18. I'm glad things were quiet in the clay world. I had to have an ultrasound on my eye.......yeah I'd never heard of that either. I have a mark on my retina that looks like a freckle and he wanted to make sure it was not cancerous. it's not. I was in the office three hours for a ten minute test. I couldn't see to drive when I got out so I called in sick for the rest of the day. I don't know what it is that makes sitting around so tiring. I was exhausted by the time I finally got home. So thanks clay for not opening your mouth today.
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