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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. Clay tweet. hmm he's not on mine right now. He's also tweeting the channels. I think he wants us to watch.
  2. Clay Aiken keeping it real! http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2015/10/politicon-comic-con-for-politics
  3. Oh now my life is complete! A video of Clay walking!
  4. Just saw this on Twitter. I believe that is Aljazeera.
  5. Clay is in this video. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-10-12/i-cosplayed-newt-gingrich
  6. From what I'm gathering Politicon was a success and they are looking to planning 2016. Here's one write up. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/10/12/1431074/-Glimpsing-the-future-of-politics-at-Politicon-2015
  7. The funniest thing is reading all the Twitter responses to the Trump tweet. It is obvious no one has read the article! They are praising Clay for switching sides, saying he's voting for Trump etc. Totally not what he said at all. Therin lies the problem with media today....go for the headline because a lot will go no further.
  8. Woo hoo for more pics! @am870theanswer: Come by the AM870 suite here at #Politicon about to start celebrity influence in politics @clayaiken is speaking! http://t.co/1IS0X9Kaof @washexaminer: Clay Aiken flashes a smile and a wink on Ellmers affair rumors http://t.co/UZaJVntyds Trump retweeted this. @realDonaldTrump: "@CNNPolitics: .@clayaiken praises "good guy" Trump and his "upstanding" and "grounded" kids http://t.co/sewrn2VkJ8 http://t.co/oRIPL1xDBG
  9. I'm off to a scarecrow festival........in 90 degree heat! I'll bring over the tweets, that don't get posted, tonight.
  10. @JonathanFlora: An entertaining and very thought provoking panel with @clayaiken @PacificJustice @deborahflora1 at @Politicon http://t.co/GCf1q4X0L7
  11. @alvictoriaa: Omg next to clay Aiken he's adorable haha
  12. I want to know the questions! @daynadrum: @itstyleryalll asking Clay the tough questions. #Politicon
  13. @redisthenewcool: Clay Aiken Brad Dacus &Nina Burleigh Religious Freedom Panel at #Politicon in LA #Jesus #USA great conversation! http://t.co/40Yznlj4wN There is a girl in the pic who is taking video. We have to track her down. Ldyj get right on that!
  14. @Politicon: "Religious Freedom: From Bakeries to Courthouses" with Brad Dacus and @clayaiken! #Politicon http://t.co/jvornKy5L0 @LauraAnnTull: Photo: #religiousfreedom Brad Dacus, Clay Aiken, Nina Burleigh #politicon http://t.co/FlE651klHs @LauraAnnTull: #religiousfreedom Brad Dacus, Clay Aiken, Nina Burleigh #politicon https://t.co/aHm4xiK8RC
  15. From Politicon. @frankthefox: Fascinating to hear Clay Aiken speak about his failed congressional campaign. Much respect! @Politicon #Politicon http://t.co/62QL11F2Yp
  16. Politicon just did a periscope. Fingers crossed they do it for Clay.
  17. It's official Clay has to be so excited to be in the middle of.
  18. The baby news was about someone on the show. The tweet was worded badly. Clay mentioned a surprise on the show. It appears to be that Edward Snowdon will call in to Politicon. Rumors are flying that two certain people in Congess might be quitting! Nuff said!
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