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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. LOL, sadly, I meant the sweater, not the shirt. He really does get a lot out in the few minutes he's on - he speaks so well! I hope they at least plug the web address and/or name of the Foundation before the show is over. Unless I missed it, they never actually said it. Aww, I guess it was too much to hope for. How about light-colored shirt? Was it the Somalia one?
  2. Thanks very much, cindilu2 & wandacleo!!! Um, could you expound more on the "mostly unbuttoned" part? *fans self*
  3. Anxiously waiting for reports from people with working TV's...
  4. Wishlist: 1. ATDW in Japanese -- there's a Tower Records attached to Shinjuku station next to the South Exit (how convenient is that?) 2. Anything else by, with or about "Kurei Eikun" in Japanese 3. Any 1 CD by L'Arc en Ciel except the Top 13 singles (just one since CD's are so expensive over there) 4. Anything on this Amazon list in the original Japanese but particularly the works of Jiro Taniguchi (谷口ジロ) (eg. The Walking Man - the Time review) or Taiyō Matsumoto (松本大洋) or Junko Mizuno (水野純子) 5. With The Light - Keiko Tobe (光とともに…-自閉症児を抱えて-, Hikari to Tomoni... ~Jiheishouji Wo Kakaete~?) volumes 1, 2 or 3 (or a preview of of 4 if available)
  5. OMG, if you're in Shinjuku I hope you try this (with the guy from Kill Bill who taught Lucy Liu!) Not to mention how close you are to Area2 *winks* ETA: Whoops, I forgot that your son's with you. How about a nice Meiji Shrine? at 9 Kasumigaoka Shinjuku Tel: 03 3401 0312 (a review with pictures) ETAA: claytonic, about your question regarding my avatar -- it's a baby eagle. Thanks for asking! We have something in common -- we're both having hot sultry Christmases, aren't we? ETAYA: And there's Shinjuku Gyoen (National Garden) 11 Naito-cho Shinjuku 160-0014 Tel: 81-3-3350-0151 though I don't know what it looks like in the winter. I have some springtime cherry blossom pictures(WARNING: Large pictures. Do not click if your memory is low) on the Catch-all thread. More on it here.
  6. Eeeee, that was so quick! Thanks for the recap, KAndre, and next time take us with you!!!
  7. {{{ldyjocelyn}}} hope your flight goes well! Thanks for the recap, cha! ETA: Thanks for the reminder about tonight's show! ETAA: I see K down there! I know you're having a great time -- post some pictures! I thought about you this morning when I debated on whether or not to switch on the AC -- I still don't want to do it but the house is at 75 degrees and it's stiffling!!! *need to hold out until the next ice storm or my trip to NYC whichever comes first!*
  8. Merry Christmas everyone!!! A Buddhist said, “Tell me, what is this day you cherish so, that you call Christmas?” And the stranger from the West said, “Christmas is not a day, really. It is light, I think. It comes when days are shortest and darkest and hearts despair, and it reminds us that winter death is a temporary thing and that light and life are eternal. And it is hope. For it demonstrates how kind and generous and self-forgetting human beings can be. And we know that what people can be sometimes, they can, if they will, be most times. And assuredly it is love. Its symbol is a newborn babe, warm and safe in his mother’s arms. To be sure, he was born a long, long time ago. Yet through the ages his influence as he became a man and the truths he taught and the love he incarnated have proved stronger and dearer in matters that matter most than all the kings and armies and governments of history. Oh, whatever else it may be, Christmas indeed is love.” “I think I understand,” the Buddhist said. “Christmas is like a lotus blossom. When it blooms, it holds, as in a chalice, the beauty of the world.” “Yes, you do understand,” said the Stranger from the West. “When it comes, Christmas brings the light that redeems us from darkness, the hope that casts out fear, and the love that overcomes the world. ‘It is Christmas!’ We rejoice. And suddenly, the lotus blooms . . .” - Waldemar Argow ------------------------------------------------- ETA: Yay for the nice holiday, goldarngirl and FromClaygary! You're actually warmer than we are -- we're at 62 degrees right now, just right for me!
  9. Oh, and happy trip to KAndre who'll soon be flying out to Tokyo (48 degrees). Stay warm!!! Have fun, K!!! (even though you know it's 70 degrees here right now...)
  10. These are the only one's I've found so far ~ Thanks so much annabear!!! Ldyj, awww it'll be alright. LOTBS, he'll have a reason to get an upgrade next time. Apple will probably announce something new during CES in January. ETA: {{{luckiest}}} and glad to know you made it, FromClaygary!
  11. Awww, ldy! He's Cute AND What!!! Yes, they both are!!! (drop dead gorgeous and lucky!) Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! More non-watermarked pics, pleaaaaaaase? Anyone?!!!
  12. Need to have this on this page as well... thanks, aikim!
  13. Posted the pictures here. BTW, at the white elephant exchange, I ended up with these round shiny balls that made a sound when they were shaken. There were 2 of them in a box -- kf was holding them in one of the pictures. There wasn't anything to hang these with though. *scratches head*
  14. Pretty banner! I have to run because I gotta be someplace... soon as I dig up a white elephant!!! I hope they left some food out for me... *puppy eyes*
  15. Had a looong day yesterday but want to drop by to send a yay for couchie's mom feeling somewhat better and hugs to couchie on the spam trip! and congratulations to Fear and Fearson! and hugs to annabear and mamabear! Looking forward to the Shogun marathon and White Elephant exchange tomorrow!!! I was the last person at a White Elephant exchange last Wednesday and I stole a cute stuffed dwarf (Happy from Disney's SW&T7D). Unfortunately, before the whole thing began I made the suggestion that the first person to go gets to go again at the very end and the dwarf got stolen from me. Boo! So watch out tomorrow, I have a "Unix for Dummies" book that I have no use for, Hmmph! *sulks* My favorite Hallelujah is from Rufus Wainwright unless Clay sang it in which case it's already my favorite even if I haven't heard it yet. Did anyone ever say why we had to vote on the 3 songs -- "Hallelujah", WAMLAW and "Amazing Grace"? And also, hugs to those battling an Ice Storm today!!! ETA: Stay warm, ldj! ETAA: and gbmifan!
  16. {{{couchie and mama couchie}}} Keeping you both in my thoughts today. :thbighug-1: Belated HBD to wandacleo and keldanker!!!
  17. Thanks play! I tried this but because of taxes and such it came to $167 -- is it still a good buy at that price? Before the Linens 'n Things closeout, it was at $160 over there with free shipping. What do you think? ETA: Got it! Thanks a bunch. Now if I would only pick up enough things off of the floor to make it useful! Clay content -- I still miss the JNT so much! Wah!!! :cry4:
  18. Glad to hear the news, annabear! Will continue to send lots of hugs and good thoughts to you and your mom!!! Also sending warm hugs to aikim and everyone living in the winter zones! We had some snow last week (only the 2nd time I saw it on the ground here in 15 years) but now I know better than to tease after driving through a whiteout a year ago. Changing my siggy, for you guys... (I miss the JNT so much this year, but am glad that I saw as much of it as I could when it was still around)
  19. Additional matinee report (11/13): At the end of the NotYetDead scene, as he was riding on the cart he alternately kicked his right and left legs while slapping alternating knees in time. Too cute! His torch dance looked like he was shaking his booty at the torch girl who was right behind him. My companion called it a cross between a thrust and a shimmy. During the God scene, he pointed towards the sky as he talks about "a quail!". He started doing this during the matinee and in the evening show, he emphasized it even more --like pointing, "There's one! And there goes another one!" The monk who spins the nun was new and he was handling her very gingerly. I think at one point he almost dropped her and ended up with fewer spins. During the evening show, the monk&nun were more energetic and Clay ended up putting both feet on the table to avoid getting hit. Taunter scene -- Clay kept reacting to what Rick said, eg. holding his nose after "fart in your general direction". On the evening show, he rubbed his bottom for a long time after "boil your bottoms". His tunic slit which was already higher during this 2nd Spam run seems to be even higher today. Let me compare it to a skirt -- on Spam1 if you were wearing a skirt at the same relative height on you as the slit is on him, it would still be a pretty decent mini skirt that you could wear to casual event. At the start of Spam2, it would be very revealing mini-skirt because it only reached the very tippy top of your leg, like something that would come with a Halloween costume for a hooker. Last night it would have been impossible to call it a skirt because it would have been a couple of inches above the top of your legs - a very wide belt or sash, perhaps? LOL sang "Single Ladies" both on the matinee and the evening show. On Knights of the Round table, he was back in the middle of the floor again. During thanksgiving weekend, he was on one of the dice like the time last spring when Hannah hurt her leg. I don't know if Merle also hurt something last month but things are back to normal now and Clay seems to be reveling at being back in the center during this part of the show, using that chance to ham around while still doing the same basic choreography. The matinee show was fun for me because it seemed like because of the people changes, they were re-figuring out how to mesh together and (to me) it made the show more exciting to watch. They figure things out quickly, though, since by the evening show it seemed like folks were more settled in their roles.
  20. But I can't type it up until you send me the .mp3 of our conversation because I'm in the deepest Aiken fog ever. In the 2nd half: When he hit the tambourine saying "That's enough music for now, lads" he acted like he'd hurt his hand. He slapped (and really SLAPPED) the behind of the girl with the "nasty tights". He did this great move that involved a full deep knee bend while still shimmying around (as though he were going to do a limbo). however I missed most of it except the end because I was busy picking up confetti. I swear that I will keep my eyes on him the entire time tonight so as not to miss anything. Short but "full voice" Amen At the wedding, David apparently picked the Macarena for the their group (Belvedere, Patsy & Robin) but Clay didn't seem to know how to do it or didnt want to try. The other two did it while he watched. More tonight as I recall things...
  21. Love the gorgeous pictures!!! Looking forward to seeing at least 7 FCA'ers at tomorrow's shows! I've been wandering around the boards tonight and it's been fascinating to watch people finding their own clay aiken comfort levels. As I recall, there have been hardly any reminders around the boards about first checking for a sound basis before shipping Clay with Hannah or Jaymes or Tyra or Jamie, etc. I was almost tempted to post drawings of cute guys in bathtubs or links to similar youtube AMVs set to Clay Aiken songs just to jiggle things a bit. It think it's all good if this leads to better understanding or even just tolerance to begin with; if people remember that those who are instantly ok with today's news may be the ones struggling tomorrow.
  22. Yaaaaaaaaaay, hmmmm can you tell me where you hid the new ones???? I think you were Claylayed again. Looking forward to this audio, I might even get the songs done this weekend. *hangs head guiltiliy* But then.. "Claylayed" -- hmmm, I like the sound of that! I'm staying off the boards tonight to work. I am. I am.
  23. Creed sounds nice to me -- it has "forever" woven in there someplace. I know I'm getting too giddy on a tabloid report but I can't help it! Thank goodness Clay is singing to me! this weekend (oh all right, to PerusingOne and luckiest1 and Kareneh and maybe playbiller too!)
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