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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. Hi chacha! It's very close - this is the code. I thnk the light blue background is affecting how we see it. Flamingo - #df7253
  2. Here's your code, aikim: Misty Rose (PANTONE 15-1512) - #cda89f ETA: Misty Rose was already in the middle of the spread above since I took all the colors that people posted before... Thanks for doing that...but now what do I do now that I have the code? Kim It goes like this: [color="#xxxxxx"]Insert Text here[/color] So for Misty Rose, when you type this on your post: [color="#cda89f"]Hello world, come see my pretty colors![/color] it'll come out looking like this: Hello world, come see my pretty colors! ETA: Or what ldj said!
  3. Here's your code, aikim: Misty Rose (PANTONE 15-1512) - #cda89f ETA: Misty Rose was already in the middle of the spread above since I took all the colors that people posted before...
  4. These are the colors we have at FCA (so far). I added Clay's 2 colors at the top and I also used both the assigned & chosen colors for 3 people (Gibby, FromClaygary and myself). It think they're quite pretty... Claret Red Saxony Blue Golden Poppy Dusty Lavander Garnet Misty Lilac Pagoda Blue Apricot Ice Forest Shade Paisley Purple Brandied Melon Peridot Autumn Sunset Fiesta Molten Lava Misty Rose Fair Aqua Autumn Leaf Adriatic Blue Delphinium Blue Coral Blush Iris Heather Pink Lightning Camillia Rose Blush Veronica Evergreen Pompeii Lime Fizz Purple Dusk/Stonewash Starlight Blue Golden Ochre Hunter Green Orchid Bouquet Thistle Flamingo Crème de Menthe Aqua Tangerine Pastel Lavender ETA: Larger font display and codes are listed here.
  5. In the matinee one, watch for our multi-talented guy signing his name to a Playbill behind his back, while posing for pictures! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: Thanks for sharing those links, annabear! Hope you'll sleep better tonight! Take it easy tomorrow -- and if you want to sleep in, let me know if you'd like a backup for the countdown. I need to get up early anyways. And I have an account at CV too. I see that cindilu2 already helped you but will post the regular code below just to remember. Orchid Bouquet - #d1add2 Thistle - #949abe We may be the only ones partying here in early November -- the rest of the eHP will be at Spam. I have wonderful tickets for closing weekend so I'm passing on early November and besides I promised our former Admin Assistant that I'd take her to the Fiberfest in Boerne and it's that weekend. Gibby, I'm late to this but I loved your pictures and I'm hoping you could start a thread in the members area to post a more complete travelogue. I know these aren't private but we've been posting our travel adventures there and now playbiller has also posted some beautiful beach pictures there too. Would love to see a lot more pics of the golden aspens and the clouds in the mountains! Absolutely gorgeous! *waves to goldarngirl* Let me know if you could use help with ripping/converting that vid since I don't think I can offer anything useful with Pala. I was sitting next to a cellcerter who talked OVER his singing many times. *utterly horrified*
  6. Yes, they're pretty close. Usually I can see a small difference when the fonts are bigger but maybe it's my imagination. ldyjocelyn, glad that it worked! So... what sort of color would you say is yours? Gibby, FromClaygary and I are staging a rebellion and making our own colorstrology manual since we detest abhor hatess!!! prefer not to use the colors that were assigned to us. I still say I was born premature! Yay, gbmifan! Repeating myself here but it's such a cute picture, CG!!! ETA: Yikes, I forgot jamar -- in case you want to use it sometime... Hunter Green (PANTONE 19-5511) - #2f5244
  7. (per bottle) For laughn, missin' ya & hope to see you sometime!: Starlight Blue (PANTONE 12-4609) - #b4d0da Just 7 more sleeps, FromClaygary! Thanks for the beautiful banner, cindilu2! ETA: Ansa, I can't tell between you, couchie and ldj, Hee! Golden Ochre (PANTONE 16-1346) - #ca7b45 WWWMMMXXX Brandied Melon - #d18160 WWWMMMXXX Autumn Leaf - #b6694c
  8. Sure thing... Evergreen (PANTONE 19-5420) - #0c5749 Pompeii (PANTONE 18-1426) - #864a4b Purple Dusk /Stonewash (PANTONE 17-3917) - #76829d ETA: Anytime, spikesmom! ETAA: Bottle, Thanks for the cute pix! I love it when you're inspired! Looking forward to more expressions of the passionate and spontaneous side of your nature...Hee! ETYATA: And that's a cute picture too, CG! Thanks!
  9. DD remembered her History Fair Project due Monday morning at 6pm on Sunday evening. It was on the Seneca Falls Convention and she had to do both a report and a display/diorama. However, as long as people don't waste time angsting over things that won't help right then, pressure situations can bring out the kids' best skills -- She won 1st prize at the History Fair and represented at District. I bet she carries the lessons learned today as a senior ECE student at Carnegie Mellon -- it's wasn't the worst thing in the world. There's a national competition for Middle and High School students where teams of students are given tasks to accomplish with a limited set of materials under time pressure. The projects may be physical (build a "bridge" that can support a certain weight) or artistic (write & perform a short skit or play on a certain topic.) The competitions are fun and they help develop/enhance problem-solving skills and creativity.
  10. Last set before leaving to do a gazillion errands -- I love to play with these, in case no one noticed... :Kolobok_Laie_haha: Thanks for the weather update, Cotton! And for sharing the SD pics, ldj! Red Clay (PANTONE 18-1454) - #c4482d Canyon Clay (PANTONE 16-1431) - #d08577 Clay (PANTONE 15-1231) - #d5a475 Baked Clay (PANTONE 18-1441) - #9e5944 Muted Clay (PANTONE 16-1330) - #d19483
  11. Eeeep, sorry ldj. Is this right? Autumn Leaf (PANTONE 17-1347) - #b6694c
  12. Gibby, I'm using MY OWN choices (Clay can sue me). In case you'd like to pick something else, here are a few bright options... Sundance (PANTONE 12-0764) - #fff300 Orange Crush (PANTONE 15-1364) - #ff8b1c Firewater (PANTONE 16-1664) - #ff5658 Pink Lightning (PANTONE 16-2164) - #ff29a2 Meg-Magenta (PANTONE 17-2364) - #ca359f Electric Blue (PANTONE 16-4550) - #00a3c4 Lime Fizz (PANTONE 14-0264) - #75da3c ETA: For Luckiest1, Beach Sand (PANTONE 14-1225) - #f9c199 Orange Ochre (PANTONE 16-1253) - #dc793b Aspen Gold (PANTONE 13-0850) - #ffd75e Citrus (PANTONE 14-0955) - #faae29 Muted Clay (PANTONE 16-1330) - #d19483 Baked Apple (PANTONE 18-1648) - #b14647 Ginger Snap (PANTONE 17-1418) - #9b8273 ETAA: {{{aikim}}}
  13. Here y'go BC, Blush - #d1969c Veronica - #6f6797 *rubs eyes* Wow, people are up early! Have a great day y'all! :nature-smiley-014:
  14. Me too, Gibby! The pantone colors of my world are: Hot Coral (PANTONE 17-1656) - #f35a56 Mandarin Red (PANTONE 17-1562) - #ec4c34 Hibiscus (PANTONE 18-1762) - #dc3549 Camillia Rose (PANTONE 17-1930) - #f06286 Carmine Rose (PANTONE 17-2230) - #e45790 ETA: np, jmh!
  15. CG, it goes like this: [color="xxxxxx"]Insert Text here[/color] Liney, Heather - #bab9d6 Anna, thanks for bringing the stagedoor news. Any pictures? *hopeful look* ETA: I forgot to weigh in on boobgate. The part in CH that got me confuzzled was how people saw no problem with posting the boobgate picture but when there were pictures of Clay at Brett's graduation a few weeks later they deemed those "too private" -- I thought a graduation is a public event where every 2nd person is probably holding a camera. ETAA: Glad to hear that the oral surgeon visit went well, aikim!
  16. Isn't that one of the calendar pics?? Yes, I thought it was the cream suit picture! You're welcome, duckyvee! ETA: LOL, annabear! :Kolobok_Laie_haha: ETAA: I know some folks were using the Photoshop but it loses some precision. Yes, only for picky people. *waves at my sis goldarngirl* Plum Wine is #6a4854 Plum Wine is not #6d4c5a Orchid Smoke is #d294ad Orchid Smoke is not #d194ae
  17. Adriatic Blue #94b3ed I bolded the font because it's so pale. I'm not certain that's it, and an not even sure where I found it. It's Pantene #17-4320 *scratches head* I found Pantone #17-4320 under another name and this was the code: Adriatic Blue - #5e8c9e
  18. All the posted colors & codes (as of 10/12): Claret Red - #c74d62 Saxony Blue - #26667f Golden Poppy - #f26b37 Dusty Lavander - #a0749c Garnet - #95343d Misty Lilac - #bdb5c6 Pagoda Blue - #137f8e Apricot Ice - #fbc29d Forest Shade - #8caa7c Paisley Purple - #8c77b2 Brandied Melon - #d18160 Peridot - #809345 Autumn Sunset - #f38d58 Fiesta - #e14334 Molten Lava - #b8302f Misty Rose - #cda89f Fair Aqua - #bfe6e0 Autumn Leaf - #b6694c Adriatic Blue - #5e8c9e Delphinium Blue - #619ab0 Coral Blush - #e7b6bd" Iris - #BDB3C0 Heather - #bab9d6 Pink Lightning - #ff29a2 Camillia Rose - #e45790 Blush - #d1969c Veronica - #6f6797 Evergreen - #0c5749 Pompeii - #864a4b Lime Fizza - #75da3c Purple Dusk/Stonewash - #76829d Starlight Blue - #b4d0da Golden Ochre - #ca7b45 Hunter Green - #2f5244 Orchid Bouquet - #d1add2 Thistle - #949abe Flamingo - #df7253 Crème de Menthe - #70a28b Aqua - #64a3ae Tangerine - #f5925a Pastel Lavender - #dba6cb duckyvee, I couldn't find "Adriatic Blue". What's the pantone code? (item resolved -- see the follow-up notes below) ETA: Hee, couchie! Well sort of... (but those Adriatic and Delphium Blues...) WWWMMMXXXBrandied Melon - #d18160 WWWMMMXXXAutumn Leaf - #b6694c WWWMMMXXXGolden Ochre - #ca7b45
  19. So... it seems my color is Iris? And the July color is Coral Blush? Claret Red is the color for November. And his color is Saxony Blue. I still say... The colors of my life Are bountiful and bold, The purple glow of indigo, The gleam of green and gold. The splendor of the sunrise, The dazzle of a flame, The glory of a rainbow, I'd put 'em all to shame. No quiet browns and grays, I'll take my days instead And fill them till they overflow With rose and cherry red! And should this sunlit world Grow dark one day, The colors of my life Will leave a shining light To show the way...
  20. LOL! I was so glad that I was far away on a tropical isle spending my last Christmas with my dad when that happened. However, when the Christmas stories were being submitted last year I was so tempted to write this completely heart-melting tearjerker story about my last Christmas with my Dad before he passed away, and I would have read my story with much emotion at the JNT, then upon finishing it -- closed the book, looked straight at the audience and declared -- "And that's how I escaped Hockeygate!" Congrats on the condo, annbear!
  21. The rant-and-ravers exist to rant and rave. Yelling at them to go away doesn't affect them, in fact they enjoy it, but the people who are affected by the yelling are the ones who are silently going through the process. They don't post while they are silently trying to get through on their own, but when they see people posting things like "if you're not ok already then just go away" they feel that this is directed at them, although that line was really directed at the rant-and-ravers. That's why I don't think yelling helps -- the rant-and-ravers need to be taken down another way but meanwhile it's the silent ones who need help the most that are affected by it. Ooops, too dark a post to start a day. Can I still say good morning? :nature-smiley-014: ETA: Hi Ansa! Yes, it is important for the people who are fine to post, both so that the numbers are accurate and also to express that they're happy and content and moving on back to Eeeeeing; that'll be a positive influence on those who are struggling to come and continue to Eeeee with them. Posting joy is always good!
  22. College... all I can add is that sometimes the more "expensive" schools turn out to be cheaper because they have more grants and stuff available. Am extremely grateful that DS graduated last year & now has a job while DD is a senior in the school of her dreams -- a block away from Mr. Roger's neighborhood. *yawns* I still went to work at 7 today and had an emergency that kept me there until 5pm...
  23. Thanks, all done & heading home! Kareneh, thanks for the pictures! When are you heading here?
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