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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. I once wrote a routine to bounce posts that had more quotes than original material and then send an e-mail to the poster explaining how he/she needed to actually contribute something to the discussion. Clique needs to implement something like that as well as stronger authentication.
  2. On second thought, I don't think anyone will buy it given that we've been setting up an OFC spa/alternative lifestyle camp since June.
  3. Didn't we already do this one night about 2 years ago? I remember listing out and thanking all the women I've been sleeping with these last 5 years. But whatever, let's do it again!!!
  4. To check out the other end of the Japanese toilet spectrum, the next time you're in NYC (say, for Spam) go visit the Food Network kitchens where he and Paula threw flour on each other. Right next door is Miyamoto's restaurant. Order somethings small or maybe just a drink and then check out the restrooms -- or maybe just say you have an emergency (of wanda's type) and you REALLY need to use the restroom. It'll be downstairs. The toilet will indicate that it's happy to see you by opening and playing music. No, you won't need toilet paper because there'll be about 16 buttons (2 rows of 8 or so) along the side -- water of various temparatures, directions and pressure level (think of the options on your shower head) and then the same number of buttons for air to dry you off. No, you won't need toilet paper. All it lacks is a guy to come in and check on the lights, lol! ETA: Wanda, the other posts over there are far stinkier than your diarrhea one. Good of you to try, though.
  5. I have witnessed KAndre survive a squat toilet experience!!! I am not worried about hotels in Japan -- they will be clean and safe though somewhat small. If the Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku is close to the subway station it could a nice deal It may not "look" like a hotel from the outside, though, so make sure you have the exact location and a phone number. The lobby may be on the 2nd floor of a shopping mall or uh, well, something else -- that area is now the primary red light district, just sayin'. But the place is safe -- you shouldn't run into anything you don't want (or haven't paid for *g*). All my recent Japanese toilets were the musical/push button for warm water then push the other button for warm air type, and they were very clean. djs, I don't remember the pipes at all. K, if you have more than a week, I'd take the shinkansen to Osaka or Kyoto since those are more interesting cities than Tokyo.
  6. Very quick catch up post... have to bring in all the plants I got (ansa, I found some sampaguita and ilang-ilang!) There's a very fast train from the airport to several major stops in Tokyo. I stayed at the Shinjuku Prince and spent a lot of time in the Shinjuku area because it contains something of everything -- several good museums, a beautiful park that in April is covered with cherry blossoms, the setting where "Lost in Translation" was shot and the rather large area east of the subway station that is equivalent to our Montrose but much much bigger and livelier. The Shinjuku Prince hotel room was small but had all your basic needs and more -- the water closet is like the one in Morimoto's in NYC, ask Solo and PerusingOne for details & No, they can't prove that I pressed all the buttons. Jackie, Kristen and Jess have never been anything but nice to me, just like Ethel and a few other famous fans. There have been occasions when they've been excited (Ethel has cut in front of me on two occassions and I was annoyed but on both times she quickly moved away when she realized what she had done; I've never had the same experience with Jackie's group but maybe others have), but I've never seen anything that would warrant the level of dislike that some fans have for them. I think they're fun to be with and I love how they love Clay. Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
  7. Just posting good morning (eeep, it's almost 10 here) and sending hugs to the brave ones who venture elsewhere... I'm off to get some plants & garden stuff. :nature-smiley-014: Great to have stage door pics! Now, where's the video?
  8. Ditto for the stage door!!! *winks at couchie* ETA: Went over to the OFC and while trolls have gotten in, the last few posters seemed to know better than to engage them. Bows to {{{wandacleo}}} for hanging in there!!!
  9. I just got back from the grocery store too and uh-oh so it looks like there's been some seriously nasty stuff being spewed by someone from Houston? If that's who I think it is, she should think back to the Houston DCAT last year and be thankful that people lie once in a while. I was arranging carpools to the Frisco show in Dallas and she needed a ride. I was wondering if I should fib a little and tell her there wasn't any space or just stick her in the one car that could accommodate her even if I knew I was putting her in mortal danger -- she's better be happy I lied for a while until someone else came along and took her in. ps. What was I thinking? I should have put her in the back of my truck with KAndre and merrieeee. how unChristian of me!
  10. Scarlett, can you reword this question? I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around it. I'm also trying to grasp why this is an issue but that's probably because I don't watch TV very much. It's something about validating that everything on TV is a sham -- and my simple answer to that is "yes that's true" but I guess some people want to be able to "trust" what they see on screen and had hopes that Clay was the one beacon of honesty in the place. *scratches head* Thanks for your responses, ldyj, annabear and djs. Not sure how many people this will help but it's good that we try and I know that there are a lot of lurkers who swing by over here. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I should post my answers too...
  11. I don't think Clay is being masochistic about this. This is both the smart and caring path. Some of us can turn on a dime and yes we're superior and smart. We also need to be wise enough to understand that we have a variety of life experiences in this fandom. It hasn't been more than a week. It took his Mom a year and she's an open and loving person. Saying I'm fine already so why can't you be fine too helps no one. If someone is strong in their belief that they're completely with him then a few trolls here and there posting nasty stuff shouldn't be able to shake that. It would be worse to shut down the thread and force everything to go to private boards and PMs. Those who are sincerely working things out need understanding and time and help from those who already scaled the mountain. Some things people may be struggling with are the following: - not liking how this improves ph's and tmz's batting average - needing support in dealing with sneering co-workers and family members - working out trust issues; some people have the "healthier" approach of taking everything with a grain of salt while others begin by assuming that those they meet are speaking the plain literal truth -- should they change and take the more "practical" approach to life or remain the same? - finding a balance between living in a community and church that isn't receptive to this and continuing to support Clay - to some, Clay was one of the few people on tv whom they believed in but they're not sure what to make of the Tyra kiss It would be great if those who have worked things out already could speak to items like this and provide guidance and support to those who need it. If a good friend of yours PM'ed or called about these, what advice would you give her?
  12. laljeterfan was not the only one. I find it so annoying to listen to speculation about people because it create pressure to do or say things they're not quite ready for, so I truly prefer to go with what people say and will continue to do so. There's no way to say "I'd be completely ok with it if..." without being rude.
  13. luckiest, if you have both of their posts, would you please e-mail them to me too? You ready have my addy, don'tcha? I'm thinking about Mary from Cary. Can't remember exactly what Clay said on stage that night but it gave people the impression that she was someone who might have a chance. But he can't control people's impressions because every person reads things their own way -- "I see you not as you are but as I am." Just like the way some people took Jaymes' early posts at FCA as their license to also go and tell others who was right and who was wrong, it's a reaction from people and they're not responsible for those. Continuing KAndre's analogy, it's as if some people saw Clay accidentally kill someone and then they took up arms and formed a vigilante group and started murdering people on their own. I like it when merrieeee's being naughty... (wait, that's like saying I like her all the time!)
  14. Oh Yesss!!! [tm: that cuteRobin guy] Let's play that online this weekend!!! *off to my friend Missy's birthday celebration at the Melting Pot -- I'll be thinking of the eHP's Melting Pot dinner at Knoxville.... actually the 2 weeks will go by quickly if we spend most of it over at merrieeee's pigging out and talking*
  15. Why is it important to be nice these days? There are many ways to change the world. We can change things by making it the law and we often have to start like this because people won't budge any other way. We've sent in the national guard as needed to make sure people integrate. This type of change is immediate but by itself it doesn't last. People find loopholes, send their kids to private school, incorporate their villages, move. In the end, all it takes is a stupid president with the extraordinary luck to appoint a handful of supreme court judges to turn things back again. Unless people change. It's when we change people's minds that we truly win the war and that doesn't come easy. It also requires different methods. No one can be strong-armed into changing their values and beliefs. What happened this week was amazing. Having 90% of his fandom declare their love for Clay and their intention to stick by him is a huge, huge thing. Many just did it automatically, simply because of the joy he has given through these years. Many of us here made informed decisions but others like that one who said "it's ok as long as he's not involved with a man" probably didn't think it through or weren't even aware of what this involved. 90% is a huge number but of these a good number will need to think things over and be strong in their commitment. They will go home to face their families and friends and neighbors, many of whom may be like that so-called-pal of 00lsee's DH. Some will have to go to church this weekend and perhaps listen to another rant about those people who are going to hell. It won't be easy for them and it only gets worse when they see others in the fandom who are condescending to them. Worse, others may try to search for new knowledge on the Internet and since they have no clue on what to avoid, encounter things that would drive them way back to the other end. Clay changed the world a bit this week. Let's appreciate what he's done and help continue it. There will be slimy creatures who will be disappointed at not seeing the fandom disintegrate, that will come poking with their cruel tricks, perhaps bringing detailed cross-section anatomy drawings that woud teach you more than you've ever cared to learn about your intestines or maybe they'll be lazy and just bring their usual bad photoshops. There will be enough of them who will taunt and tease and pick away at that 90%. I hope it will stay that way or even increase as the ones who are truly struggling to understand do, but it would go easier if the 20-30% of us on the other end, the ones who like KAndre and I could win a Pictionary game based on words from that this "new" Clay fandom vocabulary (I think K and I would even set a record in how quickly we can draw these "technical terms"), would find a way to be kind and tolerant of unkindness and intolerance. Even for just a couple of weeks. We already feel superior so don't really need to keep telling ourselves this anyhow. ;p Unless we're Jaymes, who has every right to fight back for her family, maybe we can let things go and have fun for a while. I'm not talking about the 2% trolls -- them we should drown in the river, cut into pieces, boil them and then stomp on the little bits that are left. 7 weeks ago I asked my little one to take care of his. Maybe it's his way of saying that he is. Thanks for the nice thought, wandacleo.
  16. I need to share something. The lullaby clip gets me right here because "Baby Mine" was my little angel's (well big angel now I guess, because he would have turned 16 this December) song. It feels so peaceful to watch Clay sing it to his baby and imagine that mine's listening too from his cloud somewhere. *sigh* I made a cassette tape for his service / procession (no mp3's & ipods back then) and of course "Baby Mine" was on it. I so miss my dearest Kevin Michael.
  17. Ok, I've read the great posts. How about some links to the hysterical ones? :F_05BL17blowkiss: for the e-mail, ldyj!
  18. Yes please bring it over here, wandcleo! It was :cryingwlaughter: :cryingwlaughter: !!!
  19. Thank you so much, annabear, wanda, Gibby, ldyj!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: OMG, I haven't even watched the GMA clip.... but it sounds like he was wonderful as always!
  20. OMG, I thought this day would never end. Could someone post links to the posts with couchie & others! Please!!!
  21. I went and scheduled it on the Tivo machine on our floor, since I'm caught in meetings all morning. I wonder how many curious people will watch it before I do since it's in the rec/foozball room. Can't wait!
  22. I am on Parker's side on this and if there were another way I would have wished that he didn't have to be on People's magazine at all but there was no chance for his pictures not to get passed around to the entire country anyway. This at least gives Clay control on the accuracy / authenticity of the pictures getting shared and on the story that goes with them. I wish every child could grow up unencumbered by who their parents are, but sadly in our world today he will be known as Clay's son for a long time. Hopefully, he won't mind this about this when he grows up. ETA: About NE Houston is more openminded than I thought... ok, maybe just my side or circle of NE Houston. {{{00lsee}}}, listen to the voices that matter.
  23. I'm all alone... Am I the only one whose friends and co-workers don't seem to know or care? All I keep getting asked is if I got my power/Internet back and that is so last week. Hmmph! NE Houston is more openminded than I thought... Cotton, yes there shouldn't have been a question nor any concerns about it but that's not how the world is right now. I am so sad to think about what growing up and knowing and not being able to talk about it nor feel accepted must have been like. How many times can I post that I ::heart:: him? :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  24. *pouts at continental.com* Airfares are over 1K for this weekend. Yuck! I take back what I said last night about his knowing the fans... he must have been very concerned about how we would react. I so want to fly over there to show him this huge, huge beaming smile on my face right now. Sigh!!! ::XOXOXO Clay:: 500X
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