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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Hi all! Just checking in... I ended up having to work today (boo!) but I'm done and ready to go home, just waiting on an escort to the parking garage and will catch up with you all from home.

    Yes cotton, where is it? where? where? This may be our barest/cleanest page 69.

    Luckiest and merrieeee, glad you're home!

    Aikim - All will be well!

    Wonder how the little one's 2nd day went... & hoping he was even louder today, hee!

    eta: i'm actually just creating a placeholder on this page so that I can follow cotton's lead from home...

  2. yeah my mom scheduled my birth to coincide with a holiday. Unfortunately after I was born they stopped making it a non working holiday..hee
    Hee, Ansa. Can't figure out what holiday that was....

    Apparently it's a cultural thing but really, people who have a good relationship with their specialists do ask for these things and I just want to point out there really is nothing wrong in saying that you're "hoping for 8:08" am on August 8. It might not happen -- an emergency can occur 2 hours before or even the night before, so it is a gift any way you look at it. It's not a guarantee. However if it's going to be close, why not? It's perfectly ok. A healthy baby is always a blessing and a miracle.

  3. I'm just not seeing ANY doctor planning to do a C-section to correspond with a particular "good luck" time. I sure wouldn't trust a doctor that would do something so irresponsible. I don't think that just being 50 means a woman can't have a vaginal delivery

    This happens all the time. Brittney Spears picked when she wanted her kids born. She was afraid to go through labor, so she had a planned c-section before her due date (or so I heard). Many women and doctors plan deliveries based on their schedules. They give you a time frame in which it is safe to deliver the baby and you pick the date and schedule the OR.

    Oh a lot of doctors are used to requests like those. Check out the birth rate in Hong Kong today compared to yesterday. If it's going to be a scheduled CS anyway, there's nothing wrong with picking a good date -- it's a gift of choice.

    My mom was an ob-gyn in a Catholic Asian country and in August, she was always busy on the 8th and the 15th (The Feast of the Assumption of Mother Mary).

  4. The part I love about no hyphens is that hyphens have implied being disjoint or an incomplete attempt to put something together.

    Having a first name, a middle name and a last name says to me that you are part of a complete, loving family. And his name is so strong -- Parker Foster Aiken. I love the sound of it. If I were in high school and I had a classmate named Parker Foster Aiken I'd be scribbling his name all day.

    I got so excited when I saw that the drums in the beginning of the opening ceremony were shaped and decorated like giant bronze drums of the oldest, oldest times in China--in the shape of giant ding. Scarlett, did they have those at the Shanghai Museum exhibit?
    No, they didn't -- we need to go there to see them (again for you)!


    I was thinking about how Clay home schooled that young man on the bus during the JNT05. It won't be a problem for him to teach Parker during his tours. He could get an RV for his family. :family1:

    There's an actor named Philip Quast who tours with Broadway-type shows and brings his entire family all the time.

  5. What a day not to answer my phones -- just looked right now and had a whole series of them... KAndre, PerusingOne, MUAH!!!

    And what a date & time! My best friend did exactly the same thing 8 years ago (because 2000 was a dragon year). Wheeeeee!!!

    (definitely not caught up but wanted to post already!!!)

    ETA: meant to quote this earlier but was too much in a rush...

    I'm just not going to worry about what the media says or how they say it.

    This is a wonderful day!!

    Parker Foster Aiken!!!

  6. {{{Kareneh}}} Goodluck both with the exam and with getting your stuff out of customs!


    Thanks for all the good advice, s.b., annabear, FromClaygary and Cotton! Now that I've got my heart set on a Janome, I saw this on eBay and wondered if I should try to bid about for it and what would be a good price to bid? Doesn't it look like a good buy? If I don't get it, I'll be happy with an entry level Janome from a local store. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Char, I wish I were "working" on YouTube too! Will get that clip to you soon.

    Eeep about misreading your posts, duckyvee, playbiller and Fear -- hope you liked the Long Island clips, though!

    Have a great day, everyone! (Big sloppy MUAH to aikim for the daily countdown that brings me a smile each morning!)


    ETA: Ooops, sorry about that laljeterfan!!!

  7. I guess everyone's out watching TV tonight? *will sit here knitting until everyone gets back*

    To the quilters out there (FromClaygary and sb any others?), I'm ready to get my feet wet and buy a sewing machine, especially since I volunteered to do a simple all-squares quilt top for a service project due in September... any recommendations on a decent beginner sewing machine that I won't have to replace very soon? My only experience with a sewing machine was on a manual/treadle type that my aunt taught me to use when I was about 6 yo, but since I did ok then I figure I'll be able to adapt to the electric ones easily. If it doesn't involve too big a price jump, I'd also love to be able to embroider a bit and sew simple clothes and household items like curtains. Is there a good machine that balances all these features? What machine do you use?

    BTW, I'm a Tuesday child just like my baby angel. Two older children were born on Monday.

    Fear, happy :) that you got some respite from the heat but :( that he must have had at least 3 layers again...

    So, how many of us were at Long Island? I'm counting Solo, KAndre, PerusingOne, merrieeee, couchie, Muski, MuskiD1, duckyvee, clayzedover, Permaswooned, saltwaterdog, Kareneh, Fear, playbiller and myself. Did I miss anyone?

  8. I'll never forget that show where Clay took over for Jacob. I was working on a craft project for our area WFI and listening to a cellcert. All of a sudden I heard this beautiful angelic voice singing about an angel and I knew it was Clay taking over for Jacob. I had trouble breathing for a while. What a moment!

    That was some night! When they started the 2nd set with only Clay, Angela and Quiana, people around me were wondering 'where's Jacob?' but my mind immediately jumped to Emmanuel and wondered if Clay was going to sing it and started going, please, please let him sing it! It was another one of those "must-be-there-to-fully-appreciate" moments where an emergency came up and he just stepped up to the plate and hit a homerun. I'm still sorry that the Clack couldn't capture the magic we all felt but at that time Clack was so far from my mind, all I wanted was listen and then cheer jubilantly for what he'd done -- in my recap I said, "and for once, just let the frigging Clack skip around."

    Oh yes, ldj, that was just a killer, so heartbreakingly sweet... (LI DSIAFCD). It practically ties my all-time favorite DSIAFCD which was in San Jose JNT04 when he sang it all just spectacularly! It was a somewhat similar situation to Merrillville AIW though not as many people noticed...and this was not just a homerun, it was way, way out of the park!!!

  9. Like maybe
    Can't get over the hands.

    Hey Char! How's Web 2.0 going? Yes, that's it! Thanks for uploading it to YouTube!!! BTW, I now convert original HDs directly to iPhone (mp4) format -- when I can make one for this, can I send you the file so that we can see if YouTube displays mp4's better than XviD conversions?

    Mondays child is fair of face,

    Tuesdays child is full of grace,

    Wednesdays child is full of woe,

    Thursdays child has far to go,

    Fridays child is loving and giving,

    Saturdays child works hard for his living,

    And the child that is born on the Sabbath day

    Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

    I was wondering... since we've already noticed that many of us here were born in July, what day of the week most of us were born on.

  10. Speaking of rain...

    2. Bite your TONGUE!!!!

    It's 100ยบ in these parts again today!!!


    I don't care if he does wear a tank shirt, I'll be DEAD if this heat carries on!!!

    I need some COOL relief!

    And on that note - I gotta go get ready to drive to work! In this HEAT!



    Nooooo!!! Then we just stay in the house. :chores003::chores009: I might have to put on a tank top and that ain't a pretty sight.

    I guess I'd put a question mark about that sighting, just like when someone sees Clay with a pretty woman and it is rejected. This fandom needs photographic evidence for any and all sightings. :photo: *g*

    Have a great day. I need to get out and work on a deck before it gets too warm.

    Cotton and Fear, how about if we pray for a scorching hot morning until midday, and then an unexpected mid-afternoon rainstorm? Will that work for you temperature-wise? That way the cute guy may still put on a tank top to go out and with some luck he might get caught in the sudden downpour.

    ETA: (nonClay)

    For Ansa & anyone else who speaks Filipino... cute love song about a guy and a girl who take shelter under the same awning during a sudden downpour

  11. I love both AIW and Emmanuel but the Atlanta Emmanuel wasn't the one I'd pick for a battle. From 2006, I'd pick one of the Beacon ones (not sure if it was the Friday or the Saturday one, definitely not Sunday) because it was the growliest Emmanuel ever. All Is Well -- I love it every time but I think the Long Island one was special because of Clay while the Merrillville one was special because of the fans, so Long Island it is.

    KAndre thinks about various concubines she can throw under the ldyj sporking bus...

    I know this doesn't refer to me because I'm not on ldyj's list! I'm not even rating anything from 2007...


    ... or are you waiting on half of Waukegan, Williamsport, Erie, Cleveland, Merrillville19, half of Merrillville20 & bits of Omaha?

    ... *sighs!* Hi-ho! Hi-ho! It's off to dodge sporks work we go!...

  12. If that was Quiana.......is it wishful thinking to hope they might be......ummmmmm......possibly rehearsing something? You know, like The First Noel or Mary Did You Know? :imgtongue:

    Speaking of Quiana and Christmas songs... The second set of Merrillville is done, except for the IBHFC medley which I'll have to upload later. (I can play the huge HD but kept getting errors in rendering -- someday, maybe we can share stuff in Blu Ray?)

    These'll be up at the CH/CU vault soon but meanwhile my work files (mp3, small mp4 & XviDs) are here.

    ETA: Umm.... That was Merrillville 2007. Merrillville 2006 isn't done yet. *sighs!*

    ETAA: The only reason I could think of for Clay and Quiana to need to be rehearsing MDYK or TFN this long before Christmas is if they're planning a Chinese Opera version of JNT.

    EYATA: Tank top? --- is it wrong to pray for an extended heat wave in NC?

  13. Have fun camping, luckiest1 and bring back some pictures.

    Where are your favorite places to camp? (eHP was discussing camping too... well, just discussing)

    From the 'no wonder fans can't let the competition end' files ... Yahoo Music Live homepage

    Awwwwwww, man, I love that interview. He looks so great! And I love listening to him talk. :wub:

    Yes, he looks great on that one! Still thudding on WY! :Thud:

    ETA: Actually I like all the Yahoo clips.

  14. From the 'no wonder fans can't let the competition end' files ... Yahoo Music Live homepage

    Hee! nothing to 'vote' for - just a little bit of a grin. It's strange they'd use Without You for a link, when they have the OMWH video. There is a link for it though (when you click through WY or the Interview link)

    It was nice to get slain by that WY video again. It's been a while so I wasn't quite prepared for it. :)

    ETA: Hi there, sb! KAndre and I think those Chinese emperors had a nice situation going... complete with concubines and such... might be the ideal framework for Clay Nation.

    ETAA: I also think concubines have too much fun!

  15. liney, thanks! There weren't many cars out but many roads were starting to flood.

    *hopes that everyone gets home safely, Regents too! Including those who need to watch a Chick Flick or two... the poor but honest hero always, always has the best and biggest, uh voice... and role... and other stuff... why, even SF Action Adventure screenwriters know that!

    {{{ldyj and anyone else with storms today}}}

  16. Ahem. Chick, you do realize you're in the middle of the storm like right now? And we're still under a flash flood watch?

    The Republic of Texas rocked in a very politically incorrect way!

    I have Internet access, a vending machine and a backup generator... what more do I need?...

    ... well, apart from a way home through non-flooded streets tonight but we'll worry about that when we come to it... have kayak will travel! :)

    Long live the New Republic of Texas!

    ETA: Couchie, I think we only rode the Big Dipper. The line for the Cyclone was too long so Solo went to get the rest of you and we rode bumper cars instead.

    ETAA: Oooh, KAndre, watch for the concubine who's going to stage an uprising! (well, several... er, quite a lot!)

  17. Hi! Just checking in to say that the storm was mostly a non-event, well mostly for the people who already had hurricane supplies. I had to go out and get some last night (hurricane supplies), like batteries (for my flashlight) and bottled water and things. *Muski and annabear should be the ones doing this. The world is upside down*

    *Waves wildly back at aikim!!!*

    Hi, sb! I found it and yes, I think we used to be a separate country. We can be again you know -- come on over!

    White Christmas? Sure! (would still prefer a JNT but at this point anything would be nice) :hangin::XmasRed:

  18. Hey Scarlett,

    Is this what you wanted? Sorry but I do not know who made it, but it was during or immediately after the Indep Tour.

    Wheeee! :yess: Thanks bunches, TimetravelerPax!!! :thankyou:

    Scarlett, you would have loved Kempenfest! Beach, sunshine, arts and crafts, music and food...how much better can it get??

    I'm off for the second round shortly. :lol:

    FromClaygary, Yes, it sounds like I would have had the grandest time! Between your festivals, the lake, health care and data privacy laws -- I'm this close to moving there! Or how about if we arrange for a way to spend spring & summer there and fall and winter here?

    Now THAT would be awesome! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm sure those little old green card laws don't mean MEEEEEEEEE.... :whistling-1:

    It was a warm one today! Evan the ducks were doing a little bobbing to keep cool....

    Oh I looove ducks!!!

    Green card laws? We'll fix that by declaring the Independent Republic of Texas -- we'll even issue our own passports!

    Speaking of passports.... yikes, where's mine? ... I'm supposed to leave for Hong Kong soon...

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