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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Scarlett

    If Clay Aiken were a dessert, would he be key lime pie? Coconut macaroons? Banana cream pudding? LOL!

    Definitely Banana pudding. I would make it tonight if only I had vanilla wafers.

    Clay is much too complex to be a banana pudding. My lioness can make a banana pudding :hysterical:

    He's more like a peach cobbler. I have eaten many a peach cobbler in my day and let me say that not many people know how to do it right, striking that right balance between sweet and tangy ... not to mention the bready stuff inside. It has to be just right... a peach pie is not a cobbler heee. What the heck is a coconut macroon..a cookie?

    Muski...hope things are going well in Portland and ya'll are all ready for the big conference!!

    Speaking of Peaches, how about Peach Ambrosia? Or Pineapple Upside-down Cake #69? Or, or a Bûche de Noël (Yule Log)?

    *suddenly feeling inadequate because I don't know how to make Banana Pudding*


    and what was that other movie with the father from "Eat Drink Man Woman"?

    Pushing Hands. Ang Lee directed also.

    jmh - Thank you! :thankyou:


    ldyjocelyn, is there any strawberry dessert with the word 'long' in it?

  2. Hey everyone, just read the thread. Some wonderful ideas here. I know everything is still in brain storming mode but when we move forward, we're more than willing to put the pages up on FCA. Ansa can create a section. Lucky has said she'll help putting the pages up. If others are interested in helping in that regard just let us know.

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: Yay!!! And with Lucky creating the links and putting the pages up, we're all good to go!

    Wow, Perma, another beauty! I also thought we had some screencaps of Clay pumping water but if they're blurry, then what you have is already wonderful!

    :dancingpickle: :00000430: :thumbup:

  3. Recycling annabear's wonderful post as well... (how many times can we keep this up? Hee!)

    Popping online for a short break. Ugh! Still working on things I thought I'd be done with by now.... <_<

    Great news for your mil, Iseeme!

    Lots of pretty pics of a pretty guy! :flirtysmile3:

    :00003653: to kimiye! :balloons:

    hmmmm I could have written that entire post....so I'll just word everything hee.


    hbd, kimye! :bday:

    It's great to hear the good news about your MIL, Iseeme!!! :yess::confetti2:

    *very sweetly* Oh Cotton, Texas is closer to you than California. KLP = yum! :bloomingflowers:

    If Clay Aiken were a dessert, would he be key lime pie? Coconut macaroons? Banana cream pudding? LOL!

    merrieeee, thanks for hosting us yesterday!!! The food was great and the TV perfect! It was fun to re-watch the JBT with keepingfaith and KAndre discussing things like whether or not Aretha and Gladys ought to be included in a Motown segment. My take on that? Hat looked great and pants were niiiiiice!!! What.


    And it was even more fun to stand in the doorway pretending to be saying goodby and instead engaging in a 4-hour debate conversation about American/World history over the last 50 years and speculating on the state of the nation for the next 6 months apart from our usual Pinky and the Brain evil plotting.

    jmh, plans are still looking more like guidelines -- but getting better defined every day. Thanks for checking! Oh, and what was that other movie with the father from "Eat Drink Man Woman"?



  4. Wow, those are great pages!!! I love your work, Permaswooned!!! :clap::clap::clap:

    I only just got home from a nice day relaxing with the eHP; I wish I had been able to get on earlier but we only had a short time to log on and merrieeee needed to post her response to the snowflake picture on main. lol! (it was her computer) Will write more after getting some sleep but just wanted swing by to post these late thank you's!

    annabear, looking forward to your post but you need your beauty rest first!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Thanks to all who post their suggestions, comments and encouragement!!! :thankyou:

  5. Great ideas everyone!

    From Claygary I love the title "Our Six Cents"

    Have absolutely no computer skills but I would love to contribute something.

    I would rather we did not make this Clay-centric myself...I think the focus should be more on Somalia...would it be possible to use "Grace of God" as sort of a theme song or would their be copyright/royalty issues involved?


    Yes, lots of great ideas from everyone!!! :clap::clap::clap:

    Any more pictures and montages? And nice quotes and short articles?

    FromClaygary, I scrolled too fast last night and didn't get to read "Our Six Cents" -- I Love it!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  6. Good morning (is it still morning?)!!! :22: :nature-smiley-014:

    I should get up and dress to go to merrieee's... what time are we meeting up? :highfive:

    When I joined our company 14 years ago, Lyle Lovett's parents still worked here. It was soon after the time he married Julia and media people were saying, "Julia married him? What was she thinking?" And all I knew was that he and his family were very very nice people and I remember wondering, "Isn't that enough?"

  7. Does UNICEF have an "unwrapped" type of program, like Oxfam does?

    I haven't donated to UNICEF although in the past, I supported them through buying and sending their greeting cards.


    I have looked but cannot find a similar program for UNICEF. Is there one?

    claytonic, It's great that you brought this up! The equivalent UNICEF program is Inspired Gifts. I'm feeling bad, though, because I'm currently using a $35 blanket with a certain guy's embroidered name and I just saw on the "Emergency - Inspired Gifts" page that $37 will buy 10 wool blankets for kids.

  8. I am really exhausted. I'm going to head for home, but I'll see if I can come up with an idea for a "page" or whatever. I found some cute sleeping kid pics to start with, so will post any works in progress here.

    Night all!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Goodnight and thanks!!!

  9. I think I'm gonna go with the children's drawings idea for my web page......

    Glad you're doing it!!! I think it's a great idea -- just wanted to give everyone in FCA a chance to contribute something whether they had or didn't have kids.

    Please post a link for us, k?

  10. I think I actually have a UNICEF page.

    I just don't have many contacts who would contribute.

    I do think it's better to stay away from the Chicken Soup idea. I'm sure they have that copyrighted.

    I'm usually fairly creative, but just too tired tonight.

    Maybe Sunday I'll have more energy. Work tomorrow.

    I'll be glad to help however I can.

    I'm thinking we should have more variety in searchable words than Clay, though. So if someone were searching for - say - cookware - there would be a connection that would bring the site up.

    I know that's a bad example.

    I'm heading to bed early, guys. I've been tired all day for some reason.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks Cotton -- see you again soon! Having several sites -- yours, chacha's, this one, +others would be great!!!

  11. cha cha, my understanding is the link is not necessary, as it would be linked to UNICEF's website....see Scarlett's link on the main thread....

    ....and I think we were not thinking about being Clay-centric particularly?

    Yes, that's right.

    Mainly inspirational, just putting some hope out there.

  12. Scarlett, I just saw your post on the main thread...that helped clarify MY mind....maybe it should be brought here? I was completely clued out until I saw that.

    .....and heck, I think ANYTHING that will add .06 to the pot is worth a try!

    I was trying to find it... Do you have a link or can you copy it?

    chacha -- hoping for a direct link to unicef so that we don't handle paypall. too messy.

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