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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. We'll have pictures & blends of Clay doing Unicef work of course but not so much that people will be turned off thinking it's a fan club thing.

    Yes, screen shots too!

    But also little stories, quotes, (song snippets? -- not sure if that's allowed. maybe links to Amazon snippets). It would be fun for us to browse through it ourselves.

    Where's the header?!!!

  2. Not an e-mail. Call it a blog that's not updated very much. (since the cute guy seems to have misplaced his blogger)

    People buy inspirational books -- they might as wander through ours for free. And maybe some will be inspired to donate. In the end, the main purpose is to promote, teach, advocate. The fundraising part is secondary.

  3. FromClaygary, I was hoping to work on that (attracting people) while you and merrieee work on making it pretty.

    Or anyone else who can help!!!

    ldy, yes you're right. we don't want to create copyright problems for unicef. (cha, would've been cute & we can remember it that way) We'll be good -- promise!

  4. couchie promised to host it here on fca - gave 3 options.

    the theme / purpose is to support Clay's efforts to raise awareness about Unicef and children's needs.

    both stories and poems, quotes, pictures, etc.

    the unicef folks can embed a link to their site so that they can handle the fundraising part

  5. Oh wow our own thread!!!

    Wheee! Thanks!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    So... this project is really just a small one -- an online version of those inspirational books -- so that several of us could contribute (pictures, quotes, poems, anecdotes, etc) to support the Somalia fundraiser. Just one more way to help, since times are tough.

    If you send in a check, it's just 1 check but if you let others know about something it's N checks. We'll have something to call our own and at the same time we can direct our friends & or relatives to view it and contribute anything -- even 6 cents will save a child in the places where clean water is impossible to get.

  6. OK so i'm supposed to be in Chat in 10 minutes! Where the h**l is chat and how do I get there????? Since I volunteered to do something that I have no idea about maybe I don't want to know where chat is!

    Yeah.....that!! :hysterical:

    Well we can talk on a thread if you'd like. Or on AIM, Yahoo or Google? What do you say?

    Whatever works! We can do chat if we can find it....or on a thread. Just let us know where, oh fearless leader! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ETA....dont have any of AIM, Yahoo or google....that I know of.

    I think we're all in this together -- how about I PM my AIM, Yahoo & google and you can pick?

  7. <snip> and a bunch of old e-mails that say, thanks (my real name), including several referring to the Afghanistan and Mexico campaigns. It's no big deal, just responding to all the suggestions.
    No big deal either, I just found it curious.

    What I was suggesting was that it seemed that neither the Afghanistan nor the Mexico mailiing lists were used for this one, since my name was different from the one used on those e-mails. I don't know how long Unicef keeps mailing lists but I'm suggesting that maybe some new person on the staff couldn't find the right mailing list, tried to put together a new one and inadventently missed some entries.

    FromClaygary, merrieeee and I are having a chat about the "online equivalent of an inspirational book" thing tonight at 8:30 Eastern. If anyone else wants to help, please PM merrieeee, not me because my Inbox is full. We're also going to be asking for pictures, animations, quotations, game applets, youtube clips, poems, short prose, etc. soon so if you have any nice ones please gather them. Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ETA: :PickMe-1:

    Oh, annabear, pick me pick me!!! It's straight out of my Neverwinternights/Bard's Tale/Wizardry arsenal (eg. +50 Adamantium Hauberk of Total Annihilation)

  8. jmh, I don't know if this will help or not but Unicef has not sent me any e-mails under the same combination of proper name & email ID as yesterday's Somalia appeal, in the past 2 years. This is what I mean. Unicef has 4 email ids for me: A, B, C, D. (some pre-date the Clay fandom). When it sends e-mails, it uses either no name (ie. only the e-mail id, nothing more), my nickname or the name on my license, L name.

    The Somalia e-mail from Clay went to "L name" <D>.

    The previous e-mails I received from Unicef were sent to one of the following:



    "Nickname" <C>

    "L name" <B> (this was the 'Clay Aiken and Unicef Thank You' photo album for the Mexico appeal)

    "L name" <A> (this was the semi-personalized "UNICEF: Kids in Afghanistan need our help" from "Clay Aiken, UNICEF USA <email@unicefusa.org> sent in April 2007 )


    Seemingly every very other combination but THE one.

    *no rhyme or reason why*

  9. HBD, Claygasm! :bday:

    It's always great to see his picture with little children!!! :29: :26: :16: :25: :18:

    Scarlett, I love the idea of doing something as well....I have NO idea WHAT! :hysterical: but I'd love to be able to contribute something more than my few $.
    :bliss2-1: (And merrieeee's on board too!)

    DD#1 has been sick for a couple of weeks, and we got her on an antibiotic about a week ago for what we thought was a sinus infection. She hasn't gotten any better, has had high fevers every night, and her coughing is out of control. So I took her to the Dr. today, and found out she has pneumonia! I wonder how my otherwise healthy 16 year old dtr. got pneumonia?? Poor thing is spending her summer moping around because she feels so bad. I'm hoping that the new antibiotic and OTC meds will help her feel better soon.
    {{{DD#1}}} :console:

    ETA: And, Scarlett, if it's any consolation, I voted for ATD on Kimmel. I just saw it on TV and it blew me away.
    {{{group hug with Gibby!}}}

    For me, the supreme Sterling Heights performance of the night was Measure of a Man. Clay was inspired, the excellent orchestra turned it up to 11, and the well-deserved standing O went on and on even though Clay kept gesturing to the audience to sit down. Even Quiana was impressed. It's my favorite Live Clay moment ever.
    Thanks for the reminder, need to watch that again! (and the seemingly suspended in mid-drop pants!) *oh, you lucky Sterling Heights-goers!*

    Just got an email from Clay!

    From UNICEF

    Addressed to MEEEEEE:

    Dear Anne,


    Just got home and finally opened my AOL e-mail with the Unicef message. Very nice!!! Is it too late to re-register at Unicef with my first name as "Sweetiepie" or "Snookums"? (would also have been cute to use "sweet babboo" but I won't let anyone else, even Clay, call me that)

    Cotton, stay safe tonight! I hope the thunderstorms have passed.

    3. How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way?

    Ah, this is the question that will get me tomato-ed! :lilredani: (or more precisely, the answer that will get me tomato-ed!) Shipping- hate it, hate it, hate it! I had to chuckle the other night when people were talking about "projecting" our thoughts and feelings onto Clay, cause I think this is the one area where most of that is done. I don't have a problem with statements about how "Clay and fill in the blank would make such a lovely couple" or "Wouldn't it be nice if he got together with x, y or z"

    Will wallow frolic in the tomatoes with you, though I probably won't call it a "hate" thing, just a "why waste precious drooling time?" thing.

    I was messing around with the Unicef pics with some filters in PSP, and I accidentally came up with this.
    What a beauty! Thank you! :clap::clap::clap:

    I have nuthin' to say - I just wanted to see my purdy new avi agan.

    I want to see it again too!!! I usually make yarn colorways out of Clay's appearances but in this case I'll probably be the only one willing to wear a scarf in those colors.

    claygirl9131, if you've donated before, why don't you call to inquire? (after adding 'honeybunch' to your name)

    ETA: Ooops, I meant claygirl9131... and thanks for the smiles your pictures bring, annabear! :thankyou:

  10. The Broads have Match 10 up. *waves at Danielle* And of course, they had to get a threesome in there... Listen (Sterling Heights) vs. ATD (Kimmel) vs. IWCY (Clay on skates). While I love the skating thing, that one was ruled out fairly early for me. But, for me, the other two choices were tough, because I dearly love both performances. In the end, though, I had to go with Listen -- that was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and it really was phenomenal.
    The 2nd one was ATD Kimmel??!!! Noooooooo!!! I saw the words "Sterling Heights Listen" and immediately voted... But, but the Kimmel ATD completely owns me. Aaaaaaargh!!! Anyone care to swap votes with me? *crickets*

    6. How do you feel Clay's voice has evolved over the past 4 years?

    He has so much control over it. There are so many inflections which giving meaning to those words. His acting has become so good that he sets the scene and tells a story with each song.

    Fear, so true!!! It's like there are so many layers to it.


    Maybe a few people can volunteer to pull it together and of course it can be put here on the forum or at FCA or FCAM. I don't know if you want to take charge or if we need a volunteer. Unfortunately I can't be in charge but will glady contribute and pass on the link to my friends and family.
    Eeeee, thanks! I think we need a volunteer or volunteers who can make things look pretty. That side of my brain has never learned to work, but I can help hunt down search for people who can help.
  11. Is it ok if I'm late?

    Late? I haven't even posted my own yet. Thanks a bunch! :thankyou:

    About that bake sale...

    Another suggestion from the Unicef fundraiser site -- "Customize your own webpage for collecting donations quickly and securely over the internet, then invite friends and family to donate via your personal fundraising page." Is there any way that we can contribute favorite pictures / quotations / articles that we can put together into a "page" and then hit up tell our relatives and friends, "Come see what my FCA buddies and I did!" (and maybe contribute something, hint! hint!). I think that when you register, Unicef gives you a link back to their page so that you don't have to handle collection. When Clay talked about water supplies, wasn't it mentioned that even 6 cents can help so even if we raise just some loose change it'll be fun to have "our thing" and do something nice at the same time. How about it, admins? (something for the next sandwich break? *pretty please*)

    Thanks for finding that, Spikesmom! :big hug:

    Hey, Iseeme! Hope the bear was well-behaved last night. teddy_bear.GIF

  12. Just got home and I'm so envious of everyone who's been gazing at those pictures all day!!! Aren't they just wonderful! Can't he host a children's show in addition to a talk show? Can you imagine what seeing him surrounded by kids and looking like that every week could do to wipe away the stress and pain of daily life?

    What a beautiful banner!!! Can we keep it twice as long? Cindilu, :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Danielle, how great to have found your soulmate on a Clay Aiken board!!! :image008:

    I'm so jealous of your new avatar, Iseeme! Post some more, so that we can keep seeing it as we scroll!

    Cotton, it's terribly inappropriate today but I couldn't help it that when I saw the horse picture you posted this morning, all I could think of was, "Some folks always get the rough ride."

    jmh, thanks for posting that blog. I never really liked John Mayer's music but at least now I won't always go ewwww when I hear him mentioned.

    I wish I had waited to see the blog & pictures before going off to work today. Right before noon, my teammates told me about a sale on hard drives at Fry's so I rushed off at lunchtime only to come back and read the blog and feel awful at my spree. I had something tucked away for Somalia but when you think about what can be done with just 6 cents, who needs another 1TB? I think I should just return this - I don't think Unicef needs an extra large hard drive (they already got one and it's verra verra nice).

    Times like this I wish FCA really had that spa/camp that we've been talking about so that we could hold a bake sale or mini-fair or do some other type of fundraising together. I know that this is a tough year for the economy so it wouldn't be as easy to come up with what we had for Afghanistan. I checked the Unicef page for volunteer activities because I think those things help even more than writing a check -- when you do something that informs other people about Unicef it generates N checks instead of 1. BTW, my favorite activities are the 6th and the 2nd to the last one. Still wish we could hold that bake sale, though!

    Thanks to everyone who shared their answers to the questions from last night!!! :thbighug-1:

    And lastly, :Iluvclaysbutt:

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