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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Nah, I understand the "Clay's so wonderful" moments - it's just...I dunno. For most of the video, Ruben's holding her hand until she shakes it loose to hold up her dress - sort of like every wedding I've been to where the bride is in all that white - he gets a little ahead of her coming down the steps and then he holds the door while she goes through. And Clay does sometimes guide a woman - but like most guys, unless something's happening, she's on her own - that "California model look with the mandals" with Jamie trailing behind immediately comes to mind...the mama thing did sort of trip a trigger for me because at least in my circles, saying your mother didn't raise you right is really, really bad. And I didn't think Ruben (or his mama deserved that) from a 30-second clip. Maybe I'm lucky enough to hang around a lot of "southern gentlemen" - but what Clay does and the amount that he does doesn't strike me as particularly unusual. The comments sort of pinged in the same way those "Clay is a diva" ones do.

    Still love Weight though...does Wallace & Gromit count as chick flicks? They're English dammit!

    I remember that each time I came home from a NYC weekend this thing would happen to me at the office: I'd get into an elevator with some other people (usually guys since there are only 2 girls in my division and the other one's in a diff building), the elevator would get to our floor, the doors would open and then nothing. No one moves. I look around, puzzled, and then catch on that everyone's waiting for me to go first, so I move out and smile, after finally remembering that I'm back in the South. Gets me everytime!

    "Wallace and Gromit" isn't a chick flick, but "Chicken Run" (by the same team) is!!!

  2. So... how long would it take a complete and total newbie to make a quilt like those? Complete newbie -- went to my first guild meeting last week, actually was just "visiting" but everyone was so nice I signed up. They did give me 6 quilting magazines for free.

    Iseeme's quilts are probably not the place you'd want to start *g*...especially those stars. But there are tons of simpler but equally gorgeous traditional and contemporary patterns. Stars have always been a favorite of mine too.

    How long? Everyone will tell you it's not a race...enjoy the process....but 3-6 months depending on how long you work on it every day. And assuming machine pieced and quilted.

    ETA: the other thing to do if you LOVE a particular pattern, but it's complex....is to do just one or a few blocks in that pattern, but BIG...they're easier if the pieces are larger. And of course you don't need so many to make a decent sized quilt.

    Thanks for the advice, FromClaygary. I think I'll be needing a lot more.

    I realize I should have said something more like, "someday I hope to make those" instead of being so bold. Sorry about that Iseeme. Your quilts are very beautiful but I had no idea how much talent, time, effort and experience went into them. I guess it was like a non-knitter pointing to a Fair Isle sweater and saying, "I want that for my next project!" *ashamed* :wub:


    Scarlett....there are quilts where you use simple squares or rectangles. Once you learn how to use the rotary cutter and sew with 1/4" seam.....you can make one pretty quickly.... depending on how much time you have. Joining a guild is a good place to start as they usually have workshops - or someone could recommend a good beginning quilting instructor - learn the basics well!
    I probably didn't join the right guild -- they had a "show and tell" during the quild meeting and most of the quilts were stunning. Quite a few were planning to submit their works for the IQF. I guess they could recommend a good instructor but I'm suddenly thinking, maybe I should stick to knitting, spinning and dyeing.
  3. So... how long would it take a complete and total newbie to make a quilt like those? Complete newbie -- went to my first guild meeting last week, actually was just "visiting" but everyone was so nice I signed up. They did give me 6 quilting magazines for free.

    Gibby, Hee! it's a matter of loving not ranking. From a strictly technical pov, Jesse's is, well, ... you know it got into my viewfinder a lot but it was Clay's fault (like everything :rolleyes: is)

  4. No, it's not difficult at all to do the "photocopy onto fabric" thing. There are a number of different products you can use to set the colour. I like Bubblejetset the best. You just soak cotton fabric in the liquid....iron it dry....generally, iron it onto plastic-backed freezer paper so that it will feed through your printer OK...and cut it into 8.5 x 11 sheets.

    Printers which use dye-based inks are the best; mine does not, but they still come out fine. One of the things I will buy myself eventually is an Epson printer which uses dye-based inks in separate containers for each colour. Some day.

    You can also purchase printer fabric sheets which are pre-treated, although they are exceedingly expensive.

    FromClaygary, where do you get the freezer paper? I thought those were phased out because of all the Ziplocs and things? I completely ::heart:: your quilts, btw. Those are exquisite!!! Any chance of getting close-ups? :clap: :clap: :clap:

    KAndre, I am what I am -- both Leo and Cancer, and will be whatever is more convenient in any given occasion. War of the Roses? I'm thinking more Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Is Lara Croft considered a chick flick?

    Cotton, so you're the one we can blame thank for this! Hmmmph! (more please?) :013085001176249046:

    Ansa, forgot to mention last night that I'm enjoying Guitar Hero too! (well I am... tho' I doubt my neighbors are)

    ETA: Thanks, playbiller!

  5. HBD, fear!!!


    Aww, what a beautiful montage, keepingfaith!!! Will we be seeing some more from you? ... whipped cream, cherries, etc.

    Here's a more permanent link to it. (hope this is ok, kf) And btw, :clap: :clap: :clap:

    When we voted on those songs (for whatever reason) I was torn because those 3 songs were exactly the ones I was going to suggest. Because of your montage, I now really want to hear Hallelujah (Wainwright version). Besides I've always had a David thing. The best of course would be to hear all three because Amazing Grace would be Amazing! and WAMLAW has always been a huge favorite.

    Thanks for the cute new icons, Couchie!!!

    Didn't realize we had 2 versions of this (thanks Gibby!), but why is this one


    named, "013085001176249046"? Was it in prison or something?

    Thanks for showing us your gorgeous quilts, lajeterfan!!! Did you do the heart flowers too? (yes, I really was noticing the squares that didn't have his face, LOL!)

    *high-fives Gibby, fear, luckiest and crimsonice on the NYNY coaster* Did you try the one on top of the Stratosphere too?

    ETA: Play and Muski, I always thought I was a prematurely born Leo.

  6. eeeeeeee the 12th works for me! Hubby will be home for the 4th and go back to OKC after that!

    Partay, Partay, Partay!!!!!!

    So come one come all..............the pools open!

    Eeeeeee!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thx, merrieeee!!!!

    Ok, since we're partying here (ALAWH?) how about picking words or syllables that are deadly when sung by the cute guy? I think a few of us GOG-devotees are completely in love with "I know, I know!" *swoons just thinking of it*

    Any others???!! I think I know what Solo would pick...

  7. Hugs for everyone's kitchens!!! (Mine is ok, just overrun with dishes)

    merrieeee, did you have the termites sign a non-disclosure agreement? Is there such a thing as a kitchen-warming party? I hear Kareneh will be back in town in a few weeks. BTW, I don't consider this as pushing because she's a known fan. Gifts are supposed to be things that the recipient likes.

  8. Hi LonelyNoMore! Glad you swung by again. I also like being able to listen to OMWH anytime I want, in the best format available which is an original CD, so the small mp3 players I suggested aren't for me either. I was thinking more of people now who aren't already Clay Aiken fans but might could use a good song or two.

    Mainly I'm pondering the value of a Music Pass that you have to go to a brick-and-mortar store for and then download from an online store (2 different events/trips!) vs one of these preloaded with OMWH, priced at probably $20-$25 in a nice little gift box. Apart from the download culture today, I think gifting CD's has a bit of negativity to it --> on a special occasion, it's a "cheap gift" and when there's no occasion, it's "pushing my taste in music".

    *sends a virtual backrub to Gibby!*

    {{{Everyone in pain or discomfort}}}

    Yay us!!! And thanks, couchie and ansa!!! (will there be an open bar tonight?) :manynanas: :04:

  9. Yikes, we're on SAU, and I haven't posted about SL yet! I love SL. As others said, Clay's voice is so lovely, tender and restrained in SL. It's in the key of B major, and in either 12/8 or 6/8 time. That's what gives it the waltz feeling. Clay does a a great job of singing in this time signature by very slightly emphasizing the first beat of each three beats. Clay's vibrato in this song is sooooo gorgeous. His last note (sung on love) is heartbreakingly beautiful and tender.

    I haven't weighed in on SL and SAU either. ITA that SL is absolutely gorgeous. This is the song that if I put it on repeat in the morning I'd never get anything done because I'd just sit there listening until I realize that it's already late in the afternoon and I'd been sitting there all day. *sighs* Probably as close to heaven as you could anywhere near here. This is why in the car I stick to GOG, FIEKY, OMWH --> so that I'd at least get somewhere that day.

    SAU - I adored the snippet. When the CD came out, I was more attracted to other songs but that was probably me and some baggage I had at that time. In a small intimate concert, I think this will be the best song in the program. I would love to go to a show where he sings a whole bunch of songs like this.

    I have no advice at all about medicines ( and I hope you don't think me snooty for saying this) but I do have to thank everyone for helping me realize how much I should be thankful and happy about. Except for 1 instance of an extremely low iron count and my 3 babies of course, I haven't really had anything since childhood *knocks on wood* whether major or minor. It's so easy to ignore the things we're used to having and not realize how precious health and basic needs and individual freedom can be. And I'm glad this guy we follow helps remind us of this from time to time.

    *waves good morning to my Sweet Baboo!!!* (following your lead on 2 o's)


    I think OMWH is the sort of music you should just sit and listen to -- and most people's lives are just too hectic (maybe unnecessarily so). There's too much noise in day-to-day living and songs that actually talk to you or require attention aren't convenient. I like strong voices that sing songs with beautiful melodies and lyrics that make sense, but I also have the time to sit and dream a bit. I try to imagine the busy mom with 2 pre-school kids running between chores or someone trying to hold down 2 or 3 jobs or someone in a hospital about to undergo a barrage of tests -- they need the message these songs hold but it isn't likely that they would have the time or capacity to listen. If they were already Clay fans, they would know to prepare their iPods ahead of time but if they weren't, it would be unlikely to have this get on their list of things to do. I wish everyone in the world would get caught in an elevator for 30 minutes with nothing but a CD player and OMWH. Can't Clay just sell a bunch of small mp3 players already pre-loaded with OMWH so that folks can just grab these and/or gift them to friends who need a positive song or two?

  10. Gibby!!! Glad to hear that you're home and that the MRI's done. *crosses fingers for good news from the MD* Thanks for the update! I was also supposed to have pictures of myself when I had to swallow this teeny camera (no bigger than a large pill) and have it taking pictures of my insides every 2 seconds until the battery ran out. Was a lot more comfortable than an endoscopy/colonoscopy; it could also be the ultimate clack device.

    Hey, I have a guest room and I'm ready for a slumber party!!!

    Now if Clay would just play Wilmington or Myrtle Beach!!!!

    We could have us a fine Clayfest!!!

    Wilmington or Myrtle Beach would be wonderful! *crosses fingers*

    Working. Working my freakin' ass off. Figuratively speaking, of course - for the ass to literally fall off would be too much like right.

    Took a lunch today for the first time in three weeks - and ending up working until seven to make up for it.

    My brain is tired, but I've been reading along quietly.

    Having an easy week at work since I canceled half of a project I was working on -- firing off an e-mail last week saying that "the first half's done but there's no way on earth the 2nd half is going to happen, not from a technical standpoint but from a cultural/political one (nope, I didn't put it quite that way)" -- works wonders for one's schedule. I just hope it doesn't become a permanent case of "no work" because work still is, in the end, a good thing.

    We have lots of deer where I live. I nearly backed into one while leaving my daughter's apartment complex. I was backing out of the parking space and looked in my rear view mirror...I saw these eyes...scared the dickens out of me until my eyes really adjusted. I could hear the Psycho theme playing in my mind... :yow: They are often congregated on the lawn where I work too. I've seen a lot lately as they're moving down from the foothills and into the city. We really have to watch at night because they can dart right out into the street.
    {{{Tijala}}}Seeing eyes in my rearview mirror would have scared me to death! Glad you have so many of them though!

    Hello. Had my interview at the Flower Farm. I think it went well. Who knows though. I haven't interviewed for a job since 1992! I'm supposed to get a phone call before next Wednesday - yay or nay!

    ldyj - 2 1/2 more weeks to resolution. You're going to feel so much better when its over. Will you have to do physical therapy or what?

    Deer. They are cute, beautiful, graceful, etc. unless there is a herd that stalks your neighborhood night and day eating your tomatoes, petunias, geraniums and anything else that's green - even those plants that are labeled "deer repellant!" There really IS a herd and I swear the does have twins every year. The babys are usually born around the fourth of July so there are alot of chubby deer ladies walking around now. They get up on my deck regularly, no matter what I do. They are HEALTHY!!!

    Good luck on the job!!! Can't decide between flowers and deer but I hope you find a way to keep them apart!
  11. we do see deer quite often - but they are usually running across the road from one field to another - or I see them on the road I drive to and from work - there's a long stretch with woods and no structures. Mostly see them around dusk or after dark.



    We're also 15 minutes from the beach!!!

    Cotton, *sigh* it must be so pretty over there!... soo, uh... when can I visit? *shameless grin*

    Postho'ing but I forgot to ask if anyone had suggestions for online games that the two posse's could play? Or maybe even a few individual ones -- we'll just do it several times and add up the scores?

    Hey KAndre, where've you been?

  12. Back from the doctor's office. I have something 15 mm by 7 mm (probably a bone spur) in my knee joint that is preventing me from straightening my knee fully. I will be having arthroscopic surgery to remove it on July 16 -- two and a half weeks. *sigh* But at least I know it will be taken care of soon, and all this will be over before school starts.

    ((((ldyjocelyn)))) Glad to hear that it'll be over soon. Hang in there!

    Where’s Gibby?

    I think Gibby posted that she's having her doctor's appointment after work today. ((((Gibby)))) as well!

    Cotton, what a beautiful visitor you had this morning!!! Awwwww!!!! Thanks for taking and sharing that picture. Do you have deer often? Now I really want to pay you a visit!

    FromClaygary, so which Name & Acronym have you settled on? I want to go surfing for viable online games that we could play. However we're going to need some volunteers from the EEP [tm:ldyj] to run the games and referee. What sort of games do you have in mind? I'm hoping for a series so that we can have a mini-Olympics here in the same timeframe as the Beijing Olympics. What do you say? .... and I will also try to find batik fat quarters for you, although someone needs to explain them to me before I leave.

    Hugs who all who want or need them!!! :elephanthugs:

    {{{Couchie}}} I'm just glad that you didn't leave the house early today. I had a friend who was late for her train on Sept. 11; she worked in one of the buildings but never made it to work that day.

  13. Cotton, I was about to joke about how Clay completes my triumvirate of cute guys with Somali connections: Orlando Bloom, Josh Hartnet and Clay Aiken,

    but those pictures are just too sobering. Thanks for bringing them over.

    (I can still oogle appreciate the 3, though can't I?)

    Wherever that is...........Raleigh, NC, Santa Monica, CA, Lumbago, Nowhere, whatever!!!! (see, I know my geography :cryingwlaughter: )
    *Scarlett is completely devastated*

    Woo! Hoo! At least we know where he is or was. Yes, thanks for bringing this over!!!

    I know Italy has a boot! And doesn't Oklahoma or somewhere have a Panhandle? This is all so confusing. :whistling-1:

    *Scarlett cries inconsolably, uses up an entire Sam's Club package of tissue paper and puts "This Nearly Was Mine" on continuous repeat*

    (maybe I should sign up for a geography class ....hee!)
    *Scarlett brightens up considerably*

    Well I taught 11 women how to make pillowcases today - some quilt teacher I am! But at least when they buy fabric for their quilts they'll buy extra for matching pillowcases. The shop owner is happy!

    Somalia really sounds desolate. I wonder how they decide where to send Clay on these trips.....I'm just glad he didn't go to Myanmar. Sounds very dangerous there. I would think that UNICEF has security up the wazooooo when they bring a celebrity into one of these countries!

    *Eeeee! Scarlett offers to hunt Batik Fat Quarters (whatever those are, but they sound like Clack for quilters) from the Far East in exchange for online quilting lessons!!!*

    ETA: *Pouts* at calurker for getting between me and my sweet babooo

    ETAA: Nope, didn't think so. OTOH, I really don't know what's the big deal about Batik Fat Quarters.

  14. ETA: Scarlett....oh, I wish too! Any thoughts on how to get a really, really rich sponsor ....or a game going online? :lol:

    *nice to see you everyday, FromClaygary... are we on the same cycle? LOL! *

    Online? Hmmm... will look around and see.

    Have a great day! :smiles_53:

    ETA: luckiest1, Famous Ontario Clay-ho's? ....ooops! /just kidding

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