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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. I would love to eat at a place like that, however I am really a chicken when it comes to unusual foods. Hope you all have a great time tommorrow. Thanks, fear!!! We're going to spend the day with couchie so I'm sure we will! :F_05BL17blowkiss: annabear, yes, there's a full moon out tonight (July 18). Thank you for the beautiful pictures as always. Missing you terribly and though I know we keep missing each other just barely -- from Knitter's Connection in Columbus to here in the Bay Area, tho' I love that you took my spot on the final Spam weekend -- I'm looking forward to the time we do meet!!! :thbighug-1:
  2. couchie!!! can't wait till you get here at 6am tomorrow/jk. we were giggling at the conversation today where you kept starting out to ask "so what time... er... so where... uh... but when..." and finally said "oh, forget it. I'll show up at your hotel when I show up". Don't you just love the way we live by our guidelines?!! This afternoon, we decided that a Sunset Cruise was too snooty for our tastes and instead took the local ferry to Tiburon and Sausalito. At Sausalito, we found a neat Farmer's Market with the sweetest fruit around -- KAndre and I bought bags of plums and blackberries, even with the knowledge that we'd have to lug them around for the rest of the evening (see pics in the member area). There was a cute toy&game shop in Sausalito where KAndre and I co-bought a game called "Dirty Minds". We're all going to play it tomorrow! We then had sushi in a little place over there called Sushi Ran -- the grilled Shiitake mushrooms were yummy. Solo was v. tired since she flew in after midnight and so she was knocking glasses off the table, ending up drenching PerusingOne's pants with KAndre's Bellini. We boarded the ferry back to SF just at sunset so we ended up having a "Sunset Cruise" at a special price (see pic in the member area). I closed the day with an ice cream cone from the Pier and we're now in our hotel room with our respective laptops, catching up with FCA. Missing you!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks! While we had that Japanese dinner at Sushi Ran in Sausalito, I thought about you and that trip to China and Japan we're going to have someday! OK rub it in why don't you!!!!! Next thing you will posting a certain picture!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Wishing you were here -- have fun with the new entertainment system!!! Can't wait for our next sleepover! It's Friday today and yes we had that scrumptious buffet lunch. The appetizers were to die for -- about 12-15 tables with such variety! And I went for just about every item they had on the dessert table. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks for all the beautimous pictures!!! Hugs to merrieeee, keepingfaith and 00lsee!!! Cotton, thanks for posting the file name -- now I'll have something concrete to search for! G'night everyone!!! And btw,
  3. We just had lunch at the Culinary Arts Institute (as seen on the Food Network) and are heading out to board a ferry. We'll be meeting up with couchie tomorrow and driving to Santa Cruz. Have a great evening!!! Cotton, I found the e-mail but can't find the file itself and the download link has expired. What's the extension of the file? (or anything else I can search by, please? thx!)
  4. Yay, it's only 8 am here!!! ldj, glad you're fine and resting! Cotton, I wanted to re-quote your post to Luckiest's cats but I messed it up. Thanks for posting it, though. It gave me a huge smile!!! Thanks for the hugs and nice words about the flight, aikim, Gibby, ldyjocelyn, Iseeme, Couchie (thinking back, we really should have gotten off at oakland). Iseeme - No, they didn't serve drinks. They didn't even show any movies and the music was off -- which is what really got me because OMWH was on the list, they even had Clay's picture on the inflight magazine!!! "one leetle bitty slice of cake with calurker. Honest!" Well you could have saved it for me since all I had to eat the entire day yesterday were animal crackers and that "pizza" thing Continental serves. Stay cool and safe today (head exhaustion is.not.good) djs, been wanting to quote you all day yesterday but this is my first time to post on a real keyboard... thanks! If I weren't here, I'd be watching Dark Knight too -- on IMAX at 1:30 am (because all the IMAX shows were sold out in Houston). Have fun! I'm looking forward to reading your review. :F_05BL17blowkiss: So glad to be spending this weekend with you!!! Is it possible to hold triple (as opposed to dual) citizenship? I've only been to Seoul airport but if they'll take me, I'll study Korean too! ETA: Belated HBD to CarolinaClay and playbiller! (and thanks for the Korean link, CC!)
  5. I'm on this nightmare flight that circles forever and runs out of fuel, lands in Oakland just to get gas, finally gets us to San Francisco three hours late because half the people said bleep it and got off at Oakland ... And Iseeme is drinking and having cake with calurker ??? KAndre and I did think of getting off at Oakland and then calling for "good friends" to drive us to SFO to pick up my luggage (it was ok to check things since there isn't a concert)...but we were more puzzled about how many planes were circling ahead of us at SFO that they didn't think we could make it there from Oakland.
  6. Just wanted to give everyone a present. Happy Friday Thursday y'all!!! [tm:couchie] and merrieeee, the shirt was open all the way down -- NOT! ;p Thanks! Yes it is v. beautiful. Have a great weekend too and bee good while I'm away! :F_05BL17blowkiss: For good measure...
  7. Just wanted to add my MUAH to Chardonnay !!! (sneak posting from my quilting guild meeting)
  8. I'm skipping lunch on the occassion of KAndre and Iseeme agreeing (threesome, anyone?) That show is hysterical. I don't catch it often, and didn't think to look online. Where do you find it? I never watch TV episodes online, but this one would be worth it. I wish I remembered the characters' names. I love the really skinny caucasian guy. His quirks crack me up. *high-fives duckyvee* Here's the link! Yes, adorable is the key word!!! (and thanks for the cute doctor pic as well!) :F_05BL17blowkiss: Did anyone else here watch "Pretty in Pink" back in the day and love that number that Duckie did in the record store more anything that Blaine guy ("His name is Blaine?!! That's not a name, it's a major appliance!") ever did?!! *crickets* No comment on these, just wanted to capture for posterity:
  9. I don't watch TV very much but one show I try to catch (usually online) is Big Bang Theory. This guy above (sigh!) would fit right in. KAndre and I were talking this weekend (before you and kf arrived) about how we watch that show and get what the guys are saying. And remember how I'd suggested putting "sweetums" or "sugarpie honeybunch" as your first name when donating to Unicef so that the next "Dear XXX" letter from Clay would be extra cute? Doesn't work. They parse out the first name from your billing info. Rats! (No, I didn't actually put that in; *blushes* I used my nickname and the confirmation note came back as 'Dear <cc name>', although in the past I have received e-mails addressed to my nickname. Oh well. ETA: I guess I should change that to say "This guy above and below" (thank you, luckiest!) And congratulations to your son!!! I've been watching the Astro's and haven't seen that kind of play since Craig Biggio retired.
  10. If ever he sells signature frames, I'm going to be in line! And yes, that handbasket is long gone... He really is! He just takes my breath away! I'm so very proud to be his fan and I hope we give him half the joy he gives us. cindilu, I keep replacing your wallpaper, with your....ummm, wallpaper! It's only the 15th of the month and I haven't seen your calendar since the 9th. and I loved IT! Also love the banner...my favourite Clay look (next to the Gala beard) :F_05BL17blowkiss: I hope that every single ounce of joy he brings to others finds its way back to him, fifty-fold!!! *wants to run away with the banner*
  11. Ahhh, finally!!! (kisses ethernet connection) Thanks for the postcard-pretty picture, cindilu! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And for the beautimous banner too!!! (only got to appreciate it fully just now!) couchie, eep. will go clean my inbox now. *ashamed* ETA: I can ETA again. Squeeeee!!! And I'm below Iseeme too! ETAA: Goodnight, Cotton!
  12. Sorry to postho but editing is hard . There I said hard. Does it make up for saying teeny in reference to Clay? Thank you so much merrieeee, cindilu and Gibby!!!
  13. No shirt??!!! Aaaaargh!!! I already grabbed my purse and was about to start heading to your place
  14. I'm dying here. Came home early to catch up since my internet was down last night. Waaah! It's still down. Can someone describe the pics pls? All I can see is a teeny blur.
  15. Lost my Internet so I'm misstyping this on a teeny keyboard but just wanted to send good thoughts and wishes to ldyj !!!
  16. Those are wonderful pictures, sheiladownunder! Thanks! Do you have some more, by any chance?
  17. That Wildcard performance was the first time I ever saw & heard Mr. Aiken, so my sentimental heart went with that one for this round. Thanks for the gorgeous pics as always, annabear! :big hug: I picked DLTSGDOM too! Yes, that's it! Thanks a bunch!!!
  18. annabear, which ones are you trying to pick from? Maybe we can help you choose... if you post some. And thanks for the picture of Doctor Clay!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Could you post the quilting smiley again, Iseeme? Ooooh, keepingfaith, I see you down there -- haven't written about your clips yet because I was composing an "angel" post, but thanks a bunch for finding Andrew's clips and the Brazilian guy and the angels, esp the Michael clip!"
  19. Hugs to ldyjocelyn!!! Will be thinking of you. :thbighug-1: Yippee!! Hmmm, what to contribute?!... and where to send it? Eeeee, thanks spikesmom! I still have your large pack/bag of knitted items. Anything remotely related to "fiber crafts" will be welcomed enthusiastically. See the details at the bottom of this poster we had last year... good times! Thanks in advance to all those who can help, either by contributing items or supporting the sale!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Note: The contact info on the poster is no longer valid -- PM me or geekette@ch SSS Blog (annabear's on the list)
  20. Just wanted to be beneath Iseeme... Clay content: Oh, and the Striped Sock Sirens' Fall Craft Sale for TBAF is on! Just been approved! *getting back to knitting and dyeing* :6:
  21. Ohhhh, HBD jmh! :7252: Oh, this'll happen while we're there!!! I may get to hear Clay on the radio? !!!!11!!!!1!!! Thanks for bringing that over, ldj! ETA: Ansa, great minds?!!
  22. Sweet dreams, Cotton! Fear, that sounds easy enough for me and I guess I could use the egg whites that the yolks got separated from for the meringue instead of throwing them away. Thanks!
  23. I keep thinking... Zac Efron eyes vs Clay Aiken EF eyes Chris Brown smile vs Clay Aiken's tenderly gazing at a baby smile Chace Crawford cheeks vs Clay Aiken glass-cutting cheekbones ... and it only the abs part where I'd put someone else, and I'm not sure I'd give it to McConaughey. The tatoo category I'd still give to Clay: John Mayer's tatoos vs Clay Aiken's Jimmy Kimmel tatoo Maybe I'm going overboard but just how many should go to Clay? And who should the other parts go to? Fear, I'm probably the only one who needs this but could you post the Banana pudding recipe? I happen to have some Nilla wafers in the pantry. (though I prefer lady fingers) annabear, the white chocolate creme brulee sounds luscious! *smacks lips*
  24. Strawberry Spotted Dick -- sounds yummy. Wonder what it'll taste like though. On that lalate list -- Heart is fine, definitely, but I want to call for a vote-off on the lips and cheeks entries! Well, slightly closer. I'm on the Coast of NC! Cotton, I'm on your side of Texas so about I'm only about 1400 miles away. *looks up hopefully* /jk keepingfaith, the guy we were talking about yesterday -- Andrew Lincoln! laugh, Last time I looked the vote was still unanimous at 0-11.
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