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Posts posted by Claygasm

  1. So, if some of y'all heard a small explosion this morning, followed by the unmistakable whistle of steam escaping a pair of human ears, do not fret. T'was me after reading a shipment-delayed email, but I'm recovering my zen. Stupid Barnes and Noble! I only ordered from them because of their online special coupons...and I had plenty of time to get the order in, right? Um. Nah...that would be too easy! So, the biggest order I placed on the internet this Christmas will be arriving on December 30th. How sweet. I mean, cripes...I could have purchased most of this stuff in person at a local store!

    Well I paid extra to get my brother's presents from Amazon. They are still not here. I did the tracking thing with Fedex. Yesterday morning at 8:30am they were on a truck for delivery about 20 minutes from my house. Last night at 8pm they were back at the Fedex facility. This morning about 8:30am they were back on a truck for delivery, about 20 minutes from my house. Tonight at 7pm, they were back at the Fedex facility! What the fuck?? Isn't Fedex the one who says "When it absolutely, positively has to be there"??????

    So now my brother - who really only cares about the presents when it come to Christmas, won't have anything. His bitch-wife will probably convince him I did it on purpose!

    I have already emailed Amazon asking for the money I paid for the fast shipping that would get it to me in time for Christmas to be refunded. We'll see if that happens.

    Bah humbug!!!!

    I hate Christmas. I try every year to like it but I just hate it. It just depresses me. And last year's JNT just depressed me even more.....


    But to all who love it and can actually feel the lovely sentiment expressed in Scarlett's post, I am envious. And I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

  2. OMG!!! I love what he wrote!!! :cryingwlaughter:


    I can't read what he wrote! Can someone with eyes tell me what it says? I got "Finally...... something!"

    I LOVE that caricature!! Look how green they made his eyes!

    If I had enough money to buy something once inside Sardi's I might be able to see it in person!

  3. akim...loved your post. I was in a store yesterday waiting for a sales guy to help me pick out an inexpensive digital camera for Alex and my cell phone rang. It was my mom calling from the assisted living residence. She...was confused, said I'd never given her my number and so she'd had to get 'everybody here' to help her 'find' it.

    I found myself feeling so impatient listening to her. I just wanted to hang up. And I know it's because I haven't visited her recently and I feel guilty. I was supposed to take her to her doctor's appt. last Wednesday but ended up having the visit to the endodontist from hell that afternoon, so hubby took her. There have been other opportunities to visit, though.

    As I sit here at work listening to Clay sing holiday songs "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas...now", I think of how the holidays must feel like for my mom and for other elderly people with even more advanced dementia...What do the holidays MEAN for them?

    In San Francisco this weekend, the family did some shopping. We were on a city bus and a guy started doing that 'guess which cup the button's under' thing. Carrie was fascinated and was calling out the answer and the guy gave her a dollar! She thought she was hot shit. :cryingwlaughter: So a little later after we shopped for Christmas gifts, she and I were waiting outside a store waiting for hubby and Alex, and a very down and out man in a manual wheelchair pushed himself by us to stop at nearby. He was breathing hard from the exertion of pushing and his shoes were hardly in one piece. He had smiled, though, when he went by.

    I turned back and waited and then Carrie said, "Mom, is it okay if I give my dollar to that man?"

    I said, "Sure, honey, if that's how you'd like to use it." So she did and when she came back, she said, "That felt good!"

    :wub: So I talked with her about the idea of 'pay it forward' and she was a happy camper.

    When I think of that---That little dollar won't buy that man much, but I bet it made HIM feel warmer, too. So maybe I can't be everything to my mother, or do everything right or be able to make her happy all the time...but maybe just a little bit now and then will be good, huh?

    [/schmoopie post]


    You know, in the end, its the little things we do that matter most. I think sometimes we all tend to lose sight of that.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  4. {{{Couchie and her wonderful mama}}}

    I am sending all the good karma I can find your way.


    Part B made me cringe!!!!

    And Part A - ITA.

    I also think In Touch and everyone else better remember it just isn't that easy to get pregnant when you're almost 51, no matter the method. There was probably several months when it wasn't even advisable to try and if she is breast feeding, they wouldn't start the hormone shots necessary for her to get pregnant. Yup, In Touch, it usually takes more than vitamins to get an almost 51 year old woman pregnant! So to me it seems highly unlikely she will get pregnant again in January and that In Touch knows about it!

    Please Clay, start telling us something about your career people can bitch about!! I want to talk about your singing/acting/recording!! I am tired of all the personal life speculation!!

  5. THIS from E True Hollywood story. (From GCA)

    the final comment in the show:

    "He literally now is one of the most high profile celebrities in the United States, and so his voice as a performer, as a parent, as an individual is an important one."

    Wow! I LOVE that line!!!! Did pigs just fly????

  6. Since Clay's personal life is off limits at the OFC there is a thread where if you are so inclined you can wish Clay happiness.


    You have to be logged in to see it.

    Wait a second. There is a thread wishing Clay happiness in a relationship we don't even know he is in????

    I wish him happiness period. But this? This is over the top! This fandom is really kind of sick sometimes. Bits and pieces of information put together by nosey fans and an article in the Star of all places and suddenly we're wishing him happiness?

    What's next, a bridal shower??


    I kind of agree with this actually..its one thing to discuss it here, but there is a reason that its against the TOU to discuss his private life over there, and while some are general, there are some that are rather pointed that make me a bit uncomfortable...I just remember him talking so much about being a private person, and I dunno...anyways, obviously if It makes me uncomfortable I dont have to post there, Ive said I wanted him to be happy in plenty of places..dont gotta do it in every one lol doesnt make me a bad person.

    hey its only like my 10th post and Im already disagreeing...all is right with the world lol

    But what's worse, you're agreeing with me! Now THAT will get you in real trouble over here! :cryingwlaughter:

    Welcome, by the way!

    I know we have a thread for this already...but can people recommend places to eat in NYC (along with locations)? I need to look up John's Pizza -- do I need reservations? How close is it to the Shubert? The cheesecake makes Juniors a given, and I do know where that is. Hubby and I are staying in Times Square (got a decent deal through Priceline -- still more than I've ever spent on a hotel though), and will be looking for other places to eat. couchie, why do you like Carmine's so much? How close is it to Times Square?

    Ldyj, my lurker friend and I have fallen in love with Simply Pasta. Its on 41st between Broadway and 6th. The food is great - if you like Italian - and it is very reasonable. We ate the first when we went up to NY to play without Clay in August and went back when we were last there. I highly recommend it. It is not open on Sundays, though, and only open from 4pm to 9pm on Saturdays. Not sure of their hours during the week because I am never there then!

    If you like Japanese food, we found a great deal for lunch. They have a lunch special that runs I think from 11am to 3pm and for $9.00 you get a bowl of miso soup or a salad and then your choice of either 2 rolls or some other stuff. Its very good! Only thing is I can't remember the name or where it is, but I can look it up when I get home.

  7. I guess I just want a rumor to be treated as a rumor until there is hard (Hee, muski! That one is for you!) evidence that it is fact - like a statement from Clay or a picture of them making out or holding hands or something.

    But alas, in this fandom that is but a dream......

    Anyway, I have found the REAL reason Spamalot is closing. You may think its because of falling sales or the economic crisis, but no! It is because of THIS!

  8. Some posts are general and some do say things if you read between the lines. But I think its very much the fans way of telling Clay that when he is ready to be public about a relationship, he does not have to be afraid of reactions because we are happy for him. So whether Clay and Reed are together or not, I hope this thread can ease any fears he may have about it.

    I don't think Clay has any concerns or fears about us "approving" of any relationship he may or may not be in. At least i hope not!! "We" should not enter into anything involved in his personal life!

  9. Since Clay's personal life is off limits at the OFC there is a thread where if you are so inclined you can wish Clay happiness.


    You have to be logged in to see it.

    Wait a second. There is a thread wishing Clay happiness in a relationship we don't even know he is in????

    I wish him happiness period. But this? This is over the top! This fandom is really kind of sick sometimes. Bits and pieces of information put together by nosey fans and an article in the Star of all places and suddenly we're wishing him happiness?

    What's next, a bridal shower??


  10. The following commentary is NOT directed at anyone here on this board (that I am aware of...) and I DO understand the difference between taking things seriously and just having fun with shipping, which is what I believe is happening on this board.

    But I've been thinking (often a dangerous thing.........)

    I just get a bit creeped out seeing Clay fans seeking out pictures of Reed, seeking out evidence that they are a couple, giving hits to tabloidy, gossip sites, etc.

    And we wondered when the tabloids would go after Clay why! Seriously. We can't complain about the tabloids when we're part of the problem.

    And by "we" I don't necessarily mean just Clay fans. It seems there are many "fans" in this country who have an insatiable appetite for intruding into various celebrities' personal lives. Heaven knows I have been part of that in the past.

    But its funny. Ever since TMZ broke the baby story this kind of stuff creeps me out. Not the joking around part, but the part where fans dig for information, pictures, "evidence". The part where fans start becoming friends of this guy who may or may not be involved with Clay on Myspace and Facebook - as if somehow that would mean they really would be friends with him - and by association - with Clay and make them part of his inner circle. It is just so sick.

    And that's just the fans! Then there is the tabloid media. They are intrusive for profit and those same fans - and not just the ones who are so intrusive - literally buy into it!

    The fact that the baby story turned out to be true is what made this all so creepy to me. When its just idle gossip that never amounts to anything, well, that's bad enough. Because it is fiction it doesn't seem quite as intrusive.

    But when it is true, as it was with the baby story, well, that means someone really truly dug into Clay's personal life and publicized something private.

    I guess after one true tabloid story the possibility that this story might be true too - well, I would just hate to think that fans and tabloids alike are once again digging into Clay's real personal life and making something public that should be private.

    And I guess I didn't realize just how much that bothered me until this rumor broke. I guess I have come to expect that behavior from the tabloid media. Sadly, I have also come to expect it from SOME of Clay's fans too.

    <End Commentary>

  11. nobody here seems to be taking it seriously. This is fun!

    Yup! Which is why I said:

    Some are just having fun with it - and I think that applies to almost everyone here

    I loved shipping the original Clelly!

    Bwah!!!! That is the one pairing that made me pukle! And retch!

    That was actually my burnt puppy, back in the day.

    Different strokes for everyone!

    What a shock! You hated what I loved! :cryingwlaughter:

    I seriously have to side with Claygasm here on the Reed thing. The boy is gorgeous – no question - but lets not lose control of our faculties here (see the above bolded statement). By all means, have fun with it (lord knows *I* am, I'm one of the best visualizers around) but I’ve seen a few too many statements of fact for me to be comfortable. To be honest - one is too many.

    Here's a thought (and it's just that - a thought) but maybe Clay wants this relationship out there? I mean, if they went to Spring Awakening together and posed for photos and went to Rosie's gala together and posed for photos.......a lot of IFs there, I know, but it is a possibility. Or the tabloids are making a big deal out of nothing. But I do like the spin about the "hunky boyfriend". Who knows? I'm only in it for the fun, anyways. Heck, I was right there with the light hearted shipping of the Claymes too, but only becoss I wanted Clay to be happy and in love. I want him to be happy now, and if it's with Reed, fine by me! Hee, I think the Creed is a cool name. :)

    As long as you recognize the “if” – because by that rationale, he was also wanting his relationship with Hannah, Jaymes and a whole host of others out there.

    Hee! Heidi and I agree on something!! :pigsfly::BlowKiss:

    I am creeped out by hearing a lot of people asking Reed to be their friend on Facebook!
    Now THIS is what is really and truly making me ill. When I see all these Clay fans rush to have Reed make them his 'friend' on his MySpace or Facebook or whatever, I get the same feeling I do when I'm watching television and someone does something really, really embarrassing. I get sooooo embarrassed FOR them that I actually feel...unsettled, ashamed and downright yucky. And THAT'S how I feel at the idea that now there's another example of those 'cra--enthusiastic' fans of Clay Aiken. Slam me if you will, but I think it sucks and it's humiliating---just asking for ridicule, IMO.

    That is seriously disturbing! No wonder Clay fans get a bad rap!

    Yummy new banner!!!! :wub:

    Yeah that! :hubbahubba:

    By the way, I seriously doubt Clay is attempting to manipulate the media or us by putting out a red herring (A herring! tm the head Knight who says Ni!). I don't know him, but that just doesn't seem like him. IIT I just don't see him doing that with someone who is presumably important to him. And IINT I don't see him using someone else to be a decoy. Clay has just never struck me as a manipulative kind of guy.

  12. Not going to take this rumor as gospel until we have credible evidence - and that means sources like, oh let's say, Clay!

    Another photo:


    Two cuties to be sure, but that photo is hardly incriminating! There is so much space between them you could drive a truck through it!

    I don't know about the IIT or IIU, but here's one person's thought... I IM'd this pic to a friend on Sunday, and before I could say (type) anything about it she asked... WHO is that guy in the blue shirt??? She zeroed right in on him because of the way he has his hand on Clay's neck/shoulder. Now I know a photo is a moment in time, and they are all huddled in order to be in the shot, but it is a very possessive/intimate gesture- and it was the very first thing she said, without any knowledge of why I was showing her the photo. FWIW.

    Yeah, but what about the guy with his head practically on Reed's shoulder? If I was just looking at this picture with no knowledge of Clay's sexuality, I would think he and Hannah might be a couple and Reed and the guy with his head on his shoulder might be a couple (which actually was my first thought when I saw the picture - not the Clay and Hannah thing. The Reed and the guy with his head on Reed's shoulder thing)!

    Reed is cute and MAYBE they are a couple - or maybe they are just good friends. But I think once again this fandom is obsessing over Clay's personal life based on rumor and gossip and NO facts and then saying Clay's personal life is none of their business.

    Some are just having fun with it - and I think that applies to almost everyone here - but others are getting into it deep and treating it like it is a known fact and practically planning a wedding for them - all based on NO FACTS. It is just so reminiscent of all the "evidence" when some thought he and Kristy were a couple (their European trip together, the way he gazed at her at the DF gala, the dedication of WISYS on ATDW, etc.). People were CONVINCED it was true. And we all know how that turned out!

    I think FUN shipping is, well, fun. I loved shipping the original Clelly! But its when you start taking it too seriously that it begins to squeek me out a bit - especially when it is based on such esteemed publications as the Star. I mean almost every week they report Jennifer Anniston is pregnant! I guess as long as they keep doing it the odds are one day they'll be right!

    IF Reed and Clay are indeed a couple, I hope they are very happy, I hope Jaymes can live with it and I hope there will be lots and lots of cute pictures of them together! But they could just be good friends. I guess by now Clay is so used to this crap he can just roll his eyes, but it makes you wonder who would ever enter into relationship with Clay knowing this could - and most likely would - happen.

  13. FCA (otherwise known as Bitches of the World United).

    And just when I was wondering if I still fit in here... With this, obviously I do! :cryingwlaughter:

    As for the shipping...... Just think back to all the "evidence" presented that he was dating Kristy, Kelly, Jaymes, Yellow Sweater Girl, Hannah etc., etc., etc. - and we all know how that turned out! All we know is Clay knows this Reed guy. No more, no less. (tm Brother Maynard)

    Although this guy Reed is very cute and they would probably make a very cute couple..... :whistling-1:

    Those cloopy pictures are GORGEOUS!!

    I haven't turned on my computer since Thursday. Don't know what I have been doing but apparently I have been very busy! Yesterday was my mother's 90th birthday and my brother and I took her out to dinner at a very fancy, schmantzy restaurant (re: expensive!). Probably the only time I will go there until maybe her 100th birthday! Maybe by then I'll have paid off my half!

  14. It's just the lyin's turn tonight. Tomorrow it will be RCA and then Clive Davis' turn

    And the wheels of the bus go round and round.....

    And jamar.....

    K' I'm callin' it right now. Wednesday is hair day. Count on it.

    You must be right. There will be stage door pictures tonight!

    I need sleep. Stage door pics will have to wait!

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