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Posts posted by txflwrgrl

  1. I, too, like the one's where you can see the guitarist's reactions to Clay, us, and the music. For some reason that adds extra to me.

    Can someone please tell me which videos show the guitarist? I've downloaded a bunch of different ones and they are all close-ups of Clay and show almost nothing else. Which of course is a good thing, but I also love seeing the reactions that musicians have when Clay is performing and the fans are reacting. Oh boy, there was a LOT of reactions during Everything I Don't Need.

    The look on his face during that song puts a big old smile on mine. :wub:

  2. Now that was a LONG blog, but just perfect in tone. I've never understood why anyone thought Clay should apologize for "lying" to his fans. What he said was to a reporter who surprised him by asking something he shouldn't have. Clay was young, inexperienced and NOT READY to come out. At that point he hadn't even told his family, so it's kind of strange to think he would have acknowledged being gay to a strange reporter who was going to print what he said in a national magazine.

    Way to go Clay! Just want to give him a big ol hug. :thbighug-1:

  3. txflwrgrl, are you close to the Gulf too?

    Scarlett - No, I'm in the north central part of Texas about 25 miles from Oklahoma. I do hope everyone close to the gulf area will be safe.

    Hope you have a safe trip home! I love reading about your travels and the many adventures you and KAndre have had. You two are a blast! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    And all I have left to say is.......


  4. And this, my dear sisters, is one of the reasons I want to explode when I read about some of us feeling ashamed of our ages, that we're not 22 and hot, etc. etc. et al. We are the women that loved the musicians and singers and bands who became the legends of today, and whose music is classic, and we loved them when they weren't cool. I know there are many who think The Beatles were always cool. But I know that I personally took shit about it in Texas -- and must have heard 1,000 times .... oooh, you like those fags? Anyway, it was the WOMEN, the CHICKS who were the first to pick up on, and fall in love with, the music that has endured and will live on.

    When the "dudes" think Clay's not cool, and their "old ladies" agree because they're down with what the foxy dude thinks is cool ..... hey, I've seen that show. They go drifting into oblivion on the cool boat. I was never intimidated by it. In fact, if history tells me anything, it is that being first accepted and adored by females, and especially the same damn females who recognized the giants of our generation, that's a hell of an positive indicator for Clay Aiken. I think it's high-time we weren't so intimidated as fans by what the "cool dudes" think about us. They've been wrong, all along. They ain't shit.

    I love this! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap::clap:

  5. I just knew that I'd get home from work tonight and there would be a picture of Clay that someone would have taken last night. Also knew that if there was any taken that someone here would have found it, but guess it's not to be.

    Truthfully, I'd love to see a recent picture of Clay, but am glad that maybe he was able to go to Spamalot and see his friends without the reporters around bugging him.......at least I hope he didn't get bothered by any.

    Editing to say.....I love Falling! :lilredani:

  6. We don't get stinking tornados in NJ, at least rarely. And they almost never touch down. I saw two tornados in 30 years and that fact amazed some people. I figure the tornado must have past over the trees, because the branches are twisted off and they are healthy branches. I really don't know how people deal with it on a regualr basis. A friend of mine was from Witchita Falls and she said it was called tornado Alley.

    We get mild hurricanes and my house is pretty insulated and the trailer has nothing valuable in it, if it goes, it goes.

    Happy 25th anniversary, Gibby

    Play - Glad to hear you didn't have any major damage to your home. I live about 50 miles from Wichita Falls and yes we do have tornadoes quite often in this area. I've seen quite a few and they are very scarey, but when there is a chance of a tornado we have people who go out and watch for signs of one forming so they can give an early warning. Thankfully a lot of times they form, but don't touch the ground.

    To all the smutters - Thanks for the lovely views you've given us tonight. Guess I'll sleep with a smile on my face! :cryingwlaughter:

  7. Your fearless admins are pow-wowing about reviving the Song of the Day. I personally would really like to get back into discussing the different feelings we have toward certain songs. And of course, the "news" will probably have an effect as well.

    Amen. (tm Bro. Maynard) 9.gif <- - Think I'll add this little guy to the emoticon thread.

    Where is the emote thread?

    I have "a couple", I'd like to post. :whistling-1:

    It's under the Fun, Fun, Fun......Photos, Photoshops, Emoticons thread

    Here's a link.....


  8. AoE (Age of Empires)

    Still waiting for one of y'all to hit a game I don't or didn't play...heh.

    Pong totally rocked.

    Playing my Sims still!

    I could never get into Sims. I bought the Sims 2 and it just seems like too much work...it's for creative peopel I guess. I played around with it for a day or two and then just let it collect dust on a shelf before I gave it to my neice. I love logic puzzles and sudoku.

    If you love logic puzzles have you tried the online picture puzzles from Conceptis? Have been doing these for a long while and love them and they're free!


  9. It took me a while last night trying to catch up on all the news. You guys all had a lot to say! :cryingwlaughter: It was so late by then I didn't really know what to think about the "baby news". My first reaction is that it is totally untrue except for the fact that Jaymes is pregnant. What I can't get past is the idea of Clay wanting to have a baby with someone (no matter their age) in this way. I'm not talking about the artificial insemination, but that Clay would want to father a child that would essentially be raised by someone else. Yes, of course, he would be around, but unless he was living with Jaymes (or vice versa) he wouldn't be there on a daily basis.

    I don't know Clay personally and don't know anything really, but I do think that he would want to be a totally involved dad who would be there every day for his child. I just kind of think he's a lot more traditional than this and would want the whole wife, kids, all living together thing.

    If I'm just totally off my rocker....which wouldn't be unusual.....and the story is true, then I would be very happy for Clay. No stones thrown from me! I would love for him to be a daddy whenever and however he wanted. Just don't think there's much truth to this story! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  10. Ok, I had no trouble with the audio of the QVC bonus, but I cannot get the video to play! I can't find it on the disc to play on my computer and when I put the disc in my DVD player, it only played the audio of the 4 bonus tracks. Its like the video isn't on the disc! Did anyone else have this problem??

    Seeing your post reminded me that I had the same problem, so I went back just now to try to figure it out. Here's what I did....and I'm sure there is a simpler way.

    I have Windows XP -

    put cd/dvd in drive and go to My Computer

    right click on that drive

    click on Open

    double click on Start

    That opened up the This is the Night video screen and just click on Play. Hope this works for you or maybe someone can tell us another way to see it.

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