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Posts posted by txflwrgrl

  1. I just think we have to be careful about believing all the spoilers...I remember in JBT they were playing all kinds of songs..I remember like a virgin and beat it too...that never was part of the show. I think if Clay was actually singing it...I can believe but if the musicians are just practicing...I can see Clay telling them to play songs that are not in the line up...

    The ones I can really believe are the GBTUSA, LAA and the TVshow medley.

    Now that makes a lot of sense to me. I just can't quite imagine Clay singing Like A Virgin, but I can imagine him telling the orchestra to play those songs during rehearsal just to get us all talking. He's just a goof! He knows that the word will spread quickly on the internet.

    Of course, Clay is always going to surprise us and that's what I really look forward to tonight.

  2. Hi ldyjocelyn!

    I think I'm fascinated by his hair because Clay is constantly changing it. Most men (I think) don't change that much. We do know that he was changing the color before AI and even had that awful curly do, so this is not something new.

    I don't think the changes are bad, in fact it keeps him plenty interesting. It's just one small part of who is he, but he could be bald and I'd still love the voice and the personality.

    He's kind of fascinating......don't you think?

  3. Thanks for the welcome Couchie, but I'm always here reading what you crazy fun people are writing. Love all the opinions and crack-me-up humor.

    About Clay's hair......Looking back at the auction picture I can see where the style is almost exactly the same and the only thing I see different is the beard and mustache which changes his look so much.

    I also think it would look better if it was messed up a bit.

    I volunteer myself to do the job. heehee :whistling-1:

  4. What I want to see is if the reaction around the fandom will be worse if he does mention Clay but doesn't say he's the most successful and bestest Idol ever, or if it will be worse if he doesn't mention him at all! Personally, I expect he won't mention him at all. I dare say Simon doesn't think about Clay 24/7!

    You know that one of those things is gonna happen and no matter what Simon says or doesn't say there are going to be Clay fans who will be upset about it. For him to say the wrong thing about Clay will have a whole bunch of fans mad and of course, if he doesn't mention him at all they will be really mad. My guess is with you......he won't say anything at all about Clay.....unless the interviewer brings him up.

    On another note.....my, my we have a lot of TALL people here. If you need someone in the middle of all you tall and short people then I think I qualify.......... I'm 5' 5 1/2"

    Oh, and I'll be at the Nokia in Dallas! :woohoo:

  5. Clay........at Nokia......in Texas! Please say it's true! It's been a long time since we've seen Clay in Texas and I've been trying not to get too optimistic about him coming here this summer.

    I really don't care much about what he sings, as long as I get to see him, like up close and personal. heh

    Okay, that's not really true because I would love to hear him sing When A Man Loves A Woman. Yeah, I know, I'm in dream world, but a girl can hope that maybe one of these days we can hear him sing the whole song.

    Come to Texas Clay!


  6. I haven't seen those movies yet, but I always find Clay references everywhere. Our local radio station plays all "oldies" and I think of Clay every time I hear a song he sang on the JBT. Of course, I always think he did it better!

    Just wanted to let you know that I have finally finished listening to Hark the Herald Angels Sing - O Come All Ye Faithful (boy that's a mouthful) heh The recommended versions are now in the correct forum. I have to say that I am still amazed by the Long Island videos. Even though it was not in my Top 3, that is a totally awesome performance. He just poured his heart & soul into it and gave us his best even though he was feeling so bad.

    I wuv him! :large-smiley-003:

    That is one GIANT smiley!

  7. Hark the Herald Angels Sing - O Come All Ye Faithful

    There weren't as many versions of this as some of the other songs, but it was hard narrowing it down because he didn't mess up on any that I heard. I think the lyrics were right every time! I did eliminate any that had too much noise, such as coughing, talking, etc.

    He really sang this medley beautifully every time with a lot of emotion. The only difference I found was at Waukegan where he changed up the last little bit of the song. The words are still the same, but just sang it different than usual. So, the version you like is up to you.

    1. Waukegan - Spotlightlover - great sound and lots of feeling to the song, complete song

    2. Waukegan - Filomena123 - there was very little difference in this one and spotlightlovers, really good sound and complete song

    3. Charlotte - ImAllEars - This also has great sound and the ending is the usual one he does which is the one I prefer, but I put the Waukegan up as 1st because the sound quality is maybe a little better, but there is not really much difference.

    All 3 I've listed also have great videos if you're interested in watching him (and who isn't!). But, I'd also like to recommend the video of Long Island by ClayFaninVA and Scarlett. This was an amazing performance and he poured his heart into this song while gripping that stool to keep from falling off. The only reason this was not in my top 3 was the noise and coughing at the beginning. There is not a lot, but just enough to mess up an audio version. The video on the other hand is highly recommended!

  8. BWWAAAHHHH! Playbiller Luckily I had to blow out only 1 candle today instead of a whole cake full and no fire department was needed. hee

    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!

    Waves to ldyjocelyn! Thanks for the welcome back from the land of lurkdom. I haven't posted much because I've been over in the Clay pin sites. Yes, there are still some of us collecting pins. I don't want to even think about how many I now have. :blink:

  9. I've spent the evening listening to an angel sing.....heh....maybe that was Hark The Herald Angels Sing.....but he does sing like an angel!

    I'm gonna have that song in my head all night now. So far, I may have it easier than some of you because there's not a whole lot of videos or mp3's or whatever of that particular song. I got them all downloaded and have been listening and watching (oh yeah) and moving them to a "reject" or a "good" folder. I'll go back later and listen again to all the "good" ones and narrow it down further.

    So far there's not a lot of different things Clay does with this song vocally. They are pretty much the same, but boy he does some lovely stuff with his hands on that mic, and the emotion on his face is riveting. Oh yeah, it's no hardship at all to do this.

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