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Posts posted by djs111

  1. a child isn't typically named after a step-parent that one wasn't on good terms with, as was the case with Clay and Ray Parker.

    I think that perhaps some in the fandom who glommed on to every word in LTS as if it was a tell-all autobiography were the ones who were not on good terms with Ray Parker. Clay certainly seemed to be on good terms with him. It is his actual father's funeral he did not attend.

    (If my son took my car, without permission and likely without insurance, not caring if an accident could ruin my finances and/or destroy the car and I certainly could not afford another one, I would be tempted to whack him upside the head. Putting me through the stress of thinking the car was stolen or hoping he didn't have an accident before I found him is a crappy disrespectful thing to to do a parent. Or a stranger, for that matter. Just sayin'.)

    I do see where baby-mama people are coming from. It just always makes me feel as if Jaymes was just a surrogate or something, so I find it a bit distasteful or sorta silly. Shrug. I never see Clay referred to as Jaymes' or Parker's baby-daddy. Those terms always seemed to imply sperm or egg donor and then absenteeism as far as actually raising the child. I just don't run in those circles, I guess!

    Yes I am an old fart, I even hated that Sinatra sang scooby-dooby doo in Strangers in the Night, it still sounds stupid to me, and Sinatra is almost my favorite singer. Some other guy took first place. :-)

    I am so anxious about if Clay's TMJ surgery affected his voice that I feel silly. I know he wouldn't appear if there is a problem, I just hope he is okay. I am back to the olden days, where I watched every appearance through my fingers, worried something bad would happen. Ridiculous, I know. But that one missed note at a Christmas concert was heard 'round the world.

    11 pm here in Florida is not so bad, it is even before SNL!

    Heeee, Couchie, I am following my favorite team in the playoffs - but it seems to be bad luck if I actually watch the game, especially if they are winning when I tune in. So, I just wait until the next day and check the scores. My Team Whose Name Shall Not Be Spoken is doing well, though! At least they are winning so far in the second round - the first time they made the playoffs, the Rockets swept them. The Rockets' fans were even so kind as to bring brooms to the games.

    Today is the day mail carriers are taking food donations for the food bank, dunno if that is nation-wide, but it is a good thing to do!

  2. Heeeee......hardly anyone uses the word "siblings" in casual posting - if you google david foster sisters, you find this:

    David and sisters


    David Foster with sisters Jeannie, Maureen, Ruth, Marylou, and Jaymes in Mexico, 2007.

    I think I read that he has six sisters altogether.

    I Googled "David Foster+brothers+sisters" and found nothing but Jaymes.

    Claytonic, I have found that the more restrictive a search is, the less likely I am to find something, due to spelling, casual use, whatever. Just the three words david foster sisters. no quotes, no + signs, gave me the sisters and names in the first two returns. I do use the minus sign quite a bit, if I am searching for something and get a lot of chaff.

  3. During Season 2 of AI did the judges give OTT praise to Ruben the way they are giving praise to Adam?

    Yep! Nauseating, really.

    Didn't help Ruben out much in the real world, though, where people only buy or download music if they personally really like it. I was surprised, too, because Ruben does have a really great smooth voice. It was just annoying every week to hear him praised for having grown. And having his name brought up to other contestants.

    I think winning just gives someone a better shot at the Big Time Career, it doesn't actually guarantee anything.

    And somewhere, 19 and Fox are gearing up for next year's Best Contestant Evah.

    Hey, I am just hoping Anoop gets to record something, I don't care who wins at all.

  4. Yay! Big Bang, Old Christine, 30 Rock, CSI Miami!!!!!! 2 1/2 Men!!!!

    So I guess I am the only person who watched Kings. Dang. I lurve Ian McShane.

    He was on Jon Stewart a couple of weeks ago and was hilarious, which I was not expecting.

    After I was traumatized by seeing JR throw Jack Scalia off a balcony (as if!), it was nice to see Sue Ellen get someone even better.

  5. You guys and your thoughtfully picked, uppity, classy movies!

    I just got back from Wolverine the Mutants Killing Each Other and Bad Guys and Innocent Civilians Too Movie (or something like that)!!!!!!!!

    Lots of skin!!!! Heaps and piles and tons of muscles!!!!! Hugh Jackman!!!!!

    (Actually I don't really go for the muscle-bound thing, but I was appreciating the genre. That's my story and I am sticking to it.)

    We went for the 10am show, but it was sold out, so we got the 10:45.

    My grandson was prescient enough to bring a Dean Koontz novel.

    I sat there and watched the same 7 stupid-ass commercials for 45 minutes.

    I will share!

    -----I feel it is creepy for an animal care hospital to have a giant picture of a baby seal looking adorable and ready to be clubbed by nasty people as its symbol. A kitten or puppy would be fine.

    -----Why would mothers buy tickets to sit in a movie theater and listen to Doctor Laura yammer about how great it is that they are mothers?

    If they get a sitter, they should really just go out for a nice dinner. If they don't, they are sitting in a movie theater for an hour, at night, with little kids.

    Lose-lose, IMO.

    -----Penelope Cruz says that it is impossible to live your life through the viewpoint of another person. Yup. Gotta agree. Except I would have said "stupid". But nine out of ten people agree that

    Penelope is way nicer than me.

    -----Evidently Meryl Streep irons her own clothes, which makes her just like all of us.

    Except I don't iron clothes. So it seems that I have even less in common with Meryl than I thought possible.

    -----Alan Arkin co-wrote The Banana Boat song, which was a huge hit for Harry Belafonte.

    Now, that is a strange fact!

    -----Business meetings in movie theaters seem okay, but if the host is as insanely perky as the girl giving the pitch, is it okay to pelt them with popcorn?

    All the trailers, strangely enough, were for violent movies. Even the trailer for Ice Age - the Coming of the Kelvinators (or something) was all about that poor dumb squirrelly thing losing his nut once again in a perilous but funny fashion.

    We want to see them ALL, but I suspect watching Christian Bale is different for me than it is for my grandson, when we say we want to see Terminator 47 - Office Depot Strikes Back.

    Side note (as are they all!) - Michael Bay is the director, and his commercial for something where he has various parts of his house and grounds blow up via remote control is really funny.

    Anyway, Hugh Jackman looks suitably toned as Wolverine, but I am really really shallow because that weird hair pouf thing that any self-respecting duck would refuse to wear on its butt turns me off.

    But I am strangely drawn to Liev Schreiber, and if he really does have vampire teeth, that will be a bonus.

    I will have to Google him and investigate. No, wait, no, because I want to stick with my little fantasy. Damn you, internet!

    Lots of killing, shooting, knives, violence. Lots and lots.

    But, at the end, everyone who will be needed for X-Men - Mutants Take Hollywood was still alive. No, really!!!!!

    BUT - they have this sneaky thing where they inject people with something that stops the pulse or whatever, so there is still a chance for big surprises!

    Well, little surprises anyway.

    There are some illogical mutant abilities, or, rather, unused ones, like if a girl can turn her skin into diamonds hard enough to stop bullets, why can't she saw her way out of a regular metal cell with, say, a sparkly forearm? But maybe I am getting too thoughty! :-O

    So anyway, yeah, go on and watch those artsy movies! I am Jellus!

    But Hugh did escape the evil general by throwing himself over a high waterfall and he did not have any clothes on.

    Nice ass. Yes I realise it most certainly was not Hugh's actual butt.

    I understand there are many places on the internet where one can get an actual review.

    My post here is not one of them.

  6. I have all avis and signatures turned off at the OFC...makes it so much easier to read the board without having everyone's agendas and political/religious views staring you in the face.

    Thanks for reminding me of that!!!!! I turned off siggies everywhere. If I want to get preached at or lectured, I will voluntarily attend something or another.

    Of course Ron the GOI will miss some unintended humour, but if I buy him another beer, he cheers right up again.

    I hope Clay sings Lover All Alone in Vegas, and I hope there is clack! That is the only "new" song of his I love to pieces.

    It is fun to see the travel arrangements and excitement flying around the boards.

  7. I don't know what "read the room" means.

    If everybody in the "room" (in this case, the board) is having fun smutting or whatever, making dire pronouncements and kind of telling people how to post (or not) is generally going to get ignored at best.

    Read the room is something entertainers do all the time, and adjust their act accordingly.

    Go with the flow.

  8. The man is a rapper. not a pop singer which Simon keeps saying they are looking for.

    The guests are just to get different demographics to tune in, it is the ratings they are after.

    Simon was cool about Carrie not being pop, and others being more rock - really, he just wants someone who can sell a crapload of CDs or downloads.

    He wouldn't kick a Mongolian throat music singer off the show if he thought that was something he could make money from.

    Hmmmmm.....the only thing that could induce me to watch AI, now that Anoop is not there to be kicked around any more (obscure Nixon reference!) is if Clay was a guest.

    But I fear that if Clay was a guest, Seacrest would be oozingly oilily obnoxious with his 'banter", so it's all good, I can do without seeing him on AI.

  9. Also, how does a city with the highest unemployment rate support/justify its draft picks?

    You are confusing big business with actual people. :-)

    If Detroit is anything like Tampa (high unemployment rate too) the NFL and the owners just consider the city as a geographical location where the stadium is located, and as a patsy to build a new stadium and then let them keep all the revenue.

    Most likely the team already has season tickets all sold and doesn't really get affected by the economy.

  10. Is Clay the only former Idol who has had a constant body guard all these years?

    I am pretty sure he is the only former idol who has had a steady stream of death threats and stalkers.

    And that's just what we see, who knows what else is happening behind the scenes!

    I don't think Clay would be paying Jerome to be with him if it was unnecessary. Don't think Jerome is constant, either.

    Couchie - I am glad you liked Ironman! It is a fun movie. Terrance Howard will be replaced by Don Cheadle in the sequel, though - Evidently Howard was signed first for the original, was paid a LOT more than everybody else - Downey, Paltrow, etc.!, and was difficult on the set to boot.

    So for the sequel they offered Howard the same amount of money as other supporting actors, and he said nope. So they got Don Cheadle.

    I like Cheadle a lot, I have even stopped mistaking him for Tim Meadows - and I found this myspace that put it very succinctly - (scroll down a bit)

    Don Cheadle IS Tim Meadows - it's science!

    Don Cheadle was excellently awesome in Hotal Rwanda and Crash. IMO, etc.

    ABBA fans might want to check out Muriel's Wedding - great movie, and the whole soundtrack is ABBA songs.

  11. Oh, I forgot all about the stoopid maroon armchair quarterbacking. Of a game that they really don't know how to play.


    Luckily for me, nobody else's opinion of Clay is germane to my fanship :-)

    The night was not about Clay's personal life. And every occasion is not a PR moment or a self-promotional moment.


  12. Here's one of the acts from Swedens Got Talent.

    Bwah!!!!!! Thanks!!!! I somehow do not see them performing for royalty!!!! :-O

    I read that there is a kid who sings like Stevie Wonder who wowed everybody this week on Britain's Got Talent - evidently he started with a meh song, Simon stopped him and asked what else he could do, and he then proceeded to sing like Stevie. Simon stopping him and asking for another song sounds kinda set-up, but talent is talent.

    And okay, I can see the point in not clicking on SB - I am predisposed to liking Broadway songs and standards, but I don't especially care for child acts. I honestly don't think I would click on some cute kid standing on carpet samples at Sears and singing.

    Heeee....I do like children!

  13. Oh, Lotus, that concert sounded wonderful, hopefully there will be film or , uh, Lack?

    I can just hear him singing Famous Blue Raincoat, and I love Who By Fire....and all the rest!!!!!!!

    Thanks for that link!!!!!!!!

    My favorite Titanic movie is the one with Clifton Webb.

    And I love the Colin Firth P&P bestest, but the newer one is a close second.

    I am thinking I don't really categorise what I like in a genre fashion, that is too limiting!

    Besides that leads to people shouting at me and insisting I don't like Josh Groban because I am loyal to Clay, which is ridiculous on quite a few levels.

    Returning to the movie theme, I saw the movie M*A*S*H on opening day back in 1970 (?) without foreknowledge or any idea whatsoever as to the cast (all unknowns to me), the director (a genius in the making) or the plot -- the definitive black comedy IMO. Sutherland, Gould, Duvall, Skerritt, and the incredible Sally Kellerman (as the one and only Hot Lips Houlihan in my universe) blew me away. It was different from anything I'd ever seen on the screen before. About two or three weeks later, I was in Hermann Park Zoo and ran across Sally Kellerman being directed by Robert Altman in a scene from Brewster McCloud -- a truly bizarro film. Then came McCabe and Mrs. Miller -- one the best movies ever.

    The first time I saw Mash, I was visiting friends in Lincoln, Nebraska. My then-husband and I loved it so much we drove back to Bloomington Illinois the next day and saw it two more times, so we could be sure we caught all the chatter.

    I have never really gotten into the TV version.

    And Yep!!!!! about McCabe and Mrs. Miller - and a soundtrack by Leonard Cohen to boot!

  14. Heh, Fear, Gabriel Byrne - I would be happy following Ellen Barkin around and taking her guys when she is done with them - Gabriel Byrne, yum, and then when she divorced the next husband, Ron Perelman, Revlon heir, she sold the jewelry he gave her at a Christie's auction for $20.3 million.

    Oh, and if nothing else, the HP movies have Alan Rickman. That's all they need for me.

  15. I really have no time for snobs who don't have the capacity to accept pop music just because it is popular music.

    Yep. Although I extend that sentiment out quite a bit further and in various ways.

    I never read the sociological reason stuff because that is usually dismissive and is almost always done when someone doesn't like something and feels the need to explain why other people do. Just reading the wonderfully diverse opinions on this one board shoots that stuff out of the water. And I think perhaps broad swathes of people are/were attracted to a singer/genre/whatever because of availability and exposure, not because they got to choose from a vast array of things. The net and youtube have really changed things and broadened horizons.

    Love some opera - love Nessum Dorma, the Flower Song irritates the shit out of me. I can't categorise opera as a whole to be dismissed or loved - I love Placido Domingo and don't much care for Pavarotti even though Pav. is supposed to be technically superior. Some voices just float into my ears and some don't.

    I don't dislike Harry Potter, I love the movies. But LOTR kinda blows HP away, for ME, and I think I got fantasied out after the fabulous early science fiction got more political and fantasy took over, many many moons ago. Dragonriders, etc. I do love murder mysteries.

    GWTW? I love the book, the movie makes me laugh, the too-long music in the beginning is irritating, and for the movie's purposes, if the South's soldiers were all as wussy as the Tarleton twins, that may be why they lost. Not much subtlety in GWTW.

    I can never tell if I am going to like a movie until I start watching it, although I tend to steer away from sappy ones.

    Heeee.....Brendan Frasier's Still Breathing - that is a WONDERFUL movie, and very hard to find. It was not on Netflix when I recommended it to a friend a couple of years ago, I ended up buying a brand-new PAL version off ebay because of course I had to have it, and then someone gave me a dual-format DVD player not long after that, so I'm good.

    Love Baz Luhrman movies, Strictly Ballroom, Muriel's Wedding - now THERE is the definitive ABBA movie! - love movies with Tony Leung, love most Asian movies I have seen. I like what little Bollywood I have seen - love the exuberance.

    Taking my grandson to the movies has been enlightening, I have leaned to just settle in and enjoy the movie, it is only two hours, and I like the sharing. And who knew I would love Tokyo Drift and Vin Diesel - those movies just are different, that's all.

    Fear, it is Gabriel Byrne in that TV show, yes he is really good, and what pretty pretty eyes.

    Love House, love Scrubs, never have watched any other medical TV shows ever. Love BBCAmerica, except for that Top Gear thing. Loved BBC's The Office, hated the USA version until I learned to disassociate it completely from the original - another case of not much subtlety there.

    TV is not a destination for me, I only watch what I am interested in and then go do something else, so I don't see many network shows at all, I hate having any kind of "schedule".

    Love Eddie Izzard tremendously.

    And Leonard Cohen. I am QUITE jellus of Lotus. A three hour concert!!!!!!!

  16. I hope for everyone's sake that it IS what it is presented so far to be; for me, I guess I've become an old cynic. There is just something about this all that doesn't ring true in any way for me. Could be wrong. Often am. See above!

    Oh, no worries, even if the story is not completely true, she does have a lovely voice. Yes, she has had voice instruction, from someone in town, no one is claiming she just now started to sing. It is more that her appearance and age would not let her even get a toe in the door, if she was looking for a label or a show.

    I guess if she was lip-syncing it would be a surprise. But there is not anything here that would devastate me, I just love the music. If I can buy a whole CD of the caliber of Cry Me a River, I will be happy!

    It has been a long long time since I believed much of what fans report about Clay, I just enjoy the talk about him. I never understood being actually upset about anything Clay-reported. I save my cynicism for politics, it really is needed there desperately!!!!! :-)

    For example...after working in a library for so long I'd rather just not read a book that was on the NYT bestseller list.

    Heeeeee......I feel the exact same way about that list, and about Oprah's picks.

    People are just sharing what they like - sort of like puppy pictures.

  17. You mean she didn't get it from singing in church? (She's a devout Catholic)

    Oh, I know that! But she also sang in pubs. I don't think you need to worry about composure when people are snickering at you in church, is all.

    I do give Amanda Holden props for knowing what to look for in that song - she is waiting for that run, and she jumps up and cheers for it when it is done perfectly.

    Holden's face fascinates me, it is like a Noh mask.

  18. heee....skip if you are tired of Susan Boyle, I am just trying to explain the interest......

    It is the juxtaposition of seeing Susan Boyle and hearing her talk, and the quite cynical and rude snickerings of the audience and the long-suffering but polite looks on the judges' faces - and then, honestly, just the first few notes of her song sounded as good as, if not better, than most you would hear on Broadway. The judges were shocked, and even if you don't care for Susan, it is very entertaining to see Amanda Holden's facial expression trying to fight through what seems to be a lot of Botox. One of my favorite parts is when Holden knows there is a five note run coming up - she is waiting to see how Susan does that, and when it is effortlessly knocked out of the park, Holden stands and cheers.

    It is the combination of the video and the voice that has captured people, and the back story.

    But yeah, they are not expecting her voice because this is a quite no-holds-barred talent show. The next favorite is a father-son team with jiggly bellies doing a brilliantly funny take-off on Michael Flatley (Lord of the Dance). They made it to the next round, too!

    Heeeee........watching Susan, for me, must be how some feel when they watch some of the faves on American Idol - I am thinking one thing, they are thinking quite another!

    Also, what is amazing to me is the phrasing - she is getting into the meanings, not just singing a poem or prose. Um, example, in Cry Me a River, most singers sing You drove me, nearly drove me, out of my HEAD While you never SHED a tear -

    because that is the rhyme. But she sings it like one would actually say it, I know that is weird to pick up on, but I do tend to notice phrasing.

    Anyway, here is the youtube link, it is interesting, is all! She is so artless and simply direct. And she never loses her composure. She does/did sing in pubs for a while, I think that is where she got her composure.

    susan boyle

    And a bit of it is that somehow she makes it seem like good things are still possible no matter how old or not fashionable you are!!!!

  19. Wow! I listened to Susan sing Cry Me a River, and her phrasing is as wonderful as her voice!

    This is the first time I have enjoyed listening to anyone but Julie London sing that song.

    As far as the accent thing goes, I had read before that singing is not the same as speaking, brain-wise, which is why the Beatles did not sing with an accent.

    this is from answers.com:

    Vocal production for singing and vocal production for speaking come from different parts of the brain. for singers of the American/British background, the sounds which are created are often closer in proximity to each other, like if a Spanish singer were singing Portuguese, or vice versa...

    People who stutter are often able to sing without issue due to this. And singers with other languages can overcome accents by using the international phonetic alphabet (IPA) for singing in English...and vis versa...

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