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Posts posted by Divayenta

  1. Interesting discussion on charities. My grand passions are humane treatment of animals and environmental causes. That is where I send my checks. It's all good. Beagle 2 at CH talked about the charity for foster homes for animals whose owners have lost their homes or are in transition. What a great idea. Playbiller, you must know a lot about this stuff.

    I spent years on army bases rescuing abandoned pets. The most pathetic thing you have ever seen. I tried to cultivate awareness and recommended tattooing the pet for owner ID. It was a tough fight.

    Feeling jet laggy and a bit "lost " tonite. I take days to ground after a big trip. Can't wait to feel directed again.

    Sort of Clay related: I'm reading "You'll Never Nanny In THis Town Again" by an Oregon girl who ended up being a nanny for Michael Ovitz and other Hollywood bigwigs. It is so unbelievable and depressing. No wonder Clay couldn't wait to get the F out of there. It truly is bizarro world amongst the showbiz set.

  2. Hi everyone. a beautous spring morning it is. Started Pilates to get in shape for the "Great Race" this summer. Well, I"m only going to three I think.

    I just wanted to hug everyone. YSRN , how's that poison oak coming along today? The apple cidar vinegar dries it up every time. Gentle hugs to you my love.

    I hope Clay will sing a great deal of his album. I MUST see "HEre You Come Again" and "Broken Wings". I wonder if he'll do LAL.

    Back to AMC. :allgood:

  3. I'm home everyone from California. Flew business class for the first time ever and what a difference on my achin' back! Watched "Marie Antoinette" by Sofia Coppola. Excellent job.


    Ticket stress. Well I'm goin' with those Philly and Biltmore group thingies. HOpe that works out. And guess I'll just wait for the Cary bloodbath. Those will be my three. Wonder if he's gonna come to WolfTrap. I'm too chicken to call. Probably won't.

    YSRN and Lady J and Traveler, thanks for the help on Clay's "spring message". I didn't want to go through the cookie delete madness on laptop, so I got it at home on the main 'puter. Clay! Pretty lame! And he sounds like Daffy Duck- is it the teeth? Thufferin' Thuccotash!

    Can't wait for summer of Clay. :TourExcite: WHATEVAH he does. Hee, muski, on the oboes. Remember when Martin Mull did "Duelin' Tubas"?

    Will the strings do a pizzicato version of "Why Don't We Do IT In the Road" while Clay does the "Worm"?

    Stranger things have happened.

    Or is he practicing his quadruple jump in which his pants split for the "Skating Spectacular"?

    Again, even though Ghirardelli blew and the weather sucked, it was fun seeing my girls last Saturday at the Cliff House. I wanna see that group shot! We should sign it and send it to Chexxie's dontcha think? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Good luck to all on the pre-sales. And woohoo to all my girls here outing a not so nice person over at the OFC.

  4. Thankyou so much emmasage, couch, musk and YSRN for coming over to SF yesterday . I loved seeing you all. Who knew Ghirardelli Square was out of commission?

    Cliff House was lovely and if I missed some jokes it's cause I'm hard of hearing when there's ambient noise going on. You guys were slingin' them a mile a minute. All such talented people.

    I fly back home tomorrow. Back to my piano, got a Cafe Cattail coming up on the 20th. Will probably write a new song for that one. And the summer of CLay!

    Love to all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Does anyone know how to listen to Clay's Spring Message, BTW? For days, I"ve logged in and clicked on Media only to repeatedly be directed to the Join The Fan CLub page. Seems like the site is not working. Anything I click on brings me to that page. I re-log in and the whole process starts again.

    Love that picture couch. Sure you don't want to sent the group shots to a certain wierd website just to go Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyah?

    Everyone, don't miss "Planet Earth" on Discovery Channel tonite. It's supposed to be the most astounding nature footage ever.

  5. Thankyou sweet Claygasm! Huh, did you guys know that I tried to fix Clay up with Scotty Hamilton a few years ago? Yep, after the Hockey event, I sent an e-mail to Scott via his "Chemo Cares" foundation in Ohio telling him all about Clans Brinker and his skating and singing prowess.

    I got an e-mail back from Scott almost immediately saying what a huge Clay fan he was and how hard they had tried to get Clay for one of their shows from way back when. I told him about BAF, and he said that he would do a show for BAF if Clay would do something for his charity. AACK! He said he could never get through to Clay's management.

    I called BAF and talked to Fran personally about this. She said she'd try to get a hold of Scott. She never got back to me though and she was quite the "crab"! So that's my story.

    I'd die and go to heaven if Clay sang a duet with my beloved Wynonna.

  6. I'm back from gorgeous Carmel. I want that to be my happy hunting grounds and all of you can come and visit for future Clayfests there. Maybe we'll get Clay to get on a fake surfboard with the wind blowing behind him and a fake wave movie (see Beach Blanket Bingo) for his next video. Yess! Then let him rip on "Surfin' Safari" and then of course Brian Wilson's gorgeous "God Only Knows". I'd truly love to hear Clayford sing that one.

    so what did I miss? I had no internet in The Pine Inn. A tour announcement about ATDW? I hear the shrieks of thousands of poddies committing hara kiri- AyEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    I've only read this last page and am howling. Who's going to Cary and the Biltmore? I am! And Philly.

    Koolaid, Koolaid, can't wait

    Clayaid, Clayaid, tastes great!

    Shluurrrp! :allgood:

    Can't wait for Saturday to shoot the breeze with my beautiful sisters-in-claw! Wait. That sounds all wrong. WTF- I loves ya all! :hubbahubba:

    Off to the chiropractor to fix my verkakteh back.


    Oh, and the Xmas Magic Show. This will be truly special. Santa suit and lap sittings for sure. Does anyone know how to drive a "stick"? I do! :medium-smiley-070:

  7. Just sending love and hugs to all and can't wait for Saturday. We'll be talking couch- you know where to find me! Vegas was busy and the Beatles show was a disappointment, but "O" was incredible.

    I finally got my computer up in my family's "wireless" environment, so I'm way behind. I tried using SIL's, but it kept going Japanese on me. Off to Carmel tomorrow for a few days. I'm still reachable on puter and cell.

    My honey made it to Philadelphia on business without his luggage. Had to wear the same sweaty outfit he'd worn on the plane to meetings all day today.

    I've missed everything except the bit about Kevin Bacon mentioning Clay on Ellen tomorrow. Hope to d/l that later.

    Can't wait for the "Summer of Love 2007 Tour"!!! :allgood: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  8. Well i'm on that group list now after some bugging. sheesh. How I love you all here. FCA meetup must happen!

    "O" was spectacular last night with a huge stage that filled up with water in seconds and than back to dry land again. amazing music, lighting , costumes. I love Cirque du Soleil. tonite the Beatles show and than I'm in CA tomorrow.

    Kisses to all the sweethearts here. You're the bestest and sanest. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  9. You guys, my boyfriend is sure workin the "ugly". What a "cub". Call the Fab Five , stat! Manscaping, wardrobe revision, anything. Maybe Tom will fix him a nutritious meal with vegetables!

    I still love him.

    The madness over tickets at CH is curazuh. Lists and manic behaviour. I tried to get on a certain list well in advance but someone over there just doesn't like me and never has.

    Hey, if you're ever in Vegas, don't miss cirque du soleil's "O". most stupendous piece of staging with water and moving parts and mystery and fantastic visuals ever. what a show!

    love toyou all. thank god for fca.

    talked to nelle in the hospital today. she's recovering from neck surgery. what a sweetie. so sad I wont' see her saturday. i sure do love that girl with the curly hair.

    hugs to all. i could sure use one.

    oh, hubby bet on his cougars wash state in the sports bar in the casino and won!

  10. Checking in from the Wynn in Vegas. I woke up from my nap and looked out at the night sky and the glittering lights in town with all the marquees.

    Looming large was a marquee with a gorgeous shot of Loverboy Aiken. I freaked.

    HAHA...I am so dumb. It was the reflection of my laptop screensaver shot in the picture window juxtaposed over the vista of the city. Yikes am I dumb. Or was it a sign?

    I shortly thereafter got a call from cha cha trusty about the new dates. EEEEE. Philly, Cary and Biltmore , here I come unless he gets closer to DC.

    FCA meetup, I"m there. That CA three fer sounds soo great.

    Musk, you WILL find out who is doing this shit and you WILL be vindicated. So sorry.

  11. I'm just quickly checking in cuz it's off to Vegas in a few hours to see Love! and O! and whatnot. Never been there! Hubby wants to play craps. We once made a bundle in Keno in Reno years ago on one dollar!

    Muski, Menopause sounds like a hoot. My thought was lunch at McCormick and Kuleto's which has faabulous food and the best view around of the bay right at lovely Ghirardelli Square. Then you have proximity to the shops there and the Cannery just down the street. Live music at Ghirardelli, too. I want to be sure we have "shmoozing" time. Can Nelle make it?

    Boy I wonder where in DC area BF is gonna play? I did not re up my Wolftrap membership- I have a sneaky feeling about that place.

    Bo Bice is coming to Annapolis in May. I still love me some Bo. Didn't Clay say in some interview that he thought Bo was the nicest person to ever come out of AI? I believe it.

    I love all the emoticons you guys are a showin'. I loved Clay's blog. He sounds so happy. I love him. New toofs and all. He even mentioned his new hair and toofs. Cracked me up. He so knows how we observe him.

    K'andre, my little seester, I think we should show our scandalous collaboration over at CH if they create a thread for it and if you ever feel like piecing it together with those hysterical photoshops you came up with. It's tres World Weekly News, y'know? Clay Aiken , breeding stud for aliens, y'all, creating little "aikliens".

    Greetings, Fully Functional. Are you really in the presence of the man?

  12. Clayman sure loves his Guarana

    It enhances his dancing banana

    And just to be meanie

    He should smoke that "Guarini"

    Who dissed him on Howard Sternana!

    He's proud to have met "Daughter" Bush

    Did she possibly ogle his tush?

    If she didn't, girl's blind

    To magnificent "'hind"

    Okay, I'm so bad, tell me "shoosh"!

    After watching Grease tonight, all I can think is Clay would slay them all. None of them even come close in the "hotness" factor.

    Welcome Clayzorback!

  13. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! I am practicing deep breathing , too.

    I leave this Tuesday to Vegas to see "Love", the Beatles/Cirque du Soleil show. Prince just wrapped up his show at the Rio- damn!

    Then on to the Bay Area where I will be from the 18th through the 26th. Will spend some days in my Nirvana, Carmel by the Sea. I'll tell Clint "hi" from y'alls.

    I"ll have my laptop with me. Can't wait to see my girls in Claydom on the 24th. Couch, I need to give you my cell number and my brother's home phone as the cell sucks in the basement apartment I'll be in.

    EEEEEEE! Can't wait. :allgood: I'll probably stay fairly regional for the tour, and fill in some last minute stuff as it goes along. Otherwise I'll get obsessive compulsive about the whole thing. I wonder if Clay will ever tour this album in Asia. He'd kill with it.

    Oh, I'm there for wherever the FCA meet-up turns out to be.

    Kisses to all. :medium-smiley-070:

    dj, we simulposted. Was it good for you? Hee. "My" psychic takes all her cues off your voice over the phone. Truly amazing. But she will answer specific questions if you have them. Her name is Michelle Factor and here's her free #-888-788-2510. She is the loveliest person.

  14. Welcome back couchellina! Yay! Can't wait for our meetup on the 24th- is that still happening? In SF?

    If Touch is the last song, could it be a sexy, grunty, soulful medley like:

    Touch/ If You Don't Know Me By Now/and close with a killer Always and Forever!.

    Love you guys! :allgood: The ticket madness will probably be in full force when I"m travelling, too. Oh well, thank God I've never been picky about seats. Just grab some and deal later. I have a Southwest credit , too- like for a flight from SF to LA. Hmmm. We will be out there in August.

    Hugs! Let's h :F_05BL17blowkiss: :allgood: Hope the girls rock it on Idol tonite. Last nite was so pitiful.

  15. Well said, atinal! Whether you buy into the teachings of "The Secret" or not, some of it is just plain old ancient wisdom from time eternal. Like the laws of attraction. You think "misery" all the time, that's what you attract. Believe me , I'm not of the "happy, happy, joy, joy" school of thought at all times. Sometimes , certain things just sucketh!

    But I'm talking about the mindset that actively seeks misery all the time. I don't understand it. Life can be challenging enough- why make it even more miserable for yourself? ( I'm still learning these lessons, BTW).

    Claytime is pure joy- a gift from the gods. It's like you can drop everything for awhile and allow yourself to let go and experience something wonderful. (Orchestra comes up softly with "Something Wonderful" from The King and I). It's its own kind of meditation in a way because you're so in the moment when that man is on stage.

    I won't even try to understand that mindset. Hugs to you all, especially sweet muski. The parent stuff is very hard and I hold you in my heart as you and Kenny grieve for what was in this trying time of transition.

    eta: wow, musk, makes you want to find a way to get that song out there. I hope it does one day- it is one of the best songs I"ve ever heard- it's Beatleworthy.

  16. Dropping in from out of nowhere but I thought you'd find this interesting. Just had a session with a wonderful psychic - she is the BEST- let me know if you are interested. Anyway, I just had to ask a few questions about CLayman.

    He has a tremendous light coming off of him.

    His career will be like Barry Manilow's in that he will be a great entertainer and attract audiences of all generations. (Sorry to those who want Clay "Johnny Rotten" Aiken!)

    He is a genuinely good person and extremely private about his life.

    So, there you have the Clay tidbit. Her insights into my life were amazing .

    INteresting day. I look forward to seeing some of you this month!!!

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: :allgood:

    I wonder when those dates are gonna drop? I think I"m gonna be in CAlifornia in August for vacation. So if he comes to Oakland or SF, I"m there!!!

    FCA discussion: I never go there because of the rudeness. I call it "The Snakepit". Anyone remember that movie with Olivia de Havilland? I watched "The BAd Seed" last night and laughed my ass off it was so campy.

  17. On a Sunday morning that feels like spring after a hellish week, all I can do is read ansa's post ^^^^^^^^^^ on letting it unfold as it should according to Clay and come up with an "AMEN and can I get a witness! Hallelujah, all!"

    Hubby comes home tonite. I can't wait to hear all of his stories.. he even compiled a list of "the birds of Iraq" for me and there are lots of them!

    So thrilled about a tour, of course it's gonna be ATDW using the orchestra and band mixed in with whatever he wants to throw in. BF will not disappoint.

    And that FCA get together? I have cancelled ticket credits to use... I am there!

    Couch, sending you white light and healing and prayers.


  18. I third the FCA gathering sentiment.

    Oh, such news.

    "When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligned with Mars"- I've got such a great feeling about this tour.

    I just dreamed that clay was accompanying himself on the autoharp for one of his ADTW slow ditties in a quaint historic NE town . Remember when Cyndi Lauper did that for "Time After Time"?

    It was quite a day yesterday as I return from a terrifying toxic drug reaction. TTL I'm better now. God is good.

    Roseviolet , I just LOVE your station! You should go pro!

    Pizza Clay- cMSU. That's the most popular premise in porn flicks. The naughty pizza deliverer. Muski, I'll have to find your story. I'm even behind on the CLyra-RL has been demanding.

    I would so love to see all of you. I'll be there.

    "By the shores of the Gitchigumee, Clayawatha stands...."

  19. hey Heidi, Blake is my favorite tonight too. He can sing pretty good, move well and he sure has rhythm. BWAH, play, love that creationism remark!

    Although I enjoyed Sundance tonight. Did anyone think Brandon sounded like Cat Stevens?

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