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Posts posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. OMG Clay touched a poddie.

    Oh God, I hope that means he doesn't turn into one himself. :medium-smiley-070:

    Where is luckiest1 & jmh? Are they going to call in to anyone here?

    Right now, I think both ladies are scheduled to call into me. Not being selfish, just some mis-communication earlier in the week about who was going to call. I will keep you all posted if anything comes up -- I may have to postpone Tony Bennett. *g* Also, we're under a tornado watch at the moment -- just keep thinking good thoughts regarding the weather around here, so that I'm not in the basement at the time.

  2. JennaZ, have a wonderfully relaxing vacation!

    What time does the gala start this evening? I've promised my husband an evening with Tony Bennett (via Netflix) this evening, but I think I can be back to my computer at a decent hour to hear most of the cellcert.

    See, my first thought was that the waving song was Measure of a Man. I remember the first time I heard it I was so not a fan but song is soooooooo Clay. I fell in love with it somewhere along the line..I think it came up on my ipod when I was tramping around San Francisco in a seedy part of town... I played it over and over again and made me less nervous. LOL... Clay has powers ya'll.

    That's actually me with IWCY. Never cared for it all that much, until I had a particularly bad day at work one time. Played that song over and over again for my entire trip home, and totally gained a new perspective on it too.

    I will say that MOAM is one that I understood was probably more "Clay" than anything on MOAM, but I didn't get into it either until the AOL sessions version. That....took my breath away.

    I thought BFM was fist pumping too. Hee.

    It's always interesting to read peoples "love it/hate it" songs from Clay. While I'm thrilled for CG that TOA was mentioned as Clay's favorite -- I was just as thrilled actually by the way he described EIH (one of my most favorite on the album). I almost drove off the road the first time I heard the song, I find it extremely beautiful. I also know that many do not feel that way. Different strokes for different folks, and that's OK. (BTW, my absolute favorite on ATDW is HYCA, so I really appreciated his podcast on that song. Those low notes get me every time).

    Since Claygasm did it, can I post a few pictures of my beloved kitties? They are my children, and I love them and squeeze them and stuff all the time. Spot is really my baby. He's named after the cat that Data had in "Star Trek: The Next Generation." He's my big dumb yellow cat, who is so loveable. His habit at the moment? I frequently lay on the bed, one knee bent and away from the bed, and the other ankle on top of it. Makes for a nice long leg for the cat to climb upon and spread himself out. It's really quite funny, when it isn't painful for me with his claws. Quincy is his adorable sister, and she spends much more time with my husband. She's the talkative one; we hold true conversations with her.

    *knocks on wood that three times isn't a charm for plumbing problems for FCA members* muski, good luck with the cleanup, and I hope your day isn't ruined too much!

    Just a drive by post to drop off this video for lightmyfire. I found it on Youtube.

    Oh dear. Thank you for this. While I still think it was probably best to NOT release this video, it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it back then, and it was a great reminder of how hawt he was back in his younger days. That look at the end is KILLER.

    Personally, I think it would be kind of funny if he ended up in 2nd place again (as long as they still get the matching funds...)! <ducks flying vegetables>

    Hee. Actually, I do too. I actually think he likes the joke in that. He plays off it enough, that's for sure.

    Well, time for a nap before the show tonight.

  3. CG, I'm sorry I can't help you with Waldo (that sounds really smutty, doesn't it?). Our two cats were brought up on Science Diet dry food (the vet says it's much better for their teeth for them to eat dry). We used to give them wet food on the weekends as a treat, but it got too costly. I hope you make the decision, though, that is best for you and Waldo. (And aren't kitties adorable? I love my furballs.)

    Clayzorback, sorry about your sucky day yesterday. Plumbing problems are a drain (probably didn't make you laugh there, did I?).

    I'm staying away from the boards most of the day, until about 7:30 or so CDT this evening. However, I'm thrilled for all those attending, and can't wait to hear the reports! jmh is calling me this evening once the gala is over.....

  4. What a great end to a miserable day for me.

    I simply adore Clay Aiken. I loved every single word he uttered. Why did it sound so familiar to me? Maybe because he has said them a dozen times before. He had a hand in the selection of the songs, and he likes him some laid back chilled stuff. ATDW screamed Clay Aiken to me from my very first listen. He was involved in every single aspect of it. For him to have to read how his fans have called it dead and unworthy must of been a very hard pill to swallow.

    WORD on all counts. Terrible day for me at work, I'm ready to just fall into bed. Or else drink. Yeah, that would work.

    And for your other paragraph -- Amen.

    All I've got time for. I've been reading all day, and I've just gotta say that everyone here rocks.

  5. Well now, that's the best 22.01 minutes I've had in a long time.

    Want a cigarette? :smokelots:

    Pooh! I shouldn't have dissed Clay's podcasts! It won't let me download 3-5!

    You should know....NEVER diss the Clay podcasts. [/semi-rip off of Dirty Dancing]

    I love ATDW. These podcasts just add a bit more of a different flavoring for me -- adding salt to the chocolate to enhance the chocolate flavor, for example. JMO.

  6. Well I've listened to them all and I'm as happy as a pig in slop. That's all I have to say. The content is what I care about...and is simply the best. Clay is a wonderful story teller. He pulls you right in.

    OMG, yes. I love hearing him tell these stories. I cannot stop smiling right now.

    Love him -- "just got kissed for the first time at 26." Heh. Clay funny.

    Since HYCA is my favorite on the album (today, at least), I love hearing him talk about this, and the work that went into making that version. BW is another favorite, and again, listening him talk about getting chills at the end with the poem, gave ME chills. His description of EIH cracks me up, because I'm one of those "females" that LOVES that song too, and think it is simply beautiful.

    I'm happier than a kitten chasing a cow right now. (It's that farm analogy that couchie started. :F_05BL17blowkiss: )

  7. I bet it's the skating thingie!

    That was my first thought as well. But, whatever it might be, I'm sure I'll just be madly, passionately all over it.

    As for the discussion at hand today, I'll just interject here that I'm like Claygasm in that I don't have kids, and feel that it's not for me to really say much of anything. However, I have a SIL who teaches children with autism, and I know the fights she has to face. Also, my best friend is a special ed teacher, and she did her Master's thesis on inclusion. I guess I feel as many have said -- it's really an individual thing, but it's unfortunate that there seems to be neither the time or resources to do individual work with students to assess their needs in so many instances.

    And yes, most of my giving to the BAF is simply because of Clay's name attached to it. I'll freely admit that. But why do I do that, because of his name? IMO, I'm not doing it because I want Clay's attention; it's more because I want the foundation to be successful. But I also know that the "attention" thing is the reason why at least a few do it. *shrug*

  8. John's story is just getting incredulous to me because I thoguht the father was totally miscast.

    Would you have rather they cast Randolph Mantooth? [/Emergency! connection] *g*

    I guess that is the problem with this show ...there were so many stories they were developing that they seem to drop...and they are not interweaving all of them to make a cohesive whole.

    I can agree to this...and yet, somehow, in the back of my mind, I think it will all tie together in the end, especially knowing that the show is going on for maybe 2 years more at most (isn't that what I read somewhere?). It's a fascinating show, for exactly that reason -- things not mentioned in 2 years will suddenly pop up again to nag at you.

    I read something yesterday (I think it was in the new TV Guide) that said "Jack's father is the glue for the entire show." The more I thought about it -- heh. It's kinda true. He seems to have popped up in almost everyone's backstories, somehow. Heh.

  9. I'm starting this thread because Clayzorback said so. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Seriously, I've been needing a place to talk about the show, and finally, am just breaking down to do so with this thread. The only problem is that I NEVER get to see the show in real time -- my husband and I both have jobs on Wednesday evenings, so the DVR comes in handy. We've usually watched it by the weekend, though.

    I think I'm one of the few that is still liking this show. I know, it gets convoluted like crazy, which makes it frustrating more often than not. But yet...I can't stop watching.

    I have favorite characters -- Hurley is chief among them. I love that man -- he's so funny. I also love Sun, Jin, and Sayid (the latter mostly because of the eye-candy). And, people always stone me for this, but I do like Jack. I think he's a tormented soul, but he's shown himself to be a leader IMO, and he's pulled some pretty good stunts this season. I also still like Locke too, even though he should be nowhere near a computer or explosives. *g*

    Charlie and Claire are just "meh" characters to me. And the "seer" guy (I can't think of his name), he's cool, but I need to know more about him still.

    Hated characters? I cannot STAND both Kate and Sawyer. Again, I know the second one is not a popular opinion...but I find him smug, arrogant, and an asshole. Kate, she's just icky.

    Anyone else....

  10. From the blog that Claygasm brought over, a symphony spokesman says:

    And, by the way, all the artists who appear with us have invested substantially large sums of money to have symphony arrangements of their material written so they can perform their shows with symphony orchestras all across the country.”

    I don't know why, but this quote struck me as really, really cool. It also struck me as -- heck, Clay must like this music *coughATDWcough* to be spending the big bucks for orchestrations.


    As far as the rest of her post...ITA with her...no one should be forced or coerced into making a donation to something. Sure, I'd love to see the BAF get high numbers, and make it to number one even, because I think it would please Clay. But I don't NEED for this to happen, and I think Clay would be just as happy with number two, or number 5, or number 5230. *g*

    Also -- think back to his banter at the end of the JNaT2006 shows. While he did plug both the BAF and UNICEF because they are dearly important to him, he also stated several times that people should follow their hearts with their charitable giving (and their tax write-offs.) He knows that people are pulled in many directions with their financial resources, and that people have choices to make. But, I truly think he wants people to GIVE, no matter where. If it helps the world, it's good giving. JMO.

  11. The thing is, I could easily drag my ass down to Columbus if the venue looked more appealing. I just don't want to do a general admission, shoulder to shoulder on a freakin' lawn thing. If it was a regular theater, I'd be there like a shot.

    Don't mind me - I'm just being whiny today. :bigemo_harabe_net-24:

    But -- you could find a friend or two or nine and get a table.

    From AprilLottie at Clayversity:

    From the Columbus Symphony Orchestra ticket office (614-228-8600)

    Here we go. . .

    table for 2 approximately $100 (could be higher)

    table for 4 approximately $150 (could be higher)

    table for 6 (combine 2 and 4) $250 (could be higher)

    table for 8 $350 - $450

    table for 10 $900

    The tables for 10 people is so high because it is closer to the stage.

    The tables for 2, 4, 6, 8 people are lower because they are about 10 to 12 rows back.

    There is no limit on the number of tables that can be bought. They might go fast depending on the artist.

    Lawn ticket prices are $20 each.

    This all happens May 3rd 8:00am

    But I understand too...

  12. Then there is this line from the post I brought over:

    The entire set list will not be confirmed until the concert.

    Personally, we all know the orchestra will know the set list before the concert. They would have to. What I think this means is "STOP CALLING AND EMAILING US!!! EVEN IF WE DO KNOW, WE CAN'T TELL YOU!!!"

    But that will go in one eye and out the other, or else it's too subtle, even by Clay standards.

    I've heard now that people are thrilled that he's doing Invisible -- because it rocks out. Well of course he's gonna do Invisible, it's his "signature song," IMO.

    I think people are gonna have to know every detail of this show before it even happens, and I think Ansa's reasoning is exactly why:

    The thing is I don't even think this is impatience...I don't get the sense that these are people that are excitedly anticipating the concert. Or like kids peaking at their presents at Christmas eve. To me these are people that want to prove a point or to win an argument. That or these are people that are afraid they have been wrong all these months and are trying to deal with that realization.

    There's got to be some reassurance that Clay is actually going to be that rock star, even if it's just for one song.

    I'm a kid that did search high and low for my Christmas presents during the month of December. But for some reason, with Clay -- I have no desire to know much ahead of time. I think it's because I'm pretty positive that whatever he does, I'll enjoy it. Period. End of sentence. End of paragraph. End of post.

  13. You know....

    In a way, I like hearing about things like what he's going to be doing ahead of time. There sometimes is a bit of "mental preparedness" when going into a Clay Aiken show that just needs to be done. IMO, it's just so that when you're blinded by the pretty and wowed by the voice, you'll remember thinking about this stuff before the show. *g*

    But at the same time....

    I'm getting more than a bit freaked by fans emailing and emailing and calling and emailing some more, just to get details and information on these shows. I liken this to fans who took to emailing and talking to the CD distributors after ATDW was released (which bugged the snot out of me). Can't we, as a fandom, just go into the show and ENJOY what is given to us? Or does it have to be analyzed like there is no tomorrow, and judgements made about the show, even before walking into the theater? Besides -- the shows are just over 3 months away! There's plenty of time for publicity to come out that will tell more of the story.

    Sorry -- I'm venting here, but the impatience of this fandom really makes me see red sometimes. (And yes, I was one who with MOAM, MCWL AND ATDW, waited until actually getting a copy in my hand before making pronouncements....and most people call me weird for that.)

    Carry on.

  14. Big push for Aiken tickets

    March 26, 2007, 4:55PM

    Big push for Aiken tickets


    Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

    Aiken has Houstonians buzzing

    A slow-selling second album and a daytime TV feud have done little to quell Claymania in Houston.

    The Houston Symphony's phone lines were jammed Monday with calls inquiring about tickets for American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken's July 6 appearance with the orchestra.

    The symphony sent e-mails to its subscribers and to Aiken fan clubs, prompting the onslaught.

    "We've never seen response like this," symphony spokesman Art Kent said. "Not that we're unhappy about it. The response has been great. But I haven't even put out the press release."

    Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Call 713-224-7575 or log on to www.houstonsymphony.org.

  15. Big push for Aiken tickets

    March 26, 2007, 4:55PM

    Big push for Aiken tickets


    Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

    Aiken has Houstonians buzzing

    A slow-selling second album and a daytime TV feud have done little to quell Claymania in Houston.

    The Houston Symphony's phone lines were jammed Monday with calls inquiring about tickets for American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken's July 6 appearance with the orchestra.

    The symphony sent e-mails to its subscribers and to Aiken fan clubs, prompting the onslaught.

    "We've never seen response like this," symphony spokesman Art Kent said. "Not that we're unhappy about it. The response has been great. But I haven't even put out the press release."

    Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Call 713-224-7575 or log on to www.houstonsymphony.org.

    As much as I don't always like to give the fandom too much power....it's nice to know that there is still some fans who want to see the man and are willing to flood ticket offices like this. *g*

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