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Posts posted by lightmyfire

  1. My sentiment in respect to the RCA label news.... :cry4:

    :thbighug-1: lightmyfire. Nice to see you. Hopefully Clay will use his blogger which he already said he would do, soon!!

    Nice to see you also Couchie, thank you. :thbighug-1:

    aikim - I understand that the majority of the fandom is celebrating, but I just don't find the news of Clay not being signed by a major label or any label for that matter as one of a positive nature. I am saddened by it.

    clayzor - ciao....yes..I am disappointed. Hopefully soon we will have news that he has been picked up by another label and his voice will be recorded, published, and distributed in the near future...


    jmh123 - I hope all is well... :BlowKiss:

  2. I should never read at other boards because if I see one more person whining about "it's not that he's gay, it's that he LIED" I'm going to puke right on my keyboard. PUH-LEESE. Clay has assiduously avoided answering this question for years and when first asked, what was he supposed to do? Announce his gayness to his family on the 6 oclock news?? Get real. Clay can talk easily about this now, but I'm sure that facing having to tell his family and friends was so frightening. Many gay people find themselves completely ostracized by their families. Clay makes jokes about things--that's his way. People who want to see him open his emotional veins and bleed all over Dianne Sawyer are trying to meet their own need to punish gay people. Honestly, do any of us REALLY think we were ever going to get it on with Clay??? And if we weren't, what in the hell does his sexuality matter?

    It's NOT about lying, it's about being gay. Dressing up prejudice doesn't make it any more attractive.

    Official end to rant.

    I can understand that specific sentiment. I find it totally acceptable for some to embrace his sexual orientation, but have issues with Clay's dishonesty with the fandom for five plus years.

    Clay LIED.

    I am stating that he lied and doing so without prejudice. Do we really have the desire to go down the homophobic route without justification? I hope not. I hope this fandom finds the road to peace while embracing a calm approach to the struggles of some.

    There was a moment in time in which this fandom was a great, positive force in respect to Clay's professional life. Perhaps, this is the moment of a fresh start ....

  3. My hope is that Clinton takes her fight to the convention in August after Saturday's disgraceful R&B committee proceeding. For this party to allocate delegates based on exit polling data is undemocratic and defies its constitution.

    Once again this election cycle, the Democratic party will put forth an elite, out of touch, left wing extreme ideologue who will be defined by the GOP as a radical against a national narrative of national security and trust in which the Reagan Democratics will flock to McCain, the flag bearing POW. Gotta love the Democratic party which I have supported my entire adult life....Good luck in November...

    Axelrod is slick by implemeting a vile strategy of race-baiting in an effort to purge the Clintons and their constituency from the party. Good luck in November...

  4. "Edgy".

    There's that word again!!!

    But I ask again - just what is "edgy"?????

    Clay is Clay. I hope more than just "us" get a chance to hear him. They will NOT all like him. But odds are, some will.

    He doesn't need to be the biggest thing that ever hit the music world. He doesn't need to be "edgy" - whatever the hell that is!

    He just needs to be Clay. For me, that is more than enough.

    Clay's Solitaire is edgy, a beautiful darkness.

  5. lightmyfire
    Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom.

    Fair enough. But then again,"this fandom" is an over-rated excuse utilized by people, also.

    I continue to doubt that "we" have that much control over this corrupt industry, just as I continue to doubt that DJs and program directors at corporate-owned stations have all that much power over which songs they play, regardless of fan behavior. Have there been/are there some regrettable, damaging, and abusive things done/said in the "defense" of Clay? Sure. But if the fans, as a group, lose the reputation for enthusiasm, that's taking caution too far the other way, in my opinion, As long as there are appropriate ways for me to support Clay's music, I will continue to do so.

    I personally cringe everytime I see the word "haters" because I think it has become a buzz word for anyone who says anything that could remotely be construed as a diss. There are true haters like the swamp trash and then there are just people; who for them, Clay is not their cuppa...and that is okay. People are allowed to not like Clay and sending e-mails and getting into a war of words with people is not going to change that. This is what drives me nuts...the constant need to defend Clay for every little thing...it has given Clay fans a bad reputation and I don't think saying that on a fan board is "fan policing". I think behaviors that are affecting Clay and his career should be addressed, respectfully, but addressed. Not personal attacks, but the behavior. And sure the people who most need to get the message won't hear it, but maybe some will.

    First, congratulations, aikim, both for your good news and for your trying to be smart about your daughter's independence. She'll have no idea how hard it was for you to avoid meddling until she has her own kids. heh

    As for the haters...those fall into a few categories for me...

    the working haters (media: television, radio, tabloids, some bloggers, etc)

    the dedicated haters/plotters individuals who stalk Clay/fans around the internet and other media

    the incidental haters individuals who spew bigotry and ignorance or else express their dislike for Clay/his music/his fans in a unnecessarily personal, spiteful way...or who merely repeat/spread what the others have done/said.

    When hateful attitudes/words reflect a larger societal problem of sexual prejudice and stereotypes, THAT's what I comment on. If I respond to a private individual or someone in media, it won't be because Clay Aiken is "not their cuppa"...but in HOW they express this dislike, particularly if they are in a professional capacity. Yes, fans should take responsibility, but sometimes bigots should be held accountable, too.

    I agree with Clay's assessment. As far as the "corrupt industry," I am not going to spend one second defending radio and the music industry. Each individual's life experience differs and I respect those differences. You have your beliefs and I have mine. Clay signed the contract with RCA/19E and I support him with purchasing his published recordings and concert tickets which is the fashion that I desire.

    I am looking forward to Clay's next studio effort with track producer, Kipper.

    I have "control" over my own life and I am happy.

    keepingfaith..... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  6. There's been a huge discussion on that over at CV. It's too simplistic. I do believe the fans did piss off some radio stations early on, but we all know payola is a huge part of it.

    I agree 100% with Clay's assessment. Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom.

    Clay nails the reasoning behind the lack of spins due to the age demographic with advertisers and the spamming of the stations/program directors (regardless of the formatting) from the onset with TITN.

    Thanks for your perspective, lmf. Very interesting....

    And it confirms what I always thought.

    To me, blaming the lack of payola is the simplistic reason for lack of radio play. But it does offer some the opportunity to blame Clive for something else! ;)

    You are welcome. If you take note of the dollar amount in the penalties paid in respect to the Spitzter payola settlement...it tells the story....HAHA!

    I believe the fans' hearts were in the right place, but sadly, it hurt Clay.

    Perhaps time will heal the wounds and he can snag some spins in the AC market.. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  7. There's been a huge discussion on that over at CV. It's too simplistic. I do believe the fans did piss off some radio stations early on, but we all know payola is a huge part of it.

    I agree 100% with Clay's assessment. Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom.

    Clay nails the reasoning behind the lack of spins due to the age demographic with advertisers and the spamming of the stations/program directors (regardless of the formatting) from the onset with TITN.

  8. First, I've got to join in on the ATDW love. It was wonderful for me to see that video again yesterday of Clay talking about the songs and the album with such love and excitement. I agree that the album should be a classic someday.

    About covers: There's a guy on my Grateful Dead scholars list who is always seeking the originals of songs the Dead have done. What? The Grateful Dead a cover band?? No, I wouldn't say that they were, but, in addition to the songs written by Garcia/Hunter and Weir/Barlow (only half of each pair being band members) the Dead did a lot of covers and folk tunes. Just got a message yesterday about his tracking of a song, one of my favorites, "Man Smart, Women Smarter," which folks thought was a Harry Belafonte original. He had a radio hit with it in 1956. There was another version that came out about the same time, maybe one year earlier, maybe one year later, no one could say for sure, by the Brute Force Steel Band. Now this guy has found a recording 10 years prior by Macbeth the Great (who is the father of a guy from Weather Report). The liner notes from that album mentioned another recording, by the song's composer Norman Span--aka King Radio, although the notes had the date wrong. Eventually the guy was able to track down a 1939 recording in which the composer is backed by Gerald Clark & his Caribbean Serenaders. Clark also backs Macbeth the Great on his live version from seven years later.

    The same kind of story is often the case for songs that were hits before the era of the singer/songwriter. The version that becomes a hit is rarely the original version, and even in the era of the singer/songwriter, the version that becomes most popular isn't always the original. While I don't think popularity is the ultimate criterion, I don't think I can accept the term "authentic," which for me has implications that any subsequent version is inauthentic in some way. Musically, some versions are superior to others, although always a matter of taste, and the original isn't always the best, IMO. "Original" works better for me than "authentic." Clearly in today's industry parlance, for some that term "originals" is stretched quite a bit, and seems to mean any song that wasn't a hit already in the US. But if "original" refers to the original recording, it can always be found and identified.

    I love covers with a passion, which isn't to say that I love them just because they are covers, but I'm always interested in hearing what another artist or group does with a song. I think it's cool that the Grateful Dead will sing a song in the 80's that was a hit in the 50's and originally recorded in 1939. And if people never covered songs, then so many songs would be lost. Seems like my boyfriend was talking about something like that when he did the "Classics" medley on the DCAT tour (that losing some of these current songs would be no great loss).

    I love ATDW. My response to YSRN and Claygasm in defining the term 'cover' was never meant to devalue any of Clay's cover work. I defended ATDW prior to listening to one note over at the OFC. I have the battle scars to prove it.... :cryingwlaughter:

    Clay is a vocal stylist in my opinion and I have great respect for his glory chords...regardless if he is recording a cover or not.....Even though I may not particularly care for or gravitate to a certain song/track, I always find some aspect of his phrasing that touches me.


    keepingfaith I am thinking of you....

  9. LMF - does it just have be previously recorded to be considered a cover, or did the original have to a hit or at least widely heard? What about couchie's example of "Invisible" or even TOA?

    Each individual has a different definition of what they consider a cover... :cryingwlaughter:

    I consider any track that was recorded and published first, the authentic version regardless if it was a hit or not.

  10. Twin, those pictures of GreenSweater!Clay! are adorable. He does look like a little baby! A cute baby!! I thought he looked extra adorable in that sweater!

    Liney! :lol: Good job on the arrows! Hee.

    I didn't find the errant extra Clay Double in the picture, someone at Clayversity saw it I think. I just noticed them talking about it so I went and looked and there it was... kewpie-headed Clay. LOL!

    I wonder if this is just a mock-up cover. Or if there's a sekrit meaning. Ooo.

    I think songs that are not distributed in a mass market can be considered originals, or at least not covers. Clay seemed pretty hesitant with saying they are "originals" but remember he said they hadn't been heard by 95% (or whatever number he used) of the people. That sort of makes them not covers. The mainstream has never heard them.

    Not sure if there's a magic number or what?

    Maybe Lightmyfire, who I see lurking :F_05BL17blowkiss: has a better answer.

    Ciao babe! A cover is a new take on a previously recorded song. The original is considered the authentic version. A cover is taking the authentic version and recording it with an alternative measure/fashion. Clay with a ATDW made certain that he respected the authentic version, but gave it his interpretation, his twist to the covers as he did with Solitaire.

  11. ETA: For the record neither Ansa or I are not advocating anything. We won't put up clack alerts on FCA or have a thread to trade Spamalot Clack. I'm sure most boards will follow that. I don't understand where the anger is coming from here. Everyone else is just responsible for themselves.

    If this is directed at me, I have never stated nor have I implied that you and Ansa are advocating the distribution of Spamalot clack. I was simply saying, that I believe that clack will be obtained and that she will have access to it. Not here...

    I will say it again, I regret posting my thoughts on the subject. I apologized. Now, I am done.

  12. lmf...I think we are all very much aware of the huge difference between the two. But the fandom is pretty much used to the drug analogy when it comes to clack, that is how it got its name after all.

    I know how you feel about clack and that you have only seen 5 clack as you said. But a lot of us do rely on Clack a lot. So I personally know that it will be very difficult to think that I may not see or even hear this performance so I do take it seriously and I understand why the reaction can be so strong in some circles.

    But you appear to be assuming that I have had the opportunity to attend a concert of every single tour which is not the case and I most likely won't have the opportunity to hit Spamalot. I would love for every single fan to have the opportunity to see Clay live and on Broadway, but it isn't going to happen. It just isn't. It isn't going to happen for me and it isn't going to happen for others.

    And perhaps you have been fortunate at the concerts that you have attended that your experience wasn't disrupted by clack gatherers. And I understand now that when I purchase a concert ticket and take a guest to enjoy an evening with Clay Aiken, that I risk having unruly, unlawful individuals sitting three rows in front of me create an uncomfortable situation that is impossible to ignore when venue security has to drag them out of their seats and out of the venue. So, when I read about the great sacrifices that these godesses make for the fandom, I am reminded that they impacted my experience, that of my guest, and those in my section in a negative fashion who paid to witness Clay in concert. And I am a fan also.

  13. Claygasm I honestly didn't take jmh123's commentary as implying that you were stupid. I apologize if you were offended as I did quote her in agreement.

    I do want to express my feelings before logging off tonight. I will never understand how anyone can compare or relate a drug addiction withdrawal to that of the absence of clack during the Spamalot run. I find that sad and I find the term "junkie" to be an emotionally charged term. But that is just me.....

  14. I still don't see the harm. Its just a play! How would it hurt Clay if it ended up there? Did it hurt David Hyde Pierce that there was video of him in the Sir Robin role on YouTube? Did it hurt the play?

    People who will yell "I love you Clay" and "A belated happy birthday Clay" during the musical introductions to vocal performances in a classy theatre don't know the meaning of discrete.

    Equally silly to suggest that the level of potential Clay clack can be compared to the level of DHP clack for Spamalot.

    People who sell tickets to stuff think that giving it away is an impediment to sales. Maybe they're right, maybe they're wrong. I don't know the answer, but I do wonder. Clay's tour ticket sales have decreased in proportion to the increase of the amount of Clack of his tours that is available. Causal?? Maybe; maybe not. I would never want to abandon clack myself, but I do think there should be more discretion and consideration than there is.

    It's just a play? Alrighty then. I thought it was one of the biggest shows on Broadway, and I thought that people in the business considered Broadway to be the pinnacle of the profession. I thought theatre people considered it important be able to concentrate on their work, hence the announcement before each show to turn off cellphones, put away cameras, and even to unwrap any candy or cough drops you plan to eat before the show--but hey, if it's just a silly play, with stunt casting of some stupid no-talent American Idol contestant who didn't even win--who cares whether his performances in Spamalot are taken seriously? It was entirely wrong of me to get so excited about the opportunity for Clay. It's all a big joke any way.

    Let me spell it out with no sarcasm. Claygasm, Broadway is not a concert. The rules are different, the expectations are different, the needs & expectations of the actors to be able to concentrate on their performances are different, the enjoyment of the other attendees is affected differently. It's not simply a matter of what's legal.

    As to whether Clay will be blamed, naive to think that he won't be.

    I loved every single word you inked... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Personally, I have zero doubt that clack has negatively impacted ticket sales. It is impossible to prove..but that is my belief.

  15. With my luck, I'll not only miss 1st page, I'll also wind up at the top of 2nd. *Aaaaargh, I knew it!*

    Clack is like that piece of 500-calories-a-nibble Food for the Gods confection that you know you shouldn't have but do anyway because it's a taste of of all that is good and yummy, a gentle reminder of joyful summers gone by. But AFAIK we haven't had another constitutional amendment for clack despite how "entitled" some people (not here) have started to speak about it. It's fun, it's like a game we play with the venue folks (and 7-yr old killjoys, "if-i-can't-have-any-you-can't-either") but too much can get you a tummy-ache, and it's no substitute for real joy (eg. eHP roadtrip).

    Thank you so much to cindilu2 for some awesome work in the snail-mail clack area -- if you bought the TBAF CD holder, please PM your addy if you haven't already.

    Many thanks too to spikesmom for a giant package of knitted items for the Striped Sock Sirens sale!!!

    The venue folk are not present to play games with concert attendees, but as employees hired to perform security. I don't believe that they find the game fun. JMO.

    cindilu2 You are welcome.

    Ciao Clayzor Hope you enjoy tonight's festivities..heart you.

  16. cindilu2 In response to your question to me, I have followed Clay since

    Always and Forever. I have viewed a total of 5 pieces of clack.<snip>

    Does this mean the you did not watch the interview from 11/02 pre-idol?

    No, who interviewed him? I perhaps have read commentary regarding it, but

    I have never viewed it. What is the subject of the interview?

    I wish I had your resolve when it came to snack food.

    ETA: Your five or so peices of clack are like my "he's only had 3 bad hair days hee" Do you remember which clack you watched?

    TITN - Raleigh AI2

    TFN - NYC

    GBOF medley and ICMYLM - of the JBT

    Kimmel episode on the horse the night after it broadcasted

  17. cindilu2 In response to your question to me, I have followed Clay since

    Always and Forever. I have viewed a total of 5 pieces of clack. I understand

    that this board will always support the clack gatherers with great passion and I

    respect that stance. I just had the desire to express my feelings on the issue

    at the present time as Clay's Broadway debut is fast approaching and it is an

    interesting topic of discussion.

  18. I am most likely the lone anti-clack voice of the fandom.

    Clack Unlimited and the other vaults should fold.

    If clack gatherers break the law during the Spamalot run and are snagged at

    the Shubert Theatre during the videography process, I hope they are charged

    and prosecuted by the DA.

    And if convicted, they pay the price of civil penalties.

    Clayzor... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  19. I am digging it too, now I am praying for that CC album so Clay can snag Grammy and now I am running for the hills before you put a hating on me.... :cryingwlaughter:

    Now come on, lightmyfire, you don't think yo' heathen daddy would approve something like that, do ya? :tongue09:

    Yeah...you and mah daddy on the Highway to Hell, but then again Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be.. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  20. I saw a VH1 countdown on Cougars last week, and Demi Moore was the No. 1 Cougar. Of course there were Julianne Moore and Susan Sarandon and Goldie (even Drew Barrymore is a Cougar). Cougars are totally IN now -- so, for the most part, we're Clay's Cougars!

    lightmyfire, I hear ya! I happen to like change myself. I know there are those who get something good and want to stick with it. I'm that way to an extent at my favorite restaurants, but when it comes to music and concerts, I like change -- in fact, without change nothing ever improves. Mr. Serious Take Charge Clay has a big place in my heart. He didn't banter, or even speak a word, on AI5 when I fell on my face -- just sang and smiled and shined those eyes. Hearing him talk and kid around is fun, but not a necessary component for me. In anticipation of this tour, I was watching clack from last Christmas and the banter was more of the show than the singing, IMO. This year, it's a whole new world, and I dig it, my sisters.

    I am digging it too, now I am praying for that CC album so Clay can snag Grammy and now I am running for the hills before you put a hating on me.... :cryingwlaughter:

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