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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. I think I turned on Google Alerts for about 1 week and that was all I needed. Of course, I'm so spoiled because anything worth seeing or reading will be all over Clay Nation in no time -- so turning off alerts saved me a ton of aggravation. Anybody with any agenda whatsoever can say absolutely anything about anyone on the internet and the more popular the celebrity -- the more awful things are written. Such nasty things I've seen about Tyra Banks, Oprah Winfrey, Angelina and Brad, the President of the United States .... you name it -- the bigger you are and the more impressive your fame, the more the low-lifes gun for you. The bottom line is .... NOBODY CARES what these disturbees think!!! None of this crap makes anyone change their mind about someone --unless they are disturbed themselves. And if they are the warped sort ... Buh-Bye! Clay is popular, and connected, and rich, and happy -- and some people can't stand it. Ha! They are just fucked, aren't they?
  2. Well, I did actually look it up when we first found out about Jaymes being Parker's mom, and I couldn't find any other siblings besides David and Jaymes. I just had another look and still can't find anything. But that could just mean my research skills are dismal! I'm SHOCKED, SHOCKED, I tell you -- that nobody read Clay's discussion of this on the OFC answers thread! Clay discussed how Jaymes got her name -- that she is the youngest of 7 -- with David being #4 and the only male child -- and when mom was pregnant David and his dad decided that the baby's name would be James because they so badly wanted another boy in the family. When she was born (and I think her birth name was Colleen), David and dad called her James anyway as a joke. It stuck and when she grew up she officially changed her name to Jaymes -- although Clay said the older sisters still call her by her birth name. Wow, I am amazed that nobody read this from just last week at the OFC!!!!!!!! You guys are slipping!
  3. Yes, he did, kf...and I was wondering how many guys watching were having a 'squirming' good time hearing him sing those words, too! The man can sing..no doubt. And he's quite an entertainer, too. I do think that if he has any 'flaw' it's that he's pretty predictable. That is, I know that at some time during any song that he rocks out on, he's going to go for that 'tongue-sticking-out-mouth-wide-open' screaming high note...Yep, he can hit it square on every time. It's just that I don't NEED to hear him do it every time, you know? He's still mad talented, though. In his way. He'll be successful, for sure. Someone posted a link to a blog in which somebody said that "Justin Guarini and Clay Aiken are both has beens" (talking about the success/failure of past Idols, etc.)...and I was very happy to realize that reading that did NOT make me upset. I just It was just so ridiculous to me that anyone would put those two people in the same category! Night and day. I've seen Adam sing before and I was put off by the close up of his high note with tongue hanging out of his mouth. So that's a regular thing? ewwww -- he needs to pull that thing in! As for as blogs these days -- my opinion is that they're like assholes and opinions so why give a crap when someone writes something stupid, as so much of it is. Now, LdyJ and Scarlett, I made my avatar out of a photo in my photobucket file a long time ago. I'll try to find it and see if I tagged it -- but I have a lot of photobucket albums to go through!
  4. There's something about that statement that strikes me some way -- I'm not sure how. After watching Plant do that song live when it was new, with the band in blue jeans (and wearing their hair long and unstyled), a glam version just doesn't compute. I know this kid can sing, but the hard-core sexuality of WLL seems very un-Idol. Did he sing ... I'm gonna give you every inch of my love? However, I do know better than to prejudge something because of how much I love the original -- Clay taught me that with BOTW. I don't think you ever have to qualify your opinion of Parker's babystar quality. He requires no bias whatsoever to be stunningly beautiful! I want to stay up and read the boards tonight, but after being up 'til all hours with the basketball game last night -- and another late one tomorrow night -- I'm crashing early before this happens ......
  5. Is there speculation going on? Well, let me be the first. Regarding the "Clay visiting Aiken relatives in LA" and pulling luggage .... MAYBE the relatives are keeping Parker at their house while both Clay and Jaymes go to Vegas. Or maybe it's Faye's luggage and she flew in this weekend -- her birthday was yesterday -- and she's going to be the Grandma-in-Charge this week. Just a thought. I would bet good money that Jaymes is going to Vegas with Clay since it's her brother's show -- and her best friend and father of her child is performing. Gee, I'd love to be there.
  6. To me his "serious" faces are pure Mini-Clay, but I see a lot of Jaymes in the smiley face. Wonder if he ever sings to him some variant of ......"rockabye sweet baby Ja(y)mes ....
  7. Hypothetically speaking, I'm sure it would be an adorable desktop, merrieeee!
  8. What a kissyface he is! Personally, I don't worry about pictures of babies being out there. Suri Cruise and the Brangelina kids probably have press agents at this point. Besides, if you had a baby as precious as Parker, wouldn't you be so proud that you'd want the world to see this angel? Lil' Cutie has such a contemplative face in the stroller pictures. Can't you just look into that child's eyes and see the intelligence quotient through the roof?!?!?! Clay and Jaymes may have a run for their money to keep up with Parker!
  9. Tonight at Madison Square Garden, Pete Seeger celebrated his 90th birthday, performing with Bruce Springsteen, Dave Matthews, Ben Harper, Richie Havens, Joan Baez, Billy Bragg, Rufus Wainwright, Arlo Guthrie, and many more. Springsteen said that he never saw Seeger more happy than at Obama's inauguration, noting that Seeger saw Obama's ascendancy as proof that he, Seeger, had "outlived the bastards." That was too rich not to share. Happy Birthday Pete and Preden
  10. I use the Benadryl Clear Gel, and it's applied topically, and works great for bug bites and plant allergies. Oooooo my sis was doing a charity walkathon this weekend so she probably needs a bottle right now. Clay content: I'm so excited about next Saturday night!!!! And I FLOVE his answer about the Hometown Connection where he joked about being jealous that Frankie Munoz was a star. I loved it when he said it was surreal reading the question, and that people would tell him he would be a big star someday but he never believed it. And he still has to pinch himself. I'm happy that he's so happy that he still needs to pinch himself. What a darling man he is. I hope he's pinching for a long time. He may need a bottle of Benadryl himself!
  11. LdyJ, you have my heart tonight. And my tight hugs.
  12. Somehow that concert will always hold a special place in my heart! Are you talking about that special touch of someone's hand in the parking lot in Tulsa? I think LdyJ also remembers that fondly. I don't need to re-up until June. What are the premiums this time? I know people have talked about a lanyard ... anything else? The best thing about the upcoming David Foster and Friends concert blurb is that it begins .... "Back by popular demand ...." Since the last one was a CD, a DVD, and a PBS Special (played many times in Houston during pledge drive), I'm one with that demand!!!!
  13. Clay also said that he "wouldn't say" what Josh did in his sleep and followed that with "he's full of crap." Do you think that Clay was hinting at Josh having some toxic gas? That's what I thought he meant. My personal favorite answer so far was when someone asked Clay what he thought about the now-defunct Brady Theater in Tulsa during the SRHP tour, and Clay said he thought it was defunct back then. Cracked me up. I share his sentiments about that hotbox of an old, smelly venue. What a 180 after Jones Hall the night before.
  14. Absolutely not -- I think that's a great question. My mega-questions attitude is about a few who are posting like 10 off-the-wall questions in a row -- and I don't know why! Two or three legitimate questions in a row are fine -- I just think there's a line when that stuff is so ME_ME_ME that it starts to stink. I'm sure they don't care. I do make exceptions for the exuberance of younger fans -- I was a crazy Beatles fan at a young age and remember the wonderful insanity of youth. But I know a couple of these ladies are not young things. Am I the only fan who hasn't asked Clay a single question? Not that I don't have a ton of questions I'd like answers to, just none that aren't personal or career-related, so I'm stumped. I don't want to ask something just for the sake of asking -- I'm not one to leave comments after his blogs either. Okay, so I'm a wallflower, what of it? Some of the Q&As have been very enlightening -- such as his attitude about fans approaching him to say hi and get autographs -- but I'm still shaking my head that a fan would pull up a chair at his table and STAY. Some people have no couth whatsoever. I have a VHS tape of Jennifer Holliday singing at the Clinton prayer service before the 1997 inauguration. It's in a box somewhere -- maybe I can dig it out and transfer it to digital if I can figure out how to do that. It was outstanding. She's my girl! Back to Idol -- I have a friend who won't watch Idol because it's "fake" -- and yet she watches Bachelor and Amazing Race. I watched Amazing Race a time or two, but when the jumbo jet already on the runway turned around to pick up a couple of contestants who missed the flight -- and that couple won the whole competition -- that was my suspend belief in the integrity of the show moment. Now, if someone tells me that the Extreme Home Makeover families are a set-up, that will knock down the last show standing for me -- and I'm not all that comfortable with the "Queen for a Day" feel to it. Does anyone remember that old show where women would compete over their sad stories and personal tragedies for a Frigidaire and some Sarah Coventry jewelry? Currently, Idol and Dancing are the only ones I ever watch, probably because they involve talent -- and I think Tom Bergeron is the best live host on television.
  15. I couldn't either. I love Holliday SO MUCH! I watched her sing I Believe I Can Fly for Bill Clinton at an inaugural prayer service in '97, and she made the heavens open.
  16. A few things I just don't get: 1. "Fan" competition. I just don't get it. 2. Why Clay gets slammed on the shirts and sweaters he wears. I think has his own casual and very unique style. I'm around at least 500 guys in their 20s and 30s five days a week. Clay's wardrobe is contemporary and undoubtedly more expensive, but very much like what guys wear every day, only better. 3. Idol hate. Without Idol the world wouldn't have Clay. Sure the show is manipulative and can be ugly on occasion (the case for every reality show I know of), but it's Idol and sometimes a star really is born. As far as the principals are concerned, Idol could be around long after Simon, Paula and Randy are retired. 4. Jennifer Hudson. She has a powerful voice, but I don't especially like the songs she recorded. Her album doesn't grab me and blow my mind -- and I kind of need that in my music. I don't know if Jordin Sparks will take an R&B turn in her career, but I heard her sing some Aretha in front of Aretha last year, and she did blow me away. And I love Allison this year. 5. Why staying on top seems to be much harder for women than men in the music business, and especially in country music. Some of those old dudes are around long after they've lost their voices and their charms, but female country stars flame and fade so quickly. I have a friend who's a country fan, and looking through her album collection really drove that home to me. I guess it's still a beauty contest for the girls. 6. Why some of the fans at OFC post 10 or 12 off-the-wall questions in a row that anybody with a ounce of sense knows Clay won't answer. What's up with that? Okay that's it. Everything else I get. Oh, yeah, except maybe why KAndre loves to travel so much!!!!!!!
  17. Awww. Maybe Clay thinks Parker should make his TV debut on Idol, just like Dad! A girl can dream, can't she?
  18. Awhhhh, Clay is LA bound this weekend so perhaps Jaymes and Parker are there now. And it sounds like our super-first-class man is flying the Celebrity Special again. Damn, he's rich! And I'll bet he's got a lot of money too!
  19. So maybe I should drive us all next time? Some people think I'm too quick to stop at a light ... which means I don't speed up on yellow. Drives some people crazy, but that's probably because they're in a perpetual hurry ... I'm never in a hurry. Two tenets of my religion ... no worry and no hurry. Oh, and there's a third ... Grand Marnier Margaritas. And a fourth .... lunch anytime. Let me know when. I think I already have a Friday with a former co-worker, but she stood me up last time so maybe not. Of course, you have my blessing to go without me now that you know where it is -- but I want to go again soon so if you can wait until early next week I'll be ready! And I want to try Thien An too. And how about H.O.B. and Red Cat? After all ... I'm going to Disneyland!!!
  20. November is a long way away, but I feel like some thanksgiving right now .... I AM THANKFUL FOR CLACK!!!!!
  21. Huynh it is -- it's 912 St. Emanuel in Old Chinatown where Lucky Inn was located for many years. I think you'll like it. It has a pleasant atmosphere with authentic food and very fresh ingredients. When I was there, another customer suggested Thien An for their Vietnamese Pizza -- which is the same dish called Shrimp and Vegetable Pancake at Mrs. Me's (my long time favorite that is no more). Basically it's a crepe with shrimp and vegetables, best covered in ngoc mam. Now I can't eat it anymore because of my shrimp allergy, but this dude swore that Thien An on Travis has the best. So maybe one day we can go there and I can watch you guys eat it and try to stand it! Actually, tomorrow I have a light schedule, so Wednesday would be my preferred day. It's some freaky internet perversion apparently. My son and his friend were talking about the basketball playoffs and they go online to read the sports sites, which according to them are full of haters. Maybe it's a good thing that disturbed people have an outlet to release their venomosity without physically harming anyone -- but that's my best case scenario only. There are sick f*cks out there.
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