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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. You've got a good point, Muski. Hmmm, there's always the UCAP= Unwrapping Clay Aiken's Package Tour
  2. Oh, this is a classic. A classic, I tell you! CASBAH Tour Clay Aiken's Snowyballs And Hardland Tour CASBAH Tour "Rock the Casbah...Rock the Casbah." Oh, Lord...the antihistamines are kickin' in... ETA: Glad you liked "Working from Home", Liney...somehow, I just knew you would. Or we could do the Shiny Balls and Big Packages Tour? Just in the spirit of the Holiday, you know.
  3. Thinking it over and I just do not need protection, or wagons, or badges, definitely no stinkin' badges. But pins? Yeah yeah yeah! PINS ARE WHAT I NEED! I think FCA had the coolest pins and t-shirts for the DCAT!!! Will there be a Christmas Pin? Now, I'm not looking for a Christmas in the Heartland pin.... maybe more of a Snowballs in the Hardland kind of thing ......??
  4. Nothing does. We members of the FCA Super Sekrit Security Services must remember to keep our eyes on the prize at all times. It's our sacred duty and honor. Welcome.
  5. We call that "The Pink Stuff" and then we have "The Green Stuff" - yeah, the kids named it! The Green Stuff is the old workhorse jello pistachio pudding mix, with crushed pineapple, miniature marshmallows, pecans, and sliced cherries in whipped cream. The original recipe referred to this as a "salad" but salad doesn't contain marshmallows in my world.
  6. I just skipped ahead about four pages to ask if it is written in some fan handbook that I should have a strong opinion about this "he said / she said" because I just don't. Could.not.care.less. I'm not mad at anybody. I'm not disappointed in anybody. I'm not curious about it. I haven't gone to Kim's website or looked anywhere. I haven't been tempted to read all about it at OFC or on any other board other than this one. Because for some reason this whole thing is not that interesting to me, and I'm not even interested in analyzing why. However, I can get all cooked up for other things -- pictures like this for instance and I do heat up with this kind of stuff ... not to mention this which does all kinds of things ... I hope I'm not misunderstood by those who do have strong feelings. I have all kinds of respect for that, but I don't have a lot to say myself because I'm just not there. So, put me in the not.an.issue camp and I'll just amuse myself with pictures of Clay .... and awaiting the release of more clack from Scarlett. The mention of the Interlochen Motown and thinking about more from West Palm Beach is doing me right and pointing the way forward. I keep thinking about that lunch he had with Tyra -- the second time for them at Jean Georges (and she said he paid). worth a look .... Over and out.
  7. Defense Condition. Defcon 5 = peacetime readiness and moves up to (God forbid) Defcon 1 = State of Emergency - Nuclear Weapons Authorized
  8. Of course this could all be a ploy for media attention, since it's plain to see that controversy is the ticket to ride.
  9. Ooooo, KimLo just made a big mistake. In the first place, she says more than once that Clay's feels unfortunate ... I don't think Clay feels one bit unfortunate -- now, the situation was another thing and perhaps that was unfortunate, but Clay unfortunate? She needs to express her thoughts better than that. Just too pissy for words, IMO.
  10. One of the things that has stayed with me from the M&G reports this summer is that someone, somewhere, reported that when asked if he planned to write another book, Clay responded, "I didn't write the first one." Does anyone recall that? I suppose that, if true, this comment could be taken a couple of ways -- that he dictated remembrances and opinions into a tape recorder and Allison Glock fashioned the tapes into a book and he takes no credit in the writing thereof, or that in some small way he's beginning to distance himself from parts of the book. Of course, it could just be Clay's general snark!
  11. It's been educational in here tonight. I'm learning some history -- I had heard about boobgate, and I'm aware that JNT05 had its detractors, but I never knew there was a brouhaha over LTS, or that the JBT was originally known as the Americana tour, and that people were apprehensive about it. I'm intrigued about the mod connections. It certainly seemed to me, when I came into this fandom, that there was a unified theme across the boards ... kind of a dirge with intermittent barrages of blitzkrieg. I very much saw a blanket effect, at least on the boards I lurked. Gee, it seems to me that in a perfect world the fans would not sweat the small stuff, and would take a hide and watch attitude if something didn't hit them right, or remain skeptical if there's a rumor afloat ~ even one with a press release attached to it ~ because everything really is going to be all right, you know. But just like in real life, some people fret and sweat, some float in the ether, and others keep on trucking. It's just people. Clay and Tyra look beautiful together, don't they? And yet, this face alone is delicious to look at. I hope Tyra enjoys herself. And thanks again, Scarlett! The WPB is exquisite so far. That night Clay was gorgeous, his voice was flawless, and the venue was divine. This is also divine:
  12. Yes, that has happened to me before. I believe I fixed that by clicking on Guided Mode under the Reply box. I think it's an on/off toggle.
  13. Oh Clyra makes me happy. Unconfirmed dinner in April, and unconfirmed lunch in September ... that's good enough for me to look at more Clyra: I like this picture because they both have long slinky sexy hands. And he does look just absolutely eaten up in this one!!!
  14. Oh, oh, harmless shipping speculation .... if Clay had lunch with Tyra over the weekend, and he went to see The Color Purple with Quiana and another friend ... maybe the other friend was Tyra? Clyra time!!!!
  15. This one was practically the board mascot a few weeks back: another current fave .... and running neck and neck ....
  16. I make tomato sauce for pasta, and then there's tomato gravy. I'm not going any further with the recipe since it begins with ... fry six slices of bacon.
  17. I resemble that remark! And I survived. Thank God! Thanks to sane people like Clayzor and lightmyfire! And Clayzor, just for the files here, had lunch today with sister and one of our man friends and said buddy was interrogating me about my Clay thing. My sister jumped in and added that she too had traveled to see Clay and was detailing her Tulsa experiences. Just so ya know, she described you as a very attactive blonde with a knockout personality -- and my buddy said, "Dammit, when are you two going to take me to one of these Clay Aiken concerts!!!!" So, if the man at home ever starts giving you trouble, this dude here in Houston has deep pockets -- like I said, just for the files. hee Lime Jello Now merrieeee, I'm keeping a list: Don't do Snowflake Hair Never bought a Beatles album Don't like grapes, or grape jelly I think this degree of counter-culture individualism makes you Officially Cool!!! Unfortunately, this opinion probably is meaningless since it comes from someone who adores Snowflake Hair, owns the Beatles catalog, and should own Welch's stock. One of my sons wouldn't deign to buy a record from anyone the "general public" has ever heard of. Seriously, he gave me the name of his favorite bands last week and I was clueless about any of them. I suspect if any of them gained widespread popularity, he'd be through with them. Good God, Girl!!! You eat watermelon without salt? You could lose your Texas citizenship for that! Salt on fruit is the Texas way ... apples, watermelon, cantaloupe ... it's all good. Fondest childhood memory is at my grandmother's in East Texas, picking blackberries along the railroad tracks, and bringing back the berries for my grandmother to make a fresh cobbler for supper. And ... my grandmother's homemade pear preserves were to die for. That's what I always wanted on my hot biscuits And her special Southern treat .... the legendary Butter Roll. I've never had any fried cornmeal mush, that I know of, but I can make a mean skillet of tomato gravy, if I have my daddy's homegrown tomatoes to work with. Love that stuff. As Guy Clark wrote in one of my favorite songs: "The only two things that money can't buy .... and that's true love and homegrown tomatoes!" *********** Although I don't like to admit it anymore, I'm still a relative newbie, so that I had no idea there were actually "leaders" in this movement. I had assumed at the point I arrived at this fandom in June of 2006 that there was just a lot of blind leading the blind in the infamous "album thread," because the people using basic judgment and sound reasoning were pilloried, and/or heavily modded. It never occurred to me that there are/were actual or perceived "leaders" -- hmmmm, I guess they would be the graduates of the George W. Bush Center for Dispute Resolution for all the leadership ability I noticed. Seriously, I remain thankful to luckiest1 and Clayzorback for giving me the "come on over" to FCA. It's a blessing, it is. And, lastly, to jmh. You rock, girl. And, by the way, you still have a top spot on my list of funniest posts ever -- the first night I ever read here at FCA -- with your scenario of the Walmart clerks removing copies of ATDW and AIW when certain people entered the store . Never.forget.that.evah! It sealed the deal for me. That and Clay singing "Why Don't We Do It In The Road" on the tour setlist! {{{ with sincere apologies to merrieeee, and lmf}}}
  18. All I have to say is this ... Scarlett's WPB SSTBTHW The whole thing. How gorgeous he is. The ending. The look on his face when he's finished.
  19. Wow. The eHp has made me a very happy camper this evening ... first with Perusing One's fantastic pictures from Ft. Myers, and then I discover Scarlett's West Palm Beach clack is up!!! I love the West Palm Beach VOX so very, very much. The best version ever of ATD. And TOA. And WY. And RHW. Just all of it is best.voice.ever for me. He amazes me. Scarlett ... you're my GIRL!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Edited to include MOAM. Oh God, how could I have forgotten to mention MOAM?!?!?!?
  20. And speaking of the evil Houston Posse --- a few of Perusing One's pics from Ft. Myers:
  21. You're killing me today, KAndre! Totally on the money with your observations and comments. As usual.
  22. OMG, we MUST be related!!! I love you for your consistently wise words, LadyJ! And I love this board. Couchie, I happen to think you're a genius with the aplomb and skill with which you manage this board. And Ansa, I love reading the fresh perspectives I always see in your words. I've learned from all of you. And if I were Clay Aiken, and aware of the fantizzy going on, I'd not blog on purpose because I'd be throwing up my hands and saying in my best Chris Tucker, Oh, HELL, no! I feel strangely detached and remote from the "collective fandom" right now. This whole gnashing of teeth about a reunion tour interests me not. A resurgence of the industrial strength angst is not in my planner - yesterday, today or tomorrow. I read for 15 minutes on another board and that was enough -- I haven't ventured away from FCA since. It's just not safe -- somebody could get seriously hurt in that hysteria. And, although I've always hated the word hysteria because it seems sexist to me, in this case I think it applies. I wasn't around for past "fan wars" -- but the last year of bullshit was more than enough nonsense for me. I personally can't think of anything more juvenile than "fan wars" and I'm embarrassed for humanity that this crap goes on. Thank you, FCA. You stand alone as a bastian of openness, sanity, balance, and blessed smut. I bow down. FYI: I downloaded that "Slow Hand" montage from YouTube several days ago and LOVE IT. It is so Hot Hot Hot, especially before bedtime!
  23. If this story has any basis in fact, I could be happy about it if it were an AI sponsored special event tour. Because I do think AI owes Ruben and Clay and Kim, but especially Clay, for sending that show to another level, ratings wise. And in order to fully satisfy me, they would have to include some of the classics from AI2. If this is an opportunity to hear Clay sing full blown, live versions of DLTSGDOM, and TLS, and BMUB, and MTK -- where do I sign up? They could have a nice long show, and Clay would steal it, of course. I think that this is something Clay could be interested in doing if its profitable, especially since he counts Ruben and Kim as friends. I wouldn't think it's indicative of anything negative regarding Clay's career. It would be further confirmation of what a generous man Clay is, both personally and professionally.
  24. I don't disagree that he made the Classics fun, and he was not even subtle about dissing the current content of Top 40 radio. That said, I think he wants to make a great contemporary album that will get played on the radio. I don't think Top 40 is impossible for him with the right material. If the new album is what TC and RCA are looking for, I think there will be a big roll-out, built on top of the Idol Rewind, and a Clay appearance on the next season of Idol. It will be the 5th anniversary of Ruben and Clay and I don't think it will go by unrecognized. When the gentleman at WPB mentioned the Beatles, Clay stroked his bangs and said, "I'm working on it" and I think he's already experimenting with new looks and new sounds. Anyway, Clay's voice is Clay's voice and will be The Vox no matter what he sings and how. I'm hoping for some fast songs, some sultry songs, and some good old-fashioned NEW Rhythm & Soul. Just an aside, I was walking through the downtown mall on Friday and the four consecutive songs that played were: Always & Forever, I Could Not Ask For More, Everything I Do (I Do It For You), and Everytime You Go Away. It was weird.
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