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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. Holy Crap! Is he the cutest or WHAT???? Clay Aiken is so freakin' cute I can't STAND IT!!!
  2. Alrighty now! That picture of Clay was clear enough for me to see the Royal Bangs!!!! Looooong-down-in-his-eyes bangs just like I love them. Hot freakin' bangs! I'll try to calm down now.
  3. And, darling Muski, I just noticed that I am now a "personal manager" ~~ so I'm wondering which specific part of the personage I'm to manage? I assume, and in the alternative fervently hope, that you are the go-to girl for this. I know it's a humongous awesome responsibility but if requests are accepted, I dig his big hot feet and those long sweet toes -- and everything up from there.
  4. Ha! I best remember Manfred Mann for their hit cover of a Dylan song, Quinn The Eskimo (a/k/a The Mighty Quinn).
  5. All this talk about "douche" reminds me of SNL the other night ... The Douchebag Of the Year competition. To me, the funniest part was introducing the judges and the "Gene Simmons" character had the designation "King of the Douchebags" under his name. That CMSU big time. And Fred Armisen was the best douchebag ever playing Gene Simmons!
  6. It has never bothered me when anybody else doesn't like the music or books or movies or whatever else that I happen to like. Art is subjective. What speaks to me may scream at someone else, or not make a sound. And stuff I couldn't stand for years, I later grew to love for unknown reasons. And things I once loved eventually wore out for me and I discarded. Everything artistic is in a state of flux and I try to avoid self-limiting definitions of absolute likes and absolute dislikes -- because I still change. Thank goodness. I hope to never stop changing. My closest friend for years was a huge Neil Diamond fan. She loved the guy. No, she ADORED him. Now Neil is one of those guys that I know he's talented and has had a phenomenal career, but I've never liked him at all. I saw him in Houston when I was in high school when he was singing "Solitary Man" with the black leather jacket and attitude, and he didn't do it for me and has never been able to turn me around. But, I never told my friend I didn't like him. She loved him tooooo much for that. So I guess that's the line for me, there was no reason to upset her by telling her that I didn't like her musical icon. Who knows, maybe one day old Neil will hit me with something and win me over. I did hear him sing Dry Your Eyes recently in The Last Waltz dvd and ... eeeeee, it moved me. I may be waivering. That's why I don't understand people who aren't fans of Clay yet feel the need to go out of their way to tell his fans how much they don't like him. So, what's the gain there for anybody? I may say I really don't like _____ and if you say it's your favorite song, I'm like "oops, sorry" -- but if you tell me in advance that ______ is your favorite song, I wouldn't tell you it sucks, unless you specifically asked me. What makes a song great is when enough people are of the opinion that it's great. And when that's the case, it's a great song whether I think it sucks or not. Music has had a huge impact on my life, and the things that mean the world to me are things no other opinion could ever invalidate. I'm a music junkie pure and simple (and a news junkie) and if it touches me, if I feel it in my bones, or if it expands my consciousness, that's that. And nothing and no one can change it, but me. Then there's what I consider throwaway stuff. Because if you tell me you love Pee Wee's humor, I can very easily tell you to your face that that sucks. Yeah, because that sucks. And I know that nobody loves Pee Wee so much that my opinion of him will cause any loss of sleep! OMG, now somebody here is going to love Pee Wee more than life itself. I can feel it! To the controversy regarding the lyrics of ATD -- from the beginning I've heard people say they don't like the trite lyrics, i.e., spinning balls. Buy why is that trite? Balls can do many things besides spin. Some roll. Some bounce. And some just lie there. When I hear the word balls -- spinning is not the first thing I think of. hee Would the song lyrics have improved if it had been "spinning like a wheel" or "spinning like a top" or "spinning like a broken record", or "spinning like a drunk in bed?"
  7. I have only one comment for My Liege Lady .... Honey Sugar Sugar You are my candy girl And you got me wanting you I KNOW that for many people lyrics are not paramount, or a factor, or even a deal-breaker. I'm hip to that and totally accept it, honor it, and respect it. But Dylan not speaking to you hurts my soul. Let's try this .... Lay lady lay Lay across my big brass bed Stay lady stay Stay while the night is still ahead .... Literal or symbolic, Dylan's had me since ...... Oh, what'll you do now, my blue-eyed son? Oh, what'll you do now, my darling young one? I'm a-goin' back out 'fore the rain starts a-fallin', I'll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest, Where the people are many and their hands are all empty, Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters, Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison, Where the executioner's face is always well hidden, Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten, Where black is the color, where none is the number, And I'll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it, And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it, Then I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin', But I'll know my song well before I start singin', And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.
  8. Since I just realized it's October 9 -- John Lennon's birthday -- here are some Lennon lyrics that have never stopped speaking to me -- and especially ring true right now: *************************** I'm sick and tired of hearing things From uptight, short sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites All I want is the truth Just give me some truth I've had enough of reading things By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians All I want is the truth Just give me some truth I'm sick to death of seeing things From tight-lipped, condescending, mommie's little chauvinists All I want is the truth Just gimme some truth now I've had enough of watching scenes Of schizophrenic, egocentric, paranoic, prima-donnas All I want is the truth now Just gimme some truth *************************** Ev'rybody's talkin' bout Revolution, Evolution, Masturbation, Flagellation, Regulation, Integration, Meditation, United Nations - Congratulations! All we are saying is give peace a chance *************************** As soon as you're born they make you feel small By giving you no time instead of it all Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all A working class hero is something to be They hurt you at home and they hit you at school They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules A working class hero is something to be When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years Then they expect you to pick a career When you can't really function you're so full of fear A working class hero is something to be Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV And you think you're so clever and classless and free But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see A working class hero is something to be There's room at the top they are telling you still But first you must learn how to smile as you kill If you want to be like the folks on the hill A working class hero is something to be *************************** Yeah, baby!
  9. One of of the premier lyricists of all time -- the great John Lennon -- wrote: He's got feet down below his knees .... But it's the context, baby, the context! And song lyrics can change the world. It wasn't the melody of Blowin' In The Wind that blew minds. It wasn't the melody of Subterranean Homesick Blues that brought us "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." Lyrics such as these, among a thousand others, never fail to stop me in my tracks and add value to my life -- Then take me disappearin' through the smoke rings of my mind, Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves, The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach, Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow. Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, Let me forget about today until tomorrow. And for those times when lyrics simply are not necessary at all for the music .... I must be listening to Chopin.
  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians! Happy Birthday, amazed in nj Happy Monday everybody. This is my first day back at work since last Tuesday. I've never been a big fan of Monday, but I'm actually glad to be back in the saddle again, so given that, I must not be completely well just yet!
  11. Don't recall where or when, but definitely remember reading somewhere that Faye had sent out an email about the October 11 date. And luckiest, AI Rewind was all over my TV all weekend! On Saturday at noon I saw the 2nd episode on CW, then that evening I saw the 1st episode on WGN, then Sunday CW reran the 2nd episode, and last night WGN had the 2nd episode. My son was watching with me last night while he was restringing a guitar and after seeing the two promos -- one heavily Clay and the second exclusively Clay -- he said, "Looks like they're letting Clay win this time." Did Ruben and KLo audition in Atlanta? Because, if so, isn't it wild that they only feature Clay in the promo for the Atlanta audition show?
  12. I agree, WPB has to be one of the best ever. He never sang better, Q&A never sounded better, he looked fantastic, the venue was gorgeous, the acoustics superlative, and the banter hilarious. I loved the banter with the sleeping husband and his precious facial expressions. And then there was TWYMMF! And at the busline with Scarlett that night ~~ he gave me the best hand ever. In fact, it was so fine that it made up for walking back to the hotel with bare feet and a broken toe over gravel and railroad tracks. You know the old "I'd crawl over cut glass thing?" ... it was pretty close. But I don't know that I've ever had that much fun legally in my entire life! Even the seafood was legal ... and delicious!
  13. The Wildcard results show was the first AI2 episode I tuned in for, and I remember my first thought about him was "That is the most touchy-feely guy I've ever seen in my LIFE!" That was my first thought because I had yet to hear him sing a note. It didn't seem sexy at the time, it seemed needy. But now it seems like extreme tactile sensuality. He can't help it. And that's a VERY good thing.
  14. No darlin', I'm not the chosen one. Maybe lightmyfire can help us out! If it were me, I'd give you what you want. I adored Tears Run Dry from the JBT clack. It was by far my favorite of the try-out songs.
  15. Well, Nigel was the one who arranged for Clay to be hidden away in another room and not seen by anyone before the show, so I think he knew. I think the hair was an integral part of that "fitting"--that is, they were working out what his new style would be. I agree that the 3 stooges and Ryan didn't know, and the general public didn't know, and ultimately, that was what it was all about!! And Michael Orland didn't know. He said Clay rehearsed over the phone -- and then he didn't recognize him in the same room. I think the Idol producers were trying to keep the appearance itself a secret to everyone but the need-to-knows, and I doubt that even the need-to-knows had foreknowledge of the makeover. The picture of Clay at the elementary school for UNICEF was just two weeks before AI5 and there was nothing to indicate from those pictures that he was going to rock the house and the media with a new look just days away. I think he kicked their asses played devilishly well on their assumptions!
  16. Hmmm....let's see. Clive STOLE Clay's hit song and gave it to someone else so Clay HAD to say he didn't like it to save face. Poor helpless Clay. Evil Clive wins again. That's the vibe I'm getting anyway. Who is that doesn't get what a naturally self-effacing man he is? I don't even want to know who it is that chooses to believe that Clay is impotent and petty, and wounded from having a simple pop song stripped away from him. Don't even tell me.
  17. And you haven't given up any freebies? Whatsamattayou? I thought we were friends! ************************* Oh no, acrophobia, V-E-R-T-I-G-O
  18. Okay, please help me because I'm not going to search out the angst. Do people think this is going to be a big radio hit ..... for Loverboy? Is that the issue, really? I may be wrong, but the last time I remember Loverboy having a hit was sometime in the 80's. They were big and had a couple of huge albums, but I remember it being about 25 years ago.
  19. I feel the same way. BFM never blew my skirt up. I don't know that I thought of it as boy-bandish, but to me it was formulaic without an irresistible hook. I'm always looking for that special song that once I hear it I need to hear it over and over again immediately. This wasn't one of those songs for me. muski, as I was scrolling down your picture, it made me think of this ..... Here's a cutie -- in your honor, LadyJ!
  20. Back at you, AAIT! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thanks for commenting! However, I suspect there's a boatload of people probably sick of hearing my thoughts and opinions that include references to AI5. I try to reign it in as much as possible, but sometimes it just spills over and I hope it remains at least tolerable for those of you who know too well the power this had on me: {{{{{{zena}}}}}} It's so sweet here at FCA. I think only about five people, total, appreciated my perspective at OFC, and I think that's because I wasn't a marketing legend in my own mind. For some reason, that stuff seemed to go over big. And the super-secret-inside-rockstar stuff. What a load of crap that all was, and how nice it is to be free of it.
  21. I am loving AI Rewind. I didn't start watching Season 2 until the Wild Card results show, so this is all new to me. And these auditions are much more entertaining and less exploitative than what I saw of the AI6 auditions. I am watching with Clay-focused eyes and it all looks good to me. As often as I've said that Clay Aiken IS the American Idol, it gelled in my brain watching today. Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood probably didn't need American Idol to become stars. They are both attractive females with great voices and American Idol was a stepping stone. Others that have come from the show had enough talent and ambition to make it without an Idol win -- Jennifer Hudson, Chris Daughtry and, maybe, Kellie Pickler, as examples. But Clay, Ruben, Fantastia, Taylor and Elliott arguably would not have had recording contracts without Idol, not ever. Among these, only Clay has reached multi-platinum status and has become a superstar. And he became that superstar ON Idol and has retained a faithful following and sold millions of albums. He has a successful concert career. He does TV. He's a UNICEF ambassador. He's blossomed from a confirmed nerd to an international bon vivant. He met his inner hot, sexy man and appears to have made peace with him. His voice is his voice. And he's still the same wonderful guy we met on AI. The all-time top three recording success stories on Idol are Kelly, Clay and Carrie -- but I think Clay is the show's true success story. There is a line to walk between being too closely associated with Idol or divorcing from it, and I think Clay has maintained a good balance. This is the 5-year anniversary period and I do believe we can expect to see Clay and AI connected right up through the AI7 Finale. When I unexpectedly saw Clay on AI5, the thing that hit me, and sent me to the boards, was a strong feeling of power from him, a sense of inevitability surrounding him -- like watching the future of entertainment walk on the stage and it was breathtaking. What I found on the messageboard was a surprising number of fans with diminished enthusiasm and some completely demoralized by tabloid-consciousness or internet gossip, career second-guessing, rumors and fear. I never bought that stuff because I had honeymoon immunity, and the impact he made on me that one night has been validated every day since. I am not and never have been Pollyanna. That's not it. A direct hit to the core of the brain caused this. These are good meds, so blame it on that if my rambling is going off the page.
  22. ... slowly crawling out of my sickbed, unexpectedly amped at the sight of ...... I'd say that was an understatement! HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY LINEY, and I hope yours was way better than mine. But really, really I'm not complaining -- after what happened on my birthday to certain people having a connection to merrieeee. Did I dodge a bullet or what? Who knew it was my lucky day to only be sick ... I was merely winged!! And you merrieeee should feel absolutely bulletproof for a good while! muski, thanks for the laugh. If you could see me now, you'd laugh too, I don't think there's enough money in the lottery to get a man in my bed today! But ..... I think I'll buy a Lotto ticket tomorrow on the outside chance. What the hell. {{{{{{{{YSRN}}}}}}}}}} I don't feel like talking except to say that I need to take a mental holiday and revisit Jones Hall, because I'm jonesing for this guy who was hotter than a $2 pistol that night: He likes big butts ... I like full packages .... schwinggggg I'm a believer! I believe he is down with OPP! And loving the whip action ... But when all is said ... The Thighs Abide ....Duuuude, the things you do with that rivet!!! .....
  23. FCA, thank you all again for the birthday wishes. It means more than you know. All day I've been sicker than Dick's dog, had to cancel my birthday plans, and haven't moved too far from the bed. What do you call a malicious allergy/hayfever attack with fever and chills? Please don't say the flu because it's too early for the flu, isn't it? I'm not usually the first one to send congratulations or wishes in posts, because I can be quite unsentimental about things that everybody on earth experiences -- like birthdays. For the most part, universal things don't get a big reaction out of me. And yet, while I've felt so punky, all the sweet words sent my way have totally brightened my day and forever changed my experience. It has really mattered a lot to me today. Yes, I've learned a lesson. Thoughtfulness always matters. It's something I've known but needed to have dusted off. For all the different opinions and perspectives in this fandom, there's one common denominator that I've found ... lovely people. In May of this year I met my first Clay Aiken fans ... and was embraced by the eHP. What a way to start, huh? Merrieeee, KAndre, Karen Eh, Solo, Scarlett, 00lsee, and Perusing One, I've never laughed so much in my life. I met so many more people in Houston and on the road this summer, and feel like I already know so many more that I've yet to meet in person. And I've seen Clay six times. It has been a VERY good year. Muski and CG ... if you guys hadn't offered me the Frisco ticket because you wanted to witness my virgin experience, I may not have gone to Frisco. But you did and I did and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. Not only did Clay knock my socks off, but my first Clay Aiken concert was followed by the best fireworks I've ever seen. Or were those stars in my eyes? Oh yeah, I guess it was the 4th of July! And I loved driving all over Texas with Playbiller, who definitely kept me entertained and could teach a course in fandom history. OMG I never could have imagined coming into this fandom that the previous three years had been so rich, exuberant, and controversial! My kind of place. Warmest thoughts and best wishes to Clayzorback, who has been a real friend and is going through an awfully tough time. I love ya, babe, and I am thinking of you. You and LadyJ -- my first roomies! And to someone who somehow kept me sane all those months at OFC, thank you lightmyfire. You are a wise woman. And I loved meeting atinal (I looooove my Clay Aiken keychain) and sheiladownunder and hope to spend more time with you in the future. Yes, this was a summer I'll never ever forget. I'm awed by this fandom. I came here to find out all I could about Clay Aiken and to support him, and I never expected to find people I love like family. It's awesome. For all of you who seem to suspect that the fandom isn't what it used to be ... although I wasn't here for used to be, I believe I can assure you with fresh eyes that it still is. Thank you Couchie, Ansa, LadyJ, bottle, jmh, luckiest (who gave me the ticket to get here) -- and I know I'm leaving people out but I'm sick dammit so please excuse the oversights -- thanks for making this an incredible place. Now I'm feeling so schmoopie when you guys KNOW I don't do schmoopie. I give up. *rising to give you all a standing ovation and then back to bed*
  24. merrieeee, how can you have all this unhappiness on my birthday? Stop it now! I LOVE your wallpaper present. So let's see, now you've done Snowflake and AI5 ... good going! If I could only get you to enjoy the music of your countrymen ... you know a little band known as the Beatles? Only through Clay Aiken could we have become such friends ... you with a Julio Iglesias background and me hanging with the 13th Floor Elevators. This is the biggest melting pot of musical tastes and backgrounds imaginable. Thanks for the feedback on my Christmas memory. Dee will never live it down as long as I'm alive.
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