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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. I saw this CUTE guy on TV earlier today. Anybody know where I can FIND him? He has the sexiest mouth and eyes -- but I'm sure he must have lots of girlfriends.
  2. Have you been getting yourself in trouble again, Kim? *HUGS* Yeah, forgot there are certain posters you don't contradict. Kim Not all boards are created the same ... this is true. But Aikim, sweety, I'm very glad you post at OFC because if you didn't Clay wouldn't have read your beautiful post and gotten so "misty" that he had to respond -- and even disclose personal info about the meds. That whole thing still resonates with me -- I can't begin to tell you how much it affected me that night -- and every time I think about it. That was one of the most special moments I've felt in this fandom. And I can't help thinking that Clay got misty about the "we were there from the beginning" comment because he knows what's ahead for him, or at least the long term career plan (which I believe must exist). Also, I think your post and Clay's response to it led him to answer questions in Chat that night, which led to Kareneh's name change! Anyway, as someone relatively new, I find that some of the people who have been around from the beginning and have deluded themselves into believing they are essential to the fandom, not only can't accept differing opinions, but have a clique that runs around to Word and Ditto their every utterance. I hated that crap in the 7th grade and my attitude remains the same after all these years.
  3. Yes. They were posted at OFC today. Yes he's CUTE all right, but I think the technical term is HOT CUTE!
  4. PermaSwooned, thanks for the preview of things to come! Dayum he's purdy!
  5. Kendra was GREAT. Thanks for bringing that over KAndre. I'm soooo behind. First priority = download clack ASAP. Thanks FCA for sharing my happiness. I'm going to allow myself a few days of complete joy and then turn my attention to doing everything I can do to stop the madness. It will be great to have my son and his family back in the States after several years overseas. Now to the charts ... I heard this morning some TV chat about Billboard changing their criteria and while it was thought that Britney Spears would be No. 1 this week, she's actually came in No. 2, behind The Eagles. I heard that Billboard has decided to count sales at exclusive retailers after all because distribution is undergoing revolutionary change. Now, did I hear correctly that The Eagles sold over 700,000 copies of the new album just at Walmart? No iTunes either? That's just phenomenal. And Britney was expected to sell 350,000 but sold about 289,000 copies? All I can say is ... who is buying the Britney Spears album? Britney?
  6. I want to post something personal because I'm so excited about this I don't know what to do -- and all the people I've tried to call are out of pocket. So here it is: My son in the military was told to expect orders this fall to Iraq or Afghanistan -- that one or the other, or both, was a sure thing, per regulations. Period. End of message. I remember telling lightmyfire and Clayzorback that I couldn't even deal with the thought of it. I was against this crazy foreign policy/war/insanity before it started. I've now heard from the kids and there were orders floating around for a three year posting with very specific requirements and my son is the only fit -- so OMG he has orders to the Atlantic coast of Georgia for three years instead of deploying in and out of Afghanistan and the Green Zone in Baghdad. Am I dreaming? God, I hope not because I didn't realize how uptight I was about this until the pressure turned off and now I am walking on air. I am elated. This is a miracle. No really. This has to be divine intervention here. This is un-freaking-believable. Much better to teach at the federal law enforcement center, huh? God, this is great. I'm going to celebrate. With a margarita!
  7. Dammit, I'm at the office and attempting to work up 2008-09 budgets for three departments. Do I want to do this today? Short answer .... f-u-u-u-u-u-u-ck no.
  8. Cindilu, you often make me laugh at loud -- and you've done it again. I love your attitude. You too, Toots!
  9. If she had been a Tara Lipinski jumper, she'd be the all time greatest IMO. Her agility and flexibility on ice are spectacular. So, she "enjoyed" Clay, huh? Join the club, Sasha dahling.
  10. Now Clay dancing bare would elicit more than spontaneous screaming -- I think there would be spontaneous combustion on my part. But that's a visual I can entertain and entertain and entertain.
  11. I agree wholeheartedly about spontaneous reactions. I just don't happen to think that there's anything spontaneous anymore about fan reaction to the AIW glory note. At Merrillville -- absolutely. That was fabulous. At Holiday on Ice -- for me a distraction. If I paid my money to be at a show and the person beside me started screaming at the onset of a glory note, any one of them, I might just react to THAT instead. And I'm not so sure Clay wouldn't feel the same about it. You don't cheer an orchestra at the climax of a Beethoven symphony -- you bravo and standing o at the end, and let it go on as long as necessary. The screams for the AIW glory note should never be hasty and borderline obligatory, because it will dilute the emotion of the moment. Clay is an artist, not a dancing bear. JMO, as always.
  12. To paraphrase Robert Duvall's character Col. Kilgore -- I love the smell of fresh Clack in the morning! It smells like heaven.
  13. The look he gives Sasha when she brings the skates should be patented as the "kill me now" look! 'Cause I'd die right there.
  14. Do we have a Hugs controversy? Shae Lynn Bourne or Karyn Kadavy? ETA: Thanks for the vault tip. I was looking in Special Appearances instead of TV.
  15. I can't find a clack file for Holiday on Ice. Where is it hiding?
  16. There's a YouTube up of Clay skating -- http://youtube.com/watch?v=Rz8xO5fPhJw And now All Is Well is up at YouTube:
  17. I bet you do!!! merrieeee merrieeee merrieeee PERFECT BANGS. No product. Closest to AIW hair we've had yet.
  18. In landing a quad there's that element of suspense -- will he land it? YAY -- a QUAD! Scream Yell Applause The reaction to a quad is when the jump is completed -- not at lift off But with Clay singing and hitting a big note, I don't think it should be reacted to like it's a big surprise or something. And, those notes he holds out and modulates and croons, I want to hear every nuance of them -- I'm for screams and applause when he ends the note. I just want to hear every sound this man makes!!!!!
  19. May I say that I really don't care for the fans screaming the minute he hits the big note in AIW, or any other song for that matter. I want to hear him sing the big note. All of it.
  20. From CV: Black coat and burgundy shirt and tie. Perfect hair. He looks hot. Christmas Waltz
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