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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. merrieeee, weren't you just learning photoshop a few weeks ago? Wow, you're a natural. GREAT gorgeous banner!
  2. I like that one! I hadn't seen it before! I won't cry, because I am going to 3 Christmas shows, with potential for another, already have my first set of Spamalot tickets, and I don't want to get my butt kicked by keeping faith . I just don't understand why I'm not there, though. I've been to countless skating shows, countless Clay shows, and have been to Las Vegas countless times. All 3 of rolled up in to 1 and I'm not there. Doesn't make sense....... I will stay awake for the cellcert, though. I almost can't wait! For all of you who are there, HAVE FUN! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Well, my reason was J-O-B. And the crazy thing is that today my schedule is completely wiped, which is why I'm posting now!!! It just wasn't meant to be. And Christmas is going to kill me. I went through last Christmas on cellcerts and clack and I guess I'll live through it again this year. If there was a concert on December 1, I could make that one, but NO-O-O-O-O-O-O. So this is me: :boo-hoo: And this is Adorable Sexy Singing Sensation:
  3. I agree completely about not doing anything to harm ratings -- but the NBC cameras and clack cameras will be focusing on various and sundry things, such as skating -- and I just want to see ONE thing. Actually, I just want to see one person, but if I could only see one thing, his thing would be the one to see, all right!
  4. Does TWO count as multiples??? Yeah, two concerts count as multiples in my book because my current situation is that I'm going to ZERO! So if there's any crying to be done .... just sayin' .... I'm TRYING to be big about this. Is there a cellcert at CV tonight? If so, I'll be there hanging on for every garbled, unintelligible sound -- til the end. What the hell has happened to me? Oh yeah, I remember -- this cutie patootie: ETA: I'm reminded of the story that went around after the taping about Clay's hair looking like it was styled with snot or something equally disgusting. I don't know who originally said that, or why, because he's just FREAKIN' ADORABLE!!!!!!
  5. If I catch anybody crying who happens to be going to multiple Christmas concerts --- well, it may be butt-kickin' time.
  6. Hmmm. I think I want both. I like Doing Clay in the Heartland because it has "Clay" on it, and because it matches my summer DCAT pin -- my first pin. But D says "Christmas" and has its own charm. Shoot, I'm a Libra so how am I supposed to make that kind of decision? ETA: I don't find anything about "Doing Clay" to be offensive, or anything I'd be ashamed to wear since the term originated with Clay on Quiana's MySpace. Besides, I "do lunch" too but that doesn't mean I have sex with it. Forgot to mention that I didn't have to wait to find out if the Walmart in my area was playing Clay songs -- he was singing Right Here Waiting for me when I walked in the door. That definitely enhanced my Walmart experience. Wow, I'm getting so excited for tomorrow night that I can't wait for Christmas Day to watch Clay. Seeing him will be such a sweet Christmas gift. I'm feeling tingly and jingly already. Ooh, jingly reminds me of bells, and bells remind me of ldyjocelyn, so here's to LadyJ: :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  7. I did read a few days ago that the two child actors and their families are being moved to Dubai after the boys finish their school term in early December, and that The Kite Runner is scheduled to open in the US on December 14.
  8. I had a fun weekend with my parents. Went out to dinner Saturday night and on the way my mother said, "I saw Clay on TV the other night and he really was cute." Yes, she used the C word too. We talked about him for a few minutes, about his teacher being there, and about the connection he had with the kids, and then she said, "Regis was good too, but he's not as smart as Clay. Regis didn't win as much money and he had to use up all his help." News to me because I didn't watch the Regis part. But she went on talking about it, and my dad, who must have been driving in a fog up to that point, said "Regis wasn't as good as that young fella." And my mother almost came up out of her seat ... "That was CLAY, Roy. For heaven's sake, we've been talking about him for the past 10 minutes! Didn't you know that was CLAY?" (You know how the elderly who have been married all their lives can sometimes go after each other -- at least my parents are getting good at it). They've never been part of the Idol audience, but my mother fell for Clay when she saw him on Larry King last year. She called me that night to see if I was watching LKL and when I said yes, that I had been following Clay since American Idol, she said, "Well he has a beautiful voice and I wish Larry would leave him alone and quit badgering him with these silly questions. Why doesn't he let him SING?" They showed a clip that night of the AI Final Two when Clay sang BOTW and she asked me if I would buy her a CD of Clay singing that. She's so cute, herself. Yesterday I went to Walmart for my monthly visit to buy those things that I absolutely can't buy anywhere else. Given "The High Cost of Low Price" about all I ever buy at Walmart are their CD exclusives, and Land O' Lakes Sugar Free Whipped Cream (because I'm serious about my coffee). As usual, I checked the Clay stock and it was as follows: MOAM - 0 ATDW - 2 MCWL - 6 Crooners Christmas - 3 (except now there are 2) Last time I was there, I spotted 1 MOAM and 1 ATDW. I too am green with envy of everyone going to Vegas, or already there. Not only do I love Clay, but I love ice skating -- and I once had a thing for the sexy skating of Phillippe Candeloro. Damn! Working for a living sucks. But I really am excited for the Clay fans and especially the FCAers going to the show. Everytime I hear something about it, it gets better and better. CLACK PLEASE!!!! Hang in there, Play. I hope the healing power of Clay's voice takes all the pain away! Ah, merrieeee, thanks for the reminder about Guy Fawkes Day. I think I'll pull out the DVD of V for Vendetta and watch that later tonight in honor of old Guy. Clayzorback!!!! I see you were here. I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Is Sasha Cohen on the Today Show? -- because I thought the NBC Morning Show was still called the Today Show. I hope so because the DVR is set. How cool to wake up this morning and Clay's still frickin' CUTE!!! In fact, he's not just merely cute, or nearly cute, but clearly cute -- absolutely positively completely repletely indiscreetly and oh so sweetly C U T E. And that's on top of hot and sexy. And OMG I've had my hand touched by him 4 times!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love and appreciate the GIF's from 5th Grader. Thanks for the sharing of those cuties. And LOVE the sexy screencaps Scarlett! This whole year has been breathtaking -- it's so exciting watching Clay, imagine how cool it is for Clay to be Clay. I am totally thrilled for him and the success I know he's enjoying. Heard two mentions of Clay on TV last night -- one regarding Clay and the Claymates on Kimmel, and the other on Chelsea Handler, which played to the unfortunate stereotype (Barry Manilow and Clay Aiken) but the point of the skit was a slam at tabloid journalism and how they make stuff up and don't take truth for an answer. And for all the people at OFC who love to compare Clay with other idols, none can even approach him when it comes to TV presence. I saw a link last night to rate the five AOL videos of the day, and Cute Clay was at that point receiving 82% of the vote. The consistency and intensity of Clay's support must have turned on some lights somewhere this year.
  10. merrieeee, about this Clay Road ghost in Houston .... maybe the radioman was actually talking about the Clay Street ghost. The place. The name. Think about it. If you get this one, eHP, just nod your head.
  11. I happened upon this picture again today and thought it well worth looking at tonight. ETA: One of my favorite pictures of Clay ever. Elation.
  12. Thanks, merrieeee. I didn't know it. Now to set that DVR, because I plan to sleep until Rewind tomorrow. Of course, I'll probably be wide awake at 5am. I hate it when that happens. My vote: Puppies are cute ... but not as cute as Clay.
  13. muski, your adventure yielded one fantastic story! I was on the edge of my seat last night. You writers must sometime endure extreme hardship to get the story --- you're paying those dues, baby! Is there a backstory? The jaw action seemed to intensify as the amounts got larger so I assumed it was a nervous thing. But to me he was cute doing it.
  14. One of my favorite parts is when he asks Sierra what she likes and she says .... "I like YOU" .... and Clay says, "Well we know you have good tastes, but what do you like at school?" He's so precious. I love him. and when Jeff said "Ms. Armstrong I see what you had to deal with." I adore the way he's thinking out loud, when you know he's really not struggling over some of these answers. He's so flat out cute.
  15. Thanks, Cotton! I finally got the link fixed. That'll teach me to assume I haven't screwed something up. One more time with feelin' ... Colbert and Fonda
  16. I think Jane Fonda would be his running "mate" -- Colbert and Fonda She scared the crap out of Stephen that night! This was a few months after he had the "cooking" show with Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem and wore an apron that said "Kiss The Cook" -- Jane Fonda was kissing all over him that night too. Colbert's presidential run reminds me of the 1968 Pat Paulsen campaign when his slogan was ... "I've upped my standards, now up yours." In 1974, the Eagles were Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Bernie Leadon, Randy Meisner and Don Felder. Joe Walsh replaced Bernie in 1976. But enough about the Eagles ... here's what I'm talking about: I was just invited to a country club dinner tonight. First, I detest these things and will clutch at any available excuse to decline such invitations ... but when I did say "No, I'm not available tonight," the Inviter (sort of like the Decider, but with brains and a conscience) stood there waiting for some kind of explanation. What was I going to say? .. "Sorry I can't make it, but I have to run home tonight to watch Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader." No, that wouldn't have gone over. So my reasons for not going are "personal." Yes, baby, very personal.
  17. atinal, two truisms .. honeycrisps are their own reward, and minions can't have minions. I think it's on the books somewhere. KAndre may still be accepting applications, however please note that I have already taken over the job of providing glitter as needed, and by any means necessary. Here's a 1974 Jackson Browne performance. See if you recognize those guys in the backup band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSBWEjHDMH0
  18. I'm looking forward to lots of ghosts and goblins tonight. Our neighborhood has started decorating up for Halloween the last couple of years -- orange lights in the trees, huge inflated pumpkins in the yards, "cobwebs" strung from tree to tree --- all of a sudden the neighborhood became a Halloween Carnival! Do people just have too much damned money to spend or what? Had a blast today. One of the professors, a corpulent man, came dressed as Fairy Godmother and was granting wishes. I've laughed too hard. He's such a character.
  19. LdyJ -- much love to you and hubby. I'm piling on to say that it was so good that you two were able to make the trip last week. I know you'll always be thankful for that. Have a safe journey and know that our thoughts travel with you. ETA: It's lonely at the top.
  20. Yes. I think Ruben and Clay put Idol on the map. And to be honest, Clay more than anyone made Idol the must-see show that year. He was the sleeper, the Cinderfella, the human interest juggernaut. Here's a little aside for you atinal -- and other lovers of The Eagles. This morning I had Jackson Browne in my head and played one of his vintage albums when I started for town. I had forgotten that his song The Late Show featured The Eagles on backup vocals, and it is such a great song with Jackson and The Eagles right at the full bloom of their recording careers. If you aren't familiar with that song, and I know you love The Eagles, I highly recommend it. On the same album (Late for the Sky) Don Henley and JD Souther sing backup on Fountain of Sorrow. I know I must have mentioned one or twice or twenty times that I think it's one of the best albums of all time, and in my estimation the very best from the California 70's era. The word masterpiece gets thrown around a lot, but this album will always be JB's masterpiece for me. These aren't all happy songs, but they touch my soul. What a beautiful day! After listening to The Late Show song, it led me to recall the night in 1988 that I met one of my guardian angels face to face. And that's not a joke. Then I pulled into my favorite Starbucks and the Starbucks guy wouldn't let go of my hand when he gave me change, and told me how much I brighten his day. Then he gave me some "heart" stick-ons for my computer. Okay, I've charmed the Starbucks guy, but now I need to charm somebody who can afford to support me so I can stop working and go to all the Clay Aiken concerts and appearances. Ya'll know anybody? One of my coworkers just stuck her head in to say she saw Clay on the AYSTAFG promo several times last night. And I missed seeing it. Must turn on Fox tonight! KAndre, you CMSU. But then you already knew that. Still, you are so consistent --
  21. You've either got it or you don't. If you've got it, excessive promotion isn't necessary. If you don't have it, then all the promotion in the world won't help. The drug companies promote the hell out of their pills on TV now. Have I ever gone to a doctor and said I want to take this or that pill? Never. However, I think they may have influenced some men with the "erection lasting four hours" deal.
  22. I understand your point, but I don't think we have to worry about promotion one iota. That's not our business, and I don't think it's my place. It's Clay's business and RCA's business and SAM's business -- there's nothing we can do and focusing on it, nay, obsessing over it, is a waste of beautiful valuable time in our relatively short lifespans. Something I read in a article, maybe the WSJ?, about the promotion of Kelly Clarkson's last album struck a chord in me. It was a quote by Clive regarding meetings he has with the board of directors of RMG and playing parts of the labels' upcoming releases at the meeting. The board voted on the amount of money to spend on promotion for each of them. These people sit around and determine how much they think each album should sell and then determine how much money to put into the "exposure." (I like that word better than promotion which is another way of saying BS to me, because having had some background working with marketers, I adhere to the Bill Hicks marketing philosophy -- a little extreme perhaps, but in my experience well justified.)
  23. I really get the shakes at talk of promotion, etc. Ahhhh, for the old days when 50 albums would be released every week and we had honest to goodness record stores (like Evolution Records and Cactus Records in Houston) where I'd browse around listening to the new releases on headphones or over the store speakers. I remember hearing Jackson Browne for the first time at Cactus when For Everyman came out, which caused me to buy everything Jackson Browne put out for the next twenty years. Then I bought the Eagles because of the Jackson Browne/Take It Easy connection. From Desperado-The Eagles I went to Desperado-Linda Ronstadt. I first bought James Taylor after hearing his album at a friends house, and he had bought the album after discovering JT from an early 1970 appearance on the Dick Cavett show. It was all about the sound. I bought albums without having a clue what the bands or singers looked like. I always liked the music that represented whatever changes I was going through in my life and gave me a sense of solidarity with the singer/songwriter. You can lead a horse to water .... and you can promote the hell out of a singer and an album ... but people will buy music based on personal reasons. Even the girls that buy Hannah Montana now. Exposure is only a fraction of what will cause someone to throw down the cold hard cash. The biggest part of the equation is emotion. And that is why I worry not about Clay Aiken. I had the best night of Clay dreams last night. Nothing personal. I woke up about 3am and I was dreaming about Clay being on stage with a long tunic and long hair and singing For Once In My Life. I thought, oh this is a Spamalot influenced dream. Then I woke up at 5am and I was dreaming about Clay on stage again and he was singing If Ever I Would Leave You. I immediately got the connection -- Spamalot/Camelot. I drifted back to sleep for another half hour and when I woke up this morning Clay was singing What Kind of Fool Am I? Then I realized I was having a Clay and Goulet fusion dream, since Robert Goulet's death was in the news. But Clay sang so beautifully. Now I really do want to hear him sing What Kind of Food Am I? some day.
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