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Carolina Clay

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Posts posted by Carolina Clay

  1. YOU

    (Words and Music by Neil Sedaka)

    You put a smile upon my face

    When there was nothing left but sorrow

    You showed me how to live again

    And I'm so grateful for your love.

    I bless the day you came to me

    For God has sent me down an angel

    And you have turned the tide

    And made the world seem bright.

    You and you alone

    Have turned the dark to light.

    You're my everything

    No one can make me feel the way you do,

    There can be no one,

    No one but you.

    All of my lonely days are gone

    You gave me strength when I was falling

    I pray we never say goodbye

    I can't go on without your love.

    I know there might be troubled times,

    But we can work it out together

    And you have turned the tide

    And made the world seem bright.

    You and you alone

    Have turned the dark to light.

    You're my everything

    No one can make me feel the way you do,

    There can be no one

    No one but you.

    I know there might be troubled times,

    But we can work it out together

    'Cause you have turned the tide

    And made the world seem bright.

    You and you alone

    Have turned the dark to light.

    You're my everything

    No one can make me feel the way you do,

    There can be no one

    No one but you.

    And when our life on Earth is over,

    And all our worldly things are through,

    I know we still will be together

    Forever more, just me and you.

    From CV

  2. So am I the only one who is scared spitless for him then? *bites nails*

    Permaswooned, you gave me goosebumps (the good kind!) reading your post. Awesome!! Go CLAY!!!

    I honestly don't know how I'll live through his debut on Broadway - I get all knotted up just thinking about it. :-}

    Ditto to the goosebumps from PermaSwooned. Awesome post, Perma! :clap:

    But I never get nervous for Clay. Come on, folks, Clay is a pro. If he's nervous, it won't show. Actually, as an entertainer, he will be in his element. A little bit of nervousness keeps you on your toes. :)

    Caro listen.gif

  3. Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I have been reading along for days, and right off the bat it seems just about everyone needs a hug -- Playbiller, Scarlett, PermaSwooned, ldyJ, Kandre, Keepingfaith, et al. Consider the whole board hugged! :thbighug-1:

    JaMar, I love "Calendar Girl," too. Actually, I followed your link to YouTube and had a good ole Sedaka Memory Fest. :whistling-1:

    To everyone going to the Sedaka celebration, have a blast. Can't wait to read your recaps! :yahoo:

    Here comes the Grandma Caro part ... :lol:Aspiegirl made a montage of the photos, blends, and short video accumulated from my grandson's first five weeks. My daughter uploaded it so that it can be viewed in her P/B account here: You Are So Beautiful Kai doesn't know how fortunate he is having such talented "aunts," but his mother certainly is impressed. :wub:

    Have a great weekend, all! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

  4. Happy TGIF, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    :welcome:Karma -- glad you made it! Now to do Clay ... get in line, friend!

    Greetings to Ausdon -- great to have you join us, too! :welcome:

    Just catching up there's been so much to read these days with all the wonderful news!! I wanted to chime in regarding those who feel bad because they can't attend concerts, Broadway etc do to whatever reason. Yes, it seems like "everyone" is going when you read the boards & you can feel the excitement but feel left out when you can't go. My DH died April. 06. He required a lot of care due the nature of his illness. He encouraged me to go see Clay as we live in Clayland & it didn't mean days away etc. I rarely went because I felt like I needed to be home as every moment left with him was precious. I had to share my Clay joy thru those who attended, wonderful clack etc. Sometimes real life just has to come first. I had to put my big girl panties on & do what was right. After he died I found a birthday card he had bought in advance & the only words inside were " I hope you dance". This is my wish for Clay in regard to his career. Yes, I'm able to go see Clay when I want to now, but what I wouldn't give to not go to concerts because the reason for not going still existed.

    ncgran4clay, sorry I'm late to echo everyone's sentiments. What a beautiful perspective and what a wonderful birthday wish from your husband -- keep on dancing! I'm in the "misty" column, too. :wub:

    Cha Cha -- take care of yourself. To see something like that coming is very scary. My station wagon was once hit by a city bus, which, thankfully, I never saw coming. The car looked like a crushed beer can, and I only had minor injuries. I awoke from a mild concussion to a woman giving me the last rights. LOL, that about sent me into shock! Hope you're feeling better and better!

    ... being that Canadian media has been so nasty to Clay on the whole, to say I was surprised to see this on the Canadian version of tvguide.com today is putting it mildly. Nary a slam in sight. If you need me, I'll be out on the porch looking for the blue moon!

    TVGuide.ca on Sympatico - Spam me, Baby!

    Kind of a strange caption -- broody actor's pose-- under the UNICEF pix, but it's awesome the Spamalot article is slam-free, Cindilu! :)

    Kareneh, that is one gorgeous photo of Clay from the Houston concert! :clap:

    My blog is on its third/final day, but I love the Spamalot graphic that Amazing_CA created. LOL, Wandacleo gave me permission to quote her FCA post, "Ode to Tights," which has been quite popular in the comments. :lol:


    Clickable by ACA

    Have a wonderful weekend, FCA! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

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