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Carolina Clay

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Posts posted by Carolina Clay

  1. Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I didn't go back 50 pages, but I read quite a bit and brought some contributions to topics already past.

    First, a repeat of some newbie greetings I just added in the Meet and Greet thread. Welcome trophywife, gbmifan, Stargazer, Cotton, and xxx4clay! We're glad you joined us. :clap:

    My new OFC and Carolina On My Mind blog features SmartyPantsSuz's "My Favorite Things (SRHP)" montage. Suz also provided the 12 photo grids for the 240 stills she used. All double-click takes the grids to 1024 pixels, and here is the first one:


    MFT Grid 1 - Clickable

    Here's the scenario: You are standing at the gate, in Atlanta, to get on a plane to see Clay in Pensacola. Your travelling companion whom you have really only known two days has her purse stolen! She is not going to make the flight. <snip>

    As luck would have it I had Scarlett's cell number in my phone and she and three others picked us up and we drove to Pensacola and saw the concert. Talk about serendipity I had only met these folks once before and I have no idea why I programmed their cell numbers into mine!

    Now everyone has their priorities! Kandre had lost everything in that purse and her first concern was...yes you can guess...... the front row ticket she had for the concert and then for the blingy name tags we had made!

    Merrieeee, now that is a fantstic CA fan story! I'm glad Kandre had her priorities straight. :lol:

    keepingfaith -- thnx for the 9/15/06 memories from the Leno Show! You gave me the perfect excuse/reason to look up some graphics from that night. Here are two clickables, one by Cindilu2 and the other by Amazing_CA:

    th_Cindilu_purple.jpg th_ACA_Leno1.jpg

    Clickables by Cindilu2 and Amazing_CA

    I lost a ton of stuff when my computer crashed last spring. Only photos/graphics that I have posted are in my P/B account -- but I shouldn't complain since that's five huge folders worth. :eusa_whistle:

    Cindy, I thought you did something with the blue background/standing shot, but I can't find it. A great way to spend a Sunday morning -- perusing CA photo files! :)

    ChaCha, I really like your new wallpaper in all its versions. Can you PM me the photographers? :clap:

    Render, Scarlett, render!!! :scream:

    Hubby and I just watched "Holiday" on dvd---Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet and Jack Black---fun movie...

    Muskifest, I agree -- "Holiday" is a great little movie. I really enjoyed the scenes Kate Winslett's character encountered with the movie composer and the elderly Hollywood writer. Loving Jude Law goes without saying, and I thought he and Cameron Diaz were great together.

    I'm just watching him sing.

    I. am. AAAnottalking.gif

    Me, too, JaMar! :lol:

    Here's another emoticon from Sally. The creator must know Gadget Man Clay: Gadget.gif

    The waiting continues in Texas, and I'm not so sure the baby will wait until Sept. 27. :)

    Hope y'all have a very special day! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

  2. Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I promise I have been following along, but this impending "grandmotherhood" has my brain fried and refried. I have been nodding, wording, thinking how great it is to see so many new faces, many of them familiar.

    A few days ago I lost a welcome list that read like a double quartet, so WORD to all your wonderful posts and welcome to all the new folks! :welcome:

    One of my contributions is that we learned the blessed event will take place on Sept. 27, exactly two weeks from today! Guess I'll be a basket case till then. All is well with my daughter and her son. They do have to remain in the hospital, however. Thank you for your kind notes, PMs, thoughts, prayers, and online shower gifts.

    Sports in all its forms is openly embraced. heee. My only other online screen name is hoopsdreaming

    WOOHOO -- Couchie, be it known that xxx4clay and I are both right there with you on the hoops love with West Virginia and Carolina. The Heels are doing so poorly in football that I'm cheering for the Mountaineers all the way this season.

    Sally sent me these cuties -- Bling, Free, Pants, Rose, and Tex -- which I thought you might enjoy. :)


    No. 3 is for Canuck, pants expert extraordinaire! :eusa_whistle:

    I haven't even had a chance to use this cute little guy. Thnx, Cindilu2! :XmasRed:

    Go, Mountaineers!!! A touchdown already!!! Bigger_Cheerleader.gif

    Y'all have a great evening! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

  3. Hi...just wanted to share this with you...I've not caught up here, yet...hope it's not too OT at this point...

    Reunited Tour? ...Some thoughts...

    Ever since I read of the possibility of Clay, Ruben and Kim touring together a number of thoughts came to mind...

    I recall Clay stating how much he enjoyed the time he spent while on AI, he's stayed in touch with Ruben and Kim, and Ruben is his pick to sing at his funeral, he seems to build (and need) a sense of family with some fellow performers - first Ruben and Kim, then Quiana and Angela...

    I think this last year, Clay has become even more determined to perform in ways most comfortable for him...and I'm inferring from his most recent tours that the key factor in that is who accompanies him while he travels around the country...folks with whom he has an established bond...

    It seems quite possible that if he taped some reflections for AI2 rewind, that he experienced a measure of nostalgia for his times with these two AI companions...

    While for my tastes, I've enjoyed Ruben and Kim's singing...and have downloaded some of their tracks, I'm with the rest of the Clay nation...I'd probably not make a point of spending the money and time to go to one of their concerts, yet I did really enjoy them singing together with Clay a great deal...

    I'd go to this concert, should it come to pass...I don't know if I'd travel clear across the country to attend it...but, I'd be willing to purchase a ticket and travel a distance to a venue...it is Clay, after all...

    I don't know what impact this would actually have on Clay's career...I tend to most agree with Berkeley over at the CH...that such a tour would be most favorable under the auspices of a charitable event...even better produced by Clay's production company

    But, one thing comes to mind with all of the angst I've read in the fandom...we've been down this road before...angst over his touring with Kelly, angst over releasing a Christmas CD in advance of a traditional 'sophomore' release, angst over Clay's performing with symphonies...sequential Christmas tours, angst over his 'Christmas musical,' angst over his touring with covers...Jukebox, angst over a covers CD, angst performing again with symphonies...and ONLY "slow" songs...and gee! ...hasn't he managed to make these concert appearances wonderful experiences by and large??

    Clay's path to full star recognition has not been at all linear...not even on AI!...and I don't know that it will ever be...however, his mega talent can't be denied...and ultimately I have faith that it will be OK...actually, I believe it will continue to be ever so satisfying...because this man grows at every juncture...he just brings something more ever time he's delivering his glorious vocals to us...and I for one, am along for the journey...

    Great post. And WORD. Just about every one of them. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    If Clay's touring, even if it's with company, I'm gonna be there unless some unforseen major something over which I have NO control keeps me away (and warning to the world, Ill be difficult to be around if this happens, would NOT be purdy). I mean, it's Clay touring!!! That alone feeds my happy in a major way!

    All I have done for several days is skim to keep up with the topic du jour and others. I really appreciate AAIT's posting this piece at the end of the last thread. My brain and heart have been too involved with "real life" to compose my own, so I will just add a big fat WORD to the thoughts of Clay Harmony and AAIT.

    I think Clay is a very smart businessman, superb entertainer, and loyal friend. He, Kim, and Ruben have made beautiful music together, probably some of the best medleys ever on Idol. There are a lot of AI fans who will welcome this news enthusiastically. It's his life and his career, and I'm glad to be along for the ride.

    If you have read my blog at the OFC or at Carolina On My Mind, you know I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMOTHER!!!

    Bear with me, as this is somewhat Clay-related, parts of which are not in the blog. :eusa_whistle:

    Due to fluctuating blood pressure and protein levels last week, my daughter Jennifer was put in the hospital for complete bed rest and monitoring for the remainder of her pregnancy. Her BP stays down as long as she is on her left side. The original birth date of Oct. 10 now will probably be around the end of September.

    Meanwhile, our grandson-to-be is looking good. As of last night, an ultrasound revealed his weight at 5 lbs. 7 ozs., good muscle tone (a whole lot of arm and leg exercising going on!), good diaphragm development (the doc said he's been practicing his breathing exercises). Jen said he even yawned for the camera.

    If this little guy takes after our family, he will either be a musician or writing a blog at his earliest convenience. We already know he has has good rhythm.

    Sorry I don't have art for this beyond the first ultrasound, but Jen said that every time the baby's picture is taken, the technician raves on and on about his manliness.

    "Seriously, Mom, I have what could qualify as 10 baby porn pix," she said. This is the first one as a clickable:



    As I wrote in my blog, we appreciate the prayers, thoughtful gifts through the virtual baby showers at Amazon and Wal*Mart, as well as your kind concern while we await the birth of a guy who is certain to be a Clay Aiken fan.

    Have a great week, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Caro listen.gif

  4. Good Morning, FCA!

    :welcome: Greetings to jumpingjacks, Mandler, Cotton, ToldForThis, lyndolphin, and anyone I mised!

    Thnx for the Crooner's Christmas CD reminder, Maddy. Bet you're still asleep, as that was a wee hour attached to your post. I'd better get my order in pronto! I see the link is in Luckiest1's post above. :whistling-1:

    Loved all the discussion and picture sharing from Tuesday. After mentioning that fall lessons were cranking up in the afternoon, I ended up with a blog on that and other topics -- 'The Aiken Fog' Thumps Routine -- at the OFC and Carolina On My Mind.

    One of the graphics in the photo interlude is a nekkid version of Cindilu2's September calendar. It has been drooled over several times in the OFC comments, Cindy. :Thud:



    Btw, this graphic from yesterday was created by Claystruck. The "lahg" in the bottom right represents her initials and signature.



    Thnx for the countdown, Aikim! :)

    Y'all have a great day! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

  5. Good Morning, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    :welcome: to clayrev1956, lilyshine, and leeana!

    Muski -- way to go with the external hard drive! :clap:

    YSRN -- the grape-apple pie looks/sounds delicious. My kitchen "magic" consisted of leaving out two packaes of frozen vegetables overnight (so much for the savings from buying two at a reduced price!) and this morning sending my coffee through the microwave with a spoon in it. Must be the Aiken Fog from viewing all the gorgeous pictures! :lol:


    I'm with Couchie and Cindilu2 on the "investment" point. I enjoy being a member of the OFC because I like reading and writing in the blogs. I go to the message board when someone asks if I received her PM. I have 200 posts only because I started two threads -- Updated Blogs List and A Forum for Bloggers, the former because last fall's board at first didn't have a New Blogs list and the latter because I was answering the very same questions over and over about HTML codes, posting pictures, etc. Several members have contributed tutorials/advice to the blogger forum. This is all kind of funny because I knew nothing about HTML before I started a journal in 2005. Sally lured me over there, gave me some links, and turned me loose.

    My brother sent me this very serious virus alert:

    Dangerous Virus Alert

    I just want you to be aware there is a dangerous virus being passed around electronically, orally, and by hand. This virus is called Worm Overload Recreational Killer (WORK). If you receive WORK from any of your colleagues, your boss, or anyone else via any means DO NOT TOUCH IT. This virus will wipe out your private life completely.

    If you should come into contact with WORK, put your jacket on and take two good friends to the nearest grocery store. Purchase the antidote known as Work Isolating Neutralizer Extract (WINE) or Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter (BEER). Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

    You should forward this warning to five friends. If you do not have five friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life.

    Fall music lessons begin for real today, after which I may need some "work isolating neutralizer extract." :lol:

    Y'all have a great day! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

  6. Good Afternoon, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Greetings to all our new members! Hope everyone is enjoying the Labor Day Weekend!

    Playbiller -- your "Prayer for the Stressed" is fantastic and has been emailed in many directions. :lol:

    I'm reading about a day's worth of posts behind, and I really appreciate the discussions.

    I've really enjoyed reading what everyone has to say. I have little to offer as I have no profound thoughts regarding Clay and am privy to nothing in Clay's life. However, I do want to say that when I read that people are refusing to buy ATDW or won't be a fan IF Clay....[fill in the blank], I say "Good riddance!" The world is chock full of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlakes. Move on. Leave me and my unconditional devotion alone.

    Rock on, Wandacleo! :clap:

    Idyjocelyn, one of my favorite versions of Clay's 2003 MDA Telethon performance is preserved in Aspiegirl's montage. After reading an entry by Nance, an OFC member who has had MD for 15 years, I added a link to her blog, as well as to Aspie's montage on YouTube.

    This is the third day for my OFC/Carolina On My Mind potpourri entitled 'World Blog Week' Celebrated. You can link to Aspiegirl's montage with Cindilu2's graphic in the blog or here:


    Here is Cindy's beautiful graphic used for the blog link:


    One of the aspects of World Blog Day (Aug.31), which I totally missed and therefore extended at least through the weekend, was to share five favorite blogs with others. I appreciate the fact that Clay's Daily Double included the "Carolina" site in their listing.

    Sunday I was pleasantly surprised with a visit from one of my former orchestra students who now works for Brentwood Benson Music Publishing Co. She's an excellent violist, vocalist, and (apparently) salesperson, who in her job rubs shoulders with many wrungs within the Nashville music industry. Interestingly, we know lots of the same people; and, hopefully, I will have more to report in the near future. The last time we talked, she called me out of the blue and said, "Guess who I'll be talking with tomorrow morning! Clay Aiken!!!"

    LOL, all those blue links were missing one little "6." :eusa_whistle:

    Sheesh, I've missed almost a page of posts just editing this one. Have a super Labor Day and a great week, all! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

  7. Greetings to all our new members! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I have welcomed some in the main thread, some here, and some in both places. Just hope I didn't miss anyone. To the latest group -- ToldForThis, Windstar2, songinmysoul, Janiepain -- we are very glad you're here. Pull up a computer, and let's chat. :)

    See in you in the main thread! :music:

    Caro listen.gif

  8. Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I've got to spread some dust around before my 2:30 students but wanted to say "hello" to more new members -- Saltwaterdog, Meesa, Clem231, Claycherie, LOML, and anyone I have missed. I had better start keeping a list. :lol:

    Glad y'all are here! :clap:

    ** waves back ** to Cindilu2!

    Getting into teacher mode ... right after the quickie housekeeping run-through! :eusa_whistle:

    Caro listen.gif

  9. Good Evening, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    welcome2.gif Greetings to leeana, turtletoo, headoverheels, claycherie, TLS, lovethatguy, and Gareem!

    Couchie, loved your recap! Same with lovethatguy and Gareem -- on this board and/or elsewhere! :clap:

    WB from the woods, Luckiest1! :lilredani:

    bananatype.gif After Tuesday's music lessons, I tuned into at least five cellcerts to keep up with Clay's taping of "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" in LA, one of which was at FCA. My notes from these became a blog that is basically a CliffsNotes version of the cert. This fandom produces laughable, as well as poignant, lines in reports like these. I enjoyed rounding them up.

    The clickable graphic/photo interlude gives any "virgins" time to bail before the winning total. OFC and Blogspot: Carolina On My Mind.

    Treenuts, thnx for stopping by the Carolina site. :)

    woo lovereyes -- you even have your own emoticon! WOO.gif

    th_Happy_Birthday.jpgto Huuugs!

    Have a super evening, all! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

    Caro listen.gif

  10. couchie just called me... she's trying to get a flight home earlier. So she had to run, but she sounded really happy and said Clay was gooooood... hee.

    When he was weighing whether to quit he was all... hmm... 30 camps... 2.5 camps... no question.

    Thnx for the report, Couchie and YSRN! :)

    WTG, Clay! :clap:

    Caro listen.gif

  11. Back to my LAA question, for those who know musical terminology, could the voice/cello duet be described as contrapuntal? (I've been doing some research. The cello doesn't have a melody line that's as complex as the voice's melody, but it isn't a harmonic accompaniment either. So counterpoint might be an accurate description??)

    jmh123, dropping by in the middle of a movie ... obligato is my first thought, countermelody my second. Whatever, the vocal solo always has the main melody. Counterpoint is the result.


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